Turnabout Twist

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Authors: Lois Lavrisa

BOOK: Turnabout Twist
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Turnabout Twist
Chubby Chicks Club [0.60]
Lois Lavrisa
SunLake Press (2013)

Can a vampire and a superhero save this young couple's relationship? Find out in this romantic short story TURNABOUT TWIST.

Turnabout Twist is a 10,000 word short story young adult romantic suspense novel.

From the Author

Here is a short story spinoff to introduce you to a few of the new characters from my brand spanking new cozy mystery series THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB (CCC) set in gorgeous historical Savannah, Georgia. THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB are a rag tag group of friends, who are not all chubby nor all chicks- but who band together to find a murderer (s).







A Young Adult Contemporary Romance Short Story


A “Chubby Chicks Club” series Spinoff Story



Lois Lavrisa























SunLake Press




Turnabout Twist

By Lois Lavrisa






Turnabout Twist

Lavrisa, Lois Marie (01-22-2013)

Copyright 2013 Lois Lavrisa

Discover other titles by Lois Lavrisa at


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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or to actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.







Table of Contents




About the Author

Novels by Lois Lavrisa


Turnabout Twist

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

r Four

Connect with Lois Lavrisa Online

Five Fun Facts about Lois Lavrisa



My sincerest and deepest appreciation goes out to my beta readers, and dear friends: Patricia Mason, Donna Shea, Nancy Remler and Charles Cory. With your very insightful and useful feedback on my stories, I know that they are much stronger and better because of you. I cannot thank all of you enough, my Savannah Pen & Ink group. And of course special thanks go to my final editor, formatter and much more, my dear husband Tom.


However, my biggest gratitude is extended to you, my readers. Without you my stories would never be given life.  Thank you, enjo

About the Author


Lois Lavrisa writes Mystery with a Twist. Her first mystery LIQUID LIES, an Amazon bestseller and Amazon Hot New Release, is set in an affluent lake town in Wisconsin. Fast paced with twists and turns around every corner, it’ll keep you guessing until the end.


Her short story “Picture not Perfect” is in a young adult anthology called ETERNAL SPRING which was released with great reviews in April 2012.  In 2013 she will write short stories for two additional anthologies.


She’s working on a cozy mystery series, THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB about sassy southern sleuths, set in Savannah, Georgia.  THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB is a rag tag group of friends (not all chubby nor all chicks) who find themselves investigating a friend’s mysterious death, with time running out for them to find the killer before the killer finds them.  THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB, book one, should be completed next year.


She’s been married to her aerospace husband Tom for over 21 years and they have four children - two boys and two girls.  She’s a member of several writing organizations including: Mystery Writers of America (MWA), Romance Writers of America (RWA) and Sisters in Crime (SIC). Currently, she’s serving as vice president of the Low Country RWA. For the past six years she’s been a member of the Savannah Pen & Ink writers group. She’s written for a local newspaper, a magazine, numerous newsletters and posts weekly on a blog. Additionally, Lois has worked as an adjunct instructor and a technical writer.


If you want to contact her, please go to


Novels by Lois Lavrisa



Liquid Lies







Short Stories in Anthologies



Eternal Spring

Her short story titled “Picture Not Perfect”


Save Me, Santa

Her short story titled “Christmas Corpse Caper”


WG2E Spooky Shorts

Her short story titled “Treat or Trick”




This story is dedicated to an incredibly brilliant, wonderful and generous friend who keeps me laughing and is one of my favorite people in the entire world- Patricia Mason. You are my muse, my brainstorming partner and idea generator. Plus my away from home fun loving travel buddy. I am honored to have you in my life. This story is for you.

Turnabout Twist




Chapter One


“Really Ted? Just because I have red hair you want me to play dress up? You’ve got to be kidding.” Vicky, twisted her mouth and shook a finger at me. “I’m a little too old for that.”

“Yeah eighteen is so old. You might as well get a walker and dentures now. And maybe a pack of Depends while you’re at it.”

“Right.” She smiled and punched me in the arm.

She stood five six—half a foot shorter than me—and had the lean muscular build of a dancer and the left hook of a prize boxer. I rubbed my arm where she had just swung her playful punch.

“Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.” She kissed the spot on my arm I had been rubbing. “Guess I don’t know my own strength.”

“No kidding. But now it’s all better with your kiss.” I slung my arm around her shoulders.

“Right I have superpower kisses, they are formidable.”

We waited outside the movie theater. It was early summer in Savannah, Georgia and the heat and humidity already blanketed the city. My dark hair clung to the back of my neck, and my cotton tee shirt stuck to my chest, accentuating my boniness.

“So do you want to dress like her I mean with your superpower and all, it’d be cool. You really do look like Black Widow.” I tried to put on a big smile.
The Avengers
played at the same theater and many waiting in line were dressed like superheroes from the movie.

“You’re an idiot. A cute idiot. But an idiot all the same.” She tiptoed and kissed me.

“I mean you’re prettier than Scarlett Johansson and all. And you’d look really hot in that skin tight costume thing she wears.” I moved along with the line.

“And you’d look hot as a vampire. Sparkles and fangs would suit you,” Vicky said.

“No way. That wimpy vampire is so lame,” I said.

“No he’s not.” She tilted her head. “Plus, you kind of look like Edward. Tall, thin and handsome.  And he’s so romantic. Remember seeing Twilight with me? Anyway, I just melted when Edward snuck into the window of Bella’s bedroom. You don’t do anything like that. When we first dated you’d bring me flowers and do my literature homework.”

“Don’t you know that I love you by now? You still need all of that kind stuff after dating three years? And you aced Lit, so you don’t need my help anymore. And flowers? Tomorrow I’m giving you a flower prom thing for your dress.”

“Corsage.” She shook her head. “Sometimes, I feel like you’re taking me for granted.”

“Not true. I’m here now with you. Doesn’t that mean anything?” Two girls dressed like Black Widow walked near us. I couldn’t help staring at them.

“Eyes over here Ted.” Vicky tugged my shirt.

“What?” I asked jerking my head back in her direction. Busted. Rats.

“You’re such a guy. Hopeless.” She brushed the hair from my face.

“You have to admit that is hot.” I pointed to the girls dressed as Black Widow.

“Don’t point.” She slapped down my hand. “We are here for my movie, not
The Avengers

My body slumped. “I know.” And how I wished I could see the other movie instead.

“You look like you’re being tortured. Your face is all pulled down in that weird expression you have when you don’t like something.”

“Nothing is wrong. The vampire movie is going to be a blast.” My voice sort of rose to a near soprano, belying my usual alto.

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