The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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Chapter XVI

Stone of the Godsage


The lieutenant fired the rocket, he laughed as he pictured Zander exploding into a million bloody pieces. They had escaped him before but this time he would finally have their heads. The rocket exploded as it hit its target, shaking the side of the mountain range. Boulders began to tumble down the mountain almost as if they were racing each other to the bottom. Luckily no one was in the way of the falling rubble. As the smoke cleared Omak saw Zander standing behind a rock wall covered in water.

“He used two defensive spells of two dif
ferent elements together.” The Lieutenant said to himself.

“Wind S
tyle: Slicing Gale!” Zander shouted as the blades of wind came from Ivory.

He followed up with a fire spell to combine the two. The flames came for Omak who tried to dodge the spell
but failed, leaving his left arm and leg severely burned. He winced at the pain and tried to ignore it,

“So you can control four different types of magick, your full of surprises aren’t y
ou?” Omak asked.

Zander pointed Ivory’s blade at the L
ieutenant, “I’m just getting started.”

He ran towards the lieutenant armed with his sword. Omak fired a rocket in his direction, trying to
distract him. Zander ran up to the rocket and in one quick motion slashed right through it, he barely had time to escape the blast. He used the force of the blast to increase his momentum, “It’s over Omak!” Zander shouted as his blade sliced right through the Lieutenant’s neck, decapitating him as he passed by him.

Zander stopped to catch his breath as he watched Omak’s head rolling around on the ground.
He had never taken a life before, but it felt different than he had imagined it. Somehow he thought he would feel more remorse, but he didn’t feel anything. The Lieutenant had it coming to him; he had helped Vallerus organize the hunt so he believed that he actually had done V’nairia a public service.

By this time the others had defeated the other soldiers and walked over to find him sitting on the ground
staring at the body. “Zander are you okay?” Kerra asked him.

He didn’t respond
, he seemed as though he was in some kind of trance. Heiro placed his hand on Zander’s shoulder, “He deserved to die Zander, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He said.

“I understand that he deserved it
, it’s just this strange feeling.” He said.

“What strange feeling?” Kerra asked him.

“It was satisfying to watch him die, it gave me closure.” Zander explained.

They had never seen this side of him before, it was almost terrifying. It was like Vallus’ words were coming from Zander’s body, it disturbed them. He was somehow darker than he was before; they feared that his heart would turn evil like his friends. Kerra knew something like that could never happen, she loved him and would never let him drift into the darkness.

“We are alright now, because of you Zander.” Kerra said bending down to kiss him gently on the lips. This had awoken him from his trance and he was alright, the feeling had subsided.

The three of them
awoke the next morning feeling well rested. They were in better spirits than they had been before, especially Zander who had had to deal with many different things over the course of just a few weeks. Kerra was worried about him; she had wondered what would happen to his mind after killing the Lieutenant. They had seen no sign of Ashe, she had probably gotten up earlier to scout ahead; she was still mourning Thesia’s death and was not taking it easily. Zander knew to give her the space she needed and she would come around eventually.

“How are you feeling today Zander?” Kerra asked.

Zander looked over at her and smiled, “I feel pretty great actually.” He said.

His smile was definitely comforting; it eased some of the worry. “I bet he’s ready for another fight, aren’t you?” Heiro asked him jokingly.

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Zander said as the three of them began to laugh.

It was the happiest they had been in a while, they weren’t worried about Vallus, or the reawakening of the Demon king. As much as they wanted to take a longer break from their journey they couldn’t, they had to retrieve that stone from the mountain peak at any cost. The stone was the only way Zander would have enough power to defeat Vallus and save V’nairia. They began to pack up their belongings and walked up the mountain path.

“Do you think Ashe is okay?” Kerra asked.

“I’m not sure, Thesia was the only family she had known for most of her life.” Zander explained.

“Not to mention the hatred she feels for Vallus, what if she tries to take revenge?” Heiro asked.

Zander hadn’t thought about that, what is she tried to kill him? Zander couldn’t stop his sister; she was his blood. On the other hand, Vallus was his friend; it was certainly something to think about. “Maybe I can talk to Ashe and see where her thoughts and feelings are now.” Zander said. The other two nodded, it was futile to try to convince him otherwise; but they both knew it was a wasted effort.

Up the path they
saw Ashe sitting on the side of the mountain staring off into the distance. Zander could see the pain in her face; he could tell she had been crying from the puffiness around her eyes. Ashe wasn’t the type to voice her feelings when she was sad; but anger was a different story.

“Have you been out here long sis?” Zander asked.

She looked up at him and looked as though she was about to break down. “About half the night and all morning I’d say.” she said softly and tilted her head back to look at the clouds.

“It’s alright Ashe; you can talk about it if you want.” Kerra said feeling sorry for her.

Ashe stood up and dusted herself off, “We had better get going if we want to reach the peak before nightfall.” she said avoiding Kerra’s remark.

She began to walk ahead in silence, they others knew to drop the subject and they followed. “Have you eaten anything Ashe? You seem a bit pale.” Heiro said.

“I ate some fish I had cooked from a nearby river.” she said as if annoyed.

Zander knew she would blow up any minute; she was a hot head; so it was in his best interest not to say anything. “If you’d like I can carry your bag for you.” Heiro said.

Ashe stopped and spun around, “Dammit! Can everyone just shut the hell up already? If I needed to talk I would tell you I want to talk.” she shouted.

“There it was
, it was bound to happen sooner or later.” Zander thought to himself.

The others just stood in amazement; they could see the veins in her head and neck raise. “I have eaten, and I can carry my own damn bag; let’s just get to the peak and be done with it okay.” Ashe continued. Nothing more was said the rest of the trip up the mountain.

              When they had finally made it to the mountain peak they saw a small house that sat next to a large tree with many branches. “Sis did Thesia mention anyone living up here?” Zander asked.

“No all she said was that we could find the stone here.” Ashe said.

“Maybe we should go knock and see if anyone is home.” Heiro said.

They walked over to the small house and Zander knocked on the door. There was no response, “Hello!” Kerra called out.

Zander knocked again, “I’m coming, I’m coming just a moment.” A voice said.

The door opened and they saw a short older man. He had to have been in his seventies or eighties and had long white hair and a white beard. “Who are you?” the m
an asked.

“Im Zander and these are
my friends; we’re looking for the stone of Hylkroft the Godsage.” He said.

The man stared at him for a moment, and then busted out into a hearty laugh. “You want the stone of the Godsage, ha that’s rich.” The man said.

“This is serious sir; we need it to save V’nairia.” Heiro explained.

“So you believe you can stop your friend from awakening the demon king?” the old man asked.

Zander had never mentioned that information, how could this man have known why they were here. “How did you know?” Kerra asked.

“Ha, I know many things my dear please come inside.” He said motioning them to come in.

He showed them into his dining area and seated them at the table. “Tea?” he asked.

“Yes please.” Zander said.

He poured each of them a cup of tea and he sat down with them. “I know each of you, I’ve seen you fight, I know everything about you.” The man said.

This man was well informed, but how could he
know everything about them. To Zander it just wasn’t possible, he must be using magick. “So how do you know everything about us sir?” Heiro asked.

The man sipped his tea and placed the cup back on the saucer. “With my right eye I can see things that happen in the present,
I’m a mystic just like each of you.” He explained. They studied his eye; it was made of pure crystal. “I am Lycos, the Godsage’s younger brother.” The man said.

This was shocking to each of them, they had never heard of the Godsage having any siblings. “So if your Hylkroft’s brother than you must be pretty powerful.” Ashe said.

Lycos laughed, “No your wrong my purpose has always been to train others, I’ve never fought in a battle.” He said.

“What about the stone? Is it here?” Zander asked.

“Yes, the stone is here but you aren’t ready to wield such power.” Lycos said.

“Will you train us then?” Ashe asked.

“You two are just like your parents, quick to the point.” The man said.

Zander knew that was coming, so Lycos had trained each of their parents before
. So he had known about the organization, this is what Thesia had meant when she said to come after the stone; she also meant to train. “So you will train us?” Zander asked.

“Yes we shall start tomorrow at sunrise, be prepared it will not be easy.” Lycos said.

“Thank you sir.” Kerra said. He smiled and nodded,

“You can take the two back bedrooms.” He added.

Each of them went to their rooms and unpacked their things and had gotten into bed. Tomorrow they would start to grow stronger and Zander knew it was just a matter of time before he brought Vallus back home.





Chapter XVII

Battle Plan


The next morning they had gotten up at sunrise and met Lycos outside to train. They could barely keep their eyes open they were so tired from walking the day before, not to mention none of them have ever been woken up at the crack of dawn. Zander yawned, “It’s so early, can’t we wait awhile to train?” he asked. Lycos hit him over the head with his long wooden cane. “Hey what was that for?” Zander asked rubbing the sore spot in his head.

“You want to train to use the stone, we do it my way; understand?” the old man said.

“Yes we understand.” Zander said.

Lycos walked around them studying each of their features, “Well at least the four of you look like you eat after coming such a long way, you will need your strength for this training.” he said laughing.

“Would you like us to explain our skills sir?” Heiro asked.

“I already know all there is to know about each of you Heiro, such as your deadly Blood Sword technique.” Lycos said. Heiro was surprised not many knew about his secret technique he had created. “It is indeed powerful, but it takes so much energy to control; so it would be difficult to sustain in your current condition.” Lycos said.

Heiro nodded, “Yes, I can only sustain it for about five minutes or so.” he said.

He stopped at Kerra, “You child, you can use lightning magick correct?” he asked.

Kerra looked down at her feet; he held a finger to her chin to lift her head. “Eyes up child, your enemy could take you out swiftly if you’re not looking.” Lycos said.

“Yes sir lightning magick is my family’s specialty.” Kerra said.

“You look just like your mother, I bet you have her spark also.” he said making a joke which made her smile.

He walked over to Ashe who had a stern look on her face. He examined her closely, “A woman as beautiful as you should smile more
, firecracker.” Lycos said.

Ashe became angry, “Who the hell are you calling firecracker, old man!” Ashe shouted.

He whacked Ashe in the head with the cane also, “I’m calling you firecracker, you’re a hotheaded fire magick user.” he said. Zander realized then that he and Ashe were not so different.

              He finally walked over to Zander, “So it seems you are the only one here without an original technique.” Lycos said.

“Original technique?”
Zander asked.

. something that you have made your own that no other warrior has in their arsenal.” the old man said.

“I c
an use four types of magicks.” Zander said.

Lycos chuckled and smacked him on the head again, “You fool, elemental magick is all fine and dandy; but it won’t give you the upper hand in a fight.” Lycos said.

Zander thought back to Vallerus’ most powerful technique and thought about how devastating it was. It must have taken him years to perfect and a lot of enemies to test it on. He would definitely have to train hard to achieve something that powerful. He doubted he could produce something of that magnitude. There must be a way to speed up the process, and then it hit him; there was the stone. The stone could help him achieve the technique he needed, but he would have to train with Lycos to meet his standards before receiving it.

“So how do you propose we train?” Ashe said.

“The men and women will fight each other separately, first is the men.” The old man said walking to the side out of the way of the fighters.

Heiro and Zander faced each other, Heiro began to stretch. “It’s been awhile since we fought.” Heiro said.

“So it has, I wonder if you can keep up with me now?” Zander asked grinning at him.

They both drew their swords, “Now this is a friendly fight boy’s, no killing.” Lycos said as he called for them to begin.

Zander quickly sheathed his blade and ran at Heiro with his bare fists. “Changing tactics huh? The blade was to throw me off.” Heiro said while dodging his strikes.

“You catch on quick.” Zander said as he gave a roundhouse to the side of Heiro’s face.

Zander threw a punch but Heiro blocked it, then he swept Zander’s legs out from under him. Heiro came down with his sword but Zander blocked it with his own. Zander stuck his foot into Heiro’s abdomen lifting him over his head and throwing him backward.

Heiro quickl
y rose from the ground, “Flame Art: Fire Stream!” he shouted.

“Water Art: Water W
all!” Zander screamed as the wall came up from the ground drowning out the fire.

The steam filled the field around them. “So he’s using the steam to obstruct my vision, clever boy.” Heiro said.

Zander appeared behind him with his blade drawn, “I’ve got you now.” He said.

“Earth Art: Stone S
pikes.” Heiro said as the spikes came up from the ground behind him, Zander quickly maneuvered out of harm’s way.

  “I saw that coming, but I’ve got to hand it to you; you’ve certainly grown.” Heiro said.

“I’m not finished yet, Flame art: Triple Fireball!” Zander shouted.

Heiro then had figured out that Ashe had been teaching him a few new tricks. The three balls of flame came towards him. They were coming from three different directions so Heiro was blocked in. Suddenly Lycos jumped in and used a water spell to que
ll the roaring flames.

Enough that was an excellent display of elemental control for both of you.” The old man said.

Heiro and Zander knelt before him to show their respect and appreciation. “Zander your use of defensive
and offensive spells is astounding for your age, but you still need that ace in the hole; remember that.” Lycos said.

The two guys moved out of the way as the two ladies took their places on the field. “Kerra since you’re not using a weapon I won’t either.” Ashe said.

Kerra smiled, “Okay that sounds fair I guess.” She said.

“Okay now let the second fight begin!” Lycos shouted.

Neither of the girls moved a muscle, the stared at each other testing to see
who would strike first. “Flame Art: Fire Stream!” Ashe shouted as she spat flames towards Kerra.

“Lightning Art: Thunder B
lade.” Kerra said as energy shot out from her open hand that formed a blade of electricity.

She used the energy to cut through the flames, while extending another blade from her other hand. “That’s an impressive technique.” Ashe said.

Kerra was fast; she kept on thrusting the blades at Ashe hoping to connect. She was lucky she could dodge them easily; they could paralyze her ending the match. Kerra’s skill in magicks was fair, but her hand to hand combat skills were unmatched. Her mother had trained her in the art herself, there was no better when it came to a closed fist.

“Lightning Art: Thunder C
rash!” Kerra shouted firing a bolt of electricity.

“Flame A
rt: Fireball!” Ashe said as she blew the ball of flame from her lips. The two spells collided causing a small explosion.

After the smoke had cleared they saw the two woman still standing in the same spots as before. The guys were certainly
impressed; especially with Kerra, she could hold her own against the Fire Drake herself.

“Flame Art: Flare S
urge.” Ashe said as she threw a tiny ball of flame to the ground in front of Kerra.

“It’s over.” Ashe said as she snapped her fingers. The small flame burst causing anothe
r small explosion that knocked Kerra backward.

Before falling to the ground, Lycos jumped and grabbed her
laying her safely on the ground. “Enough Ashe.” He said.

“I believe that is enough training for today, I will make us some tea.” The old man said as he wobbled inside the small house.

The guys walked over to meet up with the girls. “Wow you guys were great.” Zander said.

“You really think so?” Kerra asked.

“He’s right Kerra you certainly held your own against me, I was impressed.” Ashe said grinning a little.

The four of them walked inside and sat with Lycos at the table. He had hot tea and cookies waiting on them, the entire house was filled with the scent of vanilla and cinnamon. “So what is your plan once you get the stone and obtain its power?” Lycos asked.

“We will make our way to the shrine below the northern mountains, and stop Vallus from awakening the demon.” Zander said.

“You understand that he wants you to meet him there, he means to kill you and take the holy blade.” The old man said.

“He won’t die; the three of us will be there to back the kid up.” Heiro said. “Well what about Vallus’ bodyguards?” Lycos asked.

“What bodyguards?” Ashe asked him.

“He has the Voidshade, Raphael and the girl Lyra from Rygoth.” Lycos explained.

“So who is this Lyra? What are her abilities?” Heiro asked. Lycos sipped his tea and bit off of a cookie, “She is known for her mastery of water magick, but as far as her other abilities they are unknown to me.” He said. “Ashe and I can handle Lyra.” Kerra said. “Then I guess I’ll finish off Raphael, I have a score to settle with that one.” Heiro explained. “So that leaves me with Vallus.” Zander said. The others nodded in agreement. So the battle plan was set, each of them knew their enemy. It was just a matter of time before Vallus figured out where they were and why they were there. They needed to hurry and grow stronger so they could use the stone. There wasn’t much time left. “For now you all can relax, I have a story to tell you.” Lycos said. “What kind of story?” Zander asked. Lycos leaned forward in his chair, “The tale of the cursed blades.” He said.

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