The Timekeeper (29 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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I’d only been reading for about ten minutes when I made out a gentle knock at the door and the sound of the hinges in need of greasing groan. I expected to see Darius checking on me, instead I found Zev looking me up and down. Barely covered by my naughty nightgown
I quickly tossed the blankets over my bare legs.

I didn’t know why I bothered
He’d seen everything part of my body in an intimate fashion. Why was he here? I hadn’t called him, nor did I believe anyone else had. Zev stood next to the side of my bed for several seconds before deciding to sit on the edge.

“I need to talk to you.” I rolled my eyes and close my book, leaving the novel in my lap incase I had the urge to smack him with it.

“So I gathered. What’s so important you needed to come to my house and harass me?” I glared at him
and genuine hurt stared back at me. I shouldn’t be so harsh, but how should I react to him? It’d become a bad habit over the long course of our separation
I simply couldn’t be nice to him anymore, and retraining myself seemed impossible.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure how to get a hold of you. Echo said you’d be here for the next couple of days, and you weren’t feeling well. She told me about the Angels kidnapping you
and Azul’s rescue. The endeavor apparently took its toll on you. You’ve been under too much stress. I picked up on the deterioration of your condition every time I laid eyes on you. I’m glad you’re taking a break.”

I would listen to him voice his concern for my wellbeing for a little while longer before he got to the point of his visit. I made a mental note to scold Echo for giving out my business as Zev gazed down at his hands, trying to gather his thoughts.

“I spoke to Amelia. She’d worried too. She said Azazel announced your wedding yesterday morning. I didn’t think you planned to get married so quickly. She’s shocked as well. When I told her about the kidnapping
and the problems you were facing, she became even more concerned something might happen. A situation that couldn’t be easily corrected and perhaps ruin your life. We agreed
you should leave the Council. You’re coming into a time in your existence when you need to settle down.” I glared at him.

“Funny, Zev. Amelia’s
voiced concern for my wellbeing. She doesn’t worry about me
or the activities I partake in. We haven’t spoken to each other in ages. I can understand shock regarding the wedding, I was a little stunned myself, but Azazel’s decision still stands. I’m sorry you don’t agree with my lifestyle, but there’s nothing you can do to change my path.” I tapped my fingernails on the book in my lap.

“She thought you’d say that. Just because she never expressed her concerns doesn’t mean she didn’t have any, Azriella. Our daughter realizes you’re a strong woman, always able to handle yourself, but even you need a break. Age starts to wear on a person
and you’re not exempt. She’s just a young lady worried about her mother. Is any of this difficult to understand?”

I hadn’t spoken to or seen Amelia in three centuries, and we remained curt. Something seemed strange to me
why would she be perturbed with my current happenings?

“This doesn’t make sense, Zev. Amelia and I haven’t spoke two words to each other in three hundred years, and now she’s anxious. Aural keeps her updated on the events
of course
only when they’re speaking. It’s disappointing
I manage a better relationship with my granddaughter
but that’s Amelia’s decision. If she’s distressed, she can come tell me herself.”

Amelia never approved of the manner I led my life. I did nothing to change her opinion. Rather than trying to work out our issues, she chose to ignore me. I’d made every effort to maintain a relationship with her, but gave up after several centuries. She knew where to find me if she changed her mind.

Much of the problem seemed to be caused by her husband. She’d married into the Khalid clan, a family I approved of most of the time. The family was a strong group politically and otherwise, but she had picked the wrong man in a good line.

He had built himself up by stepping on the backs of others
which I personally detested. I couldn’t bear the thought of my well
bred daughter marrying a Count who didn’t earn his claim. When I voiced my opinion on the subject
Amelia immediately took Count Ludovic’s side. My inability to keep my mouth shut ruined our relationship, but I never backed down from my assessment of the man.

“That’s between the two of you, I try and stay out of your mother-daughter bickering whenever possible. I love you and our daughter, so I will relay the message. The only question is, when are you going to leave the servitude of the Council?”

I shrugged
“What’s with you, Zev? Please explain to me why you care.” I focused on him
playing with the edge of his black silk shirt. Sometimes he was nothing but a little lost boy, he always fidgeted when he found himself in an uncomfortable position

We’d been young when we married, wildly in love, and he’d been strong and ambitious, charming and intelligent. He was everything a promising Duke of the House of Styx should be. Then something changed in him while I’d been pregnant. He’d become sheepish and nervous. This wasn’t the man I married.

“I love you, Az. Listen, I’m not here to fight with you. I’m worried for you. If you need anything come find me, I’ll always be around for you.” He moved to stand up
but I stopped him by putting a hand on his leg, a bit of longing in my heart.

Despite everything that had happened, I still missed him. I didn’t trust him, unsure if I ever would again, but nothing could stop the feelings for him I’d been stuffing down and ignoring for the past twelve hundred years

“I appreciate the concern. I already put in my resignation effective at the end of this lifetime. I’m aware of when I’ve had enough. I refuse to deal with any more of their bullshit. I’m too old to do everything. I want to go home and stay for a while. I have things to do, people to terrorize, a kingdom to rule. A new husband and children to raise
I wasn’t around enough for my family before, perhaps this time will be different.” He was stunned

The shock registered on his face. He still brooded over the guilt of our separation, the main reason I’d entered into the contract with the Council in the first place.

“That’s the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth. I’m stunned, but happy. Our kingdom, Azazel, and Amelia are all in need of the presence of their Princess
I need you too, not that it matters. I’m proud of you, but you should’ve done this a long time ago. This decision certainly makes it easier on all of us if we don’t have to worry about the information you’re feeding the Council about the family. It’d also be nice not to find out the details for your life second hand.” I glared at him.

“What exactly is
supposed to mean? I’ve never told those bastards anything to do with my clan or my kingdom. In fact, they ask me to deal with Azazel and I refuse. How dare you accuse me of something so heinous? I am not my sister. If you think the way to get back in my good graces is to insult me, Zev, then you may want to rethink your strategy.” He glanced away, to afraid to hold my stare and rightfully so

“I didn’t mean anything by it, Az. I misunderstood what I overheard in the Desert Colony. Simple gossip, surely. I’d better go before I piss you off any more. I just wanted to talk to you about Amelia. You should visit her, I’m sure she’d appreciate the time.” I said nothing as he slithered off the bed and walked out. The man had a way of pissing me off in record speed whenever he came around. One starts to question if he’s just that stupid, or if he plans his idiocy

A knock at the door introduced Echo in to the room. She skimmed the area for blood spatter before sitting in almost the exact same spot Zev had vacated.

“What was I thinking when I married him?”

She smirked, “I don’t think logical thought entered into that equation, dear. I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself; you had no idea what he’d turn in to after you married him. None of us did, even the King had been impressed with Zev, and he hates everyone. When I think back, we should’ve seen through his perfection.” I chuckled.

“Azazel doesn’t hate everyone, Echo. He seemed quite taken with Dexter, of course
he’s still spouting out shit about Azul. Anyway, marriage counseling is obviously not why you’re here. What’s up?” Her eyes wandered down to her hands, not avoiding contact with me.

Why was every person that strolled in to this room looking away from me today? Had everyone lost the nerve to deal with me? I’m not that damn scary. I examined her as she fidgeted with her nails, a habit that drove me crazy. I cleared me throat, spurring her on. She glanced up at me, but her eyes darted away.

“Azazel got of hold of me. Zev’s been trying to get in good with him again. He wants to come home. I didn’t tell Azazel he’d been working on you too. Something’s going on if he’s hitting the both of you so hard and heavy. What did he want this time?” Echo squirmed and finally met my stare when she finished speaking.

I knew mischief had been brewing in the bowels of Aliis, especially if Zev was begging my father for forgiveness. Whatever devious plots were underway, they must’ve been serious for him to even consider approaching the Demon

“Zev told me Amelia is worried about me. He wanted to know when I intended to quit my job. I clued him in to the fact this is my last assignment. I also informed him that I didn’t believe him. She’s never been distressed before, which makes me assume he’s been lying to her or to me. Amelia’s always been quite aware I’m capable of doing my job without permanent injury. She’s the daughter of an Assassin, and she’s bothered now? I don’t think so.” Echo nodded in agreement.

“You’re right, doesn’t sound like your child at all. I can talk to her after the wedding. She’ll be required to show because she’s part of the royal family. Zev’s unfortunately going to be at the ceremony, too. He’s still married to you even if you are separated
He needs to sign off on the marriage documents as one of your hubbies. He’s in an excellent position to royally screw you? He might try and sabotage the joining ceremony again.” I sighed and ran my fingers threw my hair.

The thought had crossed my mind more than once. He’d fucked me over before, who’s to say he wouldn’t make ruining my life a habit

“Yeah, I’m acutely aware of the situation. I don’t think he will. He doesn’t have anything to gain by making me even angrier with him. If you want to talk to Amelia, that’s fine. I’ll check back in with you after the honeymoon. Please tell me you’re planning that too. I’ve got no idea where Dex would prefer to take our vacation, or if he wants to go anywhere at all
We’re both high profile people, it might be better if we stay around Belt ta `Demm, safer at least.

“Dex and I do wonderfully with the physical part of our relationship, and he keeps me in line as needed, but we never find the time to talk about anything. We used to, when we were younger and neither of us had so many responsibilities. If I’m not being pulled in one direction, then he is tied up somewhere else.” She chuckled, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh Az, don’t give me that look. You sound a little like you’re getting cold feet, Princess.”

I rolled my eyes, “Not even close, sweetie. I’m just not sure how well this marriage is going to work. We won’t be able to spend time with each other after the honeymoon, and our schedules will constantly conflict until I’m fully resigned from the Council. Even then, I’ll be forced to take on more royal responsibilities. At some stage we’ll have children, and I don’t want to be saddled with raising a child by myself again. I did the best I could with Amelia, but it wasn’t enough.” I leaned my head against the wall.

“But you did everything right with Aural. She’s great. Amelia’s always been more like Zev, a talker rather than a doer. Superb in a political situation, but terrible about making things happen. Just because she turned out like her father doesn’t mean you were a bad mother, it just means you had poor taste in partners.” I laughed

She had no clue how horrible my choice in men had been. I’d no idea what I needed in a man when I married him. I thought love was all it took. I’d ended up just like my parents. They loved each other, but couldn’t get along if someone paid them to. Unlike my first husband, my mother never strayed on my father. Cassandra remained faithful despite the problems in her marriage.

“Anyway, Azazel wants you to come home as soon as possible. I told him the soonest you could grace him with your presence would be a day before the wedding. I hope you don’t mind, I was trying to buy you some time. You’re stressed right now, dealing with your Dad would just add to the mess.”

I smiled at her, “I appreciate everything, thanks.” She put her hand on my leg and patted. She was one friend that always covered for me, no matter what happened. Echo might’ve been the only friend I had who’d gave it to me straight, even if it fucked up my flow.

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