The Current Between Us (19 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: The Current Between Us
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I think so. Actually close to eleven by my watch,” Gage said.

Really?” Trent asked, surprised, and arching his brow. Gage was so comfortable to be around that he’d lost all track of time.

Mmmm… the night has flown by. You’re good company,” Gage said.

Thanks, but I’m afraid that’s you. You have such an interesting life. There’s so much to talk about,” Trent said.

Those are my thoughts on you.” Gage’s wide smile lit his whole face. “So tell me, this dating rule you started… I suppose it means no sex on the first date,” Gage asked, staring at him as he spoke.

In theory, it does,” Trent said, his eyes never left Gage’s, but his heart did pick up a slight beat. He wanted nothing more than to end this evening having sex with Gage Synclair.

I’ve told you, I find I want to follow your rules. Give you the kind of a relationship you want, but a thought occurred to me a little while go,” Gage said, but Trent interrupted him.

Gage… I appreciate this effort, I do, but you don’t have to say things like that. It’s all right…” Trent’s gaze never wavered from Gage. He simply lifted his hand, silencing Trent.

My thought,” Gage said, lifting an eyebrow, picking up exactly where Trent interrupted him. “This should technically be considered our second date. I do believe you invited me to McDonald’s last night. I accepted and we went, so in my book, it was a date. So my question to you now, wouldn’t this be our second date?”

I see where some might say yes,” Trent said, a smile spread across his lips.

Good,” Gage said. With no delay, he rose, pulling Trent with him. Trent went for his wallet while Gage gathered their suit jackets, handing Trent his.

It’s taken care of Trent. They bill me. Come, let’s go back to my place,” Gage said, stepping away from the table, holding a hand out for Trent to walk ahead of him.

I thought you were in overnight construction mode, I’m not sure it’s good for us to go back there,” Trent said, stepping in front of Gage, questioning. Gage took the opportunity and closed the distance between them; his arm snaked out, hooking around Trent’s waist and they stood there, chest to chest in the empty restaurant, looking at one another. He could feel Gage’s arousal pressing into him, but checked the urge to rub up against it. Just barely.

It is in overnight construction, but I have another place close by. You need to come with me and not argue. I’m finding it very hard to not push you back on this table and press those sweet lips to mine, again. I’ve never been more envious of a fork in my entire life. Now follow me, it won’t be long,” Gage said, grabbing his hand and taking the lead, guiding him through the empty restaurant.

Should you check in at home?” Gage asked as they walked together to the elevator.

They should all be asleep now… Let me make sure no one called.” Reaching in his suit jacket he pulled out his phone, checking the messages. The only one he’d received came from Sophia, letting him know they were all sleeping in his bed, leaving him to sofa city for the night.

Johnson, we need to go to my place. Is everything good, Trent?” Trent glanced up from his phone to see the bellhop holding the door open for him. When they were all in the elevator, Johnson pressed a button a couple of floors down and rode down with them.

You live here?” Trent asked.

Sometimes… It’s been a base over the years. Johnson is anyone home this evening?” Gage asked.

No, sir, not that I’m aware. There was a benefit away if I remember correctly,” the bellhop said, keeping his eyes trained on the doors of the elevator, never looking back at Gage or Trent.

Thank you,” Gage said and turned to Trent, never releasing his hand. “Is everything good at home?”

Yes, they’re all asleep in my bed. I get the sofa when I get home tonight,” Trent said, but stayed unsure as to exactly what was going on around him. Gage dodged the question of where he lived, but the bellhop clearly knew him. And who were the others Gage spoke of?

Thank you, Johnson, and no one needs to hear of this,” Gage said, extending a hand, anchoring the other to the small of Trent’s back, guiding him to walk out the elevators first. Through a sideways glance, Trent thought he may have seen money exchange hands from Gage to the bellhop. The elevator opened to what looked like a hotel hall, but there were only two doors Trent could see and possibly a hall farther down. As Trent turned back to question Gage further, Gage’s predatory gaze hit him and the man took a stalking step forward.

Absolutely, sir,” Johnson said as the doors shut behind him. They were only two floors below the restaurant.

Where are we going?” Trent asked, backing away from Gage, panic filling his mind. Panic that had nothing to do with that predatory stare, and everything to do with these living arrangements. Gage was already so far above him with just his worldly experience, but if he lived here, no way could he ever be in Trent’s league. Trent had let his heart rule tonight, and he feared pieces already belonged to Gage. He knew if he attempted to name these feelings coursing through him where it would lead…
He wouldn’t let himself think it. Slowly, he forced some of the mental walls broken down tonight to slide back in place.

My place… I told you,” Gage said, stepping forward again seeming to like the chase Trent inadvertently started.

You live here?” Trent asked. His heart began to pound in his chest at Gage’s expression. This man looked so sexy, too sexy, and Trent’s breath caught in his throat. He took a small step back as Gage reached out and pulled him forward, but he kept a hand between them, holding Gage away from him.

I do, well, I have throughout the years whenever I’m home. I’m moving to the gallery, having my home base there. Now, I do believe there’s way too much talking going on and not near enough of those sweet lips on mine, gorgeous,” Gage said. Breaking through the barrier of Trent’s outstretched arm, Gage wrapped his arms tightly around Trent’s waist, tugging him in, chest to chest.

Is this like a penthouse?” Trent asked, letting himself be brought forward, but he dodged the first kiss. Living in buildings like this, on floors this high, driving Ferrari’s were for the extremely wealthy. He wanted Gage. He wanted to be fucking him right now, but another obstacle between them made its presence known. Gage was loaded and Trent was nothing more than a blue collar worker. He and the waiter upstairs were the same guy and his heart dropped as another wall fell into place, protecting him.

No, of course it’s not the penthouse.” Gage glanced around the place as if trying to figure out what Trent saw that he didn’t. “It’s just an apartment. Why all these questions? I can see by the look on your face you’re putting all those barriers back up. I just can’t understand why when all I’m focused on is your lips being back on mine. Let’s go for whatever this is happening here between us… I’ve never experienced this depth of feeling before, and I can see no reason for you to distance from me. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” Gage pushed Trent up against the wall as he finished his speech. A ding sounded from the elevator at the same moment Gage placed the palm of his hand on Trent’s cheek, circling around to his neck to draw him in for a life-altering kiss.

Gage pressed the length of his body securely against Trent
’s, and he was unable to do anything more than splay his hands across Gage’s back and pull him in tighter, wrapping his arms completely around this man as he opened for the tongue thrusting forward. Trent was lost as Gage dived deeper inside his mouth, kissing him with a hunger and passion he’d never experienced before.


Chapter 12


“Hey, Gage, as hot as this show is you’re putting on out here in the hall, you should remember you have a room. It’s just down the hall and to the right,” an unknown voice said. Gage pulled only inches away, looking back over his shoulder. Trent cocked his head around to see the guy standing behind Gage. The newcomer was a striking man who looked very much like Gage, maybe not as tall or as good looking, but still formidable in his own right.

Little brother… discretion. We’ve discussed this in the past,” Gage said.

No, that was Garrett… I’m Gary… It’s hard to confuse us, because I’m four inches taller than him. By the way, Mom’s on her way up… And you’re welcome. You owe me because I would have enjoyed
show,” Gary said, chuckling. Gage moved quicker than Trent thought possible, ushering him down the hall to a random door. The hall looked very much like a hotel, but the door was unlocked and Gage opened it to one of the most luxurious homes he’d ever seen.

Damn, Gage, this place…” Trent said, taking several steps inside the multi-level apartment with an open living area and floor to ceiling glass windows running all along the far wall, looking out over the city. He’d never seen anything like this and turned in a complete circle.

No, no… I just got you alone. Just me… Focus just on me.” The doubt was back in Trent’s heart, and it must have shown clearly on his face. He took a step back again, needing space between them, but Gage would have none of it, stalking forward with purpose, drawing him back in while wrapping him tightly in his arms.

It’s you and me. Nothing more.” He lowered his hand as he spoke, palming Trent’s rock hard cock, and began to massage. The sensations dueled with those of his insecurity, and Trent became a drowning man, completely in over his head. The internal fight for which emotion would dominate his heart caused an ache as he closed his eyes and rolled his hips into Gage’s hand.

When this night ended, if he let himself get any more emotionally involved, he
’d be in the same position as the waiter. There could be no future with this man who held him, rubbing him so enticingly. They lived two completely different lives. Hell, his entire house would easily fit inside Gage’s living room with room to spare. Trent would become the next forgotten someone in a sea of forgotten men, but in his heart, Trent had known all this from the beginning, and the dull ache in his chest increased at the thought. Trent broke his well-placed rules, and they were there for a reason. Even now, there would be consequences, but from this point forward he resolved to make it only about the sex, and he needed desperately to have sex.

Trent, look at me. Nothing’s changed. I can feel you want me, and dear God, I want you. Let me take care of you,” Gage said in deep husky voice filled with need. As Gage spoke, he thrust his hips into Trent, their cocks rubbing against one another. The hand never stopped caressing his rock hard dick. This seductive grind became too much, his need too high, and Gage watched him closely. Gage seemed to know the moment Trent gave in, because he leaned in, slanting his mouth over Trent’s, thrusting his tongue back into his mouth, and Trent met him greedily. The hesitation vanished, now everything stayed all about the sex… Trent matched the thrust of his hips, ramming himself further into Gage’s hand, and pulled him even closer to deepen the kiss. Gage began to work his belt off and Trent helped, allowing his pants to drop to the floor with his underwear following quickly behind.




Gage’s knees hit the floor seconds before he took Trent into his mouth. The slick steel of Trent’s cock slid easily inside as if made to be there. He took him deep, all the way down his throat while he created an immediate gentle sucking. Gage trailed his fingertips up the inside of Trent’s muscular thighs to cup his sac, rolling the balls round in his palm as he gently mashed them together.

Fuck, Gage, that feels good,” Trent groaned, his hand sliding over Gage’s face, Trent’s fingers caressing his cheek, jaw, and neck. Trent’s free hand tangled into Gage’s hair urging him on, rolling his hips, moving back and forth into the wet mouth. Gage brought the tip of Trent’s broad head to the edge of his lips and groaned as he sucked him back deep inside, letting Trent deep throat him, going as far as he could go, savoring Trent’s taste.

Over the last week, watching the bulge in Trent
’s pants, Gage decided the guy was hung, but what a treat to finally get this big, thick cock in his mouth. It turned Gage on like nothing ever had before. His own dick strained against his slacks, and the sounds Trent made caused him to drip with anticipation of what might be coming his way. Gage lifted his eyes to Trent’s face as a new soft moan escaped his lips. Trent’s hips began to solidly move in the rhythm Gage created with his mouth, and Gage forced himself to relax, taking Trent deeper down his throat.

’s eyes remained locked on his cock sliding in and out of Gage’s mouth. The intensity in his expression caused Gage to grip the base tighter, work him harder, and increase the tempo with his mouth. The reward came as Trent’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and his soft moan grew louder, letting Gage know he did everything just right.

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