Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off (2 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
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After what seemed like hours, he finally spoke. “You smell good."

"So do you,” Bethany whispered. Somewhere between the tequila, the aftershave, and the heat of his body lined up against hers, she completely lost her mind. This was not the guy she was supposed to be seducing. Hell, he was out of her league, but apparently, he did not know that, so she would definitely take advantage.

"The way you're rolling your hips is making me crazy,” he admitted.

"I think I went crazy three minutes ago.” Bethany made a slight laugh. There was something about him. He was a stranger for crying out loud, but she found a sense of peace glowing inside the longer they danced. “So, do you have a room here?"

"Yes.” Jack inhaled the sweet scent of her hair again. “Do you want to go?"

"I think so, yes.” Bethany looked up into those whiskey brown eyes and licked her lips.

Jack must have taken her tongue wetting her dry lips as a clear invitation because he bent down to kiss her. She kissed him as if she had not been kissed in ages, as if she could live the rest of her life off that kiss. Her tongue slipped past his lips and explored his mouth. He captured it, sucked on it until she moaned while rolling her hips against him, causing her abdomen to press harder into his erection. No one had ever sucked on her tongue before. No one had ever kissed her like that.

He pulled back and gasped for air. “Let's go, woman, before I can't stop and take you right here."

"Maybe in the elevator then?” Bethany licked her lips, tasting his kisses, and enjoyed his sense of shock. Of course, she looked all buttoned down and straight laced. She had been trained to act proper all her life, but she was not going to be proper tonight. Jack didn't know her from Eve. She would never see him again after tonight, and if she could get him a little drunk, maybe she could even get him to marry her, but having sex would do for now. If his kisses told her anything, they told her he was the right man to initiate her into a new life!

Jack almost pulled her arm out of its socket he walked so fast to get out of there. She trotted behind him, smiling at the fact that she, little Miss Goodie Two-Shoes, had this hottie in such a frenzy he could not wait to get her naked. Of course, she could not wait either. She had been waiting thirty years to get naked. However, Jack did not need to know that.

Once they left the bar, he headed toward the lobby. Bethany prayed none of her friends decided to come back looking for her. She told them she would turn in after she finished with the slot machines. If they saw her now, they would be attacking Jack and taking her to the hospital for an evaluation. In all their years, she had never been the wild one. Not like she could be. Her daddy's reputation was always at stake.

Every boy who came near her was warned he'd live in poverty the rest of his life if he even dared touch her. Then, her daddy chose the man he wanted her to marry. She gave Douglas a chance, but he was just like her father. He only wanted a trophy wife, and Bethany had been a trophy child too long to even think about spending the rest of her life in another man's shadow.

Jack didn't even blink when she told him her name and then affirmed who her daddy was. Maybe he didn't really know. On the other hand, maybe he didn't care. Either way, those were two bonuses for her cause. This weekend she was going to lose her virginity and get married, to anyone other than Douglas!

Once they stood in front of the large gold elevator doors, Bethany had a moment to look at them. She held back a giggle.

Here he was tall, muscular, and enough eye-candy, women who did not realize she could see their reflections were ogling him, too. There she was beside him, probably weighing in around the same number, just compacted in a smaller frame, and definitely not muscle. She wondered what color his hair was since he still had his hat on. His hand held hers as he impatiently watched the number above the elevator door as it made a decent to their floor. His thumb brushed across her knuckles, and her nipples pebbled against the sweater-set. She could see the difference in her reflection.

Focusing on him, she enjoyed his long neck and Adam's apple, bobbing as he swallowed, and then he looked at her, not directly, but in the reflection.

"You are eating me up with those eyes.” Jack smiled. Bethany blushed as he tugged her closer to his side. Leaning over he whispered, “Will you eat me up with those sexy lips of yours?"

Now, it was her turn to swallow. A wave of heat rolled through her and moisture surged onto her panties.

"Yes,” she squeaked out.

"Good,” he said as the elevator dinged.

The doors opened, and they stepped on. Jack hit the close door button before anyone else could get on with them. He punched the twenty-second floor and then turned to Bethany.

With a strong sense of urgency, Jack placed his hands on her ass, lifting her as he pushed her back to the elevator wall. His mouth covered hers, and his tongue dueled. She gripped his shoulders and moaned as his erection nuzzled against her aching sex through their clothes.

"This isn't going to work.” He pulled back, looked at her eyes then kissed her again.

"What's not going to work?” She hated how small and desperate her voice sounded, but it was a little late for him to get noble. He leaned in kissed her again, flexed each finger in turn on her ass, and then sighed.

"I only have one condom. We'll have to get more."

"Oh.” Bethany smiled. She opened her mouth to speak, but the elevator stopped and the doors opened. They were both startled and a little embarrassed as he gently released her back to her feet.

"Well, you got the right floor, buddy.” A man entered with a woman smiling happily on his arm. “Go on. They're only here another hour, or you'll have to go find a place out in town."

Jack tried to straighten himself out. “What the hell are you talking about?"

"Go on, see for yourself.” The guy winked.

Jack stepped out of the elevator with her right behind him. As he reached back to hold her hand, she grabbed his arm and moved closer. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest, even hear it in her ears as they faced the Floating Chapel.

"Welcome, two forms of ID and a room number are all you need, folks. Come right on in.” A tall man, with a decent comb over, dressed in a tuxedo, bowed and directed them toward the room straight ahead. A flowing silk banner hung over the entrance announcing the Floating Chapel.

"This can't be real.” Jack shook his head and looked at her. She was biting her lower lip, hoping he did not see the gleam in her eye. This was perfect. Absolutely perfect!

"Then, what's the harm in it?” Bethany took two steps forward then stalled as Jack did not move. She did not know him from Adam, but she knew, in general, men did not like to be challenged. “Chicken?"

"Alright, little woman. You want to get married, let's go do it.”
It worked.
Jack headed through the doors with a sense of purpose.

Bethany almost stumbled as he took long strides through the entrance tugging her along behind him. A heavyset woman eyed them, smiled, and then called out, “Last one."

Chapter 2

"I do,” Bethany said with an air of certainty.

Jack listened as the man pronounced them man and wife. For a sham, he felt pretty touched by it all. He didn't want to feel moved by the ceremony it just sorta happened. One minute he was sitting at the bar trying to figure out how to convince a woman to marry him, the next he was standing here with this outrageous brunette saying I do. He knew exactly who her daddy was. That was an unexpected bonus. It guaranteed she would not want or need his money. All he had to do now was convince her to come to Montana for three months. He did not want to lie to her, but he would if he had to.

"You may kiss the bride,” the minister said.

Jack looked into her soft, green eyes. She really was a pretty little thing, except she was not exactly little. Bethany was about the most voluptuous woman he knew. His tastes tended toward the tall, blonde, leggy type. However, as soon as he held her on the dance floor, something clicked, and he had to have her. He leaned over and kissed her with a tenderness he did not know he possessed.

And it lingered. She had the softest lips he had ever kissed, and he had kissed a lot of lips.

The minister cleared his throat, and they abruptly parted.

"If you'll step into the next room, Jo-Lee will give you the papers.” He pulled his collar and cracked his neck. “I'm beat, folks. One hundred of these a night is a lot of ceremony."

Jack blinked twice at the man then followed Bethany's lead into the next room. The same heavyset woman was behind the makeshift counter, and she handed over their ID's. Jack signed a paper billing the whole thing to his room.

"Champagne and strawberries should be there when you get there. Congratulations,” Jo-Lee said with a smile.

"Did you hear that? Champagne and strawberries, too bad it's not a box of condoms,” Bethany teased.

"Here.” Jo-lee sat a large box of condoms on the counter. “Must be your first time."

Jack looked at Bethany who stared in shock.

"Thanks.” Jack grabbed the box and nodded. “Come on, wife."

"Wife?” Bethany stopped short.

"Ink's not even dry on the paper and already we're in a domestic spat,” he leaned close to her ear and whispered. As Bethany sank against him, he nipped her earlobe. The woman had no idea what effect she was having on him. “Come on, sweetheart, I was just teasing. I won't call you wife."

"But I am your wife.” She spoke softly. “And I want to be teased, just not like that."

He straightened, looked down at her. Those green eyes danced with a need that mirrored his own lust. He swept his hat in a grand gesture and extended the arm with the box of condoms. “Lead the way, my lady."

"Come on, Cowboy.” Bethany grabbed the box of condoms and headed to the elevator. She examined the box closely as they stepped in.

"I know how to use them, trust me.” Jack snatched the box back as the elevator doors closed. She took offense he could tell. Her body language spoke volumes. Her cute button nose tilted up in the air, her shoulders pulled back, and her head lifted high. “I didn't mean to insult you."

"You didn't,” she said too quickly.

"You have done this before, right?” He caught a sudden chill up his spine and turned the box of condoms to read the back. It gave directions for how to use them as he suspected. What he did not suspect was that she did not already know how. “Right?"

Bethany shrugged as a response. “A lady never tells."

"Come here.” Jack reached for her and pulled her firmly against him. Looking down at her, he smiled a full smile. Bethany was soft, softer than any woman he had held before. Her heavy breasts teased at his chest and actually had give to them when he held her tight. They were hers all right, and he could not wait to see them in the flesh. “Tell me what you like and don't like, so I can be sure and get it right."

"I like it all.” Bethany smiled right back. “What do you like?"

"I like you,” he answered and swallowed hard. He did like her, and he liked her last admission best. Women had the most fickle ways about them when it came to sex. Jack enjoyed a variety of positions and to hear she did, too, just shifted him into overdrive.

"Do you like me enough to make love to me until I pass out from the unyielding power of it all?” The little temptress stroked a hand over his heart.

"Do you like me enough not to make me pass out before we get to the room?” He laughed. “Jesus. You're a firecracker, Mrs. Bethany Johnson."

"You lit the fuse.” Bethany tiptoed up to kiss him. Using his chest for leverage, she held on and leaned in.

He had to keep his cool. Bethany was testing his control and winning. He wanted to throw her up against the elevator wall again, only this time he wanted to release his dick and drive it into her until he heard her calling his name. Yes, he wanted to hear her calling out to him. Begging him for more as he made her scream out wave after wave of orgasm. Sex was definitely the key to keeping her around long enough to get his inheritance. She seemed to be an experienced woman who had no problem asking for what she wanted.

Hell, at this point, she asked to come to the room, she dared him to marry her, and now she was kissing him in a manner, which communicated everything she needed. If he were a gambling man, he would swear he just hit the jackpot!

* * * *

Room 2212 was actually a suite with a huge bed and a great space. It reminded her of the room in
Pretty Woman
only smaller.

Here she was in a hotel with a man she did not really know, about to have sex with him, but she was not a hooker, and he was not a millionaire.

"Champagne and strawberries, just like they said.” She picked up a chocolate covered berry from the silver tray and bit into it.

He grabbed the hand the berry was in and directed the next bite to his mouth. “Sweet,” he said. “But I bet you taste even better."

She sucked in a breath as his hands moved to the buttons on her sweater and undid them one by one. Of course, in her mind, things would move slower, but her body kept urging her forward, faster. Jack was not interested in strawberries; he was interested in getting right down to business. She let out a shaky breath.

"Relax,” he whispered then kissed her neck. “I'll be gentle."

Her heart was racing like a horse in the Kentucky Derby, and he wanted her to relax? Bethany tried to exhale slowly, but it came out shaky, so she just blew out a short quick breath before sucking in the next. She tried to pull her abs tight as his hands undid the last buttons. She had not been self-conscious about her weight before, but then again she had not been naked in front of a man either.

Once he undid the last button, Jack pulled the soft sweater slowly down her arms and tossed it in a nearby chair. His hands grabbed her forearms, moved them high above her head, as he slid his callused hands over her smooth flesh and down her sides before yanking the top over her head.

She gasped and immediately covered her stomach pushing her breasts together in the process. The cool air chilled her skin, and Jack's warmth heated her back.

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