The Seeking Kiss (4 page)

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Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Seeking Kiss
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“Spread for him, our beautiful Nissa,” he whispered to her.

She did, letting her legs fall open, and Hex settled between them. Her sex quivered deep inside in anticipation. And then she felt his warm breath against her swollen pussy lips.

“Oh,” she breathed.

Aleron kissed her cheek, the corners of her mouth. His tongue darted out to tease her lips, as Hex’s tongue flicked the tip of her clit.


Pleasure lanced into her, biting deep into her belly, spreading outward, into her limbs. Hex’s hands slipped beneath her buttocks, holding onto her, and as Aleron plunged his tongue into her mouth, Hex thrust his tongue into her aching pussy.

It was too much, too much, as they both used their tongues to impale her—soft, hot, damp flesh in her mouth, in her pussy. And Hex’s fingers digging into her buttocks, Aleron’s hands holding her face still, as though he never intended to let her go.

Never let go…

As if in answer, Hex sucked her hard clitoris into his mouth, sucking, sucking, his fingers slipping into her needy sex. And she was coming, so damn hard she was out of her head. Her hips bucked hard as pleasure shimmered inside her, shocking, electric. And as she came Hex plunged his fingers deep inside her, pulling his mouth from her still-pulsing clit, and replaced his tongue with strong, stroking thumbs, driving her climax on.

“You are ours,” Aleron whispered against her mouth before kissing her again, his tongue driving deep.

Somehow through the hammering waves of her orgasm, she felt Hex’s lips soft on the inside of her right thigh, at that apex so close to her sex, then the sharp pleasure as he sank his teeth into her flesh.

Her head reeled, her orgasm exploding in a blinding flash, dizzying, powerful, out of control. Pleasure rolled over her, again and again, pounding into her body, and all she could do was give in to it, give herself over to
. Lovely, shattering, leaving her weak and breathless. Between the hot flood of pleasure were brief, hazy images, as though she were peeking through a fluttering curtain. Hex in Aleron’s arms for the first time, the older vampire’s teeth sinking in, drinking from him. Hex’s delirium as pleasure rose in his body, came crashing over him, taking him under. That strange sensation of his body changing, everything clear and unbelievably brilliant. The two of them taking a lovely woman, a beautiful young man. Lust, hunger, fed and sated. And through it all, her orgasm like a thundering wave, pressing her down into the bed, into their hard and waiting hands.

It seemed to go on forever, even as they gathered her into their arms, kissed her cheeks, her mouth, her eyelids. It was like an endless climax, surges of pleasure still skittering over her skin, through her veins, the scent of her own blood tangy in the air. And she floated, safe in their arms, in her dreams of Hex, of Aleron, of the Seeking Kiss.

She was part of them now.

Soon it really was too much, and the world went black.

Chapter Four

She awoke to a diffused, pale light behind her eyelids. Opening her eyes, she blinked, taking in her surroundings.

She wasn’t at the Midnight Playground any longer, but in a big bed covered in a blanket of midnight blue velvet. The light was seeping in through sheer curtains at a trio of tall, paned windows. Outside she could see the tops of trees, their leaves such a dark green they were nearly black in the early morning light. The walls of the room were covered in striped damask paper, as she’d only ever seen before in books of stately old English houses. The ceiling soared overhead, the center domed and decorated with plaster scrollwork. Incredible place. Other than the club itself, she had never been anyplace so luxurious.

She realized she was naked. And that Hex was lying beside her. When she turned her head his dark gaze was on her face.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He reached out, drew one finger along her jaw. “But I can’t stop looking at you. You’ve been so beautiful these past hours as you slept.”

She didn’t know what to say in response. When was the last time a man had unsettled her? But this wasn’t a man.

“Where am I?”

“Aleron’s house in Highgate. If you look out the windows you’ll see Highgate Cemetery. Aleron has an odd sense of humor at times.”

He smiled at her, and she had her first glimpse of the part of him that was still human. Her heart surged, but she only smiled back.

“He’s gone, off on some business. I don’t ask. He’ll be home in an hour or so. We often sleep during the day, so he’ll want his bed soon enough. You slept well. Are you still tired?” he asked her.

“No. I feel good. Just a bit…dreamy.”

“Yes, that’s part of it, taking the Kiss, especially for the first time.”

“Was I… Was it all right then? I mean…” She pushed her hair from her face. “God, I sound like a girl with her first lover.”

“It’s fine. And usual, under these circumstances. You’ll feel strange for a few days. It gets easier, in time. Meanwhile, you can stay with us. We’ll care for you.”

“I should go home at some point. To… God, I don’t know. Nothing seems very important right now.”

He shrugged, an almost feline motion of his muscled shoulders. “That’s normal too. You may need some time alone at some point to get your head around what’s happened to you.”

“Was that how it was for you?”

“No. I was in it all the way from the first moment. There was a sort of recklessness about it for me, but I’d always been like that.”

“You’re American,” she realized suddenly.

“I was, yes. I came to Europe to find adventure when I was eighteen, as soon as I was old enough to leave home, to get a passport without my father’s consent. He was a real bastard, and I couldn’t wait to get away.”

“And your mother? The rest of your family?”

“She died when I was three years old. I never really knew her, and I have no other family in the U.S., no other family I knew well enough to be close with. My father’s temper had isolated us from our relatives.” He shrugged once more. “Leaving was simple for me. There was nothing to miss.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing more than anyone else goes through, growing up. We all have our history. You lost your parents too.”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“When I drank from you, I saw a little of your life. Just as you saw some of mine.”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“But none of that matters anymore. It hasn’t since I left home and came to Europe.”

“And is that when you discovered the Midnight Playground?”

“As soon as I arrived in Berlin. But Berlin is a hard place, even harder than London, and it was intimidating to me in those days. I never approached the club there. I was young. I spent another few years traveling all over Europe, took off for Southeast Asia for a year, lived in South America for a while, then came back to Europe. And landed in Paris. I was there for a few days when I met a woman by chance who had been to the club. Or maybe it wasn’t entirely by chance. But when she told me about what went on there, what really went on, I knew I had to be there. She took me in about a month later. And I met Aleron right away. He offered me the Turning Kiss that first night, as we told you. He is the only vampire I’ve ever taken as a lover.”

“So you’re young, a new vampire. But, Aleron… He seems ancient to me.”

“He’s been on this Earth for several centuries. But again, I don’t ask.”

“I can feel his age.”


“I didn’t expect that.”

“No. What else has been unexpected for you, Nissa?”

He traced his fingertips over her cheek, his gaze searching hers, and a thrill went through her that wasn’t entirely sexual. But she couldn’t figure out yet what was happening to her.

“All of it. I learned what I could by reading, by talking with people on the Internet, and with my friend, Ilana, who helped me get into the club. But I never knew it would be so…intense. I didn’t know to expect this sense of connection. And being told that you, the vampires, can sense what we think is one thing, but to experience it is something else entirely. There is no way to prepare yourself for this.”

“I felt the same way. Overwhelmed, but wanting it, without question.”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“But is this what you wanted, Nissa?”

He leaned over her, his brows drawn together. So beautiful, this man. This vampire, with his gleaming, polished skin, his lush mouth. And those dark eyes that saw inside her head. She wanted to give him everything.

“This is all I wanted and more. You are…”

Should she tell him? Could she even admit to herself that while Aleron was exquisite and amazing, a lover beyond any she could have imagined, his power and age compelling, irresistible, it was Hex who drew her in some other, inexplicable way?

“I feel it, too,” he whispered to her. “I feel it, Nissa. I feel

His arms came around her body, and he rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. His hands glided over her skin, her back, her waist, her hips. Then he pulled her up, until they were face-to-face, and he sighed into her mouth as he opened her lips with his tongue.

She was wet immediately, needing, yearning. Her breasts ached against his hard chest. And she had one brief moment to wonder at how different his vampiric body felt from that of a mortal man’s. That strange and lovely hardness beneath the silken skin. The way he smelled, like the dark, earth, yet absolutely clean. Pure.

“Nissa. Where is your mind, beautiful girl?” He lifted a wrist to his lips, kissed her there softly.

“I’m wondering if there is something almost holy about the body of a vampire, immortal as you are.”

He laughed. “There is nothing holy about us. We aren’t either evil or sacred. We simply
, as you are. We all have the power of free will. We make our choices, just as humans do.”

“But do you think it means something, that you live forever? That it means something—says something—about me, that I’ve chosen to be here with you?”

“There are people who say so, but only because they’re afraid of what they can’t comprehend.” He kissed her wrist once more, then opened her hand and kissed her palm, making her shiver. “Do you question yourself, Nissa? What you’re doing here? Do you need to make it sacred in order to justify your choices?”

She shook her head. “No. It simply
that way to me. Sacred. A bit above me maybe.” She stopped, stared into his bottomless dark eyes, her heart hammering in her chest. “
feel that way to me.”

“Ah, Nissa. My girl…”

He could not believe this girl. She was so damn beautiful. So wide open to him. They’d taken other girls before, of course, but never, in his human life or in the years of his existence as a vampire, had he found anyone else like her. She was different. He didn’t know why.

But she was squirming on him, her naked flesh pressing into his, and he didn’t want to think anymore. His cock was coming up hard, pressing into her belly. That wasn’t where he needed it to be.

“Nissa,” he whispered into her neck as he pulled her down harder against him. “I am going to fuck you now.”

“Oh, yes please.”

He laughed with the pure joy this girl brought him. Then he reached down and guided his rigid cock between her sweet thighs, up against that wet and waiting hole. Her soft moan made him shiver, pleasure driving into him as he pressed the head of his cock to her entrance, her hot, soft pussy lips against his rigid flesh exquisite.

“Now, Nissa.”

He gave one rough, driving thrust, burying himself deep inside her. Loved it when her body arched hard against him, when she cried out his name. He pulled back, desire a hard, scraping need in his belly. He began to really fuck her, his hands holding her hips, moving her up and down on his body, plunging deep. He loved the ecstasy on her face, her wild green eyes, her pink lips parted. He ground into her, felt her lovely, hot pussy clench around his cock. Felt her pleasure as though it were his own as she began to come.

“Hex! Oh God…”

Tears streaming down her face as she came, a lovely blush rising on her perfect, full breasts, her nipples dark red, swollen. And still he thrust into her soft body. Still she came. He was shaking with pleasure, hard waves of it as he tuned into her climax, felt the thrumming sensations pouring through her body. And he saw in that oddly shadowed way the images and thoughts in her mind, and was shocked to find the only thing there was

Potent, insistent, dizzying.

There was power in this girl. But he couldn’t think of it. Her sensations were joining with his own, with the feel of her tight pussy wrapped around his pulsing cock. He was going to come at any moment.

He pulled her wrist to his lips, whispered, “Nissa,” before sinking his teeth in.

She screamed with pleasure as he drank from her, her blood sweet on his tongue, like nectar, and with her blood he drank in her energy, her orgasm. And his own climax rolling over him, like the waves of the ocean—that keen, that powerful.

She was bucking against him, milking his cock, milking his climax, making it her own, until he no longer knew where hers ended and his began. They were coming together.



Nissa opened her eyes to find herself in Hex’s arms, their bodies twined. Aleron was on Hex’s other side, one arm looped over his golden chest. They both slept.

So strange, to see them sleeping. She knew vampires slept, mostly during the daylight hours, being nocturnal by nature. But it was incredible to see them like this, their power banked, slumbering, as they did. This was her fifth day with them—or was it her seventh? Her tenth? She’d lost track. Time had ceased to matter after that very first night. And they had never ceased to amaze her, in every way.

The days and nights had gone by in a blur of naked flesh, the scent of sex, the taste of their flawless skin on her tongue, the overpowering sensation of them taking her blood in the Seeking Kiss, over and over. They had fed her, massaged her, bathed her, all with the greatest care. It was wonderful. Surreal.

She watched them, their slow, even breaths causing their chests to rise and fall. Their faces were incredibly beautiful in the late-afternoon sunlight. It caught at the tips of their lashes, Hex’s thick and black, tipped with blue fire, Aleron’s pale gold. The sheets were gathered around their waists, and she thought once more how different they were, how gorgeous the contrast. She loved to see them touch each other. That moment when she’d come upon them at the Midnight Playground, naked and entangled, had been one of the most erotic moments of her life. Until they’d invited her to join them.

But now, something had changed. Her body craved Aleron’s touch. But her heart yearned for Hex.

He’d told her that first morning he felt it too. But did that mean he was simply aware of her need, or that he shared it?

And who was she, a mere mortal woman, someone they’d just met, to think of taking Hex from Aleron?

She groaned, turning onto her back to stare at the play of light and shadow on the ornate ceiling high overhead. She’d never really been afraid of anything in her life, but she was scared now, absolutely overwhelmed. Not by being with the vampires. No, that was her every erotic dream come to life. What scared her was what she was feeling for Hex, and how quickly it had happened.

She didn’t believe in soul mates or any of that nonsense, and that wasn’t what was happening here. But something was, something powerful. Maybe it was nothing more than the intensity of the vampires, of sex with them, simply
with them. And it would be perfectly natural for her—for anyone—to crave one more than the other.

Maybe she needed to stop questioning everything and simply bask in the fulfillment of her desires, of desires she’d never even known she had.


She turned and found his gaze on her.

“Are you all right, Nissa?” he asked quietly.

“What? Yes. Just thinking.”

“Too much perhaps?”

“Perhaps.” She smiled, and he smiled back, and once more she could not get over the pure beauty of his face.

“I understand, you know. I remember how it feels to be human in the presence of a vampire. To feel awed by everything. And I’ll tell you, I am in awe even now, being with Aleron, being a vampire myself. I still cannot comprehend the eternity of my own existence. But it’s also amazing. Beautiful.”

“Maybe we’re not meant to understand it.”

“I think Aleron understands much more than I do. He’s had more time to think about it, to get used to the idea. Even my ten years is nothing to such a creature. It’s nothing to me now.”

“Does it ever…frighten you? To know there is no end, ever?”

“The only thing that makes me afraid is the idea of being alone in this long life. But I have Aleron. And he’d never leave me. I know that.”

Nissa’s heart stuttered in her chest. No, they would never leave each other. Where, then, did that leave her?

Hex reached out and stroked her cheek. “Nissa,” he whispered, “I want you with us. You know that.”

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