The Madam (36 page)

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Authors: M Robinson

BOOK: The Madam
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I knew I left him with a lot to think about.
Sebastian wasn’t a bad person; he was just a man.


He wanted to have his cake and eat it

Chapter 41

didn’t expect it to happen so quickly, but a few days later, there
she was, waiting for me in my office.

“Bella Rosa,” I greeted with a hug and a
kiss. I took a real look at her. “It doesn’t matter how much makeup
you put on, I can still see that you look like shit.”

“Thanks, Madam, I didn’t come for the
pleasant conversation. I need you to do something for me, and I
will do something for you in exchange, which I’m sure will make you
ecstatic,” she stated in a sarcastic tone.

“Oh yeah.”

“I need you to change my number and move me
to another location.”

I nodded. “Hmmm…trouble in paradise, I
presume?” I was secretly jumping for victory inside. It looked like
the ball was in my court, and the tables had finally turned.

“After you do this for me you can put me back
on the schedule. I just need some time to clear my head and get my
shit together.”

“Well…I’m not much for gloating, but I think
this needs to be said-”

“I’m fully aware that I fucked up, all right?
There is no need for the I told you sos, call it being young and
careless, and trust me when I say it will never happen again.” I
nodded. Though it didn’t take away the urge from wanting to say, “I
told you so.”

“Are you all right, darling?” I empathized. I
didn’t want her to feel this way, but it was a must for her to

“I will be.”

I left the room and returned with a new phone
and two sets of keys. Presents always make everything better.

“I’ll have all your contacts transferred to
that phone and the movers will be there first thing in the morning.
That’s the set of keys to your new condo, it’s located in Marquis
Residences unit 1613; it’s already fully furnished, and all you
need to pack are your clothes and whatever personal belongings you
would like to bring. I imagine you want to start fresh, yes?” she

“All right…well consider this a lesson
learned; and a gift from me for coming to your senses,” I stated,
handing her another set of keys. I wanted to believe, but too much
had happened.

“It’s an Audi A8, it’s parked in the garage;
you can leave the set to your current car and home.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

“Of course, Bella Rosa, I’m always here for
you, you know that. Now enough of the melodramatics, it’s not our
style; we’re far too pretty for it. The White’s Annual Gala is
exactly four weeks away; do you think you will be better by

“Mmm hmm,” was all she could reply with. I
knew that she was thinking no other man other than Sebastian had
touched her for at least a year. She was nervous, it was radiating
off of her and it infuriated me. Where did my strong independent
woman go?

“Lovely, I know the perfect gentleman,
darling,” I snickered.

“Great. Well then, I don’t want to take up
too much of your time, I’ll be going.” She got up to leave.


She turned. “Hmmm.”

“Don’t ever
with your heart
again. Do you understand?”

“Of course.”

I nodded and she was excused.

I opened my drawer and brought out my vile. I
broke up two thick lines and snorted one up each nostril. I was
going to need it for what I was about to do.

This is where you will hate me, again. I
blame my mother; she fucked me up. I placed a call.

“Slavic,” he answered.

“Good afternoon, darling. It’s Madam,” I

“Oh yes, I have been expecting your call. How
are things?”

“Just peachy,” I exclaimed. “I heard through
the grapevine that you were interested in a VIP for The Gala next
month. Did I hear right?”


“Well, Slavic, I have the perfect girl for
you. But I need you to do a little something for me. Can you do

“Of course,” he asserted with a devious

“See, when my girls are bad, they need to be
punished. You think you could handle that for me?” I warned.

He didn’t say anything; he didn’t have to,
because I knew he was rock hard on the other end.

"What do you have in mind, Madam?"

"I trust you to know what to do." Slavic has
been on my payroll for some time now, he usually handles the dirty
work so my hands stay clean.

"I need some boundaries; you know there are
no limits to what I can do when teaching lessons," he stated.

"Don't kill her and don’t hurt her too

I know you're hating me as you're reading
this, but I don't care. You aren't in my shoes; you don't live my

I don't judge you.

You shouldn't judge me.

My mother did something similar to this to me
once. I didn’t understand it and I hated her for it. I do believe
it made me stronger, though. It gave me the perception I needed to
take on VIP. And I don't think I'd be the same Madam without having
learned that lesson the hard way.

You pick and choose your battles; I chose
mine that day. I hung up the phone feeling more confident, yet
despondent at the same time. It wasn't until she came to me after
The Gala that I knew I had fucked up.




The day she called me to tell me we needed
to talk; I already saw it coming. I had her followed throughout
that time and I knew where her head was at. She was lost. I had
lost her. And she proved it to me the minute she walked into my
office. I didn’t want to hear the words that were going to come out
of her mouth. Although I prepared myself for it, it didn’t make it
any less difficult to hear her say them. If I could go back

and change things, I would; but the damage
was done.

I greeted her like I always had. She didn’t
need to sense my apprehension and devastation over knowing what was
to come.

“We need to talk,” she cautioned as I kissed
her cheek.

“And what about, darling?”

She moved to sit on the couch. I followed
her, placing my hands in her lap.

“I can’t do this anymore,” she spoke.

My heart broke, it was shattering, and I hid
it all behind the façade that I am. I hid it behind The Madam. “Do
what, Bella Rosa?”

“I can’t be a VIP,” she quickly stated before
she lost the nerve.

I nodded. “And why is that? For the married

“No, for me. That’s over. I appreciate
everything that you have ever done for me. I’m not the same person
anymore. I don’t know when it happened but I’ve changed. I don’t
need or want the same things that I used to. I hope you can
understand that.”

“And what is it exactly that you’re going to
do now?” I sarcastically questioned.

“I’m not quite sure; I’m going to travel for
a while. It’s amazing that I’ve been almost everywhere around the
world and I never really took it in. I’d like to do that now,” she

“All right. So you will do a little
sabbatical and once you’re done, you’ll come home.”

“I don’t think so. Better yet, I know I

“Ysabelle, I’ve been doing this a very long
time. You’ll come back, you’ll get bored, you’ll need excitement;
you’ll be back. Women like us are made like that, it doesn’t just
stop because you want it to, it’s in our blood,” I stated. A part
of me believed what I was saying, I told you I play dirty, but
always keep my hands clean. I would get her back if it was the last
thing I would do.

“I want more, Madam, I want it all.”

I chuckled. “You want the white picket fence,
the 2.5 kids, and the husband. Jesus Christ, Ysabelle, have you
learned nothing these last few years? I mean how many married men
have you been with? Have you ever seen a happy marriage?”

“What happened to you? What happened to make
you this way?”

Everything. She had no idea who I was, nobody
did, and that’s what made me powerful.

That’s what made me The Madam.

“Oh…now we’re sharing sob stories? Nothing
has happened to me, I’m a fucking realist. This is the real world,
Ysabelle, I showed it to you.”

She put her hand on her chest. “Oh my God,
you knew?” She affirmed, “You knew what Slavic was going to do. You
set me up.”

I rolled my eyes and moved back to my

“Why?” she demanded.

“You’re acting like a spoiled child, you’ve
learned nothing.”

“Were you trying to punish me?”

I wanted to tell her everything. She had a
right to know, but I didn’t. I used my words. It was who I was.

“I’ve told you since day one not to fuck with
me or my business. You think I wanted it to come to this? You were
my favorite and you repay me with letting all of it go for love.
Well, Ysabelle, how’d that work out for you? Was it worth it?”

She hesitated a moment, taking in my hurtful
words. “Yes, it was. I learned the meaning of my self-worth. I’m
better than this, Madam, I know that now.”

“You’ll be back, they always come back.”

“I’m not doing this out of spite, Madam, I
can’t sell myself anymore. I’m thankful for everything that you did
for me, because I would be nowhere without you. You gave me what I
needed, but I’m done with it. It’s time for me to try something
else. Please understand that?”

I sighed deeply. “You will always have a
family here, Bella Rosa. I will help you in any way that I can.”
Even though I was saying the words, she knew I truly didn’t mean

She smiled. “Thank you.”

She hugged and kissed me goodbye. I went to
the window and watched her walk out of The Cathouse.

I shed one tear.

This was not game over.

This was just the beginning…

Chapter 42

hands were shaking so badly that I had to place them under my arms.
My whole body felt like it was giving out on me. There were too
many emotions happening to me all at the same time. I couldn’t
control any of it. I screamed and grabbed the vase on the coffee
table, throwing it across the room. I went for anything I could see
or was in my way. I screamed the entire time at the top of my
lungs. The servants began knocking on the door.

“Leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed.

I ran across the room to find more things to
shatter and stumbled on the broken glass, falling face first. I was
thoroughly shaking as I tried to get up; there was broken glass all
over my hands, arms, and legs. I couldn’t see the damage I had done
to my face but it hurt like a bitch. I slowly crawled to my cell
phone that was on the floor and dialed.

“I need you,” I wept.

“Angel, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”


“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I hung up the
phone and rolled over onto my back, just staring at the

I didn’t think of anything. I was numb. I sat
there in my own self-pity and blood. I heard Mika gasp when the
door opened; he ran over and kneeled beside me.

“What the fuck? Who did this to you?”

A moment of clarity was all it took for The
Madam to come back.

I smiled bright and big because I just

He helped me up and tended to all my wounds
for the next hour. Everything would heal; I would be fine, just
like I always have been.

I lay sideways on the couch with my head
resting on the back. Mika sat beside me with his arm on the back of
my head, playing with my hair.

“What happened?” he questioned with caution
and sincerity.

“She’s gone,” was all I could say.

He looked confused. “Who?”

“The VIP you so desperately want and remind
me of every chance you get.”

“Ysabelle,” he softly whispered.

“Mmm hmm.”

He chuckled, “Angel, you know that’s not
true. I don’t want Ysabelle. I wanted to hurt you, and for some
reason that I can’t fathom, Ysabelle is your weak spot.” He grabbed
the side of my face. “I want you. You know that.”

I propped myself up on my knees and then
straddled his lap. I began unbuttoning his shirt. “Show me,” I

I started to grind myself on his cock and he
pulled me in to devour my mouth. I sensed that he wanted to be
gentle with me so I bit his lip, not hard enough to draw blood, but
enough for him to know what I needed. He grabbed a hold of my hair
at the nook of my neck and yanked. I whimpered in pleasure and pain
from the force.

“You know who sets the rules, Angel. I have
what you want…let me hear the words.” I scratched at his chest and
he flipped me over on my front, his knee plunged into my back,
holding me there, while his hand once again pulled my hair

He got close to my ear and licked the side of
my face. “Only good girls get to come,” he dared.

I saw him grab the pocketknife from his pants
and I trembled. He opened the blade and gripped the back of my
shirt away from my skin and cut it open. My shirt rapidly came off,
along with my bra, and he tied my wrists together behind my lower
back. He locked me into place and I couldn’t move if my life
depended on it. Which is exactly the way Mika always wanted me, at
his mercy.

My skirt was next to be pulled down and then
off. He slowly took off my panties and then brought them up to his
face and inhaled.

“Mmm…I love the smell of your pussy.” He
pulled off his belt and whipped it in the air. I jumped at the

He struck my ass with the belt a few times,
making me sweat and pant. I was expecting another blow and clenched
for it.

“Nah uh, you will get ten more just for
clenching. Count!” I did as I was told and by ten, my ass felt like
it was on fire. His hand massaged my cheeks in a soothing

“You’re cunt is fucking dripping on the
couch,” he teased as he tied my ankles together with the belt.

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