The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic (9 page)

Read The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic Online

Authors: Eliza March

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic
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Her terror drove him to the brink, to a place where he wouldn’t be able to stop. But fuck him, he’d hold the damn beast back if it took everything he had. Something about her made him want to guarantee she enjoyed her first ride.

As she shuffled naked to her bag, only a hint of self-consciousness showed.
Might as well take the opportunity to admire the view.
The two cute dimples at the top of each rounded cheek tempted him to go after her. Her long hair covered her back.

To hell with waiting. To hell with patience. He wanted to kiss her delectable ass.

A happy thought made him grin. He wanted to bite it, too.
No biting this time.

She took another step, and then her legs distracted him. His gaze slowly drifted down those dancer’s legs. Later, he planned on wrapping her long, limber legs over his shoulders so he could lap up her liquid fire. She’d be too far gone to worry about the size of his cock or the prickle of pain when he breached her barrier. There was no way to avoid the inevitable pain, not completely. But all the pleasure he had in mind would distract her. Then he’d take hours making her forget the twinge of pain as he initiated her into the sexual world.

Her hair swung across her back from side to side as she walked and exposed the large, colorful, life-size tattoo of fairy wings on her back. It was beautiful, almost mesmerizing. He was going to kiss every spot on those wings when she came back to bed.

Chapter 9

No more

The economy box of condoms said
. But after seeing him erect, Celeste wondered if they came in a size called wow or gigantic. Surely, these wouldn’t fit over that, that…Surely,
wouldn’t fit inside her.

Yes, it will.

They were fated for each other.

She could almost hear Celia’s melodious voice saying,
You will suit.

With a shrug, she pushed back her hair. Rolling her shoulders, she braced for the inevitable and walked back to the bed. The condoms didn’t really matter to her or to him. These were only for pretense. She couldn’t get pregnant now, couldn’t get human diseases, and even if he didn’t know it yet, neither could he. He was as immune to human illnesses as she was.

Still, she wished she had more experience with all this sex stuff or with males in general. What kind of succubus didn’t know about sex? She looked at the box in her hand in wonder. Would he expect her to know how to put one of these on him? Once, in a movie she’d seen, a woman place the condom in her mouth and roll it over the male with her tongue.

What if she accidently inhaled?

Oh, no.
And there was so much of Rourke to cover. He’d be a lot to handle with only her tongue and lips.

“What’s that worried look on your face?”

She couldn’t stop herself. She glanced at his groin and sighed. “Nothing.”

He chuckled. “Trust me, it’s not

“I—I didn’t mean it that way.”

His eyes lit up, and a corner of his mouth turned up. “I know.” He beckoned her and patted the bed next to his hip. “Come over here.”

When she sat back on the bed, the smug look on his face dispelled some of her nerves. His erection rode high on his abdomen, and their sexual pheromones filled the room. He said, “Come closer, right here.”

She lifted her chin. “I guess I have to trust you, then.”

He nodded. “I see you brought the

When she sank down on the bed, she shrugged like a petulant child. He drew her body under him as he took the box out of her hand and placed it on the nightstand. His face assumed a comical, teasing leer. “Thanks for the compliment.”

“What compliment?”

“Thirty-six times? You either think I’m superhuman or plan on killing me.”

“I wasn’t s-sure—”

“No sweat.” He kissed her hard with plenty of tongue and moved his lips over her jaw to her ear. “We’ll see just how much you can take and see what kind of damage we can do to that box. Sound like a plan?”

* * * *

The aroused scent pouring from him put her more at ease. From the size of his erection, at least she knew he was pleased with her body. Her gaze caressed every inch of him. She’d imagined what it would be like to touch him all over. Now she’d get her chance. His dark, tightly beaded nipples stood out on his expansive chest. She wondered if he’d enjoy having her handle them, lick them, or suckle them as he had hers.

Maybe she’d go with her instincts. She wondered…a succubus’s instincts should be dependable.
Shouldn’t they

Rourke interrupted her thoughts. “I can see you’re thinking too much.”

She cupped his face in her hands. “Yes, I am. Thank you for being so understanding.”

He started to jerk away. She figured he was unused to the intimacy, but at the last moment, he stopped and kissed the tip of her nose. Instead of reacting like she’d expected, he stared at her and sounded amazed. “You’re giving me, a virtual stranger, your virginity, a valuable commodity you’ve held on to for, what, twenty-something years?” he asked.

She glanced aside. “Twenty-nine, almost thirty,” she said and nodded.

“Hey, darling, I’m flattered.” His eyes narrowed. “But why are you thanking me?” He angled her face toward his, making sure she made eye contact with him. When she didn’t answer, he continued, “It’ll be my pleasure to take what you offer with no strings attached.” His grip on her chin tightened. “Right? No strings? There’ll be no hearts and flowers on my part when this is over. You understand, got it?”

His hands felt like a vise squeezing her face, and his words felt like a vise constricting her heart.

“I know. I don’t expect you to feel anything—”

He stopped her words and warned her. “But you know

She grimaced when he gripped her chin even harder, demanding her undivided attention. Cold emptiness replaced the heat in his eyes, and distance settled over his expression. “You
feel something.”

“Will I-I?” The emotional see-saw effect was beginning to aggravate her, and her voice cracked. “You must think pretty highly of yourself.”

He cocked his head to one side and gave her a crooked grin. Without telling her to “get real,” his know-it-all expression spelled out in no uncertain terms what he thought of her.
Naive fool.

“It’s not about me, but trust me, you will remember and feel something for me, guar-an-teed.”

“Why? How can you be so sure?”

His voice was almost a whisper when he finally answered her question. “Darlin’, you never forget your first.”

She gasped. “Oh! Right.” With an attitude she dragged out of the depths of her alternate nature, she winked at him. “Then you better make it very good.”

To better make his point, he blew on her nipple lightly. She was tempted to arch into him, but before she could respond, he bent his head down over her breast, and the warm, moist heat of his tongue followed the warm air, satisfying her for the moment like nothing ever had. She groaned, and a reaction sparked from her nipple to her clit.

He licked her nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth while he weighed her other breast in his hand. The draw on her breast from his mouth sent a flood of moisture seeping from her pussy. He lightly pinched the tip of her other nipple between his fingers. The sensation forced a lightning bolt of pleasure to drive somewhere even deeper inside her.

God, she wanted every pleasure he could offer.

Cupping his head to hold him in place, she demanded more of these mind-blowing sensations, wanting it to never stop. When his mouth left her nipple, the heated absence left her feeling cold, open, naked. He stared at her nipple with longing in his expression while his warm breath teased at her wet skin. His lids lowered sensually, and the heated look on his face made her want to satisfy his every desire.

He played with a strand of her hair, circling her areola with the loose curl that had fallen across her breast. He teased her nipple with the curl for a moment before he rose up, kneeing her thighs apart, and covered her body with his. The weight of his long, heavy body on top of her, his cock pressing hard against her clit, made her want to weep with gratitude.

He dragged his hands through her hair, forcing her head back. His hard eyes bored into hers as he took her mouth with his, tonguing her deep until she could barely catch her breath.

When he released his tight hold on her, his stiff smile gentled, and his hands loosened in her hair.

Celeste purred back, forcing herself to sound self-possessed, something she’d never been. An urge washed over her. She needed to touch him, wanted to know what his cock felt like in her hand. Curiosity compelled her hands to start the slow exploration down his body.

He stilled, expelling a low groan when she cupped his balls and ran her hand up the long length of his shaft. His raised eyebrow showed he’d been surprised by her brazen move. “I guess I had better make it memorable.”

“You will,” she said with lowered eyes. Then she looked up and added, “I have complete faith in you.”

His grin surprised her. He gave her a real, honest-to-goodness, mind-blowing, “I’ve-seen-the-light” smile. Celeste suddenly felt privileged to be the object of that smile. A man who could smile like that could get anything he wanted. His face lit up, looking so beautiful in a stark, masculine way that in that one moment, she would never have forgotten him, not if she’d had a hundred men before him and thousands after. There was this strange bond between them that made her want to please him, bring him around, and draw out that special smile more often.

“Let’s go over the rules.”

“Oh! There are rules?”

Rourke chuckled. “Yes, just a few.” He gently wrenched her hands over her head. “Number one, no more touching me before you come.”

“But I w-want to touch—”

“Number two, no arguing. I’m in charge.” He raised his brows in question. “Unless you think you know what you’re doing? Do you?”

She lowered her eyes and shook her head slowly.

“Then trust me. Number three, pick a word, any word. It’ll be your safe word. If you want me to stop anything, no matter what or when, I will. Just say the word. Make it short, so you can get it out fast.”

That made Celeste think twice about where they were headed. “Uh, red?”

“‘Red’ is a good safe word. I’ve used it before.”


“Not me, my partners. They chose it.”

“Ah, do you do this often?” She felt strange asking these questions while lying naked under him. Naked and at his mercy. Especially after she realized the quick twinge of jealousy didn’t help.

“It’s how I am. I’m dominant, aggressive. If I don’t have hard sex, I don’t come. And, darling, I plan on coming inside you plenty.”

Her heart stuttered in her chest, with excitement, not anxiety. She’d never had sex, and she didn’t know if she’d like this level of dangerous sex, but a thrill sang through her system just the same.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy this first time, at least until we get past this first obstacle. Then we’ll take it from there. You decide what you like and how far we go, then we don’t turn back.”

Wait until he found out how far they’d have to go. She felt like a traitor. He was trying to take such good care of her, and she…well, she knew where they were headed, and it spelled out a whole lot of pain for him.

What choice did she have? For that matter, what choice would he have? They were both trapped by who and what they were and duty.

“You just lie back and let me get you ready. I’m going to eat your sweet pussy until you beg for mercy. What’s the magic word?”

“Uh, r-red?”

“Don’t stutter, it’ll take me longer to stop.”

Why would she want him to stop? She’d never had her skin tingle or her insides heat like she’d been branded. He’d suckled her nipples until they were bright pink and sensitive. Only his hands or his mouth or his big body satisfied her ache to be touched. When he’d spread her legs apart and admired her, she’d squirmed, partly with embarrassment, partly with a need she couldn’t quite identify. He’d already trained her body to respond to his hands. She suspected his mouth would be even better. “Why would I want you to stop?”

The laugh sounded like it came straight from his heart. “That’s my girl.”

Without warning, he pressed his head between her legs and lapped at her juices. His tongue drove into her and sent her heart flying. His lips kissed her, and his mouth devoured her with the enthusiasm of a starving man placed before a banquet table. Her body wanted him to eat his fill. She could barely breathe as he brought her to the edge of desperation and pulled back over and over again.

Anytime now, her body felt as if she could jump off a cliff and fly if she could just get enough leverage to reach the right soaring altitude.

His fingers strummed at her clit like a maestro, and his tongue lapped at her cleft while she begged him for more when she could catch her breath. “Rourke, I need, I neeeed…”

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