The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional) (21 page)

BOOK: The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional)
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Even after the tremors eased from their bodies, she continued to move beneath him, tempting him, teasing him. He laughed softly.
“You’re insatiable.”

She laughed.
“Only when it comes to you.”

Despite her whimper of protest, Laszlo eased out of her, but he made no effort to move off of her. He did, however, shift his weight so that he wasn
’t crushing her. “I love you so much, Trinity.”

I love you, too.” She smiled.

Are we okay now? Please tell me we’re okay.” He couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing her or of her being upset with him.

Trinity cupped his cheek in her hand.
“Yes, we’re okay.” She smiled. “But please don’t keep things from me, Laszlo.”

Never again, I promise,” he said. Then, with a wicked grin, he said, “So, how about that breakfast now?”

She laughed.
“I’ll only cook for you if you promise not to come downstairs fully dressed again.”

He sighed.
“I still have to go to the office today, love.”

I know, but no suit until you have to leave, okay? Humor me on this.”

Laszlo smiled.
“Anything for you, baby.”




True to his word, Laszlo came downstairs several minutes after she left, dressed in just his silk boxers. Trinity smiled at him over her shoulder, and then turned her attention back to the stove and the pancakes she was making. It was still unbelievable to her that she was married, pregnant, and cooking for her husband. It had always been something she’d dreamed of, but never something she’d thought she’d ever have. But she did have it. And she would fight with everything she had in her to keep it. This was the happiest she’d ever been and no one, especially not Jason, could take this away from her.

Laszlo came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Mmm, smells good.”

His breath was warm on her cheek and she leaned into him.
“Blueberry pancakes, your favorite,” she said.

He turned his face into her neck and kissed her softly, his soft lips sending shivers down her spine. She tried really hard to focus on not burning the pancakes, but it was almost impossible when Laszlo was kissing her like he was. He reached up and pulled the shoulder of her bathrobe down and kissed along her collarbone. She closed her eyes momentarily and sighed.

“You’re making it very hard to concentrate,” she said, slightly pulling away from him.

Now you know what it’s like every time I’m around you.” He chuckled and patted her on the ass before walking toward the opposite end of the kitchen and pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Want some?”

No.” She smiled. “Too much caffeine isn’t good for the baby. I’ll have some juice.” Flipping the pancakes, she felt Laszlo’s gaze on her. He looked at her all the time, but this time, the intensity of his gaze was slightly unnerving. “What?”

He set his coffee mug on the counter, walked over to her, and pulled her into his arms.
“You’re going to be a wonderful mom, you know that?”

Her breath hitched.
“Thank you.” Then, despite her best efforts not to, she started to cry. Being a bad mom, messing up beyond repair, was one of her biggest fears.

Laszlo wiped her tears.
“Everything is going to be okay, Trin. I swear it to you.”

She smiled.
“I know. I trust you.” Wiping her face, she pulled out of his arms and returned to the task at hand. Removing the pancakes from the stove, she piled them onto a plate, buttered them, and then smothered them with maple syrup. Smiling, she handed it to Laszlo.

Are you going to have any?” He carried the plate to the island in the middle of the kitchen and sat on a stool. Cutting into them, he took a large bite. Trinity watched as he chewed. “Wow. These are really good,” he said, taking another mouthful.

Turning back toward the stove, she began to make herself some.
“Are you going to want more?”

He responded with a muffled no around a mouthful of food.
Minutes later, Trinity took the seat beside him and dug into her food. She wasn’t one to pat herself on the back, but Laszlo was right—they were really good. Laszlo pushed his plate away and watched as she ate. She forked some of the pancakes and held it out to him, knowing full well he wanted more, but didn’t want to bother her to get up and cook more for him.

Laszlo reached over and scooped some syrup onto his finger and brought it to her mouth. She licked it, and then sucked it from his finger.
“Mmm, so sweet.” Maple syrup was her favorite.

You’re sweeter, baby,” he said, leaning over and capturing her lips in a long kiss. Sliding off the stool, Laszlo stood, then lifted her from her stool and set her on top of the counter. He stood between her legs and continued to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing herself the freedom to run her fingers through his hair.

Who’s insatiable now?” She giggled.

You have that effect on me.” He ran his hands up her thighs, his thumbs coming dangerously close to her clit. Trinity sucked in a breath and waited, hoping he’d touch her, fuck her, make her orgasm again. She craved him, all of him. But, before he had the chance to do anything, there was a loud knock on the door.

Trinity groaned with frustrated disappointment.
“I think we should move and not tell anyone.”

Laszlo laughed. “Don’t move. I’ll get rid of them.”

She remained seated on the countertop and watched as Laszlo left the kitchen. Looking around, she realized they’d had sex all over this house, but never on this counter. Hopping down, she quickly cleaned up the breakfast plates, scraping the food into the garbage, and then setting them in the sink. She climbed back onto the counter and untied her bathrobe, letting it fall open in the front. Then she adjusted it so she was just barely covered, enough to be a tease for Laszlo. She wondered what was taking him so long. Trinity strained to hear Laszlo’s voice. Nothing. She couldn’t hear anything. That was odd.

A moment later, Laszlo r
eturned. He looked distraught—angry, upset, worried. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She reached for him.

Natasha’s in the hospital,” he whispered, taking the hug that Trinity offered him.

God, she hated that woman, but it was clear that Laszlo still held some sort of affection toward Natasha, which only intensified Trinity
’s insecurities and hatred. “What happened?”

She’s claiming she was mugged and raped while walking home, but…”

You think it was Jason,” she finished.

Yes.” He rested his head on her chest and she stroked his hair.

Trinity had suffered the wrath of Jason more than once. He was unforgiving and brutal. There were times when Trinity wondered if she
’d live after one of his attacks and even more times when she wished for death. She could definitely empathize with Natasha. “I’m sorry, honey.” Slowly, he lifted his head and met her gaze. She hated that her husband had such fond feelings for another woman, but on the other hand, his compassion was one of the things she loved most about him.

They don’t know if she’ll make it. She’s asking to see us.”

Us?” She raised a brow and looked at him with shock. “I can understand her wanting to see you, but me, too? Why?”

I don’t know. You’ll go though, right? For me?”

There was no way she could tell him no. Not when he looked at her like that.
“Yeah, of course I’ll go.” She smiled.

He placed his hand on the side of her face and leaned in to kiss her.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, baby.”

Well, you’ll never have to find out.” She kissed him back. “C’mon, let’s get dressed and go. I know you have to go to the office later, too.” She moved to get off the counter, but Laszlo grabbed her and lifted her into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he carried her into the living room and sat on the couch, his lips never straying too far from hers. “What’re you doing? I thought—”

Shh.” He reached between them and freed his cock from his boxers, positioning it at her opening. “I need to feel you, baby. Please, let me.” His words trailed into a moan as she slid down on the length of him. She clutched his shoulders, holding on to him as he pushed his cock all the way into her.

Yeah, Laszlo,” she whimpered with pleasure when he began to move inside of her. She rocked on his lap, grinding her pussy onto his hard, thick cock. Even though their movements were slow and controlled, their need was frenzied and it didn’t take either of them long to climax. She trembled and dropped her head to his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her back and held on to her tightly. There was something different about the way he held her. “Laszlo?”

It could have been you,” he said, not looking at her.

It was me for a long time.” Taking his face in her hands, she looked at him pointedly. “I’m okay.”

I know. But the thought of him putting his hands on you. . .” Laszlo shook his head. “I just needed to be close to you, to feel you, to know that you’re mine and that you’re safe.”

Hey.” She gave his lips a chaste kiss. “You don’t ever have to explain why you want to be with me just as long as it’s me you want to be with.”

He smiled.


Laszlo sat beside Natasha’s bed. She looked like hell. Her face was almost unrecognizable, it was beaten so badly. There were tubes everywhere and her right arm was in a cast from her wrist to her shoulder. The sight of her made Laszlo angry. No woman deserved to be beat, not even Natasha. But, what bothered him even more was the thought that at one time, it had been Trinity lying where Natasha was now. He gently took Natasha’s hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a soft kiss. “How are you?”

I’m sorry.” Tears slipped past her bruised, swollen eyes.

You weren’t mugged, were you?” She shook her head as more tears fell. Laszlo momentarily closed his eyes and took a calming breath. “He won’t get away with this.” Laszlo had wanted revenge on that bastard since the night he’d put his hands on Trinity, and then left her bloody and beaten on her floor. He wanted it more than ever now, especially if Natasha didn’t make it through this. Laszlo knew Jason wouldn’t stop. There would eventually be another woman.

He wants Trinity,” she said, her voice weak and hoarse, wincing as if it hurt her to speak. “I didn’t know. . .if I had known. . .”

Shh. It’s okay.” Laszlo had suspected that Jason wanted Trinity, but Laszlo thought it was because Jason didn’t trust that they’d turned over all the incriminating pictures. “Why does he want her?”

Because she belongs to him.”

No she doesn’t,” he snapped, then lowered his voice. Natasha was the messenger. He had to remember that. “What’s he planning, Natasha?” That had been the one thing Laszlo and his team hadn’t been able to figure out. If they knew what Jason was after, what his intentions were, it would be easier to get rid of him.

“Take over your company,
make you choose between that and Trin.” She coughed.

He knows I’d choose Trinity.” None of it made any sense. If Jason wanted Trinity, and his plan was to make Laszlo choose, then Jason still wasn’t going to get what he wanted. One thing was certain though; if giving his company to Jason would get him out of their lives and away from Trinity, Laszlo would do it in a heartbeat. It’s not like he didn’t have enough money to last him several lifetimes.

He’s counting on that so he can force her to come back to him. He knows she’ll feel guilty. He’ll try to convince her that it’s her fault, that if she comes back, he’ll leave you and your company alone.” Natasha inhaled deeply, and then coughed again. 

Laszlo felt sorry for her and he wanted to do something to help her. Unfortunately, right now, he was having a hard enough time controlling his anger.
“Like I said, he won’t get away with any of this. I’ll make sure of it.”

Natasha nodded and forced a smile.
“I know you will.” Adjusting on the bed, she said, “If I’d known what he wanted, that he was such a monster, I never would’ve—” She shook her head. “I didn’t know what he was capable of.”

He stood and gently kissed her on the forehead.
“I know. Thank you for telling me this.” The next words he spoke were hard, but he knew she needed to hear them and if they would calm her, make all of this easier, then he had to say them. “I forgive you, Natasha.” Giving her a sad smile, he left her room.

How is she?” Trinity asked, hugging him when he entered the hallway.

She looks bad, but she’s coherent.” Laszlo hugged her back tightly, burying his face in her hair, inhaling her scent. God, he’d never survive if anything were to happen to Trinity. He loved her so much it hurt at times.

“How are
?” she whispered.

He brought his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply, softly, savoring the way she responded to him, moaned into his mouth. Reluctantly, he released her.
“I love you.”

I love you, too.” She smiled. “But you didn’t answer my question. How are you?”

How was he? Angry. Hurt. Sad. Scared. For the first time in his life, Laszlo didn
’t know if he’d come out on top and that terrified him. “I’m okay.” He sighed and stepped back. “She wants to see you.” Laszlo knew he had to tell Trinity everything Natasha had just told him. He’d promised he wouldn’t keep things from Trinity, and that was a promise he intended to keep. But he wasn’t going to worry her with it right now. He’d wait until they were back home and alone.

She patted him on the chest and nodded.

Trinity walked into Natasha
’s room, careful to keep her face calm and emotionless. Trinity knew firsthand how bad she used to look after a “disagreement” with Jason. She didn’t want to alarm Natasha anymore than she already was and one of the best ways to do that was not to show any shock for how Natasha looked. Trinity didn’t need to see her to know it was bad. “Hi, Natasha,” she said, sitting quietly by her bedside. Natasha turned her head and smiled weakly. It was the same brave smile Trinity used to give people. A façade to make people think everything was okay when in reality, life wasn’t worth living.

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