Tobias (A CURSED BOYS NOVEL Book 1) (9 page)

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  “Actually, it’s the only orgasm I’ve ever had.”

  Tobias propped himself up to look me in the eyes. His expression said it all, he couldn’t believe I’ve never came before.

  “Are humans really that bad in bed?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t exactly have… experience with anyone.”

  Tobias’s gave me a deadpan stare before sitting up beside me.

  “You’re a virgin?”


  “Shit!” He hissed while raking a fist through his hair.

  I watched as the color seemed to literally drain out of his face. I was beginning to feel a little self-conscious and slightly offended.

  “Oh, well, I’m sorry I’m not one of the trashy hoes throwing themselves at you who probably fuck everything including a broom pole.”

  His head snapped up in my direction as he realized what I thought he meant.

  “What? No, God baby, no that’s not what I meant.”

  Tobias gathered me in his arms and cradled me against his chest.

  “If I had known you were a virgin, I would have been more gentle, or patient. Your first time should be magical”

  He kissed the top of my head then turned my face up to look at him. The concern in his eyes was genuine; there was something about him that seemed vulnerable and it melted my heart.

  “It felt pretty magical to me.” I said and watched a wicked grin spread across his face.

  “Oh, cupcake, you haven’t felt anything yet.”

  Tobias lifted me up and turned me around so I was straddling his lap. His kisses were gentle and his hands trailed up my body until he cupped my breast in his hands.

  There was a roughness to his touch, you could tell these hands belonged to a real man who has put them to use.

  I pulled on his bottom lip with my teeth as he rolled my nipple between his finger and thumb. His touch sent chills over my body and in that moment I wanted him between my thighs and inside of me.

  My hands slid down his chest tracing the defined muscle lines of his perfect body. If heaven could take on a physical form, he was it.

  I hooked a finger into the waist band of his boxers and began sliding them off but his hand took hold of mine to stop me.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “More sure than I’ve been about anything in my entire life.”

  The look of relief and longing on his face made me want to kiss him a thousand times over. The fact that he cared so much about my willingness touched every part of my heart.

  He released my hand and slid his own boxers off exposing himself to me. It wasn’t the first time I’d his cock, but it was the first time I was this close to it.

  Desire spread through me like wild fire and I wanting to feel him inside of me.

  “We are going to take this slow, baby, and it is going to hurt. But the pain won’t last long, I promise.”

  I nodded my head because I didn’t trust my voice. He kissed me gently and I wasn’t sure if the kiss was supposed to reassure me, or him.

  Tobias re-positioned himself on the bed so he was sitting up against the headboard slightly propped up from the pillows behind him. He had pulled me into his lap so I was straddling his hips. I could feel his erection pressing against me as he took my right breast into his mouth while palming the left.

  The ache between my legs was becoming unbearable. I needed to feel him, every part of my body begged for it. I couldn’t take it anymore so I began rocking my hips against him, grinding his erection against my slit so he could feel how badly I wanted him.

  Tobias growled as he clenched my nipple between his fingers and continued caressing my breast. He looked into my eyes with a raw sexual hunger I have never seen before, then claimed my mouth and my virginity simultaneously in one explosive movement that seemed to last for ever.

  I had a sharp intake of breath as I cried out against his mouth in both pain and pleasure. I arched my back but he held himself buried deep inside of me while cradling my body against his.

  “Shh, baby, it will feel better in a minute.”

  I closed my eyes as tight as I could to keep from showing how much it actually hurt. His cock was huge and it tore through me, filling me past capacity. He kissed away the tears that had managed to escape and brushed his thumb against my lips. 

  “Do you want me to stop, cupcake?”

  I shook my head no. The pain was beginning to fade and my body just felt full. He stayed motionless to allow my body to adjust to his thickness.

  Once the pain had completely settled I kissed his shoulder and began rocking my hips slowly against his cock. Tobias moved my hair to one side and kissed my neck gently. His lips re-sparked my desire for him.

  I moaned softly as he took hold of my ass and began guiding my body up and down along his cock slowly. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing into me, each one more intense than the one before.

  Tobias was right, it hurt, but the pain didn’t last and now I was feeling unimaginable amounts of pleasure. I felt like I was going to explode and the only thing that kept me together in that moment was his hands gripping my ass. I began breathing heavier and I raked my fingers through his hair.

  “That’s it, baby. Let it go. Cum for me.”

  His words drove me to the edge and I gripped onto the headboard behind him to steady myself as my whole body felt like it was going to fly away if I didn’t.  The intense sensation was building in my stomach again every time Tobias drove his cock into me. It felt so good I was seeing stars and it felt like the room was spinning.

  “Cum with me, baby.”

  I cried out as I shattered from the inside out. I felt his cock pulsing and my body clenching onto it like it was my only source of life. I was blinded by pure ecstasy as I came in sync with Tobias.

  He cried out against my lips as he claimed my mouth once more. I knew from that moment on I was his, forever. My eye lids felt heavy and my body was exhausted. I could feel sleep trying to claim my body and as much as I tried to fight it, it was winning.

  I felt Tobias’s lips against my forehead and he said something I couldn’t quite hear because sleep was taking over. I think I might have tried to say something but the dream world claimed me.












              I woke up with Willow still asleep in my arms; had slept most of the day away. The sun was going down which meant when she woke up we would have the entire night to ourselves.

  She was beautiful. Even in her sleep she was completely flawless. I still don’t know what it is that draws me to her but after today I know that I can never let her go. I would be hers for the rest of my life.

  I brushed a few strands of hair from her face then kissed her forehead gently. I tried to climb out from under her without waking her, but as soon as I sat up I felt her move beside me. I turned my head and looked into her blue eyes as she smiled up at me.

  “Hey there, cupcake.”

  She smiled at me then pulled me back down beside her in bed. I kissed her gently and traced my finger in a circle slowly up and down her arm.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “The sun just went down so I’d say probably about eight. You slept the day away.”

  “It’s your fault.”

  I laughed as she sat up in bed. Her back was exposed but the blankets kept her chest covered. I leaned over and placed kisses up and down the willow branch tattoo on her shoulder.

  Willow’s skin felt like silk against my lips and having her so close made my cock rock hard again. I wanted her but it was too soon. Her body needed time to heal. I moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck before climbing over her to get out of the bed.

  “Time for a shower, beautiful.” I held my hand out to her and waited for her to take it.

  She scrunched up her face then shook her head no before laying back down. Apparently she didn’t want to get out of bed, but I wasn’t giving her a choice.

  “Come on, cupcake, time to go.”

  I pulled the blanket off the bed and left it a crumpled heap on the floor, then hauled her sexy little ass out of bed. I crossed the room to her bathroom with her swung over my shoulder.

  “Tobias!” she squawked while her dainty fists pounded against my back.

  I smirked, than reached up and slapped her on her bare ass. The sound she made resembled a squeak but she didn’t say another word. I locked the door behind us, and then sat her down on the bathroom counter.

  Everything about her sitting there naked with her thighs spread open ever so slightly was inviting me to take her right then and there. It was an inner war with myself; take it slow with her, or make her scream my name. I held back yesterday because it was her first time. It felt amazing to be inside of her, but the next time I took Willow to bed it would be anything but gentle.

  She watched me while biting her lip. The expression on her face made it seem like she knew exactly what I was thinking. I winked at her then turned the shower on and waited for the temperature to adjust.

  Once it was hot enough I scooped Willow up in my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her under the water. I tried to unwrap Willow from my body but she refused to let go of me.

  “I want you” she whispered in my ear which made my cock spring to full attention. I wanted her too, more than she knew.

  “Baby, as amazing as taking you right here in the shower would be, you’re still sore, swollen and tender. Let’s take it easy tonight, ok?”

  She gave me the cutest pout I have ever seen, so I leaned in and sucked her bottom lip into my mouth and bit it gently before kissing her.

  Willow finally gave in and removed her legs from my hips. My cock throbbed to be inside of her and I knew I was going to end up with the worst blue balls but I didn’t have a choice.

  I soaped up my hands and stood behind Willow so I could wash her back for her. She lifted her hair and tied it in a knot on the top of her head as I worked my hands over her shoulders and down along her chest.

  My hands grazed her nipples as I worked my way down to her stomach. She had a single freckle on her unblemished skin right beside her bellybutton, which I thought was hot as hell.

  It had been so long since I spent an intimate moment with anyone. Not just sex, but something as simple as a shower or even just lying in bed holding them. I’m not the cuddle type; I don’t do romance. I don’t even believe in love, but something about Willow made me want to.

  “What are you thinking, beautiful?” I asked as she stood there smiling and staring at the tiled wall in front of us like she was lost in thought.

  “You’re the one with the freaky brain voodoo crap, you tell me.”

  Was she on crack?

  “Willow, I’m not a mind reader. I’m a vampire. There’s sort of a big difference.”

  I watched her smile, then break into a laugh. I wasn’t sure what was so funny, but she looked beautiful while doing it.

  “Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds? ‘I’m a vampire!’ like seriously, who says that? Are you sure you’re really a vampire? Maybe it’s in your head. I haven’t seen you burst into flames when the sun is up and I haven’t seen you sparkle in the sun either so-“

  “Vampires don’t fucking sparkle!” I cut her off with a growl which only made her laugh harder.

  Was she serious right now? She’s comparing me to a glittered up Twinkie and she finds it funny? The worst thing the world has done is accept Twilight as the modern day view of a vampire.

  “I’m sorry, but there is nothing wrong with sparkling if you do. They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend you know?”

  “I’ll go out any buy you any diamond ring you want and you can hate it, love it, and be best friends with it, or have a portable frienamy; but do not, under any circumstances,
compare me to a glitter fairy with bad hair.”

  Willow attempted to make a very stern expression with her face, but failed adorably.

  “I’ll have you know that Twilight is an amazing book, and the movies were kick-ass despite what anyone says, thank you very much!”

  “Sure. Whatever floats your boat, cupcake.”

  She stuck her tongue out at me like a child so I reached down and slapped her ass again. I was rewarded with a yelp and an attempted slap of my face, but I caught her hand and kissed her palm instead.

  I could tell she was doing everything she could not to smile because that would mean I won.

  “Let’s go eat.” I said, and then kissed the top of her head before turning off the water.

  I stepped out of the shower and secured a towel around my waist then held one out for her. Willow twirled into it like a little ballerina, and then headed out to the bedroom. I followed behind her, watching her hips move with every step.

  The girl might not like to admit it, but she had some killer curves and a body most girls would die for.

  It wasn’t until I was watching her clean up the mess of clothes from her suitcase we had knocked over earlier that I realized I didn’t have anything in this room to change into; all my clothes were in my room.

  “So, cupcake. Do you plan on making me come all the way down the hall every night for a sleep over? Or do you want me to help you unpack in my room after we eat?”

  “Is this your way of asking me to move in with you?”

  “I think it’s a little late for that sweetheart. I kidnapped you, remember?”

  “Touché.” She said then kissed me and shooed me out the door.

  It wasn’t exactly a yes, but it wasn’t a no either. I made my way down the hall towards my room so I could throw something on. Tristan and Amelia were both standing outside my door when I got there.

  “So I take it this means she isn’t leaving?” Tristan asked with a knowing grin.

  “I sure as hell hope you know what you’re doing here Tobias. If you hurt her, so help me God, I will make the rest of our eternal existence a living hell for you!”

  Amelia poked her finger into my chest with her warning, then turned and walked off. I knew she wasn’t jealous because she couldn’t give a damn about me since the day we were married. It was nice to see this side of her though; a side that was a decent person and cared about someone other than herself.

  Tristan shrugged his shoulders and followed after her. I finally made it into my room and pulled on a pair of boxers, pajama bottoms and a wife beater.

  One of the best perks about being a guy is the ability to be ready in less than five minutes. Even my hair took no work; I ran my hand though it and it was done. It wasn’t very long and would dry decently.

  When I got back to Willow’s room she was in a simple blue lace sun dress that hung to her knees, but she looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was down and she was blow drying it as I walked in.

  “Do you know how to do a French braid?” She asked me while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  “Do I look like I grew a vagina in the last ten minutes?”

  Willow rolled her eyes at me then turned her hair dryer off. I went to give her a kiss but she walked right past me and out the door.
The hell? Where is she going?
I followed her down the hall to Tristan and Amelia’s room.

  I rolled my eyes. Not even a day after being friends and Amelia was stealing my girl from me. Tristan and I went downstairs as soon as the girls got to talking about hair and whatever the hell else girls obsess over.

  I grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed one to Tristan. I cracked mine open and chugged half the bottle. Tristan was staring at me like I had just bit the head off a bat.


  “You just drank something that wasn’t blood. Or water.”

  It took me a moment to realize what he was saying. I looked at the bottle of beer again in disbelief. Usually anything other than blood felt like I was trying to choke down acid, but tonight I actually tasted the beer.

  I was waiting for my body to reject the liquid, but it didn’t even so much as cause a hiccup. I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face as I took another drink.

  This was amazing. Truly amazing. I haven’t really tasted anything in over three hundred years, so I grabbed an apple from the counter and bit into it. I regretted it instantly as it practically choked me. I spat the pieces into the sink and rinsed my mouth out under the tap.

  “What the fuck, dude?”

  I filled my mouth and gargled again without even answering him. I had no idea what the hell was happening to me. Things have been weird since the day Willow arrived. I sort of gave up trying to figure it out.

  The burning in my throat was drawing out the hunger inside of me. I could feel it rising to the surface trying to take over. I gripped onto the side of the counter trying to force it back.

  The girls were laughing when they came into the room. I could barely make out the sound as my senses were going in and out of focus.


  When Willow called out to me I could hear everything that was going on behind me but I had no control over my body.

  “Willow, Stay back!”

  “No, let me go!”

  “He’s not himself; you really shouldn’t be here right now. Mia, take her upstai- Ow! Son of a bitch!”

  I felt Willows arms against my back while Tristan continued to curse in the back ground. I turned towards her, my hunger raging inside of me. I could hear the blood pumping through her veins and the hunger inside of me wanted nothing more than for me to sink my teeth into her neck.

  I turned around and instantly had her pinned to the island in the middle of the kitchen. Amelia tried to launch herself at me, but Tristan caught her.

  “Wait.” He whispered to her.

  I looked into Willow’s eyes. Although the hunger was driving me to feed, her eyes seemed to keep me in my place. I could feel my body tremble with the struggle. Pain exploded through my muscles. It was like one of those electro-shock machines were hooked up to me on full blast.

  Willow ran her fingers through my hair with one hand and placed her other against my cheek.

  “Come back to me, baby.” Her plea touched every part of my soul before she kissed me.

  Warmth spread through me as her kiss seemed to touch every part of me. The hunger was silenced instantly and I was filled with sweet liberation. Every nerve in my body felt like it was tingling as I regained control of myself.

  I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush against me. The other hand tilted her chin up so I could deepen the kiss before pulling away.

  “Thank you, cupcake.” I whispered in relief.

  I kissed her again, and again, and again all over her face. She was the most beautiful thing in the world and in that moment I would have done anything to make her happy.

  “What the hell just happened?” Tristan asked.

  He and Amelia both stood there with expressions of shock and awe. I just shrugged my shoulders and kissed the top of Willows head.

  “Seriously, what the hell just happened?” Tristan asked again.

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