The Surien Series Blood Guardian (17 page)

BOOK: The Surien Series Blood Guardian
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After the reception was over they all went back to Symarah's house. The guys decided that it would be best if the day walkers stayed there until this was all over. Symarah set them up in her other guest rooms, next to Daire and Jareth on the lower level. Conner had gone to bed as soon as his room was ready and Jareth retired to his room as well. Kassie and Duncan had gone off toward Kassie's bedroom on the second floor. It was two in the morning and Symarah wasn't ready for bed yet so she and Daire decided to take a stroll along the winding paths that traversed her property.

“This is the far northwestern corner of my land,” Symarah said. “Just on the other side of that hedge, is where the neighbor's yard begins. I'm told that the previous owner had an 8-foot fence built around the entire back yard, with three gates along the back of the property, one in the middle and one on either end, with paths leading to the private beach. Supposedly he kept the gates closed and locked at all times. I had them removed shortly after I purchased the house.”

“If the whole place is surrounded by fences and locked gates, why have an 8-foot tall hedge surrounding the back yard as well; you can't even see the fence?” Daire questioned.

“The fence was to keep people out, and the hedge was to keep the paparazzi from taking pictures through the fence, although I'm not sure how much they could have seen through all the trees and Spanish moss.”

“Paparazzi, who lived here before you?”

Alexander Knight
, if you believe the rumors that is.”

“The famous author; is that why you bought this house?” Daire asked.

“No, I bought the house because I love the landscaping, the winding paths, the statues, the trees,” she smiled fondly, “and the private beach of course.”

“Of course,” Daire grinned, as they began slowly walking back toward the house. Just then, a loud clap of thunder rumbled and a flash of lightning lit the sky. “We should get back, before the storm hits,” he said.

“You can go if you want, I'll be in after a bit,” Symarah said.

“You're not coming? You'll be drenched if you stay out in this weather.”

“It's only water,” she laughed. “Besides, I like walking in the rain. I always go out when it storms, I love how spooky the trees are, and the thunder and lightning make it even more eerie.”

Symarah was right, it was very eerie. This would be a perfect set for a movie about ghosts or a haunted house.

“Can I ask you something, Daire?” Symarah said, as they strolled along the stone path.

“You can ask me anything caria.”

“You said that you have to drink blood every three days or you will die, whose blood do you drink?”

“Some choose to take blood from mortals. They find someone to drink from and they put them in a deep sleep. They take only what they need to survive and then they erase all memory of themselves. The victim awakes, feeling rested and refreshed. Others who choose not to feed directly from a victim receive their blood from Athena.”

“They drink Athena's blood?” Symarah was shocked.

“No, she collects the blood from humans; some of the day walkers volunteer their blood as well.”

“What do you mean, how does she collect the blood?”

“I'm not sure exactly, when she needs blood she simply waves her hand in front of the empty bottles and they are instantly full.  I know she doesn't take so much from any one person that it would hurt them. Every third day, what looks like a bottle of red wine, will appear while we sleep, kind of like auto ship,” Daire joked. “Jareth and I choose to receive our blood from Athena.”

“Could you take your blood from me … without putting me to sleep?” Symarah asked.

“To take blood from a willing partner, one who is awake, is a very sensual experience and is usually performed during the act of sex,” Daire explained. “It is an act of intimacy and is said to be intensely pleasurable to both parties.”

“You've never done it?” Symarah was surprised.

“In the beginning the cursed Atlanteans drank from one another; eventually, once we started to leave Atlantis, we were forced to find victims to drink from, but I've never drank from someone who was awake.”

Symarah was relieved to know that Daire had chosen to get his blood from Athena. She wasn't sure why, but the thought of him drinking another woman's blood, even if she wasn't awake, made her very jealous, almost like he would be cheating on her. She leaned in and kissed him gently. “I love walking along the paths at night, it's so peaceful and beautiful,” she sighed as she gazed up at the night sky. She was still wearing her bridesmaids dress, but she and Daire had both left their shoes by the front door.

Daire felt so relaxed walking hand in hand with Symarah. There was something in her that calmed his troubled soul. She looked radiant in the moonlight. Her hair was pulled up at the sides and held in an elegant rhinestone clasp, curled tendrils framing her delicate face. The crimson dress complemented her skin tone perfectly, although its satin sheen paled in comparison to the light of the moon reflecting in her beautiful raven mane.

“You look beautiful tonight, but then you always look beautiful,” Daire complimented.

“Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself. Don't get me wrong, the tux was nice, but I prefer you like this.”

Daire was always impeccably dressed, not as formal as Jareth in his three-piece suits, but well-dressed just the same. After the reception, he had changed into a pair of black dress pants that accentuated his assets perfectly, and a matching collarless button-down shirt left un-tucked. He looked even more scrumptious than usual tonight, with his long hair pulled back in a ponytail.

“There's just one thing missing,” she told him.

“And what would that be?” Daire questioned, as lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating his handsome face.

“Your fangs,” she answered sheepishly.

“You like my fangs?” Daire said, a little startled by her confession.

“Yes,” she blushed. “Why do they disappear?”

“They retract; they only come out when we need them, or when we are aroused, sexually.” It was a definite turn-on that she liked his fangs, and her sudden shyness had him hard as a rock already.

“Let's see what we can do about that,” Symarah whispered in his ear. She ran her tongue along his earlobe, nibbling at the bottom of it. She faced him, looking into his eyes seductively. She placed her hands on his chest, running her right hand up his chest to the back of his neck. Raising up on her tip toes, she licked his lips, as she loosened his ponytail and tangled her fingers in his jet black hair. His fangs instantly extended.

“Mmm, that's much better,” she purred, as she licked the tip of one of his fangs. A small drop of blood formed on her tongue, sending Daire over the edge. He sucked her tongue into his mouth, her blood heightening his intense desire. He had never tasted anything so intoxicating. Symarah unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands down his chest, to his washboard abs. As the thunder rolled, and the rain began to fall, her desire grew stronger. She never dreamed she could want someone so desperately. She took a step back, smiling at him seductively, and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to her feet. Daire looked amazing, standing there in the moonlight, rain drops streaming down his chiseled chest. His wet hair clinging to his shoulders. She had never seen anything so delicious in all her life. She took a step forward, placing her hands on his hips, and ran her tongue across his neck. Daire was mesmerized by her seduction. She took his breath away, standing there in nothing but her crimson bra and matching satin panties. Her long raven hair fell in tight wet ringlets around her face, and the rain streaming down her body stirred in him an un-deniable urge to taste her skin. He had never seen anything so sexy. He dipped his head down and kissed her deeply as he made her bra and panties disappear with a wave of his hand. He licked his way down her neck to her full breasts. He could taste the rain on her skin as he ran his tongue across her nipple, lightly scraping it with one fang. She loved the feel of his fangs on her skin. She didn't know why, but the thought of him sinking his fangs into her neck while he was buried deep inside her, drove her wild with desire. She grabbed a handful of his silky black hair, and pulled. Daire growled low in his throat.

“You like to pull my hair,” Daire smirked.

“Should I stop?”

“Never stop, caria,” he whispered, placing his hand between her legs, as he kissed her lips. Symarah let out a soft moan as he slid his finger inside her. She slid her long, shapely leg up the side of his thigh, opening herself to him.

“I want you, Daire, now,” Symarah purred seductively as she slid her hand down to undo his pants. Daire raised his hand to wave his clothes away, but she stopped him.

“Leave them on,” she whispered. He looked so sexy with his black shirt, hanging open, wet and clinging to his lean muscular body.

Daire picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and pinned her against the tree. He had planned on drawing it out, teasing her a little more, but she obviously wasn't interested in foreplay and after hearing her say she wanted him now, he wasn't sure he could hold out much longer anyway.  Her legs were still wrapped around his waist, as she reached her hand down between their wet bodies and guided him inside her. Daire moaned her name as he buried himself deep inside her. She could feel the tree scratching her back as he pressed into her, harder and deeper with each thrust. The mixture of both pleasure and pain only served to heighten her desire. Everything about him set her body on fire, his flawless appearance, his strong but gentle touch, the way he moaned her name in that strange sexy lilt. She looked up at him and was surprised to find that he was staring at her intently. Her gaze fell to his mouth, those sexy full lips, wet with rain. She ran her tongue across his bottom lip and then nibbled it gently. She then moved her attention to his neck, licking and kissing him right below his ear.

“Harder,” she commanded, as she ran her tongue across his earlobe.

Daire thrust his hips against her, burying himself so deep inside her, she threw her head back and moaned his name. Daire kissed her neck as he continued to drive himself deeper inside her. Symarah could feel her body tightening with every stroke. She could feel his fangs scraping her neck as he kissed her there.

“Drink from me,” Symarah moaned.

Daire's senses were on overload, his head was buzzing, his body burned for her. He wanted nothing more than to sink his fangs into her soft supple skin and taste her sweet ambrosia, but that would only make it that much harder for him to leave.

“I don't think...”

“Don't think, Daire, just feel,” she whispered, pressing his mouth against her throat. He could feel her gentle pulse pressing against his lips, his bloodlust intensifying with every beat. It was more than he could handle. He sank his fangs into her porcelain skin, and drank from her. He had never taken blood from a willing, conscious partner before, and never in his life had it been sexual. It was the most amazing experience he had ever imagined, his head was spinning, he felt drunk from it. Symarah cried out in pain as his fangs pierced her neck, but in an instant the pain was replaced by the greatest pleasure she had ever known. She had never felt so connected to anyone, it was as if they had become one, body, mind and soul. Daire could feel her body tensing as he thrust his hips against hers, getting harder and more urgent with every stroke. He felt her body tighten around his as she dug her nails into his back. Intense pleasure mixed with the delicious pain of her nails across his back was more than he could take, he joined her in her climax as he savored one last sip of her heavenly elixir. Daire kissed her lightly as he put her feet back on the ground.

“You are an amazing woman, Symarah,” he said, looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes. He had only felt this way about one other woman. It was odd to him, knowing that Symarah and Meissen were one in the same. In some ways they were quite similar but very different in others. Still, she was every bit as precious to him as Meissen had been so long ago.

“You're pretty great too, ya know.”

Just then, a loud clap of thunder rung out and lightning struck very nearby.

“We should probably get back to the house, before we're struck by lightning,” Daire suggested.

“Well, I can't walk in like this, what if one of the guys is still awake?” Symarah said, pointing out her severe lack of clothing.

“You're right, I would hate to have to kill any of them,” Daire said with an evil smirk. He waved his hand in front of her and instantly she was dressed in a pair of black cotton shorts and a crimson T-shirt that read, “Seize The Night” in small black letters.

“Where did this come from, it's not mine.”

“I saw it in a clothing store that Kassie dragged me into a few nights ago, I thought you might like it so I bought it,” Daire answered sheepishly.

“I love it,” Symarah smiled, hugging him tight. She took his hand in hers as they began walking back toward the house. “Do You miss Atlantis?” Symarah asked, as they casually strolled along the stone path, hand in hand.

“Sometimes. Before the corruption, it was a very peaceful existence.”

“I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a place like that.”

“It definitely had its advantages, but there are some perks to living here too.”

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