The Lovely Garden (10 page)

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Authors: Emma Mohr

BOOK: The Lovely Garden
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Charles’ hand left my face and traveled down to my neck, between my breasts, down my stomach, to my pant line where it settled, playing with the hem. His eyes were on mine, watching, waiting for a sign to continue. I called his name. “Hmm,” he answered, his hand stilling.

“Kiss me.” And he did. It was soft and gentle until my fingers entwined in his hair, demanding a deeper kiss. This kiss was hungry, desperate, both of us wanting more.

Charles broke the kiss. A small whimper left me, not wanting him to pull away. “These need to come off,” he said, giving my pants a tug. I was happy to oblige. It took some wiggling with Charles hovering above me, but I managed to kick my pants off. His lips returned to mine.

I gasped, breaking the kiss, when his fingers brushed me through my panties. He took this chance to move his lips to my ears, teeth tugging on my lobe. I clamped my mouth shut, holding back a groan, as my nails dug into his shoulders. He allowed his own groan to freely rumble in my ear.

His lips were on my neck, nipping and licking their way down the crook of my neck where he bit harder. This time, there was no holding the moan back. It was loud even to my own ears, and it urged Charles on further. He slipped his hand under my panties. A jolt of electric pleasure shot through me when his fingers brushed against my clit. They moved down to my slick folds. He groaned when he felt how wet I was. “God, I want you so bad.” Those words were my undoing.

“Then, have me,” I said, my voice husky and my nails digging into his flesh as his palm rubbed my clit in rough circles. The words tumbled out of my mouth without a single thought of the consequences. All I knew was I wanted him inside of me right then and there. And the feeling increased tenfold when he slid a finger inside of me. My hips bucked, inviting him in further. “Oh, god. Please!”

His lips crashed against mine, fingers entwining in my hair. Our tongues danced. Mewling noises were coming from the back of my throat, pleading that he would take me right there. His grip tightened in my hair and he added a second finger, my whimper muffled against his mouth.

I reached between his legs, fingers searching for his cock. When I found it, hard and ready for me, I gripped it tightly, rubbing him through his pants. It was his turn to moan. His turn for his hips to buck. His turn to beg. “These need to come off,” I mimicked what he said, sliding my hand down him. He groaned, all too happy to oblige, fingers still inside of me.

When his pants were off I took him back in my hand. He was thicker than some of my past men, skin smooth. It was a very nice cock, and I wanted it in my mouth. Wanted to taste him. But he pulled away from me, taking his fingers with him, and positioned himself between my legs.

Keeping his eyes on mine, he hooked his fingers around my panties and slid them off, inch by excruciating inch. And when they were all the way off, he tossed them to the side and ran his soft hands against my thighs. “You’re so beautiful,” he told me, kissing the inside of my knee.

That was the first time a man had ever called me beautiful, and it affected me more than I had believed possible. My eyes started to well with tears, and there was a pang in my chest. When I started to sniffle, Charles looked at me. “Oh, God, Amy! Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” HIs concern sent another pang through my chest and I started to shop. Somehow, I managed to shake my head and tell him he didn’t hurt me. “Then, what’s wrong?”

When I had finally calmed down enough, I told him. He took my hand in his and kissed my wrist. “I hate that no one has ever said you’re beautiful, because you are.” A weird smile appeared on his face, part joy, part shame. “But the possessive side of me is happy about it. That your beauty is only for me to see.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Well,” I sniffed and wiped my eyes, “at least, you’re honest.” I gestured for him to help me sit up.

“That, I am.” He pulled me toward him. Wrapping my arms around his chest, I rested my head on his shoulder. He started to play with my hair, his free hand resting on my hip.

“So, since I ruined the mood, what are we going to do now?”

He planted a kiss on the top of my head. “We’re going to drink a couple glasses of wine, watch some TV, and then we’ll go to my room where I’ll fuck you until you can’t move anymore.”

Our eyes met and the heat in his made me shiver. “Such vulgarity, Mr. Bonner,” I teased with a tsk. “But I’m looking forward to it all the same.”

And he was true to his word.










The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Charles’ alarm, tired and sore. “I hate your alarm,” I grumbled, rolling away from him so he could turn it off.

The bed shifted as he moved to turn it off and then roll back to me, kissing the back of my neck. “You can stay in bed if you want. I wouldn’t mind coming home to you waiting for me, naked.”

I turned and grinned at him. “As tempting as that is, I need to go home. I have some job hunting to do.” While I was, probably, guaranteed a job at Charles’ friend’s company, I wanted to make sure that I had more options if it didn’t pan out.

“Damn. Was hoping to cross that one off my bucket list.” He gave me the cheekiest grin I had ever seen on a person, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Maybe another time, Mr. Bonner.” He made a strange noise at the back of his throat. “What?”

“For some reason, I
like it when you call me ‘Mr. Bonner.’” To show me his appreciation, he bit the crook of my neck and teased a sensitive nipple. He pulled me closer to him, his hard cock pressing against my hip.

“Mm.” His hand felt so good on me. “I don’t know how you can still go after last night.” It came out more breathy than I had intended.

He planted a kiss behind my earlobe. “I think I can muster the strength for you.” I could feel myself get wet at his words. But I still found myself asking him why. “I told you,” he started, his hand sliding down my stomach, “I’ve been waiting a while for this.” He cupped my mound. “Now, that I have it, I’m going to take advantage of it.” God, this man was going to be the end of me. “Roll over.”

I did as I was told, getting on my knees to give him full view of me. He moved behind me and ran his hands down both my cheeks and my thighs. “I’m sorry this is going to have to be quick. You’re not going to get yours.”

“That’s okay. I’ll just play with myself while you get ready,” I said, giving him a wicked smirk.

He gripped my hips so tight I cried out, my nipples hardening to pebbles. “Start now, I want to watch.”

I position myself on one elbow as my other hand moved to my slick folds. I ran a finger between them before slipping it inside of me. “You’re very filthy, Mr. Bonner.” His only response was to grip my hips tighter, making me whimper.

For a few seconds, I worked myself before adding another finger. I wanted to take my time, to tease him, but there was no time to. He had to get to work, and I had some job searching to do.

Charles groaned, resting his head on the small of my back. “Keep doing that, I need to grab a condom.”

“No,” I said, surprising even myself. “I want to feel you. All of you.” I had told him last night that I was on birth control and didn’t plan on getting off of it any time soon. I felt that we needed to know where we stood. I wanted children, but I would prefer them to be planned, considering the field I had gone into.

“Are you sure?” His eyes were on my. I could feel them.

I nodded. “Please.”

He repositioned himself behind me. With one hand on my hip, he pulled me toward him, guiding himself to my pussy. I started to remove my fingers, but he stopped me. “You wanted to feel me, didn’t you?” I shivered and nodded, resting my cheek against the bed, waiting for his cock to enter me.

When he did, it was slow. Agonizingly so. I could feel every inch of him as he pushed himself inside of me. I clawed at the bed with my free hand, whimpering when he was all the way in. When he didn’t move, I became impatient. “I thought we needed to hurry?” I started to move my fingers, wiggling and thrusting them as much as I could. With his cock inside of me, there was a nice pressure on the right spot, and I was panting with just a few movements. “Please, hurry,” I begged.

At my insistence, Charles started to move. Slow at first, then faster and faster. I started to feel myself build up to my release, and started to move my fingers at a frantic pace. Charles slammed into me a few more times before he came with a groan. Feeling him spill into me was enough to send me over the edge.

Almost simultaneously, I removed my fingers and he pulled out of me. I rolled onto my back to look at him. He was sweaty and panting, but there was a smile on his face. “Maybe I should have you spend the night more often.”

It earned him a lazy, satisfied smile. “Maybe, but you’ll be late to work a lot. I guess I will be too.”

“True.” He leaned down and kissed me. “I would be willing to take the verbal beating Rebecca would give me.”

“That doesn’t help me any.” I was not my own boss and couldn’t afford to lose another job, whenever I found one.

“No, it doesn’t. We’ll have to do weekends, then.”

“I can do weekends.”

“Good. Now, that’s settled, it’s time to get ready.” He sat on the edge of the bed, and turned back to me. “You can stay in bed and sleep longer if you want. Just lock the door on your way out.”

That was a lot of trust to put in someone. I wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility. “It’s fine. I really do need to job search.”

“Alright.” He smiled and kissed me one last time before getting out of bed. “I’ll call you so we can make plans for the weekend.”

I smiled up at him. “Okay.”


The rest of the week passed by in a blur. I got the job with Charles’ friend, Alexandra Perez, doing almost exactly what I did before, but with some added tasks and a nice raise and better healthcare. She was desperate for the help, the last girl had just walked off, and I would start first thing Monday.

To celebrate, Charles was going to come over to my place and we were going to drink some wine and watch cheesy action movies. My usual Friday night with the added bonus of someone else being there. It was nice to know there was someone willing to watch these campy movies with me. Even Jenny hated to sit through them. She was more of a rom-com woman anyways.

Though, it would start later than normal. Charles had his sister’s anniversary part to attend to. It worried me a bit. If what Rebecca said was true, Ava was not a nice person. And the fear he had shown when he saw her. No one should be afraid of their sibling. Not like that. Like they could kill you at any moment. The protective side of me wanted to go with him, but I didn’t think that was a good idea. I was under the impression that he didn’t want me to meet her. Which was understandable. I didn’t even know if I wanted to meet her.

Bottle of wine purchased, I headed to my apartment from the store, and set the bottle on the kitchen counter top. I pulled two wine glasses from the cabinets and inspected them for dirt. I don't use the glasses often, preferring to drink straight from the bottle, so there was a collection of dust on both glasses. They needed to be cleaned along with the rest of my apartment. I am not a tidy person.

I ate some leftover Hamburger Helper for dinner, and then started my cleaning spree. I made it to the bedroom before there was a knock on the door. My eyes fell to my alarm clock. It was only 8:30 so there was no way it was Charles. He said not to expect him until at least 10. But I wasn’t expecting anyone else, and there’s no way it was some salesman or Bible thumpers.

“Hello?!” I called, a few feet away from the door, ready to run and hide if necessary. Unfortunately, my door doesn’t have a peephole so I had to rely on the old fashioned method of screaming through a door.

“It’s me, Charles,” Charles called through the door, his voice cracking a bit.

A breath of relief washed through me and I opened the door a smile on my face. It faltered when my eyes took in Charles’ disheveled appearance. His grey suit jacket was unbuttoned, revealing the white button-up underneath that had a nice big red stain that was still wet and smelled of alcohol, wine. His hair was sticking out on one side, as if someone has grabbed him by it. A nasty, red scratch was on his neck on the same side of his messed up hair.

“Jesus Christ, Charles! What the hell happened?!” I grabbed his hand and ushered him inside, dragging him straight to the bathroom. After forcing him to sit on the toilet seat, I grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls from under the sink. “This is going to sting,” I inform him after soaking a cotton ball in the peroxide. He didn’t even flinch. Just stared at my sink vacantly.

After I was done I threw the cotton ball in my trash and turned back to him. I stared at him for several moments before asking, “What happened?” He was upset, red slightly puffed eyes he refused to look at me with, and I thought talking might help. All I got was silence. “Hey,” I called softly, placing a hand on his cheek to get him to look at me. “What happened?”

His eyes finally met mine. “Do I have to talk about it?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Not now, but soon.” My thumb brushed against his dry yet soft lips. “Sound fair?” He came to my place in that disheveled state, I deserve to know what happened.

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