Submissive Seductions (4 page)

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Authors: Christine D'Abo

BOOK: Submissive Seductions
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God, I hope sex is on the table.
Or at least an orgasm.
Master Gareth kept his back to me while he continued to rummage in the cupboard. My arms were aching and I found it hard to breathe, holding my arms up and still. It reminded me of that one time I had to get a scan of my lungs at the hospital. I had to lie on a bed with my arms stretched above my head for a solid twenty minutes. You’d think it would be easy, but after three minutes I was ready to beg the technician to stop.
Turned me into a whiny kid in no time. This was almost as bad.
Big-girl panties, Liz.
“You’re thinking again.”
Shit. “Sorry, Sir.”
“I can see we’ll have to work you into that tonight. I would hate to have to punish you for something so simple.”
Punishment? That sounded promising. It could totally be a good thing. “No, Sir.”
Damn, what the hell was he searching for in there? The door to Narnia?
I shifted where I stood and couldn’t help my internal snark from yammering away—that is, until he turned back around. Any additional smart-ass remarks fled my mind when I saw the look of feral mischief in his eyes and the object of his infernal search in his hands. For half a second my arms slipped down to cover myself, but I managed to remember his order and lifted them back into place.
It didn’t stop me from swallowing noisily and staring at what he held dangling from his outstretched finger.
Those looked an awful lot like nipple clamps.
“You said you had a high pain threshold. Let’s test that.”
Now, I’ve never considered myself a prude, but the sight of the silver chain and mini vice grips was enough to get me squirming. Damn, this was going to hurt, wasn’t it?
“Hands, Liz.”
I jerked my arms back into place. “Sorry, Sir.”
“I can see that’s going to be hard for you to hold that position on your own. Good thing I have something to assist.”
I’d been so distracted by the nipple clamps, I’d completely missed the length of cord draped over his shoulder. I swallowed and did my best to keep my breathing under control. The last thing I wanted was for him to mistake my barely contained excitement for a panic attack.
Maybe I’d been staring at the rope for longer than I’d realized because Master Gareth held out the end of the rope, circling the tip with his thumb.
“Have you ever been tied up before, Liz?” God, he was almost playful in his tone. How could he switch from being as strict as a drill sergeant to a teasing schoolboy in the span of a heartbeat? More importantly, why was I responding to both as strongly as I was?
“No, Sir.” I shook my head for emphasis. “Not that it’s a problem for me.” Wouldn’t want him to get the wrong impression.
Master Gareth came up to my side, standing only a few inches away. It was close enough to feel his body heat, but far enough away that I couldn’t accidentally bump into him. This time he didn’t say anything, but I knew what he was intending to do even before he moved. I’d heard the expression telegraphing one’s movements before, but now I understood. It was fascinating to watch him move.
His hand was strong around my wrists, and his fingers dug into my flesh as he pulled my arms down in front of me. He held them still for a moment and the silent look he gave me was enough of a command not to move. The rope was smooth, silky even, as it slid across my skin. A riot of goose bumps exploded across my skin, making it even more sensitive than before.
I’d been a Girl Scout as a kid and had been one of the few in my troop to have passed the knot badge. Those looked to be quick release, which made the whole thing a little easier to get my head around. And while Connie trusted him, she wasn’t here getting strung up by a man who would look perfectly at home on the cover of
I should have been freaking out. Wouldn’t most people? But Master Gareth also left a length of the rope dangling enough that I would be able to free myself. When he finished, I tested them and found I could barely move my hands. The bindings were tight enough to stop me from moving, but not enough that I’d lose circulation.
And in a pinch I could get myself free from the rope. There is something exhilarating and terrifying about giving up total control to another person.
If I hadn’t been half-delirious from the pleasure at finally getting closer to understanding the feelings that had been building in me for years, I wouldn’t have been so startled when he tied the other end of the rope to the O-ring on the wall. What else was I expecting him to do with it? Lead me around the club like a dog?
Actually . . .
I gave another tug once he was finished securing the rope. There was no way I was going to be going anywhere. I had enough slack that I could easily move half a foot from the wall, but that was about it. Master Gareth could spin me around until I was dizzy, but I couldn’t escape him.
Not that I wanted to.
So not going anywhere.
“Now, for the next part.” The grin he gave me that time was positively satanic. If he’d sprouted horns then I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised. He held the nipple clamps so they touched my nose, forcing me to go cross-eyed so I could get a good look at them. “I can tell by your reaction you’ve never done this before.”
I shook my head. “No, Sir. But I’m willing to try.”
God, he had nice teeth. They were all I could watch as he lowered his mouth so that he hovered just above my nipple. No, he wouldn’t actually—
“Fuck!” I bucked my hips and strained against the rope that held me in place as his lips wrapped around my nipple.
Hot, wet heat enveloped the hard tip and it was like a charge had been set in me. His wicked tongue tormented my peak until I felt his saliva cover a generous portion of my breast. With each flick of his tongue my cunt vibrated. I swear to God I could feel his tongue on my clit even though he was nowhere near it.
“God, yes.”
In a beat his tongue was replaced with his teeth. I sucked in a lungful of air as the sharp bite chased the pleasure with pain. Except I wasn’t pulling away from him—I wanted more. Master Gareth didn’t stop, alternating between hard sucks and sharp nips. Connie had tried to explain to me once what it was like to experience this weird mix of pleasure and pain, the overwhelming presences she felt when the two collided inside her, and couldn’t find the words.
I now understood why.
How can a person qualify heaven?
Then he stopped. Gareth lifted his head and covered my breast with his hand. “What was rule one?” He was squeezing hard, and shit that really did hurt.
My head became too heavy for me to hold and I let it fall forward. The air I managed to suck in gave me a chance to get my head back in the game.
Rule one? I shook my head, but he only squeezed more.
Rules. Right.
They were important and if I couldn’t remember them he’d stop.
Stopping was bad.
“I have to call you Sir.”
But he didn’t relent with his touch. “Have you?”
Did I? Oh, shit. “No, Sir. I . . . I forgot.”
There really wasn’t any warning when he clipped the clamp on the dry nipple. I did cry out then as the pain spiked through my chest. It was so tight it felt like the skin was being burned by acid or eaten by ants. I don’t remember feeling that type of pain before. Strange, though, the longer it burned the less I minded.
It was fascinating.
“What was the second rule, Liz?”
I lifted my head so I could force my gaze from the clamped nipple to his eyes. Was he actually serious? Yes, of course he was. I sucked in a breath, but the motion caused my breast to move and the clamp to be jostled. Of course he was
. Master Gareth didn’t seem the type to fool around with his words or his actions. Everything he did in his life had a specific purpose.
“Liz, answer me or this ends now.”
Second rule, second . . .
“I won’t let things go too far if I can’t handle it.”
“What do you say to stop things?”
“Red to stop you, yellow to slow down. Begging will only make things worse.”
He chuckled at that. “Not exactly, but correct on the important part.”
With the dry palm of his hand Gareth wiped off the saliva from the nipple that had been lucky enough to enjoy his mouth. I knew what was coming, but bracing for the pain of the second clamp did nothing to dull the sensation. The skin was already super-sensitive from his pleasurable abuse. The clamp intensified things to a level I could barely comprehend.
“Take a deep breath, Liz.”
I did without question. The blackness around my vision that I hadn’t realized was even there began to recede. My head cleared enough that his facial features snapped into focus.
He was smiling at me now. Not a grin, not even with his lips. The smile shone out from his eyes and in that moment he was the most beautiful man in the world.
“Take another deep breath.”
I did it again.
My body felt electric, my skin a giant receptor for every puff of air that swirled around the room. My cunt was soaked as I let myself sink into the pain, the pleasure. He owned my body now and I loved it.
The chain dangled between my breasts and pulled my nipples even as they bound me together. The pain hadn’t dulled so much as transformed into something I wasn’t fully able to wrap my head around. My gaze had fallen once more to where the clamps squeezed my sensitive flesh between the black rubber ends. The skin was beet red and distended into an odd shape. The contrast of the black and silver of the chain was mesmerizing.
Master Gareth hadn’t moved since clamping me. I’m not sure if he was waiting for me to say red or something, but I wasn’t about to. It felt too good to stop.
I was never going to stop.
When I met his gaze, I could tell he was checking to see if I was too out of it to continue. I’m not sure how he would be able to tell if I was. Maybe it’s like a parent can always tell that their child is about to do something stupid when the house is too quiet.
I licked my lips but didn’t quite have the energy to smile. I wasn’t sure it was totally appropriate at any rate.
“Please, Sir. I-I can take more. I-I-I need to try. To see.” Yeah, I remembered that he said begging wasn’t likely to get me what I wanted; but hell, he needed to know that I was still on board with the program. If nothing else, I hoped it would prove that I was very pleased with my purchase and wanted to take things to the next level.
Because while getting tied up and clamped was pretty fucking great, I was more than aware there were far better things we could be doing here.
Despite his earlier words, Master Gareth did reach out and cup my cheek. His caress was gentle, reassuring, and confusing. I wasn’t expecting a man as large as him, let alone a Dom, to touch me like that. Something flashed across his face, but it went too fast, and quite frankly I was too out of it to clue in to what it could possibly mean.
Whatever it was, the mood shifted when he stepped back and straightened to his full height. “Liz, I want you to turn around and face the wall. Don’t move once you’re in position.”
Hell yeah.
It wasn’t a big move, but for some reason my head spun along with my body. I tried to take a deep breath like he’d prompted earlier and pulled in a bit of extra air, but that sent another burst of lovely pain through my nipples. My pussy was still swollen and I could feel my wetness starting to cover my inner thighs. If I didn’t get to come soon I was going to explode.
And not in the good way.
“Now that is a beautiful ass.”
I groaned when his hands cupped my cheeks and gave my ass a good, hard squeeze. Master Gareth pulled at the flesh, exposing my hole to him. God, I was blushing again. I dropped my head forward and closed my eyes. How the hell could he look at me like that?
“Of course it’s beautiful, Liz. You’re a healthy woman who clearly looks after herself.”
I jerked my head up then and tried to look at him from over my shoulder. How the hell . . . ?
He chuckled once more and I knew I was growing addicted to the sound of that low rumble of amusement. “I’ve been around enough naked women to know that the first time you all think the same thing. You’ve got too much around the middle. Your thighs are too big, ass too wide, cellulite. Why would a man want to see you with the lights on?”
“But you forget most men find your bodies beautiful no matter the shape. Your curves and bumps, the things you see as imperfections mark you as unique. We want to learn every inch of you, memorize what makes you moan and sigh.”
As he spoke, Master Gareth slid his hand down the length of my leg, teasing the back of my knee, and cupped my calf. I shivered when he reached my ankle. Anything from that point down was basically a giant erogenous zone for me. He must have picked up on it and gave me a slight squeeze. “See. This is as much a turn-on for me as seeing your pussy.”
Another gentle brush of his fingers along the edge of my ankle bone had me moaning. I pulled against my bindings and bucked my hips forward.
“Soon.” He scraped the skin lightly with his nails.
I felt him stand up. What I wasn’t expecting was the sharp slap of his hand against my ass. The left cheek flared up with pain that sent me staggering toward the wall. I gasped and widened my stance. I wasn’t going to get caught off guard twice.
And yet, I totally was. Instead of another smack, he bracketed my hips with his hands and pulled me back.
“I want you to stick your ass out, but lean forward. That’s it. Bow your back like a dog stretching. Good girl.”
I let him maneuver me into the position he wanted. If I’d thought I’d been exposed earlier, then I was clearly an inexperienced fool. Standing like this, I was completely at his mercy, my ass being offered up as some sort of naughty sacrifice for him. Any fears I’d had about being naked in front of him were now gone. All I could focus on was the anticipation of getting a spanking, the type I’d fantasized about but had never asked for.

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