Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) (6 page)

Read Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) Online

Authors: Mariel Grey

Tags: #romance, #horses, #historical, #regency, #thoroughbred

BOOK: Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series)
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Lucy pulled her hand from her friend. "I do
not wish to marry. And I certainly do not wish to marry a man who
would consider me as a prospective wife solely on the basis that it
would grant him access to our horses! I may as well be a brood mare
myself if that is the case!"

"Lucy, we all must marry. Even I have to
begin seeking a suitable husband. I will be twenty-two this

When Lucy did not reply, Monique grasped her
hand again and stared her in the eye. "Why are you so afraid to

Lucy lowered her eyes. She could not bear to
look at her friend while she tried to distill her response. Monique
was her closest, indeed only, true friend. Without hesitation,
Monique dropped everything and came to her aid at her request.
Monique deserved a genuine answer. Swallowing, Lucy raised her
eyes. "I am afraid."

"Afraid? Why?" Monique appeared

Lucy exhaled, "Because if I marry, I will
lose myself and my identity. I will own nothing."

"You don't own anything now. You will not
even own this property if Lucien dies. It will go to your

"I own myself now. If I marry, I will become
the property of the man I marry."

"Yes, that's true to some degree. But you
cannot depend on your brother to take care of you forever. He will
marry at some point in time, and his wife may wish to run the
household herself, without fighting you every step of the way. Have
you ever considered that?"

The truth of the statement sent a stab of
fear into Lucy. Lucien had been pushing her on the subject of
marriage as of late. "Lucien would never turn me out. We've always
taken care of each other."

"Yes, you have. And no, I do not think Lucien
would turn you out. But you could create conflict for him and any
future wife he may take. And he will take a wife."

"I could move from the house."

Monique stared at her for a moment with a
raised eyebrow. "All right, Lucy. We won’t discuss the matter
anymore, for now."

Sighing with relief, Lucy changed the
subject. "I wish I knew the details of this agreement Lucien made
with Lord Chalifour. I don't even know how much money will be
exchanged, or even for what concessions."

"You mean you don't even know what the
details of the transaction are?" Both of Monique's eyebrows raised
in disbelief.

"I couldn't appear to be too curious or I
might have aroused Lord Chalifour's suspicions. I was supposed to
be carrying messages between him and Lucien. Lucien would already
have been privy to everything," Lucy said defensively.

Frowning, Monique said, "I guess you will
know the details soon enough. I just hope there are no unpleasant



Chapter Seven


Lord Perdan arrived early Friday morning. In
Lucy's mind the bright day turned a shade darker when Alistair
escorted him into Lucien's salon. Seeing Monique seated in the
salon, Lord Perdan visibly stiffened. Turning to Lucy, he said "I
believe we have some business to discuss privately?"

"Yes, I am sure we do. Lady Monique Cathdon
has been keeping me company for the last many days. I believe you
have had the pleasure of her acquaintance?"

"Yes, I've had the pleasure." Turning to
Monique, Perdan said, "Good day, Lady Monique. How does your family

"Quite well, thank you for your concern.
Please do not worry about me, Lord Perdan. Since you have indicated
your desire to speak privately with Miss Goodwin, I shall retire to
my room. Good day to you, Lord Perdan." The door closed behind
Monique. In Lucy's mind, Monique's departure from the room further
diminished the light.

Lord Perdan remained standing so Lucy did
likewise. "I believe we got off to a very bad start at our last
meeting. Perhaps we could begin our relationship again."

"And what relationship might you be referring
to, Miss Goodwin?"

"Our business relationship."

"I beg to differ. There is no business
relationship between us. This is a debtor creditor relationship.
Unless, of course, you wish to make it more? That offer still

Lucy sucked in her breath. "I assume you are
offering me the honor of becoming your wife?"

A look of amusement crossed Perdan’s face. "I
had been considering an alternative arrangement, actually."

Heat rose in her cheeks. Clenching her fists,
Lucy fought the urge to launch herself at him and pummel him with
her fists. She had never felt such an urge to commit violence on
another person. The only thing stopping her was the thought of her
brother lying helplessly upstairs in bed, his condition much the
same. In an effort to calm herself, Lucy began counting mentally
before responding to Perdan when the salon door burst open.

Standing in the doorway was the formidable
form of the Marquis of Chalifour. His intense blue eyes lit first
on her and then on Lord Perdan. Alistair's small form stood behind
Lord Chalifour, wringing his hands.

"My apologies for the intrusion. Lord
Chalifour insisted. He said he had an appointment with you,"
Alistair said.

Lucy's heart sank to her stomach. Her mind
raced through the potential scenario and panic set in. She could
not afford these two men conversing with one another. Lord
Chalifour might discover her brother was completely incapacitated
and Lord Perdan might discover Lord Chalifour was buying a stake in
the business. What a disaster that would be!

Lucy had to get rid of one of them. It would
have to be Lord Perdan since she couldn't ask Chalifour to leave
the contract without Perdan inquiring about the document. Lucy
gritted her teeth. Now she wouldn't be able to discover more about
the terms of their obligation.

Forcing her lips into a smile, Lucy looked at
Alistair, "It's fine. Lord Chalifour and I had an appointment,
though it was not for a date or time certain. I must presume Lord
Chalifour has some matter of urgency which has precluded his
observance of the normal proprieties." Lucy shot Lord Chalifour an
icy glare. The man was insufferable in his arrogance barging into
her home and demanding to be seen!

Lucy turned to Lord Perdan. Trying her best
to look coquettish, she said, "Since you and I still have matters
to discuss, perhaps we could continue our conversation in Town? I
will be accompanying Lady Monique when she returns on Sunday."

Lucy fluttered her lashes at Perdan and
offered him her brightest smile. Lord Chalifour's face darkened and
his eyes narrowed slightly.
Was Chalifour jealous? No, of course
not! What a ludicrous thought.

With a perplexed look, Lord Perdan said,
"I'll look for you in Town then." He inclined his head slightly
toward Chalifour, who returned the gesture. "Good day, Lord
Chalifour." Perdan departed, his face a mask of confusion.

"What was that about?"

Lucy spun toward him and found him staring at
her mouth. "I do not believe your business with my brother allows
you the right to pry into my personal life," she spit. While Lucy
was once again thankful to see Chalifour, she was also irritated
with him. His ill-timed entrance had prevented her from discovering
anything further about their indebtedness.

"Forgive me. You are quite right. I thought
perhaps you might be making a business arrangement with him, which
could also affect me. I did not mean to intrude on you and your

"He is certainly not a suitor!"

Chalifour raised his eyebrows in question,
though he remained silent. He was mocking her, which made her all
the more irritated.

"I presume you have the agreement?"

"Yes, I do. Though I must insist on having
the opportunity to speak with your brother directly."

"It is my turn to apologize, My Lord. My
brother is still not available for callers. If you would leave the
contract with me, I can have Lucien review it and sign it when he
wakes. He has been sleeping most of the morning." At least
everything except the part about him reviewing and signing the
contract was true.

"I guess I have no choice?"

"No, I am afraid you really do not have much
choice." Chalifour’s face betrayed none of his thoughts so Lucy was
unable to discern whether he believed her. Right now, she almost
didn’t care what he believed she was so annoyed with him.

"Then, I would like to see more of your
brother’s operation and, of course, the horses. After all, your
brother and I will be engaged in business together. I would be
remiss if I did not take time to examine my investment before the
final commitment. Particularly in light of the fact I've not been
able to meet your brother in person."

Chalifour turned his piercing gaze upon her
again. "At this point, I am investing solely on the strength of
your family's reputation."

Though she wanted to, Lucy could see no
rational reason to refuse. She didn't want an outsider involved in
their business, but at the moment, she couldn't think of any viable
alternatives to salvage her and Lucien’s honor and livelihood. She
would have to show Chalifour around the premises.



Chapter Eight


Lucy walked quickly through the garden
without noticing the colorful profusion of spring flowers in full
bloom. Chalifour made her nervous. Though Lucy attributed her
nervousness to her need to consummate the deal with Chalifour,
there was something else. Something in the way he looked at her
flustered her.

Lucy wanted this tour over with as soon as
possible. She needed Chalifour’s distracting presence gone. He
followed her silently along the path, fraying her nerves. Reaching
the stables, she watched Chalifour's blue eyes traveled the length
of the building. His eyes lit on Thor and he strode to the horse’s

"Is this handsome lad Zeus or Thor?"
Chalifour placed his hand on the horse's sensitive nose and gently
stroked it.

"That's Thor. And it seems you've made a
friend." A flash of irritation swept through Lucy.
Thor, you
. The horse seemed taken with the man.

Chalifour advanced through the stables,
asking numerous questions about the horses he saw. Lucy had to
admit a grudging admiration for his knowledge. Chalifour’s
questions indicated a surprising perception of the nuances involved
in breeding thoroughbreds.

After a spell, seemingly satisfied with her
answers, Chalifour said, "And now you may accompany me on a

Lucy’s mouth fell open. The arrogance of the
man was unbelievable! "I beg your pardon?"

"I believe you heard me. I assume you know
how to ride?"

Lucy sputtered before she realized he was
baiting her. "Yes, My Lord, I know how to ride quite well. And you?
Perhaps I should select a docile mare for you? One that might be
easy to handle?"

"I'm not partial to mares. I prefer pretty
fillies. I've been riding rather spirited ones most of my

Chalifour’s eyes locked on hers with hidden
meaning. Heat blazed on Lucy's cheeks. Not entirely sure of
Chalifour’s implication, she ignored the comment and chose not to

"I'm sure either Thor or Zeus will do quite
nicely," Chalifour said. He chose Thor and instructed the stable
boy to saddle him.

Lucy swallowed her ire at Chalifour’s high
handed commands to her servant. He was a peer, after all. Lucy
selected her favorite horse, Heather Mist. Like Thor, Heather Mist
was a three- year old filly descended from excellent blood lines.
Though her blood was not quite as exalted as that of Thor or Zeus,
she was a fine horse and fiercely competitive. Heather Mist could
give both Thor and Zeus a run for the money.

They mounted their steeds and cantered from
the stables. Lucy observed Chalifour from the corner of her eye.
Thor was a hand full. Would Chalifour be able to control Thor? Lucy
amused herself and imagined Thor galloping off and leaving the
arrogant man sprawled on the ground.

Lucy and Chalifour started out at a trot.
Their gait gradually increased in speed until they were in a
full-out gallop. An exuberant rumble of laugher escaped Lucy's
throat and she found herself gleefully racing against Chalifour.
Their horses tore down the path.

Both riders alternated between glancing at
one another and at the path their horses were thundering down. It
was a dead heat with neither gaining or giving ground. The horses
were rival competitors. Both horses instinctively knew this had
evolved into a race and neither horse wanted to lose.

Lucy broke off first when they reached a
large fenced meadow. Chalifour followed suit and slowed Thor to a
canter. They cantered along the fence at the edge of the pasture.
The grass was a lush green spread dotted with small clusters of
yellow flowers. Unsure what she should talk about, Lucy chose a
safe topic and expounded on the minute differences between several
of the horses grazing in the field and aspects to consider when
breeding one horse with another.

Lucy glanced at Chalifour and found him
looking at her with an odd expression. Did Chalifour have a glimpse
of her legs when her gown billowed up? She hadn't expected to ride
and wasn't dressed appropriately in her heavy riding habit.

"What is it?" Lucy asked anxiously, hoping
she had not embarrassed herself yet again.

Chalifour appeared surprised, as if
unaccustomed to being questioned directly."Why do you ask?"

"Well, you were looking at me so oddly."

"It's just I rarely see women so unabashedly
joyous. You were truly happy tearing across the countryside on your
horse. It's uncommon to see anyone so free with their emotions. I
also find your knowledge of horse breeding impressive. Your
expertise greatly exceeds my expectations. Very few women, I
imagine, possess the knowledge you do. I simply find it surprising,
that’s all."

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