The O'Brien Way (6 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

BOOK: The O'Brien Way
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Moby grinned and ran a hand from his collarbone to his balls before moving back up to give his cock a seductive stroke. “Yeah, the shower was nice, but this bed is even better. How do you ever bring yourself to get out of it?”

Sean knelt at the end of the mattress and openly stared while Moby continued to pump his cock. “It’s not hard when you don’t have a sexy man in it.” He reached down and ran his hands up Moby’s legs to rest at the juncture of his thighs and groin.

Moby’s eyes seemed glued to the dark auburn hair surrounding Sean’s cock. “I love a man in red,” he said with a lick of his lips.

Sean remembered vividly what those lips felt like wrapped around his length. He trailed one hand to Moby’s sac and gave the heavy balls a firm, but gentle squeeze. Unbelievably, Moby’s cock seemed to harden even further. There was no doubt in Sean’s mind why Moby had made so much money as a dancer in Vegas. The man’s body was absolutely flawless. “Perfect,” he whispered.

“Far from it,” Moby returned. He tilted the head of his cock towards Sean. “See that scar?”

Sean hadn’t, but he did once Moby pointed it out. He ran the tip of his finger over the shinier than normal skin coming out of the urethral opening to run down half the length of the
. “What happened?”

“One of the guys in the show convinced me to get a Prince Albert. I had no idea how much I’d love it, but I did. Until a
woman, at a private bachelorette party, decided to get my attention by hooking her finger into it and trying to pull me towards her.”

Sean’s free hand automatically flew to cover his cock. “Ouch!”

’. It didn’t pull all the way out, but it sure as hell ripped enough that I was convinced I was going to die.” Moby shook his head. “Of course I tried to treat it myself because I was too embarrassed to go to the doctor and ended up with a nasty infection.”

Sean shook his head. “No thanks. I like my cock just the way it is. If I want to adorn something, I’ll buy a Christmas tree.”

“Speaking of, why don’t you have one?”

Sean looked down at the dick being covered by his hand. “Last time I checked, I do.” He moved his hand and smiled. “Yep, there it is.”

Laughing, Moby rolled his eyes and reached out to encircle Sean’s cock in his palm. “And a very nice one, but I was talking about a Christmas tree.”

With a shrug, Sean laid on the bed beside Moby. “My mom died on Christmas, so we never really celebrated it.”

Moby rolled on top of Sean. “Damn. That must’ve been rough. Do you mind if I ask how old you were?”

Sean swallowed around the lump in his throat. It wasn’t that he missed his mother, how could he miss what he’d never had, but people tended to look at him funny when he told them. “She died giving birth to me.”

Moby’s eyes rounded. “So your birthday is on Christmas?”

We never really celebrated that either, for obvious reasons.”

“Doesn’t seem obvious to me at all.
I think it’s sad. I mean, it sucks she died, but you still deserved to have your family celebrate your birth. My dad was a complete drunken asshole but at least he’d sit and have a piece of birthday cake before he went out for the evening.”

“Yeah, but you still had your mom. Maybe that’s the difference. There wasn’t anyone in my house to even bake a cake.”

“Bullshit. Grocery stores sell cakes. It just takes someone to care enough to buy one.”

Looking up into Moby’s pale green eyes, Sean could tell he was pissed but why? “I didn’t mean to make you mad. Let’s forget the talking for now.”

He pulled Moby’s head down for a hungry kiss. Swirling his tongue into the depths of Moby’s mouth helped Sean forget about the years he’d spent either alone or in his dad’s office on his birthday. With his brothers being much older, they’d been put to work in the family pub while Sean was still too young to even be in the bar at night. His dad had tried to transform the office into a comfortable place for Sean, going as far as bringing in a fold-out couch and television. After a while, the office felt more like home than his actual home did. Maybe that was the reason he, himself, felt more at home downstairs than in his own apartment.

Being alone sucks.
Sean opened his eyes and pulled out of the kiss. He’d hoped to build a future with Ryan but that road had only led to heartbreak. As he ground his cock up against Moby, he wondered if he was making yet another mistake. What if a man like Moby couldn’t be tamed? Sure, Jay had domesticated
, but what if that was a fluke?

Moby sat up, straddling Sean’s lap and began to move his hips. “I’m celebrating your birthday this year,” Moby announced.
“And Christmas.
Believe it or not, you can actually celebrate two things in one day and not explode.”

“Yeah, well keep that up and I’m
explode,” Sean warned, trying to still Moby’s ass as it slid back and forth over his erection.

Moby reached down and placed his palms on Sean’s chest. “Do you prefer to top or bottom?”

Sean reached to the bedside drawer and removed a condom and a rarely used bottle of lube. “I usually top, but I can go either way.” His gaze went to the long length of Moby’s cock. “I’d be a fool to pass something as beautiful as that up.”

Moby threw his head back and laughed. “Good, then I’ll make you wait until next time for it. At least that way I’ll know I’m more than a one-night stand.”

“I don’t do one night stands,” Sean growled, his hands tightening on Moby’s hips. “So if you’re not serious about this it would be better if you leave now.”

Dark eyebrows drew together as Moby continued to stare down at Sean. “Are you saying you want to…like…date me?”

Did he?
Sean really enjoyed the man’s company. For him it was about more than sex. It was finding a companion that could return his emotions that he yearned for more than anything. “Yeah I do, but only if your heart’s in it.”

Moby removed his hands from Sean’s chest and slid off his lap. He continued to watch Sean closely until he finally opened his mouth. “What’re the conditions?” he asked warily.


What do you want in exchange for being nice to me?”

Sean absently rubbed the sudden tightness in his chest. The guarded expression on Moby’s face as well as his body posture spoke volumes. Although Moby seemed comfortable with sexual contact, he wasn’t used to any kind of emotional bond with a lover. Sean wondered if he was making a huge mistake. “I guess what I want is for you to drop your walls enough to let me inside.” He rolled to his side and placed a hand on Moby’s thigh. “Opening
up to a relationship with you isn’t easy. Although I’ve given it a try a time or two, I always seem to come up on the losing end.”

Sean ducked his head under Moby’s. Eye contact was crucial if Moby was to believe him. “I’d like to take this thing between us as far as it can go. But making a fool of myself if you’re not serious would kill me.”

Moby’s eyes started to fill with moisture, but he quickly rubbed them dry before clearing his throat. “No one’s ever…” Moby shook his head. “What if I screw up?”

Sean pulled Moby down into his arms. Although Moby was definitely new to relationships, Sean refused to sugar-coat his thoughts on the matter. “Honesty and loyalty mean everything to me. I have to know you have my back. That you’ll be there for me, just like I’ll be there for you, but most of all, I need to know you’re mine while we’re together.”

“Does this go back to letting the customers touch me?” Moby mumbled, his cheek resting on Sean’s chest.

“I can’t watch you every minute of the day, that’s where the honesty comes in.” Sean sighed and kissed the top of Moby’s head. “Would it bother you if I let another guy rub all up on me?”

Although Moby didn’t say anything, Sean felt the man’s body stiffen at the question. He decided to continue to make Moby understand. “Jealousy’s a real problem for me, I won’t lie about that. The thought of another man’s hands on you, whether it means anything to you or not, drives me crazy.”

Moby nodded. “Maybe if people knew we were dating they wouldn’t touch me like they do?”

“Yeah, I’m sure that’ll help, but you have to make sure they understand their attention isn’t welcome any longer.” Sean ran his hand up and down Moby’s spine. He’d love nothing more than to roll on top of Moby and bury himself deep inside the man he hoped to make his, but he quickly realised it was even more important to give Moby what he’d obviously never had. He reached to the bedside table and returned the condom and lube before turning out the lamp.

“What’re you doing?” Moby asked.

“I’d like to just hold you all night.” Sean pulled the covers up, tucking them around Moby.

“No sex?”

Hopefully there’ll be plenty of time for that.” Sean hoped Moby understood. It sure as hell wasn’t that he didn’t find the man sexually attractive, nothing could be further from the truth, but he wanted more than sex to define the beginning of what he hoped would be a real relationship.

Moby scooted up in bed and moved the spare pillow to lie against Sean’s. He draped his arm over Sean’s chest and kissed his cheek. “Are you sure? Sometimes I snore.”

Sean chuckled. “I’m sure, and I hate to break it to you, but I snore, too.”


* * * *


Moby woke with Sean pressed against his back, snoring in his ear. He grinned. Sean hadn’t been kidding when he told Moby he snored. Lifting his head, he tried to peer over Sean’s muscular body to the clock on the nightstand. It wasn’t that he had a curfew, but he knew he’d have to answer to his mom when he returned home. Although things with his mom were slowly improving, Moby doubted she was ready to hear about the new man in his life.

The arm around Moby tightened as Sean pulled him closer. “Go back to sleep,” Sean whispered.

“I should probably get going.” Moby pressed back against Sean. There was something incredible about being held by the man. If he lived alone, Moby doubted he’d ever want to leave Sean’s bed.

Sean’s hand moved down to brush against Moby’s cock. “You feel nice and warm. Stay with me.”

Unable to resist Sean’s touch, Moby hooked one leg over Sean’s and opened himself to further attention. Sean took the invitation for what it was and palmed Moby’s morning erection.

,” Sean moaned, kissing Moby’s shoulder and neck. His hand continued to touch the stretched skin of Moby’s cock for several moments before taking it in-hand. “Tell me what you like?”

“Doesn’t matter how you touch me, I like it all,” Moby said honestly.

Sean’s grip increased as he began to thrust against Moby’s ass. “I know I told you we had plenty of time, but my body seems to be in charge at the moment.”

“Grab the lube. I’ve waited for over a month to finally feel you inside of me.” Moby stayed where he was while Sean pulled away long enough to retrieve supplies. He squeezed his eyes shut as nerves started to get the better of him. He’d been fucked by a lot of guys over the years. The fact that he understood how different it would be with Sean worried him. What if he didn’t live up to Sean’s expectations? In the past, he never stuck around long enough to care whether or not a partner was satisfied completely, but Sean was different. He was suddenly glad he wasn’t working later in the evening. If things between them didn’t go well, Moby would have at least thirty hours before he had to see Sean again.

The crinkle of the condom wrapper brought Moby back to the moment. He glanced over his shoulder and watched as Sean rolled the condom down his length. “Is there a certain position you prefer?” he asked.

Sean shook his head and snuggled against Moby’s back. “I like ’
all.” He licked a path up Moby’s neck to his ear. Sucking the lobe into his mouth, Sean ran a slicked finger down the crack of Moby’s ass to reach the tight pucker.

Moby turned his head, begging without words for a kiss. As Sean’s lips closed over his, Moby mentally braced himself for the invasion he knew would come. He accepted the tip of Sean’s cock with as much enthusiasm as he welcomed the tongue plundering his mouth. Sean certainly knew how to kiss, and as Sean’s length slowly rocked back and forth inside his body, Moby knew the man had skills in other areas as well.

Sean broke the kiss and pulled out of Moby’s body. “Turn over. I want to hold you.”

Moby nodded. Never had he wanted anything more. He rolled to his back and welcomed Sean between his spread thighs. As Sean once again entered him, Moby felt his body open to accept the full length of his new lover. The burn quickly turned to a thrum of pure pleasure.

“Oh God,” he moaned. Moby hitched his legs higher around Sean’s broad back but it wasn’t enough. “I need…” He shook his head not sure what he needed.

A grunt sounded from deep in Sean’s throat as he hooked Moby’s legs over his forearms and spread him even more. The new position allowed Sean to go deeper. With each thrust of his hips, his body rubbed against Moby’s cock.

“Yes,” Moby howled. Closing his eyes, he raked his short nails across Sean’s shoulders and down his arms.

“Look at me,” Sean ordered.

Moby opened his eyes and stared up at Sean. The connection that passed between them in that moment was more profound than anything Moby had experienced.
He really does like me.
The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. He’d never been good at living up to another’s expectations. What if Sean figured out he wasn’t good enough? It wasn’t a stretch. Moby knew he’d never been good enough. His body, sure, but Moby the man wasn’t nearly as put together as his physique.

With each thrust, Sean drew Moby closer and closer to the edge. Although he didn’t want the feeling to end, Moby was curious how Sean would react once their bodies had been sated. Would the feelings he detected in Sean’s gaze still be there, or was he misreading lust for something deeper?

Sean’s rhythm increased as they both neared the pinnacle of release. The sounds of heavy breathing and slapping skin filled the small bedroom with an erotic song Moby doubted he’d ever forget.

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