The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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     “You’re right. I do have a massive-sized ego, and that means that I always get what I want. Which proves that weak and spineless fools like you are really never a true match for me,” he said coldly, ignoring the weapons drawn on him, and kept his steadily of Matt. “Know what’s strange? A big night like this and your father is suddenly incognito. It just makes me wonder if something’s going on. Where is he?”

     “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you a damn thing.”

     “Is that so, Junior?” he taunted, giving a lazy smile. “Seems to me that there are a lot of things that you’re not telling or rather they’re just convenient omissions. Like the fact that you’re embezzling millions of dollars, right under your father’s nose. I wonder how he’d feel about that little bit of news---that his prodigal son is a cheat and a liar, even to him.”

      Matt’s face reddened. “Your accusations are getting more ludicrous by the second---”

     “I think not,” he challenged. “As a matter of fact, what if I were to say that I’ve found a paper trail that leads straight to you?”

     “You’re lying,” Matt accused softly, though his face was still flushed. “Scare tactics…you’re using them to get what you want---”

     “Offshore account in Dubai, $25,000,000 to be exact,” he murmured, frowning as if bored. “I’d say that’s quite a hefty amount of money---”

     “I fucking hate your guts,” Matt hissed. “Everything that you touch, you ruin it!”

     “As much as I’d like to take credit for you being a complete fuck-up, I can’t,” he smiled coldly. “No, Junior, you’ve done the honors all on your own.”

     “What do you want?” Matt snapped. “What will it take to make you stay quiet?”

     “Olivia’s freedom.”

     “Olivia? Is this what all this about? That stupid cunt upstairs? No,” Matt sneered. “She stays with me.”

     “Insult her that way again, and you’ll find your guts splattered all over the floor,” Jarrod said deadpan. “What’s up with you, Addison? It’s not as if you love her. Hell, I doubt that you even like her. No man can care about a woman, but then degrade her with such nasty words.” The bitterness seeped through him as he looked at his nemesis. “Olivia’s not a possession for you to put on the shelf. She’s a human being with feelings and emotions. She deserves the best, and that certainly isn’t you.”

are?” Matt asked, raising a brow. “What makes you believe that you’re a better man than me? I hardly think that you’re in the position to judge me and my actions. No, you’re just as corrupt and vile as I am. As least I haven’t lied to her for months---”

     “I know what I’ve done, and it doesn’t bear repeating,” he cut in sharply. “Not that I owe you an explanation, but the fact remains that I love Olivia and I always have.” His stare was fierce and cold. “Let her go.”

     Matt shook his head firmly. “No, Olivia is a non-negotiable entity. She stays.”

     “What you mean is that you’re going to hold her here against her will and continue with your threats. You’re going to physically and mentally abuse her until you break her will.”

     “Wow, you do know me quite well, Sabatino. I’m impressed that you’ve figured things out already,” Matt sneered again. “Because that’s exactly what I plan on doing to that cunt. She deserves to be miserable.”

     “You really don’t value your life that much, do you? Didn’t I tell you not to insult her again? Truth be told, Junior, I’m not finding satisfaction in anything that you’re saying. And I especially don’t like your eagerness to cause harm to the woman that I love,” Jarrod taunted, cocking the hammer back. “Say your goodbyes, Addison.”

      “Wait, damn it!” Matt shouted, holding a hand out, and a strange wildness played in his eyes. “I’m certain that we can come to some type of agreement.” He looked at his goons. “Put your weapons down.”

     With reluctance, his minions lowered their weapons.

     Jarrod gave Marc and the others a subtle nod, and they acquiesced by lowering theirs as well.

     “Good to know that you’re coming around to my way of thinking, Addison,” he said tightly, stepping closer to him. “We’re playing by my rules now. First of all, you’re going to leave Olivia the hell alone. Any connection that you shared with her, it’s over. Do you understand me?”

     “As much as I’d like to give you a hearty ‘fuck you’, I can’t,” Matt said coldly. “I want Olivia, but not enough to face the wrath of my father.” He nodded. “Alright, agreed. I’ll sever all ties to her.”

     “One more thing. I don’t care what you do or how you do it. Find that bogus evidence that your old man has cooked up against Olivia and get it to me,” he said with another icy smile. “Your reward? You might stand to live another day.”




Chapter 6


     A summer storm was rolling in, she thought, watching the raindrops as they trailed down the window pane in fine, thin streams. The wind was also howling, and surprisingly it was cool. Through the cracks, it seeped into the old, abandoned shack.

     Dangling from the ceiling, attached to a cord, the light bulb swayed ever so often and illuminated a dim glow into the small room. But, considering the age of the old shack, it was fortunate that there was any visibility at all.

     Yet, the place was somewhat livable.

     Surprisingly, the shack held two additional rooms, one a small quaint bedroom and the other a tiny kitchenette. It was also worth noting that not a cobweb or other form of debris occupied it as would be expected. As a matter of fact, it was well-kept and quite clean, showing signs of human activity.

     And the living area, where she and Frank were now, it was spotless as well. But, it contained only an old purple velour couch, an oblong-shaped table that rested at the far corner of the room, and a fireplace.

     It was obvious that someone was keeping the place up. But, who, she pondered, not that it really matter.

     What was important was that it was a safe haven for the moment.

     Wrapping her arms around herself, she turned to face Frank who sat on the couch at the center of the room. “How long has it been?” she asked. “It seems like it’s been forever since we left the hotel.”

     “It’s been 45 minutes exactly,” Frank said, and empathy shone in his dark chocolate eyes. “It’d be good if you’d just relax.”

     “Relax?” she sighed. “That’s impossible. I’m scared, worried, terrified…every horrible emotion that’s possible. I’m feeling it right now.”

     “That’s understandable.”

     She looked at him closely. “How can you be so calm and composed?”

     “A lifetime on the streets just makes you immune to most things.” Frank shrugged. “I learned a long time ago that a higher power controls any and all circumstances. What’s meant to be will be, and those things that aren’t won’t. Every man’s destiny has already been carefully planned and laid out. We’re just playing the script.”

     “That’s an interesting way to look at things,” she said, voicing her thoughts out loud. “I suppose that I choose to look at things optimistically. Maybe I shouldn’t.”

     “Considering your circumstances, it’s great that you possess such a high level of optimism and belief,” Frank acknowledged, standing. “From what little Jarrod has told me, it sounds like you’ve been through quite a lot. I know that it hasn’t been easy, not having your memory.”

     “I’ve learned to cope with what’s happened. More than that, I appreciate the things that I do have in my life. I’m not about to take it for granted.”

     “I hear you on that,” Frank nodded. “For what it’s worth, waiting is always the hardest. But, don’t worry. Jarrod will be here.”

     Once more, she fought back her fear. “I pray that you’re right.”

     Sighing, turning away, she faced the window again.

     Dense, heavy, the woods surrounded the whole area and seemed to stretch for miles. The road that they’d taken earlier, apparently, was the only entrance into the woody abyss.

     As the rain fell harder, the deep thunder rolled in, seeming to shake the old shack off its foundation. In drenching sheets, the rain poured from the sky, and she could barely make out the lone road that stretched between the massive-size trees.

     A beam of headlights fell on the road.

     As she turned towards Frank, both anxiety and hope hit her. “Someone’s coming!”

     Frank leapt from the couch and killed the light quickly. Then, he hurried to the window to stand alongside her. “We have to make sure that it’s him.”

     The dark red Lamborghini crept along the dirt road, and as it did, the hard sheets of rain formed a thick misty sheen around it.

Dear God, please let it be him
, she prayed silently, holding her breath.

     A peal of lightning illuminated the dark heavens, but still, it was difficult to make out the car’s occupant as it neared the shack.

     The Lamborghini came to a stop at the shack’s porch, parking alongside the maroon-colored SUV that they’d arrived in earlier. As Jarrod climbed out from behind the wheel, she released a relieved breath. “It’s him,” she said, not able to contain her excitement. “It’s Jarrod.”

     “Well, now you can lay your fears to rest,” Frank muttered, giving her a knowing smile. “Your man is safe here with you.”

     “And thank you for listening and being my sounding board,” she said gratefully, giving him a fast hug. “Because of you, I’m safe and out of immediate danger.” 

     She watched through the window as Jarrod took the short steps onto the porch. He was still dressed in the tuxedo wear minus the jacket and tie. Mid-chest, the white shirt stood open, giving him an even more manly appeal. As always, he was a marvelous sight to behold, she blushed, feeling her heartbeat quicken.

     Unable to contain her joy and excitement any longer, she rushed to the door. He’d barely opened it before she hurled herself into his arms. “Jarrod!”

     “Hey, you,” Jarrod murmured, catching her easily, and somehow managed to shut the door. Holding her close, he smiled against the top of her head. “I’m happy to see you, too.”

     “Thank God, you’re here,” she said, clinging to him, and refused to let him go. Closing her eyes, she tightened her hold. “I was so scared.”

     “I’m sorry about earlier, and I didn’t mean to worry you. But, things had to be done.” His warm breath teased her soft tresses as he addressed Frank. “Man, I owe you one. Thanks for taking care of her.”

     She heard Frank’s footsteps as he crossed the room.
     “No problem, man, anytime,” Frank chimed, clapping him on the back. “When it’s time to level up with the next stage in the plan, call me.” Arching a brow, he gave a knowing look. “I think it’s time that I make myself scarce. The two of you have a lot of catching, or should I say, making up to do? I’m going to bounce, dawg.”

     After making a fast goodbye, Frank departed.

     A few moments later, she heard the SUV fire up before it headed up the lone road.

     “I’m never letting you go again,” she whispered tearfully, burying her face into his chest.

     “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on going anywhere.” He smiled against her head again. “You’re stuck with me.”

     Finally, she released her death hold as she pulled back. Her tear-filled gaze met his. “You promise?”

     “It’s a promise that I never intend to break.”

     “And I’m going to hold you to that,” she murmured truthfully, and then looked up him, puzzled. “Where is this place?”

     “It’s several miles out from the estate,” Jarrod said, pulling free, and strode to the window to peer out again. Obviously satisfied that nothing was amiss, he faced her again. “It occupies a small fraction of the 300 acres that I own here at Widow’s Pointe.”

     “300 acres?” she murmured, eyes widening. “That’s a lot of area to contend with.”

     He shrugged. “I suppose it is.”

     “Hmmm…” she mulled aloud, trailing to the sofa. “Do you use this shack often?”       

     “It gets quite a good bit of use during hunting season. Other than that, it’s pretty much vacant most of the time. It’s been here for generations. When I bought the place, I didn’t have the heart to tear it down. There’s a lot of history here.”

     “Yes, I suppose it is,” she murmured, continuing the mundane conversation. “It does hold a certain bit of character.”

But, she did know what they had to talk about.

     Yet, like him, she wanted to avoid that conversation like the plague.

     A deep silence fell in the room.

     Their gazes met within it.

     Finally, she found the courage to broach the subject.

     “We have to talk about it,” she said, tensing. “What happened with Matt?”

     “Let’s just say that I got my point across to him,” he quipped tightly, crossing the room to her. “It’s nothing that you should be worried about.”

     “Nothing that I should be worried about---how can you even stand there and say those words, Jarrod?” she said in disbelief. “You had a gun at the engagement party, and there was the possibility of violence. And let’s not forget that I’ve just spent weeks housed with a man who’s been blackmailing me nonstop.” She gave a fierce scowl. “He threatened to kill you if I didn’t leave the island. To say that I have no part in this is ridiculous.”

     “Leave it alone, Olivia---”

     “No, I won’t leave it alone,” she protested, firming her lips. “Back at the hotel, you weren’t up front with me all the way. Basically, we just skated along the surface of the situation. But, now, we’re alone. We can talk, really talk. Isn’t that what you said that we needed to do?” She folded her arms across her chest. “So, let’s talk.”

     “We will. But, not here, not right now,” he muttered roughly, looking away from her, and then released a deep sigh. “Look, it’s been a long night. We’re both exhausted---”

     “No, we’re going to discuss this,” she replied, laying a firm hand against his chest. “I want to know the truth, all of---”

     He bit back a curse as frustration seized his features. “Well, sometimes, the real truths are ugly, so much so in fact that you don’t want to even stare them in the face!”

     “What are you so afraid of?” she asked softly, stepping closer to him. Grasping his chin, she directed his gaze to hers. “Why are you running from me? You haven’t done that since our earlier times at Laramie Rock. Please, Jarrod, don’t disappear on me like that again. I can’t take it.”

     As he stared down at her, his words were tortured. “I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered, and tears glistened in his green orbs. “I’m nothing without you.”

     “Don’t say that,” she implored, biting her lips to control her sob. “You’re a strong man, and you’ve accomplished so much with me and before me.”

     “That’s where you’re wrong,” he muttered, grabbing her hand in his, and to her surprise, it was shaky. “I’m a better man because of you. You made me feel alive again.” As his eyes searched hers, she sensed his desperation. “Remember those nights on the yacht?”

     “Of course, I do. How could I ever forget such profound and memorable moments?” she smiled at him tearfully. “We made love and you confessed that you loved me. It was the happiest day of my life.”
     “I’ve never felt that close to anyone. Down to the deepest parts of my soul,
I felt you
,” he whispered, and so much agony shone in his green eyes that it hurt. “I remember thinking, she’s
got me
, every fractured, messed-up piece of me, and she’s still standing here. Instead of running away from the disaster that I was, you stayed. You’ll never understand how much that means to me.”    

     “You speak of yourself as if you’re a monster. Jarrod, you’re not. I want you to stop believing that you are. I just need you to trust me completely---”

     Her words ended as he pulled away.

     Once more, he crossed the room, putting distance between them again.

     Wasn’t there an emotional distance as well, she mulled quietly, feeling her anxiety rising again.

     The tension in the room was so taut, that the air was likely to break like a string. More than likely, the truth would sever it.

     “Please, don’t shut me out,” she pleaded, staring at his stiffened form across the room. “Talk to me.”

     “I love you,” he whispered, anguished. “You’ll never know how much. My intentions have never been to hurt you. But, I have, and my next words will. The way in which I’ve approached our relationship in the beginning---it was all wrong. I should have been honest with you from the very beginning. But, I wasn’t, and I haven’t been.”

Dear God, no
, she whispered inwardly, feeling the tears wetting her cheeks.

Had there been real truth to the words that Matt had spoken? Had her relationship with Jarrod been a ruse on his part all along?

     “No,” she pleaded, balling her hands into fist before placing them before her mouth. Still, her naked sobs broke free as the truth closed in. “Don’t you dare say it.”

     “As much as I don’t want to, I have to.” Like bright emeralds, his green eyes glistened with fresh tears. “Baby, I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love you. Hurting you is the last thing that I want---”

     “No, I don’t want to hear it!” she screamed wildly, and her words echoed in the shack. “Jarrod, I want you to stop it!”

     But, if he said nothing further, would it really matter, she thought desperately, for didn’t the truth breathe within the walls already?

     “We met at one of your gallery showings,” he continued. “I’d like to say that it was by chance, but it wasn’t. At that moment, it was ploy, nothing but a game.
You were the pawn
.” Avoiding her gaze, he stared at a point across the room. “Because of things that’d happened, those that I don’t want to disclose right now, I wanted revenge against Addison and his father.”

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