Taken: Against My Will (4 page)

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Authors: Zureika Willow

BOOK: Taken: Against My Will
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                  For the first time since the sensation had started she opened her eyes. Tristen was grinning down at her. His fingers were wet with her arousal.
“I told you that you’d like it.” He smirked as he rubbed his fingers on the leg of his jeans.
“No I didn’t.” Vicky protested. Tristen shook his head and pushed himself up off the mattress.
“You women are always lying,” he headed over to the kitchen and began to look through the cupboards. Vicky could just see that they were all empty.
“Stay right where you are. I will be back soon.” He told her. Vicky was startled as she watched him unlock the front door and disappear.
“Wait!” Vicky protested. He didn’t listen.




Chapter Five
Vicky listened to the sound of the door locking behind Tristen followed by the sound of footsteps receding down the hallway. Finally she was alone. She lay thinking of what had just happened. She felt sick with disgust. She was nowhere near as disgusted with what had just been done to her compared to the disgust she felt when she thought of how she'd reacted. Even worse was the longing she felt for more of the sensations she'd felt while he had pleasured her. She reminded herself that he had gotten so much experience on how to pleasure women from his lifestyle of raping women. The thought was torture in itself. 

           After lying still for a few minutes she forced herself into action. Her head still throbbed and her body protested with an aching feeling as she rolled over and pushed herself up onto her knees. The ropes bit at her wrists as she struggled to her feet. In the 6 years she had been a police officer she had never had such an experience. She had never been taken hostage let alone molested by a criminal. She had always been the one to catch them first.  This time it was completely the opposite. Tristen held all the cards in his delightfully gifted hands. Vicky had to take back some of the control. With this in mind she began to look around the apartment for something, anything that she might be able to use to release her wrists from their bonds.

           There was nothing. The room was bare of anything sharp. She'd looked for knives in the kitchen drawers. They had been empty. She'd looked in the tiny bathroom and found nothing but a half used toilet roll and a magazine. There wasn't even a shower curtain. She did notice though that there was a small nub of soap and a toothbrush beside the sink. After finding nothing she returned to the mattress feeling despair welling inside of her. She felt as though she was about to burst into tears. Her nerves were frazzled from the overload of emotions she had felt that morning. That's when a small beam of light pierced through a crack in the window board. It sparked off something drawing her attention. Her heart swelled with hope as she saw the piece of broken glass sticking out from under the corner of the mattress. 

           It took her a few struggling minutes to get a grip on the glass so that she could cut into the rope. As she used it feeling it cut into the rope it also stung the palm of her hand where it dug into her skin. Beads of blood dropped onto the mattress as the ropes finally came loose. She pulled her wrists free and jumped to her feet. A small yip of happiness sounded from her lips as she grabbed her pyjama bottoms and pulled them on. She felt a little less disgusted with herself as she covered her torso with her ripped top. She still felt disgustingly dirty and guessed that even if she had a chance to shower she would still feel just as dirty. She could wash away the thin layer of sweat that had appeared on her skin but she could not wash away the memory. 

            Even though she knew it was locked she tried the door anyway. When it didn't move she turned her attention to the board across the window. Her already bleeding hands grew worse as she tried forcefully to pull the ply wood from the window. It was no use. The only thing she got for her effort was more cuts and splinters that stung like hell.

The sound of footsteps coming back toward the door made her jump. She whirled around and her eyes fixed on the gun that Tristan had conveniently left on the kitchen counter. She rushed forward as the sound of a key being placed in a lock sounded. Grabbing the gun she flicked off the safety and turned the barrel in the direction of the door.

Tristen appeared in the room looking expectantly at the mattress where he'd left her. His handsome hazel eyes grew wide as he saw she was not
there. When his eyes turned on Vicky he looked even more shocked. He dropped the plastic bag he'd been holding in his hand and placed his hands on his head. 

"Come in and close the door." Vicky ordered. She had the power back. The adrenaline pumped through her veins as she watched Tristan move slowly into the room and kick the door closed behind him.

"Throw me the key!" Vicky demanded holding out a hand to catch the key he threw at her, “Get on your knees.” A flash of fear crossed Tristen’s face as he lowered himself down onto h
is knees. That’s when she realized she had nothing to restrain him with. If she’d been in her own apartment she could have tried to grab for her handcuffs again. Then she remembered how he had hit her over the head when she’d tried too. No, there was no way she was going to make that mistake again. There were only two things that could ensure he didn’t get hold of her again. One was death. Even being a cop she knew she couldn’t shoot him. Instead she moved slowly forward, watching just in case he tried anything.

              She raised the handle of the gun and was about to strike him over the head with it when she saw him flinch. In all her years as a cop she’d never once seen a criminal act as though they were frightened. Even more startling was the whimper she heard fall from his mouth. In that moment her action
s faltered. She just couldn’t do it. How could she hurt a man who had shown her more gentleness in one day than her husband had in their entire relationship even if he was a criminal?

               Vicky suddenly felt as though she was being split in half. Every inch of her ached to follow the law and turn him in yet there was something in the back of her mind that made her hesitate. It was like a small voice in the back of her head that told her there was more to the story than would be explained if she handed him in and let the law take its toll. She needed to know the truth.

                 With a deep sigh she dropped her hands to her sides, placing the safety catch back on the gun before placing it back on the kitchen counter. Tristen remained where he was for a few moments. When he finally looked up at her with an expectant expression as though he was still waiting for her to hit him, his eyes grew wide. She pulled her pyjama top tighter around her naked body as she felt him staring at her.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Get up,” Vicky told him as she headed over to the mattress and threw herself down onto it. She no longer cared about the sanity of the apartment. She still felt weak from their encounter earlier that morning and all she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep.

              “I’ll give you two choices,” she explained as she turned over to look up at him, “You can either keep me here and follow through with whatever crazy plan you had for me or you can let me go.”

“What? Why would you do that? You had the gun,” Tristen’s voice became high with disbelief, “You could have killed me. You could have turned me in and gone back to your life.”

“You’ve seen my life. It’s not much worth living for. Besides I’m fed up of violence. I give up.” Vicky threw her hands in the air and huffed as they collapsed back onto the mattress beside her. Tristen leaned back against the wall and ran his fin
gers through his dark hair.




Chapter Six
Shortly after Tristen grabbed his jacket and headed back out of the apartment. He locked the door behind him leaving Vicky wondering what the hell she had just done. She could have been free by now. She could have taken him straight to the police station and he would have been in a cell within minutes. Instead she’d let her emotions get the better of her. It was the first time in her career that anything like this had ever happened to her. Ian had been the only one to ever have this kind of effect on her. Yet now as she thought about it she realized that even Ian never made her feel this way.
          As she lay thinking she found herself drifting off. Her uncomfortable night on the bathroom floor had taken its toll almost as much as Tristen’s attack. Before long she had slipped into a deep sleep.
A hand stroked down her bare back. Her breath caught in her throat as a burning sensation lingered where the soft finger tips had been. She closed her eyes and fought to hold on to the feeling. When she felt the caress of lips on her shoulder she turned over slowly letting out a small groan. Tristen leaned over her with a bright, handsome smile that was filled with happiness. His hand rose to her cheek and for the first time in five years she didn’t flinch at a man’s touch. His fingers twirled a strand of her wavy blonde hair as he leaned down and placed a chased kiss on her parted lips. His tongue ran along her top lip and she her whole body shivered as his teeth gently dug into her flesh. A groan escaped her throat as every nerve under her skin begged for his touch. Her long finger nails dug into the soft satin sheets of the bed as his hand trailed down her cheek, neck and finally down to her stomach. His fingertips traced around her belly button before venturing lower.
“You’re so beautiful.” His voice was deep and husky as he kissed down her neck. Blood surged to the surface of her skin making her feel hot and tingly as his hand reached between her legs and she felt him cup her sex. Her stomach twisted with the tension that began to build inside her. Within moments he had her right where he wanted her. The wetness of her arousal spread over his fingers as he began to rub. She felt his erection against her hip and suddenly she wanted him. She wanted to go further.
             Her hands grabbed for the belt that already hung loosely open at his waist. She pulled it from his jeans and reached for the zip of his trousers. Her body pressed against his as his fingers worked their magic. She found herself panting with pleasure. Her hand roamed the expanse of his perfectly muscled abdomen. The light groan that erupted from him only made her want more. The sound was like nothing she had ever heard before. It drew her closer; made her want to hear it again. Just as she was about to reach into his jeans…..
“Vicky, wake up.” Tristen’s voice sounded almost angry. Vicky’s eyes flew open. Her heart pounded, her palms wet from her dream. With sick disgust she realized that her hand was close to being between her legs. She sat bolt upright and turned to look at Tristen who had entered the room with another plastic bag which he had placed on the kitchen work top. He was now stood staring at Vicky with an odd look on his face. It was a look Vicky had never seen before. It was a mix between happy and intrigued. There was something about it that made Vicky’s stomach turn in a way which felt almost nice.
“What is it?” Vicky asked as she quickly moved her hand and grabbed hold of her top to hold it closed again.
“I brought you some food.” Tristen explained. As he spoke Vicky realized how hungry she was. There was a tight twisted knot in her stomach that told her she needed to eat.
“You were dreaming, weren’t you?” Tristen asked as he walked over to her holding a takeaway box in his hand.
“That’s none of your business.” Vicky snatched the pot from his hand. Though she had let him keep her here she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that there was a small part of her that wanted to stay.   
After they had eaten Tristen clearly decided he wanted desert. Before Vicky could do anything he had forced himself on top of her. She barely had time to put her takeout box on the floor before he knocked her back against the mattress. He pulled her top away from her and ran kisses down her neck. Her body instinctively arched up toward him. He looked at her with a smirk on his face.
“It seems you’re finally giving up with fighting me.” He laughed before his head returned to kissing. She couldn’t stop herself from groaning as his teeth teased her nipples.
             After a few moments he ordered, “Touch me!” Vicky was reluctant to move. She had no idea what he wanted her to do. She didn’t want to go wrong and risk angering him. She may have seen a gentle side to him but that didn’t mean he couldn’t turn nasty. He was a criminal after all. There was a reason he had been given that title.
             Seeing her reluctance he grabbed hold of her hand and forced her to touch his abdomen under his t-shirt. She ran her fingers up and down the wide expanse of muscle feeling her own muscles in her stomach tense. Even the feeling of his soft skin under her fingertips was enough to arouse her. The room spun as his kisses traced further down to her belly button. Before she knew it she had grabbed hold of his head and was trying to pull him up but he was too strong for her. As he kissed the lower part of her stomach and removed her trousers she felt sick with worry as she realized what he was about to do. She attempted to kick him away but he grabbed hold of her knees and forced them down on the mattress, opening her legs wide. The force was enough to send a shock of pain through her body. She let out a loud scream as she attempted to wriggle away from him.   
“Stop wriggling!” he demanded. Then there he was. His face was between her legs. She felt the wetness of his tongue on her clit and the sensation burst inside her. She groaned deeply unable to control herself. The pain turned to pleasure as he held her legs down so that she couldn’t wriggle. His tongue caressed her and she began to quiver. The pure pleasure of it burned up inside her, tightening every muscle to the pound of climax. Her mouth burst open and she screamed as every muscle in her body convulsed and sizzled with pleasure. She lay limp against the bed. Her heart pounded with pleasure. Finally, she looked up at Tristen and realized that he had begun to undress.
“We’re going to do this together.” He smiled down at her. It was a sweet smile. A smile she would not have recognized on a criminal’s face.
            She was unable to move as he removed his trousers and boxers to reveal the beautiful length of his erection. Her mouth gaped open involuntarily and she suddenly wondered why any woman would protest at pleasure with him. Her heart skipped a beat as he lowered his naked body down onto hers. That’s when she started to react to his body. Her hands rose to grip his head, her fingers curling through his hair as she pulled his face down to hers and pressed her lips against his. He tasted like takeaway mixed with mint toothpaste. Her eyes closed and she breathed hard against his lips. She could feel him smiling as she kissed him. He grabbed hold of her and pulled her up onto his lap. Suddenly he was inside of her. It was a bright brilliant shock of pleasure which forced a groan from her lips. He groaned with her as he used his arms and hips to move them both up and down. Vicky let him take her like that. The sensation was so overwhelming that she felt as though she might black out. It was a beautiful sensation that left her wanting more.
                 Vicky experienced something for the first time ever then. As she began to climax she realized that he was doing the same. With her husband she had always been left to finish herself off but it seemed that with Tristen she would go over the cliff with him as though they were holding hands the whole way. The image in her mind made her smile as her muscles burned with the climax. They both moaned at the same time making the sensation even more intense.
            Tristen turned on the mattress and dropped down, pulling her on top of him.
“Your turn to do the work.” He laughed as she sat on top of him with him still inside her. Vicky had no idea where it came from but she wanted more. Realizing this she did as he told her and began to move up and down. The sensations began to build again from the start.
Vicky had no idea how long they had been at it but when they finally stopped and lay side by side upon the mattress she found herself exhausted. She lay panting listening to Tristen’s own heavy breathing. It was a welcome difference to how Ian ended sex. He would shove her away like yesterday’s left overs and go into the living room to watch TV. Instead Tristen turned over and propped himself up on his elbow to look down at her. Vicky shivered as he traced over her shoulder and down her side with his fingertip.
              “I have never had this before,” he admitted, “Most of my other sexual partners haven’t been as accepting as you.” Vicky was surprised at the way he stared into her eyes as he spoke. It was as though he was not ashamed of the things he had done.
“Well that does happen when you grab a girl and throw yourself on her.” Vicky replied. She knew instantly it had been the wrong thing to say. Tristen threw himself up into a sitting position and grabbed his boxers which he pulled on.
“I do not grab girls. I meet them in bars. They practically throw themselves at me for drinks and food until they realize that they have to follow through on their promises.” Tristen explained. Vicky was surprised at his admittance. Maybe he wasn’t the monster everyone was making him out to be.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Vicky hurried quickly as he pushed himself to his feet and began to head toward the bathroom.
“Don’t worry about it,” just before he closed the door of the bathroom he told her, “I’m going to go back to your apartment and grab you some clothes. It might stop your husband from searching for you if he thinks you’ve left him.”
              Vicky was about to protest when she realized what he was saying. If it looked like she had left Ian, she wouldn’t have to go back to him. She would never have to be subject to his abuse ever again. She didn’t say a word. Instead she dropped back against the mattress and closed her eyes.

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