Trouble in Cowboy Boots (12 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Trouble in Cowboy Boots
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“Sweetie, you can get as shitfaced as you want tonight,” Lola said soothingly.

“Tomorrow we have to examine all your options.”

“I heard someone say the feed store is hiring,” Roxie commented.

“She won’t be working at the feed store or anyplace else,” a rough voice growled.

They had all been so preoccupied none of them had noticed Wyatt and Evan enter the honky-tonk.

“Well,” Roxie drawled. “If it isn’t trouble in cowboy boots. Lose your way, Wyatt? I heard you were busy tonight.”

“You get away from me,” Emily slurred, squinting one eye at him.

“Time for you to come home, Em.” He pushed her glass away and attempted to lift her off the stool.

Emily batted at him feebly but Lola planted herself in the way.

“I don’t think she wants to go with you, asshole.”

“Right now I think she’s too drunk to know what she wants,” he grated. “Come on, Em. Upsy daisy.”


Trouble in Cowboy Boots

Emily wished he’d stop jiggling her. All the liquor was sloshing around in her stomach and threatening to make a second appearance.

“Go ’way,” she muttered. “Hate you.”

“Yeah, sugar.” Wyatt’s voice softened. “And with good reason. But we’re going to fix that.”

“Emily?” Lola’s face was close to hers. “You want to go with this scumbag?”

“Wanna lie down.”

She felt Wyatt shift positions as he nudged Lola out of the way. “I’ll give her a place to lie down. Out of my way, ladies. And I mean now.”

Cliff had come from the back to see what was happening. He touched Emily’s face gently. “You want me to throw this guy out, Emily?”

But she’d closed her eyes again and fallen into blessed blackness.

* * * *

Emily pried one eye open and looked around. She was lying on her stomach, naked, in a huge bed, in a room that didn’t look familiar at all. She vague remembered waking up in the dark, holding her pounding head, and someone giving her aspirin. The next time she’d opened her eyes it had still been dark and the process was repeated. At some point she’d felt herself carried into a shower and gently bathed, then fed hot tea and more aspirin.

Now, thankfully, although her eyes were gritty her head no longer felt as if a sledgehammer was working at it from the inside out. But where the hell was she?

She rolled over, taking in the huge room, the big bed, and the naked man next to her.

Naked man?

She sat up quickly, thankful her head didn’t fall off, and pulled the sheet up to her neck. Wyatt! She was in bed with Wyatt!


Desiree Holt

“We’re in your room,” she guessed.

He nodded. “And that’s where you’ll be sleeping from now on. I want everyone to know just who you belong to.”

“But you’re at Diana the Slut’s,” she said accusingly. “I saw you leave.”

He laughed, a warm, low sound. “Big mistake. Besides, if I’m there I can’t be here, right, sugar?”

“I left here,” she pointed out.

“So you did.” He reached out a hand and stroked her cheek. “And with good reason. I was what Cliff would call an inelegant bastard.” His voice softened. “But it’s your fault.”

“My fault?” she squeaked. “How do you figure that?”

Carefully he urged her back down on the pillow. “You went and made me lose my heart to you, Auntie Em. Something I never intended to do.”

He slid his arm beneath her shoulders and pulled her head against his chest. In quiet tones, caressing her arm with his long fingers, he told her the details of his parents’ marriage, their divorce, their many remarriages and divorces. His escape to West Texas to find peace and a life that didn’t include high maintenance females.

“Although Diana certainly fits that last category,” he admitted ruefully. “My bad.”

He told her as briefly as possible the debacle of his attempt to use Diana to cure him of his feelings for her.

“You didn’t want me,” she accused. “I left.”

“Something that’s not going to happen again.” He shifted so he could look directly at her.

She stared at him. “You took care of me.”

“Of course I did.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “You needed taking care of and I’d have to shoot anyone else who thought they’d do it.”


Trouble in Cowboy Boots

“If I could take back last night I’d do it in a hot minute. And I can’t promise you I’ll be the easiest man to tame. I’ve had too many years of bad habits. But I swear to you I’ll do my damndest. Will that be enough for you? Because I don’t want to lose you, Em.”

She wanted to make him squirm, to plead with her, to apologize ten times over. But the feel of his naked flesh next to hers overrode everything else.

“If you promise to be very, very good,” she teased.

should spank
” he joked.

“Hmm. That’s a thought.”

He brushed his lips against her. “Are feeling okay, Em? You tied one on pretty good last night.”

“Someone took really good care of me. I think I’ll live.”

“Do you think you’re up for a little playtime? Because I’m having a hard time keeping my hands to myself. And in case you didn’t notice, that isn’t a hammer banging against your thigh.”

Heat surged through her and any vestige of a hangover disappeared with it. “I think we can give it a shot.” She grinned at him. “Maybe you should tie me up so I don’t run away again.”

His hazel eyes darkened to smoky gray and lights danced in the irises. “I have something special for you today, sugar. When we’re done I guarantee you won’t want to look at any other man.”

That was already true but she wasn’t about to tell him. Not yet.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Don’t move,” he ordered, rolling away from her. “Stay right where you are.”

She heard him rummaging in the nightstand drawer, then he was back next to her, turning her over and sliding pillows beneath her stomach. In seconds he’d arranged her so she was on her knees bent over the pillows, her wrists bound and the rope fastened to one of the slats in the headboard.


Desiree Holt

“Blindfold, Em,” he said, pressing the folded silk against her eyes. “You can feel things better when you can’t see.”

He was right about that. Already her pussy was wet and the inner walls of her vagina fluttered in anticipation. His hands stroked the inside of her thighs, teasing the skin, brushing lightly against the lips of her cunt, arousing her and leaving her hungry for more.

The bed dipped more as he bent down between her outspread thighs, opened her cunt lips with his fingers and proceeded to lap at it with long, slow strokes. Each pass of his tongue was like the lick of a flame, each touch of his tongue a carnal caress. She wiggled her hips trying to urge him to do more but he laughed softly, the sound vibrating against her and arousing even more.

“You in a hurry, Em? I’m ready to take my time here.”

“Please.” Already he had her begging. She wanted his mouth on her clit, his fingers and his cock inside her. And she wanted it

“I like it slow, sugar.” He chuckled again, but his voice was hoarse and thick with his own desire. “I finally figured out you’re what I need in my life so I’m not about to rush things.”

“Mmmm.” She tugged on her restraints as his tongue probed into her vagina then retreated.

He lapped and sucked, nibbling the wet flesh, thrusting his tongue inside her again and again until she was nearly mindless with the need to climax. Yet he kept her hovering right at the edge, every nerve in her body screaming for release.

When he stopped suddenly and moved away from her she cried out in frustration.

Wyatt smacked her ass. “Quiet. You can scream when I tell you to.”

The heat of the slap radiated over the cheeks of her ass and down to her cunt, adding to her clawing hunger. When she felt the cool gel on her anus her stomach 92

Trouble in Cowboy Boots

clenched in anticipation. Was he going to do it tonight? Was he finally going to fuck her in the ass?

Her breath came in gasps as he worked the gel into her dark tunnel, first with one finger, then two. Oh, god, she was so ready to feel him inside her. In her ass. Now! Oh, now!

When she felt his fingers scissor to stretch her tissues she frowned beneath the blindfold. “Wyatt?”

“Just making sure we both get the most pleasure out of this.” His voice was so thick with hunger now she barely recognized it.

In the next instant ropes were wound around her ankles and tied to the short posts at the corners of the bed. She was effectively spread-eagled, her ass raised into the air and open to him for the taking.

More gel, the snap of the condom, and the head of his heavy cock pressed against the tight ring of her hole.

“Breathe, sugar,” he told her. “Just like when we put the plug in, only better.

Breathe with me. Come on.”

She heard him inhale and did so herself, exhaling when he told her to. Inhale, exhale. Again, again. And on every exhalation he penetrated a little further, until he was in her to the hilt.

“Get ready, sugar,” he told her, leaning over her and reaching one hand around to find her clit.

His strokes were slow at first, the friction of his fingers on her clit timed to the same rhythm. But as her body grew even hotter and her pulse began to beat like a drum he sped up the rhythm.

“Damn, Em,” he ground out. “This ass is so sweet it’s burning me to death I can’t hold out much longer.”

“Now, Wyatt,” she pleaded. “Do it now.”


Desiree Holt

He pounded into her, pinching and rubbing her clit, faster and harder. More, more, more.

They exploded together. Emily’s entire body shook with pleasure, spasms rocking her as Wyatt shot off like a rocket inside her. She spun into the vortex of a whirlpool, focused only on the heavy cock in her ass and the clenching of her cunt over and over again. She was out of control. Screaming his name, engulfed by an orgasm more powerful than anything she’d ever felt before.

Wyatt leaned over her and gently bit her shoulder, plunging her into yet another wild climax. Again she shuddered until she thought surely her body would splinter into tiny pieces and still the tremors kept coming.

At last she collapsed, utterly drained, Wyatt a heavy presence inside her and over her.

He put his mouth next to her ear. “

“Yes,” she agreed weakly.

“Always,” he added.

She nodded, incapable of further speech.

Then he was pulling out of her, releasing her bonds and heading for the bathroom to dispose of the condom. In seconds he was back with a warm cloth, bathing her, then rubbing her arms as he’d done all the other times. He stretched out beside her and tugged her gently against him, still stroking her and kneading her muscles.

“No more garbage about leaving.” His voice was firm.

“No more Diana?” she asked.

He smacked her bottom. “Don’t even bring her up.”

She smiled to herself. “Then no more leaving.”

“Ever,” he insisted.

“Ever,” she agreed, and smiled to herself. Why would she want to leave when she finally had everything she wanted right here?


About the Author

I always wonder what readers really want to know when I write one of these things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting journey. I’ve managed rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only female on the sports staff of a university newspaper. Immersed myself in Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived in five different states. Married two very interesting but totally different men.

I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because the minute I set foot on Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill Country gives me inspiration for more stories than I’ll probably ever be able to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who surround me and the gorgeous scenery that provides a great setting.

Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to life on the pages of my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive about it when I’m writing and thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such a terrific husband who encourages my writing and puts up with my obsession. As a multi-published author, I love to hear from my readers. Their input keeps my mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.

Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page

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Also by
Desiree Holt

Cougar Challenge: Hot to Trot

Cupid’s Shaft

Dancing With Danger

Diamond Lady

Double Entry

Driven by Hunger

Eagle’s Run

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy I

Elven Magic

Emerald Green

Escape the Night

Hot Moon Rising

Hot, Wicked and Wild

I Dare You

Journey to the Pearl

Just Say Yes

Kidnapping the Groom
with Allie Standifer

Letting Go

Line of Sight

Night Heat

Once Burned

Once Upon a Wedding

Riding Out the Storm

Rodeo Heat

with Allie Standifer

Seductive Illusion
with Allie Standifer


Teaching Molly

Touch of Magic

Where Danger Hides

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