Two Wanted Men [Badlands 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Two Wanted Men [Badlands 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Reese lifted his head and grinned at her. He then lowered his face and licked her clitoris. Miranda had never conceived of such a pleasurable feeling and her hips pushed her pussy closer to his mouth.

“I told you she’d like it,” Luke murmured.

He looked into her eyes again. “Reese is going to lick your clit until you scream and then we’ll see what else we can think up to do to welcome you home.”

Miranda sent her gaze to Reese’s tongue and watched as he pleasured her. It was the single most erotic thing she’d ever seen and it didn’t take long for her climax to rush up and send her blissfully into oblivion.

Her hips bucked as Reese licked her clit to the most amazing orgasm she’d ever experienced.

Luke kissed her mouth again and as she trembled in the aftermath.

“I’ve missed the two of you so much.”

“We’ve missed you, too, darlin’.” Luke settled in on one side of her as Reese crawled up her body to rest on the other side.

Sandwiched between her long missed lovers, Miranda remained content only until she remembered her problems.

“What am I going to do? Your sheriff will have to detain me due to the warrant Ben telegraphed everywhere.”

“What on earth happened after we left?” Reese asked as he stroked his hand along her belly.

She told them everything that had happened from her first blissful weeks as the town’s doctor to the horror of discovering not only was she out of a job, but her home, too. And finally she explained the sadness of losing her father and Ben’s plans for her because of the accumulated debt at the local saloons.

“He’s full of shit. He can’t make a person pay for someone else’s debts after they’re dead.”

“He told me that because I’d taken over as the town’s doctor that I was responsible.”

“So then the new fella that showed up, now he takes on your debt?” Luke scoffed. “Your sheriff Ben is twisting the law to suit himself.”

“Well, when you put it that way, I guess it’s silly to pay a dead man’s debt, but I know for a fact I was escorted out of my home with only the clothes on my back and a few personal items.”

“Don’t worry about him. I think his warrant is bogus. We’ll ensure you don’t have to go back.”


“First off, you could marry me and then you wouldn’t have to worry about Ben.”

She grinned. “I’d love to marry you.” She turned to Reese. “Or you. Doesn’t matter which.”

“We’ll both participate in the ceremony and both of us will spend the rest of our lives making you happy and ensuring you forget about the bad memories of your former home town.”

“Do you truly think it will work?”

“Darlin’, we used to be lawmen. We know how the law works. Trust us.”

“I do trust you.” She closed her eyes and allowed the awful memories of the past few weeks to slide away. “And I believe I should reciprocate how good I feel.” She reached out to grip both of their wide, hard cocks in her hands. She squeezed and stroked them as their groans of appreciation drifted to her ears.

“Perhaps I should put my mouth on each of you. Would you like that?”

“Yes,” they growled in unison.

Miranda sat up and twisted until she was on her knees between each man. They remained on their backs with their substantial erections reaching for the ceiling. She leaned over and put her mouth around the tip of Reese’s large cock licking the drop of salty fluid accumulated there. He groaned and his cock throbbed in her hand. She pulled her mouth off him, turned and did the same thing to Luke.

Reese sat up. “That was amazing, but I need to fuck you. Why don’t you suck on Luke and I’ll thrust my cock inside your pussy until you come screaming again.”

Miranda gulped. “Perfect.”

Luke scooted to the center of the bed and leaned his back against the headboard. Miranda crawled between his legs, bent over with her fanny in the air and put his cock back in her mouth. She sucked his shaft as deeply as it would go and squeezed the base with her hand. He put his hands gently on her head to guide her and made the most delicious sounds of appreciation as she sucked on him. On his knees behind her, Reese had already gripped her ass with both hands and rubbed his cock along her wet pussy lips.

In one quick thrust, Reese entered her pussy and pushed his cock as deeply as it would go. He reached around one hip and fingered her clit. With the other hand, he pushed a finger deeply into her dark rear hole and the sensation nearly made her climax.

She bobbed her head up and down on Luke’s cock sucking in rhythm to Reese fucking her from behind. The sensation was amazing. Luke moaned and his hands clamped her head a little tighter. “I’m about to come.”

Reese kept up a steady thrust as a powerful orgasm rose within her body. She squeezed Luke’s cock, sucked him deeply into her mouth and suddenly he jerked as more salty fluid shot down her throat. It was a little shocking, but she swallowed every drop and pulled her mouth off of him. His sedate grin greeted her. “That was incredible.”

“Her pussy feels incredible, too.” Reese panted and continued thrusting his cock inside.

Luke pushed her shoulders until she straightened. He then wrapped his mouth around the tip of one breast and sucked the nipple between his warm lips. A thread of arousal swept from her nipple straight to her clit. With both of them stroking her and loving her, she went to a pinnacle of arousal in no time. She wrapped her arms around Luke’s shoulders and screamed as her release engulfed her. Waves of pleasure saturated her body as Reese’s continued cock strokes added to the sensation of bliss she experienced.

“Jesus, you’re so fucking tight. Now your pussy is squeezing me.”

He thrust deeply and a growl issued from his throat and she figured he’d climaxed as hard as she did.

Reese leaned forward against her back and pushed her into Luke. After a few moments, they slid to the sheets all tangled up with each other. Miranda grinned like a fool. Nothing would ever stop her from loving these two until the day she died.



The preacher in the
’s Valley’s prettiest church lowered his Bible and asked the assembled few, “If there is anyone present who believes these two should not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” He paused and did an obligatory search of the nearly empty room.

He opened his mouth to pronounce Miranda and Luke husband and wife, but the back doors to the church burst inward. Bouquet clutched in her fingers, she twirled around to discover the identity of the interrupter. She saw the star pinned to a man’s chest first and lifted her gaze higher expecting to see Ben ready to carry her back to
New York
before she could marry Luke.

Sheriff Vanguard stood at the door instead. “Sorry, folks. I almost missed the wedding. Have you kissed her yet?”

“Nope. I was just about to.” Luke turned back to the minister. “Please proceed.”

Reese stood next to Luke as his best man, even though Miranda knew she belonged to both of them.

The preacher cleared his throat. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

“About time.” Luke kissed her quickly and then Reese also kissed her. Assembled at the back of the church a few moments later, Vanguard even leaned in and kissed her cheek.

They thanked the preacher and walked out of the church with Vanguard headed to the hotel for a quiet dinner celebration.

“I have some information for you,” Vanguard said in a low tone.

“About my arrest warrant?” Miranda voiced her biggest concern.

“Yes. The warrant has been rescinded.”


“It turns out that Miranda Herrington jumped from a train to her death before ever reaching
’s Valley. There was a witness that saw her fling herself off. Also a local lawyer, Jasper Coggon, who had contracted with this Miranda, to be a mail order bride, reported her tragic end at my office once the train came in. I personally telegraphed the information from the lawyer to Perrysburg and soon after the warrant was cancelled. You’re in the clear. And now your name is Miranda Quinton, so you’re even safer.”

Miranda breathed a sigh of relief for the first time since leaving Perrysburg. “Thank you. If there is ever anything I can do to repay you, let me know.”

“Well, there is one thing. Is it true you’re a doctor?”


“I have this old gunshot injury. The doc at the time never removed the bullet and it bothers me on occasion. I heard tell you have a light touch and maybe you’d consider taking it out.”

“Not now, Vanguard. She’s on her honeymoon.”

“Come see me next week. I’ll take a look.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

Miranda’s heart did a dance of joy. Her life was completely perfect with the exception of one thing. She made a note to talk to Luke and Reese about resolving the issue that still troubled her and hoped they’d help her set things right. But not yet.

After dinner. After they stayed at the hotel for their honeymoon. After they’d returned to the log cabin to begin their lives together.

* * * *

Clarissa Barnes tended her colorful garden outside just below the large front porch attached to her home but didn’t hear the trio of horses riding up until they were almost into the yard.

Three riders, one very familiar although it had been a few months.

She stood and brushed dirt from her apron as the three stopped and one of them dismounted. A sudden pounding in her chest made her remember Miranda’s original arrangement with the men Clarissa had eventually married.

“Hi, Miranda. What brings you all the way out here?” Given the two men on horseback waiting for her, she hoped Miranda had found the two men she sought after jumping off the train.

“A guilty conscience.”

“I see.” Clarissa had a whole host of questions she wanted to blurt out, but the polite thing to do was to wait.

“Plus, I wanted to thank you for verifying my jump off the train. It worked perfectly save one troubling thing.”

Clarissa knew exactly what troubled her. “Logan and Derek?”

“Yes. I owe them the money for a train ticket that brought me to
South Dakota

“Honestly, I don’t think they missed it.”

“Still. That ticket likely saved my life and my honor won’t allow me to forget the debt.” She reached into the fold of her dress and pulled out a leather pouch. “Would you give this to them for me?”

Clarissa took the money and nodded. “Of course.” She glanced at the other two men who’d remained mounted on their horses once again. “Did you find those two wanted men you were looking for?”

“Yes. And I’m grateful that you filled the role I abandoned. Although, I’m a little surprised.”

She smiled as memories of her wicked predawn morning sexual activities traipsed across her mind from earlier. “Being a mail order bride for two men wasn’t quite what I’d planned, but now I can’t imagine my life any other way. I guess I owe you a thanks for jumping off the train, too.”

“I’m just glad we found our place in the world and worthy men to share the space with us.”

Miranda nodded and got back up on her horse. “Good bye. Perhaps we’ll see each other in the future.”

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