Twisted Pieces (20 page)

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Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James

BOOK: Twisted Pieces
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Jace took a step, ready to unleash

But then one of the guys lifted a
machine gun. He rested it on his hip and started to look around. Jace dropped
back a little and wasn

seen. The guy then gave a command and his partner started to unload more boxes.
Different sizes with different logos on them.

This was bigger than a drug deal.
It was a massive delivery.

These guys were getting ballsy now
that they had been getting away with it for some time. If people thought having
Back Down Devil MC in town was bad, they had no idea what was coming if the
drugs made it into Frelen.

The man with the gun jumped off the
boat and onto the shore. He put the gun down and then offered a hand to Mutty.
Mutty took it and nodded. Jace was too far to make out what they were saying.
Behind Mutty there was a small group of Coast Road guys moving the boxes and loading
them in a white seafood van.

Jace had seen enough for now.
Everyone looked satisfied with their deal. Jace lifted his gun. He pointed it
at Mutty. If the shot hit its target, Mutty

brains would be splattered all over the beach. Jace then moved the gun to the
man who had been holding the machine gun. If he shot this asshole, he wasn

t sure what it implied.

His hand tight around the gun, Jace
needed to make a decision. Go big or go home, right? It was how Jace had lived
his life since the day his family was taken from him. His rage and need for
revenge probably came from the grief he never had a chance to work through.

Jace had his finger on the trigger.
If the bullet would reach, he wanted it to kill Mutty. He closed one eye and
readied himself for the mess he was about to create.

When Jace

s cell started to ring, he dropped down. He waited
for everyone to look at him, but luckily, the running motor of the boat along
with the waves crashing drowned out the ringing of his phone.

Jace looked at the screen and saw
it was Jordyn calling.

He gritted his teeth and took the
Just in case.


m in the middle


s gone,

Jordyn whispered.

Gram. She

s gone.






Jace whispered.


so sorry, babe.


s grandmother had passed away. And Jace was
crouched down, a gun in his hand, deciding which enemy he wanted to kill. On
the phone was the woman he loved and she needed him right now.

are you?

Jordyn asked.


Jace said.

What do you need me to do right
now, babe?

get me. At my place. I don

want to be anywhere but in your arms, Jace.

Jace shut his eyes and said,


on my way.

He tucked his cell away and stood.
He thought about unloading his clip anyway, but he couldn

t afford to be chased when he
needed to get to Jordyn.

day, fuckers,


He turned and ran as fast as he
could back to his ride where they guys were waiting.


Shay asked.


re dealing,

Jace said.

From a fishing boat. They're
using containers of fish and a seafood van to hide what they're doing."

hate those fuckers,



s light them up.

thought about it,


Jordyn called. Her
grandmother just died. I have to go get her, guys.


Gaige said.

Christ, man, go. We

ll figure this out here. They
are not going to move this out of Frelen.


Jace said.

Gaige caught Jace off guard by
hugging him.

Get her, man.
Bring her to the clubhouse. She

one of us now.

Jace nodded.

Yeah, Jordyn is one of us

now I have to keep her



Being heartbroken was just second
nature for Jordyn. Dealing with the death of her parents never ended. There was
no end to that kind of loss or grieving. All she did was adapt to a life
without them. It wasn

even acceptance. Much like what Jace did with Back Down Devil.

When Gram had been diagnosed a few
years ago, it was devastating news to Jordyn. But Gram smiled and fought through
everything. She defied doctors and treatments, entering remission twice. The
last year had been the hardest. When her cancer came back for the third time,
it was clear that her body wasn't going to win again. Even then, knowing death was
coming any day, Gram still put on a brave face and swung like she could beat
the cancer.

And all of it was done for Jordyn.

So Jordyn could finish college, get
a job, and fall in love. It seemed so dumb now. With everything Jordyn had seen
lately, none of that mattered. Gram had tried to tell her so many times that
none of it mattered. But Jordyn insisted on finding it. Having it. To replace
the family she lost.

Jordyn had been grieving for Gram
ever since the cancer came back the last time, so the only reason Jordyn was
sitting on the edge of her bed, crying, was because of her reaction to Gram

s death. When the nurse called
to give the news, Jordyn just stood there in her kitchen, holding a cup of
coffee. She simply accepted it. She heard the words. She knew what they meant.
And she accepted them. It didn

shock her. It didn

t hurt
her. Even after hanging up the phone, Jordyn didn

cry. All the arrangements had been taken care of ahead of time. There was
nothing to do. Gram was gone. Jordyn was alone.


when it all hit her.

She was completely without family
now. And she wasn

t even

Only then did Jordyn get angry and start
to cry. She had expected to breakdown and fall to her knees when she heard the
news. But she hadn

t. It
made her feel ashamed. As though she didn

really care for Gram. But she loved Gram with all her heart and soul. It was
just the passing of time that chipped away at the tears and grief, and Jordyn
felt so empty.

She sucked in a breath and stood
from her bed. She walked to her window and waited for Jace. For the outlaw who
had taken her heart and given her life meaning. When Jordyn heard the call of

s ride, she shut her
eyes. A sense of relief came over her. She opened her eyes and watched Jace climb
off his chrome ride. She did the same thing again as she ran to the door to
greet him. This time, when she opened the door, Jace stepped back surprised.


he whispered.




Jordyn said.

She dove at Jace. She needed his
arms around her. And that

just what Jace did. His arms locked behind her.

me right now,

she said.

Love me.



t ask. I told you.

Jace stepped into the apartment and
kicked the door shut. He carried Jordyn to her bedroom as his hands slid down
to her ass. He held her at the edge of the bed, and stared into her eyes.

love you,

Jace said.

I can

t explain it. I just want you to know I mean it.

know you do. Now love me, Jace. Please.

Jace gently placed Jordyn on the
bed. His hands quickly lifted her shirt up over her breasts. He cupped them as
he brought his mouth down to her chest. Kiss after warm, soft kiss, he moved down
to her belly. At her bellybutton, his tongue flickered, offering just the
smallest of teases. Jace opened her pants. Everything he did was so gentle. A
far cry from the strong man in leather. The hands that murdered people were now
loving hands. Passionate. And they would be the hands that protected Jordyn

He slid her pants down, letting
them fall to the floor. He touched her legs, tracing all the way up to her
panties. Jordyn lifted herself, allowing Jace to take her panties off. He did
so slowly, peeling them away from her warm center. This time when his hands
came up her legs, the followed the curves of her waist and then cut in. Jordyn
rocked her hips until Jace touched her. The feeling was electric. She let out a
whimper as two of his fingers grazed her clit.


hands moved up to her sides, forcing Jordyn to arch her back. His fingers
twisted the clasp of her bra and she sat up. Jace took her shirt off first, her
bra second. She fell back to the bed, completely nude for Jace's eyes.

He leaned back and looked at her.

you are beautiful,


me how beautiful,


Jordyn got to watch Jace strip
himself. She groaned as he dropped his leather cut to the floor. Then he peeled
the black t-shirt off his rock hard body. Her eyes tried to trace all the lines
of muscles that flexed. He reached into his jeans pocket and took out a condom.
He smiled and unbuckled his pants. With one swift move, he dropped his pants
and boxers.

He stepped from his clothes and
then sheathed himself with the condom. His body came down on hers, his
thickness resting against her, ready.

But first, Jace stroked her hair
and kissed her.

I can

t wait to come inside you this

It was hot. It was almost too hot
to handle. Jordyn

s toes
were already curled.

Jace kissed her again and thrust
forward. He opened her and entered, chasing away the pain and confusion. It was
all replaced with pulses of pleasure racing all over her body.

Jace made love to Jordyn as she
could have only dreamed a real man could ever do. His body was so close to
hers. One hand cradled her neck while the other gently slid down to her hip
where he held her steady for each of his soft, thorough thrusts into her. She ran
her fingernails up and down Jace

back, but when the pleasure became too much, her nails dug into his muscles and
within a few minutes her fingers were hooked, her nails digging into his back.
She scratched and pulled, wanting more. She never wanted it to end.

But then Jace thrust harder and hissed.
He kissed her neck and made a line of sweet kisses to her ear.


m going to come, babe,

he growled.

That set Jordyn

s body off even more. She rocked
harder at Jace, waiting for it. His thrusts started to speed up as he lost control.
He thrust one more time and then held in place, groaning, as he started to
come. Jordyn bit her lip and forced her body to move back and forth on Jace

s cock, savoring his release.

When they finished. Jace lifted
Jordyn and moved her further back onto the bed. They laid next to each other,
his fingers stroking her shoulder.

I mess up your day?



Jace said.

I wouldn

t want to be anywhere but here.

I going to be okay?

long as you stick with me, babe. And the club. We

there for you. Trust in that.

Jordyn nodded.

I have something else to tell


wants to meet with me today. In two hours.


Jace said. His grip tightened
on Jordyn

s shoulder.

I have to.

She looked into
his blue eyes.

I have to.
Maybe I can get him to spill more secrets when I tell him I lost my grandmother.
He will take pity on me."

Jordyn, you just found out


Jordyn said.

I can

t sit around and do nothing. Let me do this, Jace.
Let me meet with him. It

going to be important. I feel it.


lip curled.

I fucking hate
this. I fucking hate that you

in this. But if it

s what
you want to do, then do it. Just know that it

going to end.


re going to kill him


Jace said. He traced Jordyn

s face.

Sometimes, there

no choice.


Jordyn whispered.

She closed her eyes and curled up
close to Jace

s body. She
had thought she would have been in the Back Down Devil clubhouse for a little
while before meeting Mr. Strokner, but this worked out even better.

An hour later, Jordyn climbed over
Jace, tempted to fuck him, but she resisted and went to shower. Jace followed
her and watched her shower from the doorway. After she dressed, he held her
hand as he walked her from her apartment to her car.

is insane,

he said.


Jordyn said.

But so was thinking that I would
be happy with a white picket fence. Right?


Jace said.

Is that what you really want?


think about the life you do want.

life I want? It

s with you.

come back to me, babe. Keep your phone with you. I

ll be near the building."

Jordyn touched Jace

s hard jaw. She didn

t reply. She leaned down and
kissed him. The kind of kiss that would linger on Jordyn

s lips for hours.

She turned and got into her car.

The ride was lonely even with Jace
behind her. As they got closer to the building, Jace made a turn somewhere and
was gone from sight. Jordyn parked her car in the parking garage and went to
the office. She wasn

supposed to be at work today, but if Mr. Strokner called and needed her, she
had to be there.

Jordyn walked into the elevator and
shut her eyes. She took a few deep breaths. Her body was filled with fear. The
hallways were quiet. Nobody else was here right now. The desks and offices were
empty. The lights were on, but Jordyn didn

know where Mr. Strokner was. The logical place to look first was his office. But
when Jordyn went there, it was empty. She thought about calling Mr. Strokner,
but instead she stepped into his office.

Slowly, she approached the desk and
noticed there was an open folder on it. Her mouth ran dry as a sudden sense of
boldness came over her. Jordyn wanted this to end as much as Jace did. She had
enough of being touched and talked to the way Mr. Strokner did. He wasn

t going to give her anything she
needed. And the more she listened to him, the more she realized he was honestly
losing his damn mind.

Jordyn reached for the folder and
slowly turned it around. The listing was on top. When Jordyn pushed that paper
to the side, she gasped. There were pictures of Jace standing at a hole.
Pictures of Jace putting a body into that hole. These were the pictures, the
evidence that Jace had been talking about. The evidence that would put him away
for a long time. Probably the rest of his life.


t it?

Jordyn screamed. She spun around
and saw Mr. Strokner standing just a few feet away. He was holding an open
bottle of scotch. He drank from it.


see what I have? The ability to crush them all. I can put Jace away. I have
other pictures in there too. I could take the land and then dig up all their

Mr. Strokner

Then it

s all mine. Whoever is left will
become employees of mine.


t understand. What do
you get out of it?


Mr. Strokner said.

I get revenge. I help the town.
I become a hero to everyone. And then, I have you.

He came toward Jordyn. His body
touched hers. She could feel that he was hard already. He drank from the bottle
of scotch again and then put it on his desk. His cold, sweaty hands touched

s face. He was
blinking rapidly.

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