The Matchmakers of Butternut Creek (33 page)

BOOK: The Matchmakers of Butternut Creek
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Reading Group Guide
  1. Adam loves Butternut Creek. He feels at home here and has created a family. Is there a place you feel particularly at home and at peace? Where is it? Why do you feel that way? If not, what are you searching for?
  2. Adam never states that he feels called by God to this one place, but he has found many ways to minister. Do you believe Adam was called by God to serve only at Butternut Creek, or do you believe he could find a way to serve anyplace he went? Have you felt called to a particular place or ministry service? How did that happen? How did you feel?
  3. Gussie is dedicated to serve God and others. She also has a secret, a tragedy in her past. How has she handled that secret in the past? What has helped her in this novel? Do you believe she has healed? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think about Adam’s reaction to Gussie’s revelation? Was he wrong to tell her later that he wanted a deeper relationship? Did that change the “rules”? What did Gussie’s response tell you about her level of healing at this time?
  5. Gussie says she hasn’t forgiven Lennie and believes there may be sins that are unforgivable. Do you agree with her? If so, what would those sins be? Could her lack of forgiveness be because she is still wrestling with the issue?
  6. Have you ever had difficulty forgiving? Did you finally? What helped you? If you didn’t, why not? Has that lack of forgiveness hurt you?
  7. There are people who blame God for their troubles and turn away, but Gussie didn’t. How did Gussie live her faith and remain faithful to God after the life-changing tragedy? Where did she find the strength to finally face her past? Where have you found strength during times of sorrow and crisis?
  8. How have people you know reacted to difficulties and tragedies? Do you know people who have turned away from God? Do you have a friend who has gone through a time when his or her faith was tested? Did you find a way to support this friend? How?
  9. Gussie has to face the fact that her parents are aging and will not be around forever. How does she handle this? She believes she has to take care of them because they have supported her. Do you agree with her sense of duty and her choice?
  10. Often people find themselves being faced with either their own aging or the care of aging parents. What are some decisions that have to be made? What resources can families use? Why is it so hard to accept the changes aging brings?
  11. Determined to be strong, Gussie shoulders everyone’s problems. She calls herself a rescuer. Have you ever felt this way? Did it help you or hurt you? Did the people you rescued show gratitude? Why or why not?
  12. Gussie’s counselor says, “The wound is where the healing starts.” What does this sentence mean to you? Would you find this thought to be helpful during times of trouble in your life? The thirteenth-century Persian poet Rumi wrote,
    The wound is the place where the Light enters you
    , which inspired the counselor’s words. Do Rumi’s words speak to you?
  13. If we see brokenness in a friend’s life—broken personal relationships, addictions—how can we speak a word of healing?
  14. Teenage binge drinking is a huge and dangerous problem. How did Adam handle this? What would you have done?
  15. Adam is less than ten years older than Hector and suddenly has two children. How has Adam handled it? Has he grown in his acceptance of this role and his ability to respond to the needs of the Firestones?

The Welcome Committee of Butternut Creek




Available from FaithWords wherever books are sold.


Look for the next Butternut Creek novel

Jane Myers Perrine

Available in 2013 wherever books are sold.


“A warm, witty, wonderful book. I loved it, and you will too.”

—Susan Mallery,
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author

“Wow! Jane Myers Perrine has penned an amazing story with heart, hope, and humor. She created a setting with such unique and spunky characters that you can’t help but fall in love with the people and the place. Grab a comfortable chair, and the book and get swept away to Butternut Creek, a quaint town where friendship, romance, and laughter are abundant. Perrine has a beautiful knack for storytelling and creating unforgettable characters that makes this series a must read.”

—Christie Craig, author of
Hotter in Texas
the humorous romantic suspense series
released by Grand Central/Forever

“Heartwarming and hilarious, THE WELCOME COMMITTEE OF BUTTERNUT CREEK offers a touching, small-town view of the ties that bind.”

—Award-winning author Colleen Thompson

“Perrine has penned a charming, heartwarming story with endearing characters and a lovely small town. I adored Butternut Creek and its residents.”

—Vicky Dreiling, author of
How to Marry a Duke

“[G]entle, funny, romantic, and honest new series…The veteran author and ordained minister has a sure eye for smalltown church drama, as well as the dynamics of life in a town where everyone knows your business. Perrine does a fine job blending small and large story lines, portraying details and dilemmas of regular folks, and offering spiritual messages from real life. This is a delightful first volume in what promises to be a wonderful series.”

Publishers Weekly
The Welcome
Committee of Butternut Creek

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Title Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Reading Group Guide

Also by Jane Myers Perrine

Look for the next Butternut Creek novel
The Wedding Planners of Butternut Creek

Praise for
The Welcome Committee of Butternut Creek



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Jane Myers Perrine

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First e-book edition: November 2012

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ISBN 978-1-4555-1833-3

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