Somewhere in Sevenoakes (2 page)

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Authors: Sorell Oates

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Inspirational, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Somewhere in Sevenoakes
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As the train pulled in, he dragged himself sluggishly on board. Although late, he was glad to have missed the rush hour. He strode down to his preferred seat, eyes widening in pleasure to see his favourite regular commuter. She caught the same train, morning and evening, as he did. He knew she lived in Orpington, a one-stop before his home in Sevenoaks. Because he got off a little earlier in the mornings than she did, he wasn't sure where she worked geographically.


James couldn't help but smile as their eyes met. He knew his smile stretched wide across his face, reaching his eyes in genuine pleasure at having spotted her. Without ever having exchanged a word, he sensed she was his ideal woman. Physically she was striking. She was above average height, five foot seven, which flattered her hourglass figure. It was hard for him to keep his eyes focused on his phone when he was wanting to visually take in her femininity. Her ample bosom, tiny waist and curvaceous hips had his mind wandering as to what she'd be like out of her work clothes. He loved that she dressed in a suit but chose to wear a skirt as opposed to trousers. In doing so she balanced professional with sexy. Her legs were toned and shapely; possibly accentuated by the extraordinary high heels she wore daily. Body aside, it was her face he found most engaging. She had thick, dark brown hair cut in a bob and her eyes were the darkest, deepest, brown he'd ever gazed into. The dark features set against flawless porcelain skin made her absolutely striking. From her outfit, he was certain she worked in an office, but wondered if there'd ever been a time when she'd done modelling.


He had thought he'd have missed her by catching a late train. It was as if fate was conspiring to bring them together. The carriage was almost empty. It was on the tip of his tongue to say something to her. James shut his eyes mustering the courage to introduce himself. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself to make a move. It flashed in his mind that, given it was a Friday, this gorgeous young woman had probably been on a date. Even if she hadn't it was unlikely she was single. As his brain waded through rationality and the concept of destiny, he realised the train had arrived at her stop. She rose and left the train without catching his glance. James stood up to go and followed her.



Maddy had always known James would be amazing in bed.


Wordlessly, he'd kissed her in the kitchen, having taken the glass wine from her hand to place it in the sink. James' lips enveloped hers. His breath was warm and moist. A soft, inquisitive tongue probed her mouth. The startling connection had her deepening their kiss; lost in the moment. He was minty and moist to taste. Maddy herself felt moist between her legs as James continued kissing her vehemently. She hadn't wanted to make things easy for James but her desire for him prevented her from keeping a cool head.


Normally self-conscious about her height and curves, she loved James' towering stature. With great ease he manoeuvred her into her bedroom. He broke the kiss, searching her eyes taciturnly, linking with her on an emotional level. His hands went to her shoulders as he pushed her down on the bed. She rolled, as graciously as she could, to the centre of the mattress.


Silently James stood at the end of the bed, his blue eyes devouring her mentally before physically doing so. Uttering a growl, James got on the bed and crawled up to Maddy. The weight of him on her was delicious. The combined experience of domination and security was divine. That he'd already removed his jacket and tie, made it easier for her to undo the buttons of his shirt. She ground her hips in delight as his unbuttoned shirt revealed an olive-skinned chest, with defined pecs and a rock-hard stomach. As she ran her hands over his broad shoulders, she let her nails graze his back.


James' hands slipped up her stockinged thighs. With deft hands, he undid the stockings from their garter-belt; his touch cool on her skin. Expertly he reached under her waist and unzipped her skirt, tugging it down to reveal black panties. She breathed in, hoping her recent fitness fad had toned her stomach. As he worked her skirt and stockings down, he moved with them, his tongue flicking out to taste her skin as he revealed her naked legs.


Once the articles of clothing were removed, she saw him grinning wolfishly up at her. He splayed her thighs, taking his time to caress the insides of each one. He knelt between her legs, moving his hand under her blouse. When his hands moved over her bra, Maddy heard James' breathing become noticeably heavier. He cupped her breasts, yanking down the bra to release her pendulous breasts. His thumb and index fingers of each hand caught a nipple, tweaking them to make her moan. The exquisite sensation had her whimpering. She spread her legs desperate to have him inside her.


Continuing to kneel, he unbuckled his belt, then unzipped his trousers. She was surprised to see he wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock sprung out, looking long and delicious. Maddy wanted to wrap her mouth around it. The minute she raised herself slightly, James shook his head. She instantly laid flat again, letting him take complete control of the situation.


He removed her blouse, smiling at the sight of her bosom. James took a breast in his mouth, sucking hard on a nipple, making Maddy wetter between her legs. As his mouth taunted one nipple, he let a hand stroke her other breast; squeezing and pinching it. His blue eyes were transfixed by her overtly sexual response to his touch.


Releasing the breast, James moved his head southward. His breath made Maddy's skin rise in goose bumps. His teeth bit on the elastic of her panties. She wanted to scream out as he tore them down; ripping them clean off her in the process. Maddy couldn't ever remember having someone take her with such lust. She'd never felt more womanly, more wanted or more wanton.


Fully naked and exposed, Maddy was subject to James' scrutiny but saw only admiration in his eyes. Grabbing her ankles, he dragged her down the bed, throwing her legs over his shoulders. Tilting her pelvis, he put a hand on his cock, slipping it between her legs. Maddy could feel the helmet, sliding between her lips. He guided the head onto her clit; rubbing it over and around it. She felt close to the brink and bit her lip, not wanting to climax before he'd even penetrated her. Sensing where she was in the proceedings, James exerted slightly more pressure as his erection teased her nub, bringing her ever closer to orgasm. She did her best to squirm away from him.


James watched Maddy distance herself from him on the bed before launching himself forward, covering her body with his. Her bare breasts were against his smooth, well-built chest. He pinned her wrists slightly above her head, then returned to kiss her. He shrugged his trousers off, freeing him to work his hips between her closed legs. Smitten, Maddy couldn't keep her legs clamped shut. She wanted him inside her, needed him to be in her. His hard-on pressed against her entrance.


Releasing her wrists, James' hands traced their way down her body till he grabbed her waist. He turned himself onto his back, keeping Maddy steadily on top of him. Moving his hips rhythmically, Maddy knew what she had to do. Feeling more confident on top, she decided it was time to torture James in the same manner with which he had been tormenting her, by not succumbing immediately to their carnal urges.


Straddling James, she lowered herself, arms on either side of James' head, dangling her breasts close to his mouth. His tongue darted out as he moved his head to catch one in his mouth, but Maddy ensured they remained out of his reach. His frustrated smile was endearing. She wasn't sure how long she'd last. Maddy rubbed her wet pussy against his shaft, hoping to elicit some audible encouragement from him, but he refused to make a sound.


She figured the only way she was going to break James was to finally allow him to penetrate her.  Legs on either side of him, she used her thighs to raise into a squat, enabling her to position herself on top of his proud prick. Closing her eyes she was ready to sink slowly onto James.


Unfortunately, Maddy's bedside alarm sounded, snapping her out of the rather wonderful dream she was having about her commuter crush. She cursed to herself thinking another ten minutes in that particular dream was exactly what she needed to begin her week. Debating on whether or not to hit the snooze button, she resisted, then drew herself out of bed to get a shower. Dreaming about the sexy South Londoner didn't compare with actually sitting across him in the flesh for half an hour every morning and night. He was definitely worth missing a ten minute cat-nap for.


James took his usual seat on his usual train. Having had a weekend without work commitments was a rare occurrence for him. It should have been a refreshing break, but he felt disconcerted as he boarded the train. Aware it was foolish, he couldn't quite shake off the feeling of disappointment he had on Friday night when her enigmatic beauty hadn't acknowledged his presence upon departing the train. He'd gone to follow her, hoping only to introduce himself. That she'd left the train without even recognising him, had cowardice replacing his bravery. Logically he knew she wasn't obligated to respond to his presence on the carriage, there was no reason why she should, but for reasons beyond his comprehension the absence of a smile that Friday had stung.


As the train drew into her station, Orpington, he actively sought her out. His anxiety washed away immediately when he caught her eye and she smiled. James watched a blush creep up her neck as she sat down. He stretched out his legs, pleased she'd noticed him.


Maddison was mortified at the pink blotches appearing on her neck. She'd shocked herself with the intense and vivid graphic dream involving the unnamed man opposite her. He'd clearly been playing on her mind all weekend. She hadn't expected to see him on the late train Friday night. The empty carriage had given her the perfect opportunity to finally initiate a conversation with him. Dazzled by his looks, her mind was unable to conjure a greeting; even if it had, she doubted her tongue would have been able to speak the words coherently. Her tummy had butterflies, when she'd boarded the doors and caught his blonde head seeking her. Maddy gave herself a reality check, realising he may not have actually been looking for her at all. Either way with his head lowered to read his phone, she had the next thirty minutes to daydream as to what kind of a boyfriend he'd make.


As the train arrived at London Bridge she knew he would be heading to work or to the connection to take him to work. She watched as he stood. As per their unspoken ritual, he made eye contact with her, giving a brusque brief nod. As Maddy returned the smile she heard a voice yelp. The man sitting next to her had caught his foot on the strap of her handbag, placed neatly between her feet. He staggered and hopped, shaking himself out of the strap, trying desperately not to trip and land on his hands and knees. Surviving the hazardous handbag, he directed an evil glower towards Maddy as he dragged her bag down the carriage, ripping one end of the strap off it. All the contents in her handbag spilled onto the floor.


She cursed to herself, scrambling from her seat to the carriage floor in a bid to retrieve the items. It was rush hour and Maddy saw her reading glasses, phone, emergency tampons and various bits of make up being kicked and trodden on by people desperate to get on and off the train.


”I managed to save these,” said a deep, rich voice, crouching next to her.


Maddy turned her head to see the man of her dreams holding her lipstick, blusher, two crushed tampons and phone.


”You've missed your stop,” blurted Maddy.


She wanted to slap her forehead. Of all the things to say to this considerate man who was happily ready to help a damsel in distress, she decided to state the obvious; flagging him to the fact that she was a stalker who was way too familiar with his train timetable. She heard him laugh softly, but not unkindly.


”It's okay. I can be late today. I think it's better we get you sorted out. Not exactly the chivalrous type was he?”


James and Maddy watched the angry man shuffle off the train, cursing Maddy as the cause of his accident.


”He certainly wasn't and when a girl sees these,” she removed the squashed tampons from James' hand, ”on public display, she could really do with a little chivalry.”

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