The Highlander Without a Bride (20 page)

Read The Highlander Without a Bride Online

Authors: Johanna Maas

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Highlander Without a Bride
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Kaye stared at the backs of her
retreating parents as they walked away from them and silently moved up the stairs and in the direction of their own chamber above.  She was quite perplexed by the short conversation that had occurred as she questioningly returned her gaze from them and over into the eyes of Tor.  She was quite confused and uncertain as to what had just transpired.

Tor gazed at Kaye as
a slight smile grew upon his face as he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.  As an excitement grew within his chest, he stood and moved himself from his own place and over next to hers.  He lowered himself before her as he placed one knee upon the floor.  He held her hand within his own quite gently as he looked into her eyes, his face just mere inches from hers.

Milady," Tor began, "I have long since hoped that I could ask you a question."  He breathed in deeply letting the air out slowly as he continued, "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" 

He l
ooked deeply into her eyes and continued on before she could speak, "I do not have a lot to offer one such as you, for I own no lands of my own and simply have my protection, my honor and my clan to pledge to you.  But I would promise to love and to cherish you every day of my life…"

Kaye drew in her
breath, wondering if she had just heard him correctly.  Was he really asking her?  Could this be true?  Was her life's dream really within her reach?  For this man to whom she had given her heart, for yes, she now truly admitted that fully at this moment…did he genuinely want her?

he looked back at him intensely as a sudden fear began to build within her breast while the uncertainties of her recent history flooded her mind.  For if she were to spend the rest of her life with this man, she had to speak freely and had to know his true thoughts for she was resolved that she would not repeat the mistakes of her past.

"I must ask, milord
and you may find this question quite bold, but I must be certain..."  She gazed into his eyes, his look unwavering as he waited patiently for her to continue. 

"There has been
so much that has happened to me and so much that I am not proud of…"  She looked down, unable to hold his eyes in hers as she continued more quietly on.

"You know, for you have
witnessed it with your own eyes, that I am not untouched.  And I have been called soiled.  Does this not matter to you?"

Tor could feel her pain and entirely
understood her hesitance but had to make sure that she comprehended the truth of it.  With his finger, he lifted her chin so that he could gain the full access to her face and her eyes as he spoke clearly and quite truthfully.

"There is
that is soiled about you, milady.  You are a kind and most beautiful woman and one that has stolen my heart.  I simply cannot live without you.  So I am begging you and I am beseeching you to become my wife."

Kaye looked deeply into his eyes
as a smile spread upon her face and a hope within her heart for his declarations were exactly what she had desired to hear.  She believed in him, had long given her heart to him and knew above all else that she would trust him.

But there was something more that she had to know.  Something more that s
he had to be certain of before she would give him her answer.  For with the experiences she had over these last months, no man had lovingly touched her body and the thoughts of her prior experiences had repulsed and terrified her.  She considered that it was not fair to him if she consented to become his wife then found out that she would not be able to fulfill her duties to her husband fully and lovingly.  And that thought terrified her.  She knew most assuredly that before she could pledge herself to him she needed to know with certainty the depth of her pain and the depth of her fears.

speaking, Kaye stood and as she still held his hand within hers, she began to walk from their place before the hearth.  He pulled back on her firmly as he stopped her from where she stood not knowing what she was about.  She turned and looked back at Tor who had confusion clearly written upon his face. 

Without explaining fully, for she knew she could
not speak out loud of her reservations to anyone including him, she simply asked of him, "Do you trust me?"

Without hesitation, he
stood and said, "Yes, of course."

Without speaking
further, she pulled him along as she walked across the now empty hall floor and up the stairs.  She moved down the darkened hallway and opened the door to her room.  As she passed over the threshold, he hesitated and once again stopped her from where she stood.  She standing within, he outside the chamber and still holding her hand while ever so confused.

"Please, milord." 
Kaye pleaded breathlessly.

She looked at him again a
s he removed his eyes from hers as he glanced down the deserted hallway.  Tor wondered what her parents would think of this for he had no idea what was her plan.

pulled gently once again on his hand as he grudgingly moved within her room.  She closed the door and bolting it behind them, Tor's thundering heart the only thing that could be heard.

In the
murky darkness, Tor felt her move closer to him and come to stand close and within his arms.  She then moved her hands to his face as she brought his lips down to find hers.  For long moments they kissed fully, easily picking up the passions from where they had last left off earlier as their breaths once again began to come in rasps.

Kaye's breath hitched once again as the
burning began to rise within her as a feeling of warmth spread throughout her body.  The sensations were quite heady for she had never experienced anything like it before.  She wrapped her arms fully around his neck as her lips moved across his and her tongue eagerly sought out Tor's.

long moments they stood as such as their passions rose and the warmth continued to spread.  Kaye's heart began to beat faster and she could feel his arms possessively surrounding her.  She felt the power of his embrace as he placed one of his hands at the small of her back and the other pressing her nearer to him between her shoulders.

Tor felt her b
oldly reach down and grasp his hand as she gently moved it upwards around her body.  As she moved his hand and it came in contact with the material of her bodice as she pressed it into her breast, he froze knowing he must keep his passions in check for her sake alone.  Kaye moved him so and he burned for her most heatedly but he needed to make sure he was in control. 

broke the kiss hastily and stepped slightly back and away from her, his chest rising and falling rapidly for the feelings she stirred in him.  For he was entirely impassioned and if he continued down this path he was uncertain if he would be able to stop.  And he swore he would not push her and do that to her, for this woman he most desperately wanted to be his wife.  He stood incredulously, his heart pounding for the want and the need of her as his brain pleaded with him to seek reason.

Through the darkness he could see that she had l
owered her head for it appeared she did not want to look at him.  He reached forward and with the back of his fingers he touched her soft ivory cheek.  With a start he realized that there was a certain dampness about them as he noticed that her shoulders began to slightly tremble.  He reached forward and pulled her into his arms knowing she had tears and he feared that he had hurt her.

He spoke, "My dear, Kaye.  What you must think of me.  I am so sorry
for what I have done to you for have I pushed you too far?"

She could only shake her head as the tears
continued to fall down her face as her agony and her shame ensued.  With more misery then she had ever known, she spoke the truth of it.

"Tor, I need to know!"

Totally confused by her words, he asked, "Need to know what, my love?"

Her tears came
heavily as her body trembled with sadness.  She stood for long moments within the security of his arms as she attempted to gather herself so that she could collect her courage to speak out loud and explain the full of it to him.  For she knew in her heart that she had to completely understand so that she could truthfully and knowingly provide the answer to his most important question.

"There is something that I need to know before I can answer you regarding your proposal."

Tor was completely confused by now and unsure what was happening while a dread fully consumed him within.  He was quite unsure what she needed to know, his heart nearly stopping for the fear of it.  Did she have any doubts regarding his feelings he had towards her or the protection he would provide?

She slow
ly tried to explain as she lowered her head in her shame as she did so.  "No one has ever touched me in a loving way with the exception of
.  I need to know for
happiness alone and before I keep you tied to me for life.  I need to know that when you touch me as those others have violated me, that I can completely fulfill my duties and be the wife that you deserve."

As the realization of her fears and the totality of what she was trying to prove dawned upon Tor, his heart crushed desperately within his chest for this wonderfully giving woman and for the pain that she had endured.  He reached out and wrap
ped his arms tightly around her as he brought her desperately within his embrace and held her tightly to his chest.  He realized most candidly that there was nothing more in this world that was more important to him then to protect this woman always.  For it was apparent to him, that even though it had never been anyone but Kaye who had been left unprotected and had found herself hurt, she was still the one concerned for everyone else's happiness first and always.

Tor worked hard at collecting himsel
f as he attempted to keep controlled as he spoke softly and ardently to her. 

"Kaye, there is no need for your worries
.  I am going to ask you one simple question.  Do you trust

Kaye knew without
reservation that she did and answered immediately, "Yes, I do."

"Then that is all that is needed.  Please trust in me to love yo
u, nurture you and care for you and the rest of it will happen.  For those other acts were out of violence and hatred, what we have together is love and a real passion.  I can feel it when I am near you and I am assured of it as I kiss you."  He leaned down and gently brushed his lips over hers as he continued, "So, please, just trust in me and all will be well.  This milady, I promise you."

The tears once again welled within her eyes, but this time they
were not for the fears she had but for the happiness that he instilled inside of her every moment that they were together.  A true happiness and an encompassing joy spread through her breast. 

With a complete
elation upon her heart, she knew there was but one thing that had been left unsaid.  One last question that was still left unanswered and one that she was most delighted to answer.

She looked up at him and said proudly,
"Yes, Tor, I would be honored to become your wife."

those words spoken, she stood up upon her toes as she leaned into him and begged him silently to once again kiss her.  No more prompting was needed as Tor leaned down to gently and entirely capture her lips, sealing their fate forever.
















The bride was beautiful.  Her long and
dark ebony hair flowed across her shoulders and cascaded in soft tresses down the entire length of her back, stunningly encompassing her tiny waist.  Her dress was a deep blue colored cloth with a low neckline and full skirts that accentuated her petite curves and natural beauty.  Her soft blue eyes and face radiated brilliantly as she looked up to gaze at her intended as the priest said the wedding blessings towards sealing her fate into wifedom. 

The hall erupted into cheers as
Tor leaned down to claim the lips of his new wife as the ceremony was concluded and the priest pronounced the happy couple husband and wife.  It was not an innocent and proper kiss as English decorum would dictate even though they were on English soil, but a full and sensual kiss that spoke of love and of passion and one that was customary of the Scottish Highlander ways.  When the couple finally parted, the bride and the groom were left breathless as their eyes never left one another while a shy smile spread across Kaye's face.

Tor turned to his new wife and
hugged her tightly, a smile spreading now fully across his face for the pride that he had and the love that he could now show openly for his new bride.  His heart soared as he could feel the slight heat from her body as he securely wrapped her within his arms.  He pulled back slightly, looking down at his lovely wife and took her hand within his as he led her proudly over to her parents and allowed them to be of the first to congratulate their joyful daughter.




As the hall began to empty after the celebratory meal and the sun now well gone, Kaye looked up at her new husband with a slight blush appearing upon her cheeks and her eyes shining and full of love.  She had to admit she was both excited and frightened for the unknown of this night but was impatient to be alone with her new husband and once again within his arms.  For the feelings that he evoked in her brought a full blush to her face.

She knew
very well that her blonde warrior had promised to love and cherish her and vowed that he would never do anything to harm her.  But the experiences of her past while somewhat faded, continued to plague her in the very far recesses of her mind.  But she knew this was her husband and not any of those dark creatures from her past.  And of course, she had full faith in his heart, above all else she knew she could trust this man she now had the pleasure to call husband.

Without warning
and in front of those remaining in the Devon's great chamber, Tor bent over and fully picked up his bride of only a few hours and wrapped her fully within his arms.  He now held her proudly and tightly to his chest for all to see as he claimed her openly before all.  He was not concerned nor did he care of their reactions for he had but one woman upon his mind.  This one night was now upon him, the time that had previously only dared to dream about.  Now that time was here.

wrapped her arms around her Scottish Highlander warrior smiling breathlessly as she gazed deeply into his eyes.  Her heart beat heavily within her breast as he moved across the hall and up the stairs as he took them effortlessly and two at a time.  She felt the warmth of his embrace and the power of his arms as he held her securely to his chest.  A warmth spread pleasingly within her as they reached her room, now
room.  He held her most tightly as he passed over the threshold, kicking the door closed firmly behind them.  As her anticipation grew, she felt him reach over to neatly bolt the door, the lock heavily reverberating into the otherwise silent night. 

A small memory flashed
through her mind of another hour of darkness, another thrown bolt and the sadness of a key grating within the lock.  But she tried desperately to push those memories aside, knowing this was her dream, her desired dream and not the nightmares of her past.

moved to the center of the darkened room as the night's moon shone slightly in the single window and the small embers in the hearth glowed faintly.  The obscured light allowed him to just make out the beautiful features of her face.  He held his new bride still within his arms, her body feeling so amazingly wonderful cradled against his chest.  He dropped his head to capture her lips as he drew deeply from her and tasted of her sweetness. 

Without breaking the kiss, he
gently lowered her legs to the floor so that she was standing before him, bringing her in close so that he could feel the full of her against his heated body.  Slowly and leisurely he moved both of his hands over to her back, pressing her closer as he felt her full breasts up against his chest.

had her arms wrapped around her new husband's neck, the feel of his muscular chest against her own sending waves of pleasure throughout her.  So strong, so amazing, so protected did she feel and so many emotions she could not quite name.  She kissed him deeply, following his lead as their lips moved hungrily, forever yearning as their tongues danced endlessly together.

His strong hands cradled her back sending burning sensations wherever they
touched her through her gown as her skin heated most excitingly.  Slowly he traced his finger lazily down from her shoulder and around her side as he gradually encompassed the full of her breast.  She felt the immense pleasure and moaned at the thrill of it as the vast and new shockwaves coursed through her body.  For the sensations were so breathtaking as he gently kneaded her through her gown.  She moaned loudly as she leaned further into his hand for she never wanted the sensations to end.

Tor continued to kiss her
deeply as he held her fullness within his hand, her bold movements inciting him onward.  She felt so right within his arms and the fiery reactions she displayed made him nearly lose his control.  So impassioned was she and she was now his.

He removed his hand from her breast as he
shifted them to the lacings upon her gown.  As she let out a slight whimper of dismay for the loss of his touch, a bold smile touched his lips as he hurriedly worked the bindings as he attempted to free her body from its silky encumbrances. 

When the stays
were loosened he slowly lowered the top of her gown and chemise down to her waist as he now exposed the complete beauty of her ivory white skin.  He removed his lips from hers as he trailed light kisses upon her neck and then further onto her shoulder and then upon her breast.  As he hungrily tasted of her skin, a slight gasp come from Kaye's lips as his mouth settled more hungrily upon her.  Tor opened his eyes as he moved his tongue lightly over her peak, watching her head fall slightly back as her breath began to come in rasps, her passion clearly etched upon her face.

Kaye arched her back
giving him uninhibited access to her as he continued to build the fire for her within, his hot kisses causing immense feelings deep within her core.  She felt him move slightly as he picked her up and walked slowly over to the massive bed.  He laid her softly out in the middle as his eager kisses continued to enflame her fully as the fires now heated within.  His hands worked adeptly to remove the remainder of her clothing, leaving her now entirely exposed to him upon the bed.  Her breath was now coming in heavy rasps as she hungered for more. 

Kaye watched
in the murky darkness and through lowered lashes as he undressed, completely ridding himself of the rest of his clothes from his hardened and powerful body.  As he moved to her side upon the bed, she brazenly brought her hands up to his compelling chest and allowed her fingers to tentatively caress his chiseled muscles.  Just the lightest of touches sent strange and fiery sensations throughout.  How she longed to feel his heated skin and to touch every part of him.

She watched as he lowered his head once again to her
breast, slowly waking the peak with his tongue as she wound her hands within his hair.  With his free hand he began lightly touching her stomach, new and pleasant ripples of sensations being sent throughout her body as he did so. 

He moved his hand lower, parting her legs slightly as he touched her womanho
od as a rush of warmth cascaded through her core.  Her breath came heavier as he touched her further and she arched her back as she moved beneath him while he brought her passions entirely to life.  On and on he moved her as the fever within her rose rapidly and threatened to overwhelm her.  Within moments of his first touch she cried out in her rapture and felt the waves wash over her.  The feelings he evoked were unlike anything she had ever experienced before as she exploded into ecstasy and the stars flashed brilliantly within her mind.

Kaye felt Tor
nudge her legs slightly wider as he gently moved over her and captured her lips with his.  Leisurely he set a sensuous kiss upon her, her body still heavily heated and floating with desire.  She felt the hardness of his passion as he entered her, slowly and gently moving forward as the sensations he instilled excited her further.  She tensed slightly as she felt a slight pain as he gently moved through her maidenhood.

Tor immediately stilled his own body
when he sensed her discomfort.  For long moments he stayed motionless, continuing to kiss her deeply as he moved his hand freely over her heated skin.  As he captured her breast he heard a slight moan as he renewing her passions and enflaming her onward, his own body heated with need. 

the pain faded and her breath began to come quicker, he moved slightly within her as he continued to kindle her fire.  She moved her hips in kind as she encouraged him on for the heady sensations were driving her wild.  She reached around him and felt the hardness of his finely muscled back, grasping at him and pulling him closer.  Silently, she pleaded with him that she wanting him near and wanting more of him, though not fully comprehending her need.  For what he was doing to her, she did not understand but knew most assuredly she desired more. 

Kaye felt him move deeper withi
n her as he stirred the passions onward to places she had never known could exist, her heart loving him and her body needing him, more with each passing moment.  Together they united and moved as one until she heard him cry out her name as their worlds exploded together and wave after wave of passions consumed them.  He fell heavily upon her, holding her close within his powerful arms as he kissed her tenderly and stroked her body gently.

In the aftermath of their love,
Tor laid slightly upon her with his own heart racing and his breath coming in heavy rasps.  He realized with a certainty that his heated body was now consumed with devotion.  He laid there for several moments as he attempted to wrap his mind around the love that had been theirs, unbelieving of the passion they had just shared.  He knew now that he had truly been blessed with this woman he now had the privilege to call wife.

He found her mouth and gently placed a loving kiss upon it, her heated response
even now in the aftermath duly noted.  He moved from her slightly and on to his back as he kept her cradled within his arms for he never wanted to let her go.  She laid her head upon his chest as he drew his warm plaid over them both as their bodies were still intertwined.  He held her tightly, unbelieving and not wishing to wake up from what must surely be a dream.

They laid like this for
a very long while until their breathing returned to normal.  They did not speak and in the silence they were each reveling in their pleasure and the warm afterglow of their love.  He lazily moved his hand over her back, the softness of her skin causing his heart to race once again and quicken its pace.  He breathed deeply as he attempted to calm himself for he knew he must let her rest.  He needed to ensure she was all right for while he needed and wanted her again, he understood entirely that it was just too soon.

Kaye felt
a true sense of passion and joy and never had she known she could feel like such.  For the man that held her, the man that had loved her and had stirred her body so.  He touched her heart entirely and filled her with such emotions and feelings she never knew could exist.  Even now after their lovemaking when he had fully satisfied her, his slightest touch was rekindling her passions anew.  Even now she found herself boldly admitting that she wanted for more.

She t
imidly moved her arm that was lying upon her hip so that her hand was now resting upon his stomach as her tentative fingers yearned for his strong body.  More than anything she wanted to touch his heated skin as he had touched her.  Boldly and lazily she moved her fingers upwards, feeling the power of his body, his chiseled muscles and the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed softly.

pulse began to race once again as he allowed her access and permitted her to freely touch his burning skin feeling her own body's passions renew.  For long moments she explored feeling his strength and his power under her, until he caught her wrist and stilled it from whence it moved.

He said softly with as much restraint in his voice as he could gather, "Milady, if you continue on with your
current ministrations, I cannot guarantee that I will not take you again and you may wish that I not do so, so soon…"

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