Tempting Nora (29 page)

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Authors: A.M. Evanston

BOOK: Tempting Nora
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"I love you," Gideon
said, pressing a firm kiss against her forehead.

"I love you too," she said.

After he flashed a loving smile, his mouth journeyed down to the nape of her neck where he teased her sensitive skin. As she groaned beneath him, he reached up and covered her hand with his. He kissed her even as their fingers tangled together, mingling and brushing. Sighing in bliss, he pulled down her tank top with his free hand and revealed her shoulder. He ran his mouth over the delicate swath of pale white skin, murmuring her name. It could have been her imagination, but she swore he sounded pained as he spoke. As she tightened her legs around him, she could feel how much he wanted her and stilled.

Good grief, it was no wonder the poor man
sounded like he was suffering. His need was obvious. And what were they doing, rolling around like animals right next to the sidewalk? The magic of the moment ended as she pulled back, panting and sweaty, and stared at his face. He looked dazed as if she was the one who entranced him instead of the other way around. She stroked his cheek as fear and pain returned.

"I wish we could go further,
but this isn't the right time," she said.

Gideon nodded, even as he groaned.

"Give me a moment." Gideon was no longer dazed, but he still looked as though he was in agony.

Are you okay?" She sat up as Gideon rolled away from her.

Yeah," he said. "Though jumping into the lake might be a good idea after all."

"Is it that bad?" she asked.

"Of course it is. My body has never ached like this before. You do something to me," he said. "I'm not sure all the cold water in the world could calm me down."

"I'm sorry," she said.

Gideon paused for a moment, his back stiff, and then sat up.

"Don't be sorry." He seized her hand. "Now come on. Let's
go back to the truck."

"Can you walk?" She raised an eyebrow.

He yanked her to her feet and then staggered against her.

"I might need to use you as a living crutch." He pulled her under his arm. "Is this comfortable?"

"No." She glared at him.

"That's a shame
because I'm not going to release you," he said.

"Gideon, stop it," she said, even
as she gave a snort of mirth.

"Nope." He smiled down at her as they stumbled.

Yet even as Nora laughed, she had the awful feeling that everything was about to go wrong.

Chapter Seventeen

After Gideon parked in front of his apartment building, Nora hopped out of the truck and stretched. She was exhausted after the long day, but she wasn't sure how much she'd be able to sleep tonight. Her emotions were still running wild. To make matters worse, her knees weakened even at the thought of laying in the dark. Still she had Gideon with her, so she was certain that everything was going to be fine.

As she breathed out a sigh, Gideon climbed out of the truck too.
Hand in hand, the two of them walked into the apartment building. After they headed inside, Gideon froze.

"Is there something wrong?" She froze in fear.

"No." He sniffed. "I don't think so."

She sniff
ed too, but she didn't smell anything.

As Gideon proceeded
down the hall, his whole demeanor changed despite the fact he'd said there was nothing wrong. His mouth was thin and a vein throbbed in his jaw. Every few seconds he looked around wildly as if expecting a monster to appear out of nowhere. Even his eyes, which were normally bright, were now dark. She was reminded of the day when they'd eaten dinner in her favorite restaurant and discussed Amon. During that time, Gideon had been protective to the point that it had frightened her. Now was no different. She found herself staring at Gideon, her hair prickling, as he behaved like a wild animal guarding his mate.

're lying to me," she said. "Something's wrong."

didn't say anything. At that moment, she knew she was right. Maybe Gideon thought Amon was around. As her stomach sunk, she realized something horrible. Her animals were still in Gideon's apartment where a heartless Amon could have been waiting for her. At the thought of her animals being trapped with the enemy—or worse yet, being killed by him—she yanked her hand out of Gideon's grip. He hadn't expected it and growled in shock as she sprinted down the hall to his apartment.

"Nora, wait!" Gideon yelled, his voice laced with fear and panic.

Ignoring him, she reached Gideon's door and twisted the knob. She was shocked when the door swung open, even though she knew that Gideon would never leave his apartment unlocked. Just as she was about to charge inside, Gideon reached her and shoved her against the wall with enough force that her teeth clacked together. She stared up at him, half in fear and half in surprise.

"Don't you ever do something like that again," he

She shivered, alarmed by the intensity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said.

grabbed her hand, even though his eyes still burned with rage. Unfortunately, when Gideon turned back around, three people stood at the threshold of his apartment who hadn't been there a moment before. It was Kali flanked by the same two men Nora had seen in the bar ages ago. Kali's arms were crossed and her dark eyes looked like pits that led to the very depths of hell itself. As the woman gazed at Gideon, she gave a condescending laugh.

"You were treating the human you love pretty harshly."
Kali's tongue flitted to the corner of her mouth as she gazed at him.

Human? What the heck
did Kali mean by that?
Nora, trembling so much she could barely stand, searched Gideon's face. He looked like he was ready to attack Kali at any moment.

Leave my apartment at once," Gideon said. "You know that I have more power than you and your friends combined. I can rip you to shreds if I have to."

Unfortunately for you, I'm not going anywhere." Kali's expression hardened. "Not until this woman dies."

The words were a punch to the face. Nora heard someone make a high-pitched squeak and realized a moment later that it
had been her.

Nora alone," Gideon snapped. "There's no reason to hurt her."

No reason to hurt her?" Kali's eyes lingered on him. "Don't you see who she is? God sent her to change you. She's dangerous."

Gideon ignored her comments and

gave you more than enough time to leave this place." He took a step toward Kali. "I'm going to count to ten. If you don't leave by the time I'm done counting, I'll rip you to pieces."

'll do nothing of the kind," Amon said from behind her.

gazed down the hall at the man she feared the most. Amon was in a black suit and his cruel eyes glistened with amusement and irritation.

"What are you doing here
, Amon?" Gideon asked.

"You know exact
ly what I'm doing here. I came for that woman," Amon said. "I gave you more than enough time to tempt her. You were supposed to make her sin, but you did nothing of the kind, not even when she was splayed out on your bed ready for the taking. How can you let a human weaken you? They're all the same anyway."

The words made her flinch, even though she had no idea what was going on.

"Nora is like no one else I've never met," Gideon said. "You won't lay a finger on her."

"It's as I feared.
She's already changed you." Amon sighed. "She really has to die."

"Why?" Gideon asked.

"It's as Kali said—this woman is extremely dangerous." Amon's gaze lingered on her again.

e?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Amon seemed to find her
shock amusing.

"Yes, you," Amon said.

She stared, unsure of what to say.

"Don't listen to
anything he says to you." Gideon squeezed her hand.

"Oh, but
I'm sure she'll want to know why she has to die. After all, you've barely told the woman anything. I can't wait to see how she reacts when she learns you've been deceiving her from the start," Amon said. "Don't you want to hear the truth, Nora?"

The words were like knives to
her ears, but she longed to know what was going on. She hesitated, her eyes wide with horror, before giving a tiny nod. Gideon groaned as if she'd driven a dagger straight into his heart.

Gideon isn't even human. He was one of God's beloved guardian angels. Unfortunately for him, he messed up and let a human woman die." Amon grinned wickedly as Gideon hung his head in shame. "Naturally, he couldn't go unpunished, so God threw him out of heaven for five hundred years as his retribution. If he doesn't repent by the end of his punishment, then he'll be damned forever."

Wait, what is
Amon trying to tell me? That Gideon is some sort of demon?

"I don't believe you," she snapped. "
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

Amon waved off her comment and continued.

"Gideon has sixty-five years left of punishment, but he's shown no signs of wanting to return to God. I'm grateful for that. Gideon is good at what he does—tempting women to sin. Having him on our side has been quite effective." Amon's grin became crueler, his face more twisted. "Gideon even enjoyed hurting the humans…That is, until he met you."

"What?" she
said, aghast.

"You changed everything," Amon snapped, taking a step in her direction. "The moment you showed up, Gideon no longer tempted women to sin. That was when I realized that God hadn't forsaken him
like I'd come to believe. No, God moved with discretion, trying to earn back Gideon's trust through a single seemingly insignificant human being—
. God disguised you, his weapon against us, as a normal female, but he armed you with the only power that could bring Gideon back to him."

"Which is?"
She looked down at herself in confusion.

"Love," Amon said. "God gave you love."

She gasped, not even sure what to say. Her weariness must have shown on her face because Amon smirked.

The power of love doesn't sound like much to you, does it?" Amon said. "Yet love is the most influential force on the planet. Because of love, humans join hands with God."

So I have to die just because Gideon and I love each other?" Her stomach churned.

Yes. Your love has made Gideon waver, so this is the way it has to be." Amon gnashed his teeth. "I've spent over four hundred years teaching Gideon how to drag humans to hell. I won't let a woman like you, who has only been in his life for a few measly weeks, ruin all of my work."

"Don't you lay a hand on her.
" Gideon leapt forward, ready to strike.

"So you're going to fight me, are you?" Amon asked. "To do that, you're going to have to
show your true self. Right now, this woman doesn't believe a word I've said. She thinks I'm crazy. But the moment you show her what you really are, she'll hate you. You and I both know that. Why don't you just let her die still in love with you? I think your heart will find that much easier to take."

Her breathing was ragged as she glanced at Gideon.

"Never," Gideon said. "No matter how Nora feels about me, I'll never let her die."

She's done a fine job of manipulating you, I'll give her that." Amon wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Nora was frozen
in place, unable to think coherently. As she grasped the wall for support, Amon made a throaty growl. In a heartbeat, blackness covered his eyes, leaving him with two pits for irises. She heard a loud ripping sound as Amon's shirt was torn from his body. Massive ebony wings shot from his back, knocking against the wall. A scream burst from her lips as she stared at Amon's new form.
This isn't happening. I must be in a nightmare.
She pinched herself, trying to wake up from the terrible dream.

Unfortunately, she didn't wake up.

As she dug her fingernails into her skin, Gideon stared at her with sad eyes. In the end, his expression told her without words that he truly was a fallen angel—or more rather, a
angel—who'd spent the last four hundred years attempting to make human women fall to hell.

And she
'd been one of the women on his hit list.

"No," she
said in horror.

"I love you, Nora,"
Gideon said. "Maybe my intentions were bad in the beginning, but not anymore. I've changed because of you."

words didn't register. She stumbled backward into the wall as she thought,
Heaven help me, demons. Demons!
Her knees clacked together and she could barely breathe. Even now, she prayed that this was all a hallucination.

As she hyperventilated, Amon chuckled.

"She's going to spend her last moments thinking about how you betrayed her." Amon's gaze was burning with intensity. "Remember that you could have stopped this, Gideon."

One moment Amon stood
five feet away, the next he crashed into Gideon, sending him tumbling against the wall. The concrete crumbled and a ceiling tile fell, shattering upon their bodies. Sometime mid-tussle, Gideon's wings came unfurled from his back.

's wings didn't look like Amon's, but they weren't angelic either. His wings were black and white, each separate feather vying for dominance. Even as she watched, black feathers fell, sprinkling the carpet below.
That's why I always saw the black feathers. They were falling from Gideon's wings.
Yet that only made this more frightening. Gideon had been a fallen angel the entire time, but he'd kept it from her.

Choking on her own horror, she stumbled down the hall, desperate to make an
escape. Unfortunately, Kali jumped in front of her, blocking the exit.

"Going somewhere?"
Kali asked menacingly, her two black wings sprouting from her back as her eyes became the color of the darkest of nights.

did the only thing she could do—she screamed. As her voice echoed throughout the hall, Kali lunged. The demon's long, cold fingers tightened around her neck. There was nothing Nora could do to evade the attack. Terrified, she writhed beneath the demon's grip. Luckily, Gideon appeared out of nowhere and threw Kali against the wall with enough force to leave a dent.

Gasping for air,
Nora stared at Gideon, hardly able to look at him without flinching.

"Nora, please," he pleaded.

Please what? Please forgive him?

She shook her head and gazed at his wings. At that moment, she did the only thing a woman could do when discovering that her boyfriend wasn't human—she ran out the door in sheer terror.


Nora didn't know how long she ran. All she knew was that she sprinted and didn't stop. The fact that she barely felt pain as her
feet pounded on the sidewalk was a true testament to the earth-shattering terror that pulsed within her. Every time her foot struck the pavement, she thought,
Gideon is a demon.

contemplating what Gideon was made her mouth taste sour. Though Gideon wasn't a full-fledged demon, the idea of him being so cruel to women made her legs as heavy as boulders. And then there was also the fact that she'd laid eyes on such supernatural beings to begin with. Yeah, she'd always accepted the fact that angels and demons existed, but she'd never expected to see them right in front of her. She found it so hard to believe, no matter what she'd witnessed.

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