The Seduction of Sebastian St. James (5 page)

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Authors: Rachel van Dyken

Tags: #historical romance, #regency romance, #Humorous, #Rachel Van Dyken, #The Ugly Duckling Debutante, #kindle romance, #Fiction, #Romance, #Astraea Press, #London, #Historical Fiction, #Regency London, #Sensual romance, #Under 3.00 Kindle

BOOK: The Seduction of Sebastian St. James
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Nobody was standing next to him.

Perfect. Madness had finally caught up to him. How fortunate.

“Maybe you should draw her a picture.”

Sebastian felt a tug on his pants and looked down.

Samuel, now jelly free thanks to a bath, was standing next to him with his arms crossed, revealing wisdom beyond his years of living.

“What, may I ask, are you doing here, Samuel?”

“Walk.” He smiled.

“Walk,” Sebastian repeated, knowing Nicholas would surely have his son’s hide…again.

“There you are, Master Samuel!” The nanny was running quite wildly toward them.

“I’ll cover you if you want to make a run for it,” Sebastian teased.

Samuel let out a huff of air and rolled his eyes. “I told her we were playing tag. She’s just too slow.”

“Right.” Sebastian had to agree as he watched the nanny awkwardly fumble toward them as if she hadn’t run a day in her life. It might be wise to notify Nicholas that a younger nanny would better suit.


Chapter Four


Sebastian brooded about Miss Gates’ odd reaction the entire way to his townhome. He was utterly exhausted and had only moments to make sure things were prepared for his sister’s arrival before returning to Renwick House. The last thing he needed was three green girls and their shrill-like laughter reverberating through the halls while he tried to calm himself after his confrontation with Miss Gates.

To make matters worse, upon returning, Nicholas had scolded him in front of Samuel as if it was his fault the boy had lost his nanny.

In an effort to protect the small boy from more punishment, Sebastian had taken the blame on himself and was next properly “grounded” from taking rides in the park. Later Nicholas said it was all for show so Samuel would see that even dukes had consequences for their actions.

It was in that moment Sebastian fully took Samuel’s side.

It was not a pretty sight. At the end of the conversation, Samuel and Nicholas had gotten into their second argument in one day over parenting. Obviously Sebastian hadn’t a clue what he was talking about, but considering he was already at his wits end because of Miss Gates, he couldn’t control his raging emotions. Suffice to say, it was why when he left he slammed the door behind him, cursing the entire way home.

The normally joyful Duke of Tempest was obviously on holiday. Replaced with the raging and angry Duke of Tempest who managed to scowl and yell at his best friend over something that wasn’t his business to be discussing.

To make matters worse, as punishment, Nicholas told—not asked, told—Sebastian he was to pick Miss Gates up promptly at eight for her first ball.

It didn’t help matters that in his mind he had already seduced her repeatedly.

By nightfall he had raised his voice at his valet, accidently tripped over a stray dog, and bruised his right knee after slamming his large frame into the carriage door.

Thoughts of Miss Gates ran rampant through his mind. A long night full of shrieking young misses and advantageous mamas was ahead of him. And the worst of it all was the very idea he had to escort Miss Gates and pretend not to be staring at her bee-stung lips. Donning black and white evening attire, he took one last look at himself and gathered his gloves.

Earlier in the day, to his utter dismay given the circumstances, he had brought most of his clothes and belongings to Renwick House. Staying under the same roof of Miss Gates guaranteed him one of the longest seasons of his existence. His only prayer was either she beat him to the altar or Nicholas miraculously find him a proper wife, and find her soon.

He glanced at the clock and swore; it was a minute past eight. He had tried his best to stay in his room until the time came for him to escort the girl. He steeled himself against the lust and anger shooting through his body and reached for his hat. Surely she couldn’t be any lovelier than early today.

Since returning to Renwick House, it seemed the only thing he could think about was Miss Gates and the location of her bedroom. As he walked down the hall, he began preparing himself for her appearance.

He waited at the bottom of the stairs, restlessly twirling his hat in his fingers. A door slammed in the distance and moments later Miss Gates descended the marble staircase. Delicate hands smoothly traced the cherry wood railing. Gaining enough curiosity, he looked at the rest of her and accidently cursed out loud.

Dresses should be outlawed. In fact, it would please him greatly if any woman of at least above average beauty revolted against modern fashion and decided to wear giant loose fitting dresses. Dresses that covered more than hugged. Noticing the sway of her hips as the material seemed to cling and then dance next to her thighs, his eyes swept upward, his only saving grace was that the thick shawl seemed to cover the more appealing parts of her body. He mouthed a prayer of thanks and smiled as she took his outstretched hand and dipped in a low curtsy.

“Why, Miss Gates, you look positively ravishing.” Teeth clenched, he managed to only get out one sentence before gaping again at the cut of her gown. His height gave him the advantage as his eyes scanned beneath the opening of her shawl.

for your benefit, so stop staring,” she retorted with a smirk. “I’m supposed to be husband hunting, remember?”

Brazen hoyden! Did it matter that he was staring when every other man in attendance would be doing the same? What prim and proper girl said such things? And to a duke no less! Nicholas needed to keep a closer watch on this girl, if he desired for her to last more than a week without being led out into Vauxhill gardens by the first rake who took a liking to her charms.

Blind fury took over as he clenched her outstretched hand. It irritated him that such a tiny flippant comment would even upset him. Pasting the coolness on his face years of breeding had taught him, he whispered into her ear, “How could I so easily forget my place? Apologies.”

Emma’s eyes squinted at him before she turned and waited for the door to be opened. The ducal carriage was waiting just outside to take them to the ball. Sebastian watched in fascination, it seemed everything she did was graceful. He found himself watching every move as if trying to decipher why the woman had so much fluidity in her motions.

Sebastian heard Nicholas and Sara approach, both of them giving final instructions to the nanny before they left, as well as consequences for Duncan if he again tried to sneak out.

Poor Duncan was back from boarding school and none too pleased to have to stay home while the adults had all the fun. He was also positively smitten with Miss Gates, not that Sebastian blamed the youngster. Then again he was eight by now, so his loyalty was easily swayed. Miss Gates had complimented Samuel on training his dog all by himself. After commending him, he was convinced she was the best thing that had happened all year.

Once everyone was snug in the carriage, he hit the top and they were off. The silence was a welcome distraction from the perfume he could smell wafting from Miss Gates. Sitting by her had been the obvious choice. Now he regretted it.

Sara cleared her throat, demanding attention. “Now would be an excellent time for both of you to explain why you felt the need to yell at one another this afternoon over a silly little misconception at the park.”

Miss Gates’ eyes widened. Sebastian shook his head. Obviously she had no idea he was grounded from riding because of Samuel, not her.

“He’s being an arrogant and ungrateful cad,” Nicholas interjected, crossing his arms.

“And he’s being stubborn and pig-headed!” Sebastian bellowed. He never bellowed.

Where was the whiskey again?

Sara threw up her arms in exasperation. “You men have been friends for years. Even I can’t say I’ve known my husband that long. Whatever it is that has both of your feathers ruffled—deal with it. Or I shan’t speak to you ever again.”

Her eyes were on Sebastian as she made the threat, then she turned and acknowledged her husband. “As for you…You may find a different place to sleep tonight. I’m sure Samuel left remnants of jelly on his bed.”

“My apologies for our earlier spat, Seb!” Nicholas shouted nearly taking the roof off with his volume. Obviously he had been spending too much time with his mother-in-law Lady Fenton, whose loudness trumped in comparison.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Accepted. I too apologize for giving advice that wasn’t mine to give, just don’t be so hard on the little boy. He only acts like his father.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Nicholas huffed. Sara grabbed his hand and kissed it.

“Was that so hard, my love?”

Nicholas immediately softened and kissed his wife firmly across the mouth.

Miss Gates looked away and sighed, bringing Sebastian’s attention back to the curve of her mouth.

Who was this girl?

Her hair was adorned with several tiny crystals making the shots of red shimmer. Vixen. That would be the only word to describe her. He had to avoid her at all costs, lest he compromise her and force her into a marriage neither of them wanted.


Chapter Five


Emma sighed longingly out the window of the traveling carriage. She took great pains to keep her emotions inside, trying to always laugh and live the adventurous life she knew she deserved. Yet at times she couldn’t help the sadness that crept up in moments of tenderness. What Nicholas and Sara had was beautiful.

She was envious because the love they shared would never be hers.

For a moment she was alarmed that they had caught wind of her and the duke’s argument in the park. His swift nod told her otherwise.

Shocking how one little word can destroy a person.

“Damaged” was how he had put it.

Unfortunately it defined her life and her future perfectly. It was the one word her father had used repeatedly when describing the incident to the rest of the family.

And the word her betrothed had spat under his breath when he explained to her father why their marriage contract was officially annulled. Rumors had run rampant throughout their country estate. Her only saving grace was that somehow her father had paid off enough of the servants. The
hadn’t caught wind of her scandal. God willing, they never would.

Thoughts of her betrothed and her ruination always stole her confidence and lust for life, never mind that men often took women of ill repute to their beds. Apparently a woman of good breeding who only appeared to have met with a man privately was more dirty and less clean than even the most wicked of prostitutes. It hadn’t helped that the day after the incident, her sister had announced to her already furious parents Emma had been sneaking out at night and dancing with the gypsies. It was the final nail in her social coffin, sealing her fate as the daughter who’d let the great Gates family down.

Just keep it inside
, she chanted as the air in the carriage seemed to thin by the second. Finally they came to a stop answering her silent plea. Rising to get out, she took a shaky breath. Just a little further and she would have fresh air. Her eyes blurred until she only saw a look of concern in the duke’s eyes, and then things went completely black as her knees gave way.




“Emma.” The voice sounded thick and hazy.

Suddenly her eyes fluttered open. Apparently she had fainted.

This is where letting your emotions fly uninhibited gets you. Flat on your back in the middle of a carriage with the most eligible duke of the realm staring down at you as if you’d tossed your brain outside with the bath water.

“I must have…” She shook her head, then realized the duke wasn’t actually looking down at her, he was holding her.

Was it so wrong to enjoy the feel of his hands on her face as he looked in her eyes with concern? It was an obvious brotherly concern, but still, a girl could dream.

“Emma,” he said again.

Wasn’t he most improper, calling her by her Christian name? Something warm and tingly squeezed her heart, and in that moment, she knew he could call her anything he desired, as long as he didn’t let her go.

And then his hands moved across her neck, examining to see if she had hit anything during her tumble.

“We should go inside, but we can wait until you are ready.”

“What happened?” Slowly she looked around the carriage and noticed it was empty.

Tempest lifted her onto the seat and placed her skirts around her ankles for propriety’s sake. “When the door opened Nicholas and Sara took their leave. I turned around to ask you if you needed assistance down, and as you rose, you fainted. Are you normally this—”

“Weak?” she finished. “No, your grace. I’m sorry for any trouble I might have caused you. I assure you, I’m fine.”

Apparently keeping her thoughts and emotions inside had caused her to faint.




Emma flashed him a brilliant smile and leapt from the carriage. He followed suit and offered his arm as they entered the ballroom.

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