Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny (18 page)

BOOK: Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny
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Their relationship was impossible. He needed to stay in his world and she needed to return to her own to try to right the wrongs her father and General Caruthers had done. Their paths were divergent, only crossing in this short moment of time.

She knew all that. Had tried to protect her heart. But it was no use.

She loved Marc with ever fiber of her being.

She was a woman of science, yet sense and logic had no place here. Marc was the love of her life, the man who was meant to be hers. She needed to make love with him, to have him fill her body as they both found completion. She needed the emotional connection between them to soothe her battered soul.

And she needed it now.

Rubbing her body against his, she teased and tempted him. “Take me,” her lips whispered against his. “I need to feel you inside me.” She knew he wanted her, could feel his erection throbbing against her pussy. The fact that he wanted to take care of her, was putting her wellbeing above his own needs, only made her love him more. She’d never known she could feel this way about a man.

She wanted to give him what he needed. To comfort him as he did her.

His eyes narrowed, their golden-brown hue deepening. She knew the moment his control snapped. Like a tiger unleashed, he surged forward with a growl, flipping her onto her stomach. “On your hands and knees.”

She felt his urge to claim her in front of the other two men who watched from the end of the bed. Kathryn settled on her hands and knees, parting her legs. Pushing her bottom toward him, she offered herself to him.

His hands were heavy on her hips but he was careful as he inserted the head of his cock into her opening. The muscles were swollen, her flesh sore, but she didn’t care. She wanted him.

One slow inch at a time, he pushed his way into her. Her pussy clenched and relaxed, accepting him. Making room for him.

She sighed when he was finally buried to the hilt. When he pulled back and pushed slowly forward, she moaned. His heavy sac brushed her clit with each thrust and the light caress was driving her wild.

Leaning forward, he captured her breasts in his hands and began to pump his hips.

They’d done this only last night but it felt different. As emotional as it had been before, this time was even more intense and raw. Need, tinged with an air of desperation, as if they were both aware that time grew short.

Kathryn met him stroke for stroke. Over and over he drove into her. Her sensitive inner muscles protested slightly, even as they squeezed him tightly. Squeezing her eyes 95

closed, she shut out everything else, all her focus centered on the heavy pumping of Marc’s cock between her thighs.

The heat building inside her suddenly reached a flashpoint. Crying out his name, she came. Marc thrust into her several more times and then he yelled. She felt his cock jerking inside her and the hot flood of his seed as it filled her.

She didn’t want it to end but eventually the aftershocks subsided and Marc withdrew. Immediately, she felt cold and bereft and she shivered.

Marc gathered her close to his chest, neither of them speaking. Logan stretched out on her other side, pulling the heavy furs over them. Tienan was still leaning against one of the bedposts, his eyes closed.

Kathryn felt as if she should say something but words eluded her. Exhaustion hit with a finality that was inescapable. She felt herself drifting off to sleep, safe, at least for tonight, in the arms of her lover.

All through the night, Marc held Kathryn in his arms. He sensed the restlessness of the two men who shared the bed with them but he would not relinquish his hold on her. They might want and love Kathryn but she was the very breath in his body, his miracle, and he wasn’t about to lose her.

The night waned and morning dawned. Marc usually loved this time of day when most of the world was still sleeping but not today. He didn’t want the night to end.

When the sun rose, that meant it was Kathryn’s last day. The tapestry would come sometime tonight.

He snuggled her closer and she shifted, her hand drifting down his stomach and settling almost on top of his erection. He groaned as the tips of her fingers grazed his hard length. It was torture. It was heaven. He held still, not wanting to wake her.

Kathryn needed to rest and eat today. She’d been through so much in the past few days.

She constantly amazed him with her strength and resilience.

Her fingers twitched again, this time closing around his shaft. Her breathing changed. Quickened. The little imp was awake.

With a growl, he rolled until she was on her back, staring up at him with a soft smile. “Good morning.” Her voice was slightly raspy and it skittered over his flesh like a physical caress.

He peppered her forehead, her cheeks and her nose with kisses. “Good morning.” Her hand stroked the length of his cock. “You’re up early.” He snorted at her joke, pushing his hips forward, encouraging her to keep touching him. “I am.”

“Seems as if we’re both up early.” She batted her eyelashes at him and he was charmed by her playful mood. “Whatever shall we do?” He paused, pretending to think about it. “We could have breakfast or perhaps we could go for a walk.” Her lips pursed and she shook her head. “No?” He nuzzled her neck, nibbling on her delectable skin. “Do you have any ideas?” 96

“Hmmm,” she purred. “I’ve got all kinds of ideas.” She pushed at his chest, so he flipped over onto his back, pulling her on top of him.

The morning light was beginning to spill through the window, casting a warm glow on her satiny skin. Her hair fell over her back and shoulders, surrounding her in a fiery halo. Her plump breasts swayed as she moved over him, the tips puckered like ripe berries, waiting to be tasted. Capturing the mounds in his hands, he thumbed her nipples, loving the soft velvety skin that surrounded the hard nub.

Kathryn placed her hands on his chest and that simple touch went straight to his groin. He loved the feel of her fingers as she stroked over the bands of muscle on his torso. Her fingers combed through the wiry hair on his chest and played over his flat nipples. He groaned and she laughed, delighted with the response.

She straddled his hips and he could feel the moist heat of her pussy against him.

“Kathryn,” he growled as she started to slide down his body.

“No.” She shook her head, making her hair shimmer. “You’ve had your turn. I want to explore. To touch.”

Marc knew that both Tienan and Logan were awake and watching. Had been from the moment Kathryn had stirred. “You can do whatever you want but I’m not the only one who wants you to touch them.”

She seemed startled, her gaze shooting around her almost as if she’d forgotten they were here. That pleased Marc. He wanted to be the only man she thought about. But there was still one day left and until Kathryn chose, they were still in the running for her love and attention.

Kathryn felt different this morning—powerful, invigorated and alive. Last night, she’d needed the connection with the other men, needed the physical release. And they’d all given freely to her. This morning it was her turn to give to them.

This time in Javara was coming to an end. The tapestry would come today and she would go home. She was under no misconceptions about her future. She had to go back.

Didn’t she?

Of course she did. She shook off the sly voice that whispered that maybe she didn’t have to go back. That none of them did. They could stay here.

Yeah, look how good that turned out yesterday. Men fighting over her as if she were some prize to be awarded to the victor. Bloodshed and injury. No, she had to go back.

Her heart clenched at the thought of leaving Marc. She rubbed her chest, blinking back tears. Emotions threatened to overflow but she shoved them back. She had been incredibly emotional the past few days and she wasn’t quite sure why.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. As a scientist, she could catalogue the reason why her emotions were so close to the surface. It was perfectly normal, considering all she’d been through. But it wasn’t like her. She’d learned to suppress her emotions. Anything 97

less had been unacceptable to her father. Still, the thought of losing Marc was a physical pain. If she didn’t know it was physically impossible, she’d say that her heart was in danger of breaking.

“Kathryn?” She could hear the concern in Marc’s voice. Sense the other men waiting to see what she would say or do.

She wouldn’t think of what was to come. Not now. Now she wanted to give to the three men who’d given so freely of themselves last night.

She leaned forward until her lips were touching Marc’s. Her sex pressed solidly against his erection and her breasts rubbed against his firm, muscled chest. She loved how hard he was, how strong. Yet, he was always so gentle with her. The contrast made her head spin.

“I’ll be back,” she whispered before going up on her knees and turning toward Logan, who was waiting patiently beside them.

His blue eyes seemed darker than usual and his short hair stood up in spikes. For once, she sensed no impatience from him but instead an all-encompassing sadness. Like her, she sensed he knew that this was a time out of time. Today would change everything for all of them. But for now, they were here.

“Good morning.” She leaned into him, capturing his lips for a kiss. She sensed his surprise and pleasure and it made her smile.

His lips turned up at the corners as the simple kiss ended. “You look well rested, Kathryn.”

“I feel well rested, thanks to all of you.” Letting her hand stroke down his chest, she felt the muscles jump beneath her palm. “But I’m not sleepy any longer.” He rumbled like a big cat as she petted her way toward his cock, which was fully erect and straining upward, reaching for her touch. “That’s good.” She didn’t know if he meant it was good she wasn’t sleepy any longer or what she was doing to him felt good. She suspected the latter.

Her fingers closed around his erection and squeezed. Liquid seeped from the tip and suddenly she wanted to taste him. Lowering her head, she lapped at the head of his cock. He groaned her name as his fingers dug into her scalp, holding her tightly. She laughed and did it again, this time curling her tongue around the bulbous tip. He tasted salty and musky.

She liked it.

Opening her mouth, she took him in. He was long and thick and she’d only done this once before, so she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Following her instincts, she took him as deep as she could and then slid back to the tip, dragging her tongue over the sides as she did so.

Logan groaned and flexed his hips. “Your mouth is so hot. It feels so damn good.” Pleased, Kathryn quickened her pace. She jerked and Logan’s cock popped out of her mouth when she felt something stroke her pussy. Gasping, she looked behind her.


Marc’s golden eyes were ablaze with an inner fire that she couldn’t quite describe. Yes, there was lust but there was so much more.

“Don’t stop.” Logan tugged gently on her hair to bring her back to him.

Marc gave an almost imperceptible nod and Kathryn relaxed. She hadn’t even realized she’d been tense, as if waiting for Marc to give his okay. Which was crazy, really. They weren’t a couple or anything. They’d shared sex a few times but that was it.

Who was she kidding? Not herself. There was so much more between them than sex. They’d made love, or at least she had. Because there was no denying she loved Marc.

But right now, Logan was waiting. And she loved him too. Not in the same way as she did Marc but she needed to let him know how much she cared. How much she’d cared for years while he and Tienan had been all but prisoners to her father and the company.

She allowed Logan to pull her back to him. Putting all else aside, she focused her attention on pleasuring him. Wrapping her hand around the base of his shaft, she began to pump. Logan gave a moan of pleasure as she captured his cock head between her lips and began to suck and lick and stroke him with her tongue.

Behind her, Marc stroked her slick folds. She began to move her hips in tandem with his fingers. Cream slipped from her core as her need built. The taste and feel of Logan in her mouth and Marc’s fingers teasing her pussy was an erotic combination that was overwhelming.

Logan’s hips pumped harder and he drove his shaft deeper into her mouth with each thrust. She relaxed her throat, taking him as far as she could as she continued to squeeze and stroke the base. With her free hand, she gently cupped his testicles and rolled them between her fingers.

Marc slid one finger barely inside her opening, circling the rim. Kathryn moaned, the vibration running up and down the length of Logan’s shaft.

Logan gave a hoarse cry, his entire body stiffening. She could feel the tightening of his balls and the surge of semen rushing through his cock as he came. Hot, salty liquid streamed into her mouth and down her throat. She coughed once, almost choking but she managed to swallow.

Marc thrust two fingers deep and Kathryn came undone. Crying out, she came as Marc stroked in and out of her core. Cream gushed from her pussy, dampening his hand as he continued to pleasure her. Her vision dimmed and she blinked. Marc’s touch changed, becoming lighter, calming her as she tried to catch her breath.

Logan’s hands remained fisted in her hair, his breathing harsh and ragged as he pumped his hips several more times. She tightened her fingers automatically, wanting him to gain the most pleasure possible. Slowly, he untangled his fingers and stroked her hair back over her shoulder. “Thank you.”

She could sense the sadness in him and she knew that he understood that this was the last time they’d ever be together like this. When they returned home, things would 99

be different. They’d be fighting for their very lives and there would be no time for relationships. Besides, her heart would be with Marc.

Kathryn nodded, releasing him and shifting her attention to Tienan, who was still propped up against the post at the end of the bed. How he’d slept like that, she had no idea. She expected that his shoulder was causing him some discomfort but she knew he’d never admit it. If she said anything about it, he’d only tell her that he’d slept in worse conditions. And she believed him. She had no idea about all the kinds of training the General had put him and Logan through but she knew it had been brutal and cruel, designed to break them as much as train them.

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