The Recruit: Book One (24 page)

Read The Recruit: Book One Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: The Recruit: Book One
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“Shit.”  He jerked open the door of his truck.  “Get in the
goddamn truck, Hannah.”

She smiled.  “If you insist.” 

After removing her swords and placing them carefully in the
back seat, she climbed into the passenger’s side of the truck and clicked her
seatbelt in place.  He started the truck and turned the heat on.  She angled
the vents on her side towards her and sighed with pleasure as the hot air
washed over her.

He pulled on to the road and started driving as she leaned
back and smiled at him.


“I thought you weren’t hunting tonight.”

He shrugged.  “As far as Richard is concerned, I wasn’t

She laughed.  “He’s going to find out you know.  The others
won’t keep it a secret.”

“It’s not my problem that I was out for a drive and stumbled
on to your hunt.”

She laughed again and stretched, arching her back and
rubbing the small of her back with her hands.  He glanced at her and immediately
looked back at the road.  Her stretching was pushing her full breasts out, and
he had no problem remembering how perfectly they fit into his hands.  When he
dared to look back at her, she was smiling at him in a knowing sort of way.

“You okay, Will?”

“Just fine.”  He muttered.

“Good.”  She paused.  “You seem a little distracted.”

He cleared his throat.  “How did you enjoy your first hunt?”

She didn’t reply at first and he looked at her.  She was
staring dreamily through the windshield, one hand stroking the end of her

“Hannah?”  He prompted.

“It was so easy.”  She said in a low voice.  “Like leading
lambs to the slaughter.”

He frowned.  “It won’t always be that easy.  You can’t let
your guard down ever.  This group was mostly yearlings, easily distracted by
the smell of humans and blood.  Older vampires are more powerful, faster and
harder to kill.”

She was still staring out the windshield and he frowned again.
 “Hannah, did you hear me?”

“Yes.  I’ll be careful, Will.”  She shook her head and then shivered
delicately.  “I’m never going to get warm with my shirt this wet.  Do you have
an extra shirt I can borrow?”

“Yeah.  There are a couple shirts in a bag in the back

She grinned.  “Sometimes it’s handy hitching a ride with a

She unclicked her seatbelt and slid to the middle of the
seat.  She twisted on to her knees and leaned over the back seat, rummaging
through the bag.  Will glanced at her ass, groaning quietly to himself at the way
the smooth leather clung to it.

“A-ha!”  She smiled triumphantly and sat back in the front
seat.  She stripped off her shirt, and his eyes automatically dropped to her
breasts.  Her bra was just as wet as her shirt and the thin, white fabric had
become translucent. 

Her nipples strained at the wet fabric and as she reached
behind her to undo the clasp, she smiled teasingly at him.  “No peeking, Will.”

He flushed and turned his attention back to the road as she
pulled her bra off and slipped into his shirt.  She dropped her wet t-shirt and
bra into the back seat indifferently, and sat down next to him.  Her thigh
brushed against his and he cleared his throat nervously, his hands clenching
around the steering wheel.

Hannah watched Will’s hands tighten around the steering
wheel and smiled to herself.  Her entire body was vibrating.  It was a
combination of the thrill of killing her first vampires and being so close to
Will.  When he had kissed her in the woods, his tongue pushing familiarly into
her mouth as he pulled her against his wet body, everything else had been
immediately forgotten.  She had kissed him back eagerly, and had been ready to
push him to the ground and fuck his brains out when he had broken away from her
much too soon. As they were walking back to the others, she had already begun
to plan how she could be alone with him.

She rested her hand on his thigh, feeling the muscles
tighten under her fingers, and smiled up at him.  “When did you get to the

“Just shortly after the group did.”  He shifted away from
her, and she smiled and moved closer. 

“I was in the woods just outside of the campsite.”  He
inhaled sharply when her fingers trailed along the inside of his thigh.  “I
watched that asshole Ben put his hands all over you.”

She grinned and squeezed his thigh teasingly.  “Were you
jealous, Will?”

“You seemed to enjoy it.”  He grunted.

“It was just for show.”

“You kissed him.”

“He kissed me.”  She corrected him. 

“Whatever.”  He muttered.

“You are jealous.”  She ran her hand down his leg to his
knee and then back up his thigh as he squirmed in the seat.

“I don’t want him touching you again.”  He demanded.

“I’ll let him know.”  She moved her hand off his thigh, but
his sigh of relief turned into a low moan when she put her hand on his crotch
and squeezed lightly.

“We made a good team tonight didn’t we?”

“Yes.”  He gritted out.  She unbuttoned and unzipped his
jeans before he could move his hand off the steering wheel.

She slipped her hand into his jeans and wrapped her fingers
around his cock.  She pulled it free of his pants and began to stroke it
firmly, rubbing her thumb over the head of it before stroking downwards,
twisting her hand a little at the base. 

He moaned loudly.  “Hannah, I think – “

“We make a good team in so many ways.”  She whispered.

She kissed his neck, licking her way to his earlobe as her
hand tightened and loosened repeatedly around his cock. 

“The whole time Ben had his arm around me, I was wishing it
was you.”  She whispered into his ear.  “I don’t want anyone but you touching

He moaned again as she kissed the sensitive spot behind his
ear.  “I’ve missed the way you touch me.  Do you miss touching me?”

“Yes.”  He groaned.

“Good.”  She leaned down, and he cried out at the feel of
her warm, wet mouth sliding over his cock.

“Oh my God, Hannah.”  He moaned.  He cupped the back of her
head with one hand as she gripped the base of his cock with her hand, and slid
her mouth up and down.  She swirled her tongue over the head, and then sucked
hard on the tip as the truck swerved on the road.

She looked up at him.  “Maybe you should pull the truck over,
Will.” She giggled a little as he cursed and put both hands back on the wheel. 
There was a side road just ahead on the right, and he turned down it before stepping
on the brake and shutting the truck off.

She sat up and looked around.  “That’s convenient.”  She
shifted back down in the seat and took his cock into her mouth again. 

He groaned and gasped, his hips thrusting against her as she
sucked and licked and drove him crazy.

He ran his hand over her ass.  The leather was soft and
smooth, and he slipped his hand between her thighs and rubbed her through her
pants.  She gasped around his cock, her own moan slipping from her throat.

It had been weeks since he had even been close to her and
now, running his hands over her warm body as she licked him slowly and
tortuously, he could feel himself already drawing close to coming. He tugged at
her arm. 

“Hannah, wait.  Stop please.”  He said the last in a drawn
out moan as she tightened her lips around his cock and rubbed her tongue on the
sensitive underside.

“Please.”  He pleaded and she sat back up. 

“You taste so good, Will.”  She whispered and he yanked her
against him.  He kissed her hard, tasting himself on her lips as she thrust her
tongue into his mouth eagerly.  He pulled her onto his lap, wedging her between
his body and the steering wheel, and grabbed the hem of her shirt.  He pulled
it up and over her head, tossing it into the back seat, and stared greedily at
her naked breasts.

He reached out and cupped her breasts.  He ran his thumbs
over her hardened nipples as she moaned and arched her back.  He placed a soft
kiss on one nipple before pulling gently on it with his teeth.

“Oh God, Will.  Please.”  It was her turn to moan as he
sucked hard on first one nipple than the other.  He kissed his way up her
chest, licking and nipping at her skin and she thrust her hips against him. 

“Fuck me, Will.”  She breathed into his ear and his hands
tightened around her waist.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”  She kissed him lightly on the mouth.  “I trust

“You promised you would stay away from me.”  His hands moved
from her waist to stroke the bare skin of her back.

She smiled a little sadly at him.  “I know and I’m sorry.  I’ve
tried – I can’t do it anymore.”

He groaned and kissed her softly.  “I can’t stay away from
you either.”

“Please, Will.  Make love to me.”

“Right here?”  He looked around the front seat of his truck
and she nodded.

“Yes, right here.”

She scrambled off his lap and lay back on the seat, her
hands reaching for the button on her pants.  As she unbuttoned and unzipped
them, he grabbed the waistband and helped her peel off the pants.  He inhaled
sharply when they slid past her hips and revealed her lack of underwear.

“No panties?”  He arched an eyebrow at her and she giggled.

“It was Mannie’s suggestion.”

She giggled again at his look of confusion. “It’s called a
wedgie, Will.  Do you have any idea how tight these goddamn pants are?”

He grinned and yanked her boots off before pulling her pants
free of her legs.  He kissed her smooth calf before ripping off his shirt and pulling
his own jeans down.  She spread her thighs and crooked her finger at him.  He
pushed himself eagerly between her thighs.  She yelped as he nearly shoved her
off the seat, grabbing on to his arms as half her body hung off the seat.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her back
underneath him.  He stared down at her, his brow furrowing at the thin, newly-healed
scar on her abdomen just above her appendectomy scar.  He kissed it lightly,
making her shiver, and glanced up at her.

“I could kill him for that.”

She rolled her eyes.  “It was an accident, Will.”

“He should never have let you fight him with a live blade.”  He

“Do you really want to talk about this right now?”  She
cocked her eyebrow at him and poked playfully at his chest.

He grinned.  “No, I do not.” 

She raised one thigh around his hips and he pushed his cock
against her, groaning when he couldn’t get the right position.  She reached
between them, took his cock in her hand and guided it into her wet opening.

They both gasped in pleasure and he propped himself up on
his elbows and began to move in her.  She let out another yelp when his elbow
slipped off the seat and his body landed on hers.

“Dammit!”  He cursed, making her giggle.

With another frustrated curse, he put his arm around her
waist and sat up, pulling her with him and keeping his cock seated firmly
inside of her.  He sat in the passenger’s seat and she straddled him.

“Better?”  He whispered.

“Yes.”  She moaned as she rocked her hips against him.  Will
looked up at her, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of Hannah
riding him.  He squeezed and cupped her pale breasts as she rocked and wriggled
against him.  With a loud groan, he grabbed her hips and thrust into her.  She
braced her hands on the ceiling of the truck as he plunged wildly into her. 

“Oh Will!”  She cried.  She suddenly shuddered around him,
her muscles squeezing and releasing him in a quick succession of pleasure-inducing
spasms that pulled his own orgasm from him.

She collapsed against his chest, breathing heavily, and he
rubbed her back as she placed a series of light fluttering kisses against his

“Thank you, Will.”  She said almost shyly.

He cupped her jaw in his hand and placed a slow, deep kiss
on her mouth.  “My pleasure, Hannah.” He pulled her back against him and she
rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady thud of his heart beating
beneath her ear.

Chapter 21


“Will,” Richard eyed him suspiciously, “you’re really going
to sit there and tell me that you just happened to stumble on to Mannie’s

Will shrugged.  “Yep.”

Richard shook his head.  “I specifically didn’t want you on
that hunt.”

“And why is that, Richard?”  Will asked softly.  “You’ve
never refused to let me go on a hunt before.”

Richard shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  “You know why. 
Hannah is too much of a distraction for you.  You need to stay away from – “

“I have!”  Will said harshly.  “I’ve stayed away from her
like you asked of me.” 

His mind flashed back to the memory of making love to Hannah
in the front seat of his truck, and he pushed it ruthlessly away.  It had been
nearly a week since the night of the hunt.  Although he was surprised that it
had taken Richard this long to talk to him about his unauthorized hunting, he
was suddenly and bitterly tired of Richard’s rules.

Richard sighed.  “Will, I’m doing this because –“

“I know your reasons, Richard.”  Will snapped.  “I don’t
need to hear them again.  I’ll stay away from Hannah but I refuse to obey
orders not to hunt.  You brought me to this organization for a specific reason
– to kill vampires.  Take that away and what use does this place hold for me?”

“Stop blaming me for this, Will.”  Richard snapped back. 
“I’m not the one who was sleeping with a recruit.  I’m not the one who fucked a
human on the night of a full – “

With a loud roar, Will stood and swept the computer and lamp
off of Richard’s desk.  Richard shrank back as Will’s body started to swell and

He was angry now; the fury and his seemingly unending need
to be with Hannah were boiling under his skin in a heated rush.  His usual
iron-tight control was fading away to be replaced by a rage so great it was
nearly insanity.  Instead of suppressing it like usual, he welcomed it,
embraced it.  The man sitting across from him was the reason he couldn’t be
with Hannah.  The reason he lay sleepless in bed every night, his very skin on
fire with need and want, and he was suddenly itching to reach across the desk
and tear Richard’s throat out.

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