The Timekeeper (18 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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He bowed, now aware of who I was and most likely what I came for. He motioned for me to follow him, this time we didn’t head toward the study, but down a long flight of stairs into the basement of the building. The narrow steps were carved stone
and damp from the moisture seeping in from the ground around the sub-grade structure. The Embassy had been build before the city was founded
and it showed.

“Ambassador Sloan gave me strict instructions
I’m to take you to his private chamber as soon as you arrived and to rescue him from whatever he was tending to. He’s been up for quite some time attempting to rectify a bureaucratic nightmare. I’m sure he will be grateful for the interruption. Please make yourself comfortable and I will fetch him.” He gracefully opened the door at the end of the long, dark hallway and motioned me in.

I stepped into the lavish room, which had a warm fire blazing in the fireplace but no other light. Mr. Meldin closed the door behind me and I listened to his rapid footsteps recede up the staircase.

I glanced around the expanse. Armchairs had been set up near the hearth, a large dark wood desk sat in the corner and a four-poster bed rested off to the side
I distinctly remember Dexter always having. A lovely Oriental rug I’d smuggled into Aliis, still in perfect condition
lay in front of the inglenook on the stone floor. Vampires tended to be immaculate housekeepers. If they loved something, they wanted things to last for as long as they could
knowing nothing lasted forever

I positioned myself on the edge of the bed
I was here to discuss a marriage proposal
Sitting on the lush mattress was quite appropriate. Not to mention my Vampire lover made sure I’d been shown to his private chamber for a reason.

I had no illusion this could all go terribly wrong when he became aware of the circumstances surrounding the proposal. Some things he wouldn’t agree with, and might cause him to back out. As much as we loved each other
we would always be forced to handle situations in our lives that would cause complications.

I spread my fingers over the smooth onyx bedding. Every piece Dexter owned was satin or velvet, in either black or red. The bed was immaculately made. I’d been convinced he had OCD since we were children
and a couple millenniums to perfect the condition. He’d been the most stable and trustworthy person in my life, with the exception of Azul. I needed men that would keep me grounded.

Azul allowed me too much freedom, always bending to me when he shouldn’t, and Dex wouldn’t give me any such luxury. There was no way I was going to get away with anything he believed would jeopardize my wellbeing

It didn’t take more than a few minutes before I made out someone coming down the stairs at a breakneck speed, slowing just before they hit the end of the corridor. I noted the slight pause of a man trying to gain his composure, then the door swung open as Dexter stepped in with a smile that lit up the room.

He closed us in the chamber, never taking his eyes off me, and briskly moved toward me with his arms wide open. I grinned, standing up to greet him. I wanted nothing more than for him to envelope, to fold me into his body and kiss me for the rest of the night.

“My love, is the purpose of this visit business or pleasure? I should act appropriately depending on the reason.”

I laid my head against his chest, “Both, actually, but any transaction is pleasurable when it involves the two of us.” He chuckled, holding me just a little closer

“Well, let us get on with the more important matters. I might not be able to remain in this professional manner all night. Azul claimed he would get you here as soon as he possible, but I didn’t expect to be graced with your presence until several days from now.”  I beamed and nuzzled into his broad chest, what he expected and what he had hoped were two different things

“I can always go and come back when it agrees with your schedule. I hadn’t planned on coming until tomorrow, but the damn Dragon I married informed me I had to. He also asked me to tell you
you owe him one.” He moved away to look me in the eye, but didn’t let go of me.

“Do you always do what you’re told?”

I scoffed, “Hardly
only when it suits me. Seeing you suited me.” His lips brushed my forehead.

“What business needs to be dealt with? I want to move on to more gratifying things as quickly as possible. I assume the Dragon imposed some kind of time limit.” He led me back to the bed and we sat on the edge, almost touching. Nothing would be accomplished if we got too close to each other. He wasn’t the only one who wanted to take care of business as soon as possible.

“He didn’t, surprisingly enough, which leads me to believe he’s up to no good. Regardless, I have several things to discuss
but they should be quick. One, have you had a chance to speak with the Vampire Clans in the mortal world
and are they willing to give us some time to fix this situation? Two, you can’t dispatch Zev
I shouldn’t have asked that of you. I’m sorry. Three, Azul said you might be interested in a marriage proposal, I wanted to discuss the proposition.”

He though for a moment before speaking, watching my breasts heave with each breath I took, as if it helped him think. He shot me a mischievous grin when he realized I had noticed.

“You’re straight forwardness has always been on of your most prized attributes. Yes, I have spoken to the Clans
They’re willing to give you sometime to correct the influx of creatures from Aliis. They understand this is a huge undertaking, but I must advise you that you need to do it posthaste or they will lose their patience.” He shifted positions on the soft padding, leaning back on his elbows.

I had to admire his silk black three-piece suit that made his alabaster skin almost glow in the light of the fire. Mr. Meldin hadn’t been lying about pulling him out of a meeting.

“I haven’t had the opportunity to rid you of Zev, and I’m a little dismayed I won’t be granted the chance to now. Would this about-face have anything to do with the marriage proposal?” I lounged back, laying on my side and spread myself out on the bed, facing him. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him for a second

“It does. They walk hand in hand. I beg you to understand something before we discuss this any further. I’m not interested in getting married again, but Azazel’s been pressuring me forever, and now he’s leaning on Azul. Needless to say, the Dragon caved before I did. It’s not that I’m not crazy about you, Aldaren
I always have been. I’d be ecstatic if you were my husband, it would be a dream come true for me, but I want it to be for love, not because my father is a tyrant
” He let a cautious smile creep on to his lips, with the full awareness a ‘but’ would soon follow.

“There’s one other thing
If you don’t want children, then we need not pursue this conversation.” He reached out and put his hand on mine, gripping it tightly
He had no offspring, but I didn’t know why. Whether he didn’t want them, or he never had the chance, I hadn’t bothered to ask

“I love when you call me Aldaren, you are the only one who still does. My name on your lips reminds me of the music of Angels. I’m well aware you’ve been holding out on the old Demon, Azriella. Azul already explained everything to me. I wouldn’t have asked to see you if I didn’t understand the situation I was walking into. The thought of you carrying my child warms my ancient and cold
beating heart. It’s a great honor to even be considered as a suitor after all this time. What does any of this have to do with Zev?” I traced the back of his hand with my finger slowly.

“He’s still the Premier Prince. He approached me, telling me how sorry he was, how he wanted to come home and be a family again. Typically, I wouldn’t listen to him
I never bothered in the past when he’s tried to speak to me. This time was different, I listened to him
and I mean truly considered what he had to say. He didn’t lie. Zev’s changed. I’d be lying to myself, and everyone else, if I claimed I didn’t have feelings for him still. Our marriage wasn’t built on status or his a pretty face, I said yes because I loved him then and I love him now, despite everything he’s put me though
” His hand tensed under my fingertips.

“Azul told me it was up to me, he’s not crazy about the idea, but he would never deny me. Not when it comes to my happiness. Would you still consider our marriage if I resumed at relationship with Zev?” Dexter had never been as forgiving as Azul was, his eyes held a special kind of disgust for Zev
I believe he hated Zev more than Azul. It was amazing it was even possible

“I trust your judgment, Az. Nothing in this world would stop me from marrying you, but I mistrust him. Just because he wasn’t lying then, doesn’t mean he won’t lie later. Perhaps there’s some detail of his confession he’s leaving out. I’m a little shocked this came up at all.” I’d been waiting for this, the warnings, and the cautious Vampire outlook.

“I recall what he put you through, or did you forget it was me who you ran to every time. It was my shoulder you cried on, my arms that held you when you needed comfort. I’m not sure I can handle knowing you’re setting yourself up for more heartache. I love you and I can’t bear to see you go through any of his, excuse my French, bullshit again. I don’t trust him.” I understood, but he wasn’t refusing me either.

“But you are still willing to marry me?”

He nodded, “Of course I am. If push comes to shove, I will take care of the Zev problem, with or without your permission. I’ll fight with Azul to ensure I have the honor if I must
that’s a promise.” I walked my fingers up his arm, watching him watch my finger’s progress.

“When shall we marry then? We can wait until after I retire, which should be after this lifetime if I get my way, or we can do this as soon as possible but it will still take a while.” My fingers had made their way up to his porcelain face, caressing his cheek. He leaned into my hand as his eyes fluttered.

“I would prefer sooner rather than later.” I grinned and drew his mouth to mine. Our lips met eagerly
and in a flash he had pulled me up against his body. Our clothing barriers wouldn’t last long, not with the anticipation of the moment. He rolled me over on to my back, hovering over me like he prepared to keep me to himself for the rest of eternity. I wanted him to

His lips found mine again, and he slowly left a trail of fire down my neck, making his way to my heaving chest. His fingers found the two large buttons to my royal cloak, slipping them out of their cradles. I let out a soft moan as his hand ran along the edge of my tightly laced bodice. For once, I was wearing a skirt
rather than leather pants. Today, right now, I was a Princess.

“Do you have any idea how long I have waited to touch you like this? How badly I’ve wanted to feel your naked flesh up against mine for more than a fleeting moment? It’s been an eternity, my Azriella, since I made love to you.” He whispered into my chest. I sighed when his tongue ran down to the top of my breasts and they begged to be released from their corseted confinement.

“Shall we do this the easy way
or the hard way my love?” I couldn’t endure a slow undressing or foreplay right now and I noted the urgency in his voice. Our need for each other was too vast, and some things couldn’t be kept waiting.

“The easy way please, I can’t wait a moment longer.” I grinned, hastily turning into smoke, immediately solidifying back in the nude. He leered at me and stripped his clothes off with lightning fast skill. The entire undressing endeavor only took a couple of seconds.

He stood at the edge of the pillowed platform as I laid there in wait. I longed for his creamy white skin, so perfect and smooth. Up against my sun kissed body, he appeared to be phantom

“I’ve been waiting for so long to be able to claim you as mine, Azriella. I started to wonder if the day would ever come.” He moved on to the bed, crawling toward me like a predatory animal that hadn’t eaten in days. The muscles on his lean frame rippled with every movement. I loved the way his naked body glowed in the firelight. The only dark spots on his torso were from the tattoos that stood out like charcoal on white paper.

He positioned himself above me, and as I looked up at him from my back, I ran my fingers through his long mahogany hair, releasing the dark waves from their leather thong. It washed over me, creating our own private little world where only the two of us, eye to eye, existed.

The light flickered in his red-rimmed eyes and a wide smile stretched across his face, exposing his slender white fangs he normally kept hidden.

“Make love to me Aldaren.” I whispered. He lowered his body onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist
I coiled my legs on his hips and forced him closer. My senses lit up like an electrical storm everywhere our skin touched. I hadn’t forgotten what kind of lover Aldaren was; I used to live for our secret meetings. Attentive and amazing
Centuries of experience made my body form to his like a glove.

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