The First Time is the Sweetest (7 page)

Read The First Time is the Sweetest Online

Authors: Erin M. Leaf

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: The First Time is the Sweetest
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“I hope you’re right, because I don’t think I can go another minute without touching you,” he said, returning her quick kiss with one of his own.

Her eyes fluttered shut; then he reached for her and kissed her delicately, teasing her lips with his until she moaned and he opened his mouth, swiping his tongue against her top lip. Sabrina gasped and kissed him back. He smelled like mint, and she breathed deeply as she sucked on his lower lip. He pulled back to look at her face, which she was sure was pink, and he smiled. When his eyes dropped to her lips and he bent toward her, she held her breath, but he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he tilted his head and rubbed his cheek against hers, breathing into her ear and sucking her earlobe into his mouth for a brief nip.

Sabrina shivered, moving her head to give him better access and sliding her hands down his shoulders onto his arms. His muscles flexed beneath her palms as his mouth moved back to hers, his tongue stroking her lower lip gently before slipping inside. She gasped again and tightened her grip as he growled low and soft, deepening the kiss. She deliberately stroked his tongue with hers and then drew back to suck on his full lower lip as he groaned softly. Then, without warning, she nipped him. She’d wanted to do that for ages. He inhaled harshly and hauled her closer, tangling their legs together on the couch.

“Sweetheart, you learn fast,” he murmured. Sabrina watched him inhale and hoped she smelled good. He kissed her again, smoothing his hands gently over her shoulders as though he worried about frightening her.
Silly man
, she thought.

Sabrina wanted to climb into his body, wanted to lick his skin until he couldn’t speak anymore. She didn’t know where these aggressive thoughts were coming from, but was grateful Jimmy didn’t seem to mind. She pulled back from the kiss and climbed over his legs until she was astride his lap, holding herself up to look at how their bodies fit. She felt a stab of indecision as she realized just where she’d put herself, but Jimmy smiled and lay back against the couch, his head falling into a beam of sunlight. His eyes were bright in the light.

So lovely
, she thought, then slowly lowered her body until she was directly against his cock. She watched his face the entire time. His mouth opened and he trembled, trying to hold still. Then he closed his eyes and grabbed her hips, thrusting up against her sex. She shivered and rubbed against the zipper of his shorts. She still wore the light yellow skirt, so the only thing between them was the thin fabric of her satin panties and his denim.

“God, Jimmy, you feel so good!” she gasped, grinding down again. His erection leaped as she spoke, and he opened his eyes, smiling fiercely.

“You’re not so bad yourself, Sabrina.” He slid his hands down from her hips to the bare skin of her legs. He smiled as he slowly slipped his fingers beneath her skirt, then moved up, teasing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs with his thumbs. She froze. Heat flashed through her when she realized she was wet. If Jimmy moved his hands any higher, he would know. She flushed.

“So, any questions?” he asked, voice husky. He eased his hands higher and higher, watching her face carefully. Sabrina felt how careful he was being with her and almost closed her eyes but didn’t want to look away from him. His thumbs soothed her nervousness, stopping just short of her panties. His shirt gaped, showing every sleek muscle in his chest as he touched her.

“Do you have any questions for me?” he repeated, rubbing circles into her skin.

“Wh-what? Questions?” She licked her lips. His eyes darted to her face for a moment before dropping down to watch her nipples poke against the thin material of her halter top. She almost hid her face when she felt his hips jerk slightly, as though he couldn’t help himself. She looked at him, realizing that he was holding back, trying to keep from rushing her.

“Yeah, questions. I’m supposed to be answering any questions you might have about sex, remember?” She gasped as his thumbs moved a little higher. He was teasing her! She wanted to kill him for a brief second, then felt amusement.
Hmm, two can play this game.

“Questions. Uh, let me think.” She paused, pretending to be deep in thought as she absently rubbed herself against him again. Jimmy gasped, and she smiled. “Well, I’ve always wondered if a man’s nipples are as sensitive as a woman’s. I liked what you did to me this morning. Do you like it when someone plays with your nipples? Or your nipple ring?”

Her heart pounded and she could barely breathe as she waited for his reaction, hoping that he felt as hot as she did. She could hardly believe she’d said that, but she didn’t have to wait long as he shivered beneath her and grabbed her hips, stilling her rocking motion. When she looked down at his chest again, her eyes went directly to the silver in his left nipple.

“Why don’t you try it out on me and see?” Jimmy rasped. Despite her inexperience, Sabrina could tell he was struggling to control himself. He was so hard he was trembling, and Sabrina rocked on top of him, unable to stop when it felt so good. She knew her hair was mussed but no longer cared what she looked like. From the way Jimmy looked at her, she could tell he liked what she was doing.

She pressed down harder, loving the way his eyes went dark when aroused. She leaned forward and slipped her teeth around the nipple ring, giving it a gentle tug. Jimmy arched his back and made an incoherent sound, nearly bucking her off as she slid her tongue down and around the suddenly erect nipple. She sucked on the ring and nipped at him while he writhed, pushing his cock up into the heat between her thighs.
I guess he liked that
, she had a second to think. Then he growled and flipped her over onto her back on the large footrest in front of the couch. He stopped and stared at her wildly as she gasped and arched her back, hoping he would touch her, anywhere.

“Sabrina, you’re going to kill me,” he ground out, then lowered his head to her right breast, biting her nipple through the fabric. A jolt of fire raced through her, and then he dropped down, pushing his heavy cock against her, fitting himself perfectly against the ache. She grabbed his ass and twisted, trying to get closer. She was going to come soon, without either of them undressing. The buzz of it built higher as he sucked and bit at her nipple. Suddenly, he grabbed her thighs and shoved her legs up and over his hips, holding her open. Sabrina moaned in protest and opened her eyes. Her skirt was hiked up near her waist and she knew he could see how swollen she was, even through her panties. He gently placed her feet on the couch behind him and slid his hands up toward her as he kneeled on the floor.

“God, you’re so wet,” Jimmy said as she shivered and blushed. No one had ever seen her like this. “I can see how hot you are right through your panties. I want to taste you. Can I? I want to so much.”

Sabrina nodded, feeling shy for a moment. Then he gently moved his hands around the strings of her panties and pulled them down, releasing first one leg and then the other. When he moved his hands up to her center, she couldn’t think. No one had ever touched her there, had ever seen her aroused. She wanted this, but at the same time felt a little scared. What if she was ugly or if she didn’t taste good? She trembled and Jimmy pressed a reassuring hand on her hip, kissing her inner thigh as he shifted closer.

“Don’t be scared. I won’t ever do anything with you that you don’t want me to, I promise,” he whispered. “Trust me.” His eyes crinkled reassuringly, and Sabrina nodded and smiled shakily, arousal pushing through her fear. He moved his right hand up her thigh and slid a finger gently around the outside of her sex. She was wet everywhere. Then he ducked his head in closer and breathed deep. Sabrina closed her eyes.

“You smell incredible, Sabrina,” he murmured, sliding his finger down her slit, then back up again, just barely grazing her swollen bud. She was pink and wet and gorgeous. He wanted to lick her, feel the way her body opened up to him as he brought her to climax. He teased her, moving his other hand to spread her labia. He bent his head and licked her from bottom to top, then swirled his tongue around her clit.

Sabrina heard someone gasping through the blood rushing in her ears, then realized she was the one making those sounds. She couldn’t stop. She didn’t want to. She grabbed Jimmy’s hair and held on as he used his tongue, then sucked on her nub, over and over again, varying intensity until she almost went crazy with the pleasure. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he slid a finger inside, pushing up as he tongued her. Sabrina shuddered and held her breath, bucking hard as her feet flexed and she climaxed for what seemed like forever. She felt Jimmy smiling but he didn’t stop, gently licking her through her pleasure until she collapsed against the cushions. When she finally opened her eyes, Jimmy’s eyes were soft as he affectionately rubbed his warm cheek against her inner thigh.

“Wow,” she croaked, and he chuckled, opening his mouth to speak. Then the doorbell rang.






Chapter 4


Sabrina had never seen such a pained look on a man’s face as on Jimmy’s in that very moment. He groaned, sitting back on the couch as she tried to sit up on the footrest and push her skirt down simultaneously. Jimmy wiped his mouth on his sleeve, then rubbed his face with both hands, making his hair stick up.
He doesn’t look any less hot that way
, she thought, amazed that she still wanted more after that incredible orgasm. She tried to pull herself together.

“Who could be dropping by without calling first?” she asked, getting her clothes mostly straightened and searching for her panties. Jimmy laughed as he stood awkwardly, holding them out to her. One side was ripped open, and she fingered the ragged edges, then flinched when the doorbell rang again. Jimmy sighed and tried to adjust his cock so it wasn’t pressing so obviously against the front of his shorts. It didn’t look comfortable. He glanced at her sheepishly, then buttoned the bottom of his shirt so that the tails would hang over his groin.

“Sorry I ripped your panties,” he whispered as Sabrina stuffed them into her skirt pocket.

“S’okay. It wasn’t like I was upset at the time, you know?” She blushed, remembering how good it felt. He smiled back at her just as the doorbell rang again.

“All right, all right already!” she called, walking out of the living room and down the hall to the door, trying not to think about her lack of underwear. She checked through the long, thin window on the left side of the door to see who was there, acutely aware of her naked ass under her skirt as the fabric slid over her skin.
Have to remember not to bend over
, Sabrina thought and sighed to herself, peering out at the two men on her doorstep.

One sported thinning gray hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He looked around as he waited. The other man was much younger, around Jimmy’s age, she guessed. He was so beautiful, she stood there for a split second, taking him in and forgetting to open the door until she saw him reaching to ring the bell again. As his arm stretched out, his unbuttoned black jacket flared open, showing the gun and holster tucked against his side under his left arm. The hilt of a black knife slid out from the right. Sabrina froze, wondering if she should open the door. The bell rang again, and she jumped.

“Who is it?” Jimmy asked, walking down the hall. He still looked disheveled, but at least he was decently attired.

Sabrina sighed again. “I don’t know, two guys in suits.” She moved to unlock the door. “And guns,” she added as Jimmy stopped behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders, then stepping to the side so that his presence wouldn’t be immediately apparent to whoever was on the other side of the door. She swung it open and waited for the two strangers to introduce themselves.

The younger man was even more attractive without the glass obscuring his features. As soon as the door swung out of the way, he locked his eyes on her. Sabrina stood there as he smiled, the corners of his blue eyes crinkling. She felt a flash of heat.
Good lord, he’s a handsome one
, she thought faintly.

“Hi, is this the Birch residence?” the man asked, smiling.

Sabrina flushed. She felt like someone had hit her in the head, he was so gorgeous. She didn’t speak right away, trying to get her libido under control. She hoped Jimmy hadn’t noticed her reaction. It was just as well her boyfriend stood out of sight, behind the wood of the doorjamb. At least he couldn’t see her face from there. The older man sighed, looking around again. He held a folder under his right arm.

Sabrina blinked, gathering her thoughts. “Uh, yeah, can I help you?” Jimmy breathed heavily behind her. What was bothering him? Could these men be dangerous?

“I’m Special Agent Oliver, and this is Special Agent Patrick, FBI.” The younger man gestured behind him before reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out a badge. His smooth tenor was as attractive as Jimmy’s baritone.

Sabrina shivered, then crossed her arms over her breasts as she felt her nipples pucker. Hoping the agent couldn’t see her reaction, she looked at the ID. It wasn’t like her to drool over a guy she’d just met two seconds ago. She wondered if the near-constant lust she’d felt near Jimmy the past few weeks was affecting her ability to function. She leaned closer, trying to focus on the badge, but couldn’t quite make out the fine print. Remembering that her dad always cautioned her to call in a badge number if officers came to the house, she reached out to take it in her hand.

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