Someone Elses Daughter (8 page)

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Authors: Jack Norman

BOOK: Someone Elses Daughter
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“Where are we, do you think?” one of the girls asked as Anna pushed at the wall of heavy cardboard boxes to create a gap and peer through the small window in the back of the panelled truck. The Albanian traffickers were obviously feeling more secure and confident now, for they no longer left a guard with the women in the rear of the truck. For much of their nightmarish road journey from Moscow the three men had reluctantly taken turns to watch over their captives, for none of them wanted to ride on the hard, rug strewn floor in the unheated rear of the vehicle. The women were given no other choice, though. They travelled on for sixteen hours with only two stops for food and lavatory breaks. The truck had passed through three check points while the women had huddled silently together, afraid to make a sound. On the first two occasions the girls listened to friendly banter that seemed to indicate some commercial arrangement between the Albanian traffickers and the guards. Another time, though, the rear doors had been flung open for a few moments, causing the thug overseeing the women to draw his pistol and hush them to silence, but the stacked cartons of foodstuffs had obviously satisfied the half-inquisitive policeman, for the doors were quickly slammed shut again and locked. For the past few miles, the six women had been left alone in their mobile prison, huddled in the blankets and cheap padded coats they had been given as the vehicle rumbled along.

The vehicle had noticeably slowed, obviously travelling in traffic and presumably in a town or city. The girls could hear the street noises and the rumble of cars, heavy trucks and buses. Anna peered through the gap she had managed to open in the stack of boxes. She immediately recognised the distinctive building with a stylised dome like a flattened onion. “We’re in Odessa,” she said simply, pulling the cheap padded coat about her as she settled back on the cushions and rugs on the bed of the van.

“Odessa?” one of the girls said in alarm. “How do you know?”

“I can see the railway station. I’ve been here before.”

“Odessa! That’s in Ukraine, hundreds of kilometers from Moscow.”

“Hush,” a blonde girl admonished, clutching her knees as she sat with her back against the side of the truck, “there are many worse places they could take us.”

Anna looked across at the blonde, pushing a stray lock of dishevelled fair hair from her face. “Odessa is a port. Who’s to know where they are taking us?” she said.

In the event, the van was driven to a nearby car park behind the railways station. There, the women were ordered from the vehicle to stretch their legs, while the cigarette-smoking men stood vigilant guard. Sara glanced around, assessing the chances of escape, but she decided that it was impossible. The place was almost deserted, and she had little doubt that the men could catch her if she ran. So, with the other girls, she paced back and forth, trying to get some feeling back into her aching limbs. After a few minutes, a large black BMW vehicle drew up beside the van and the driver cheerfully greeted the three Albanians from its open window. The man then glanced at the nervous women and joked that it had been a labour-intensive and expensive journey, with three strong men to transport only six weak sluts before easing the vehicle some yards away. Two of the Albanians remained near to the women, but Ermir followed the vehicle to leaned against the car door and speak through its open window. Sara saw him in animated conversation with driver. He turned and waved. “Send the girl here.”

One of the other men roughly pushed Anna, gesturing for her to go to the car. She approached diffidently, gauging her chances on making a break for it and running away. The car park was almost deserted, though, and she knew that they would easily catch her. Ermir grabbed Anna’s arm and pulled her to stand in view of the driver. “This is the one,” he said.

The driver glanced at her from under heavy lids for a dew seconds, a cigarette drooping from his lips. He then nodded and reached his arm from the window to hand a thick wad of banknotes to Ermir, who cursorily checked the wad of money before stuffing it into his pocket. Ermir then produced a bundle of passports from another pocket and handed them to the driver, and he called over to his henchmen. “Bring the bitches over here. It is done. Hey, cunts, come and get in here with Plakici. He’s a nice man and his car is much more comfortable.”

The women glanced apprehensively towards each other as the men laughed, but they trooped obediently to the BMW. Ermir opened a rear passenger door of the plush BMW and four of them crammed onto the rear seat before the door was slammed shut, and another was ordered to the front passenger seat. Anna stood bemused, but Ermir roughly pushed her to the rear of the vehicle and opened the trunk. “Get in!” he ordered. “It is not far.”

She looked in horror but, seeing that resistance was useless, she clambered into the trunk and curled into a foetal position as the lid was slammed down and locked, leaving her huddled in inky-darkness, knowing she had been sold again.




Nina’s room was nice enough and it even had its own small bathroom, but it was nothing more than a gaol cell. Igor’s Moscow apartment was her prison.

Throughout what had remained of that sleepless night (in reality until noon), she had lain beside the snoring thug. And Nina had constantly eyed the pistol that lay on the table near the door. She had no experience of such things, and didn’t even know how to use it. So she simply lay there, hardly daring to breathe, lying on the very edge of the bed until the man woke up and roughly fucked her again, this time simply using her cunt. Then he had dragged Nina to her room, locking the door.

She had showered and then explored her new cell. Disconcertingly, the small cupboards on either side of the bed contained various sex toys: dildos, handcuffs, a leather paddle... and a large box of condoms and some tubes of KY jelly lubricant. In the wardrobe there were just three dresses, several pairs of shoes with very high-heels, and quite a few matched sets of lingerie neatly laid out on shelves, with a small stack of stockings still in their cellophane packets. In the bathroom cabinet there was a lot of make-up, a couple of pink-handled safety razors, a can of shaving gel, a large tub of zinc ointment, a part-full bottle of baby oil, and quite a few boxes of pills. Curiously, there was a bottle of vodka too. It was evident that another woman had previously occupied this room, and these, presumably, were her belongings. However, checking the shoes, she found a couple of different sizes there. Perhaps there had been more than one woman before her?

With a sense of guilt at stealing someone else’s clothes, Nina chose a white bra and knickers, and the bra fitted her reasonably well. She then pulled on a floral print dress, and forced her feet into a pair of shoes that pinched her toes. There was no outdoor clothing, but she would manage without that. Nina intended to leave the apartment, not sure where she might go, but the lack of a coat wouldn’t deter her. Then she gave a start when the lock of the door was turned. Nina cowered back, moving towards the bathroom, expecting Igor to enter her room. However, the door remained shut. She waited some time and then heard the external door open and close. Igor had left the apartment! Nina waited fearfully for a few minutes and then she dared to leave her room. She was surprised to see another woman sitting in the living area, reading a magazine, clad only in a black bra and skimpy knickers.

“Ah, you’ve surfaced,” the woman said, looking up. “I’m Klara.”

“I’m Nina. Am I wearing your clothes?”

Klara smiled wanly as she glanced at the floral dress. “No,” she said. “The clothes are for anyone they put in here. There’s more stuff in my room, if ever you want them. We share everything... The clients usually bring them and ask us to dress in something special. They do it all the time. A man will often send particular stuff for you to wear, just for him. Otherwise, when I’m working, I don’t bother dressing much.”

Nina bit her lip. She looked down at the demur summer dress and couldn’t imagine what kind of erotic fantasy it might fuel. “Clients?” she said weakly.

“Yeah, Igor sends them up... Usually a dozen or more a day. I have one coming in half an hour.”

So, far from rescuing her from the traffickers, Vadim Karsharin had merely opportunely stolen her for his own sex business. Stupidly, she had delivered herself into his net. She went to the door and tried to turn the handle.

“The door has electronic locks,” Zelda said, turning a page of her magazine. “I’m not sure how it works, but we can’t get out. Anyway, Igor is usually here. Don’t upset him, or he’ll fuck you up the arse until you bleed.”

Nina’s heart sank even further. The soreness in her anus was testament to the truth of the girl’s warning. “How long have you been locked in here?” she asked.

“About six months. I was in another flat before that. They’re all the same.” She laid the magazine down and rose to her feet. “Igor has ordered me to shave your cunt. I’d better get it done before my customer arrives.”

“No, I’m not going to do that.”

“You fucking well are, or we’ll both get knocked about,” Zelda said, walking to her own room. When she returned in less than a minute, Zelda carried a small pink-handled safety razor, an aerosol can, and a pair of scissors. “Get up on the kitchen table.” She pointed over to a small dining area.

“I’ll do it myself,” Nina said.

“Fuck!” the girl exclaimed. “Igor, told me to do it. Now just cooperate, Nina. I haven’t got a lot of time.”

Nina groaned inwardly. She saw that Zelda was obdurate on the matter; clearly, the girl had been conditioned to obey her pimp’s instructions to the letter. Nina reluctantly went to the table and sat on its plastic surface.

“Take off your dress,” Zelda ordered, going to the kitchen area and filling a large bowl with water.

Nina hoisted the dress over her head and then, almost as an afterthought, she removed her white knickers too. She had never been shy about undressing in communal changing rooms, but this was rather different. When Zelda returned from the kitchen she carried the bowl and a small tea towel was draped over her arm. “That’s some bush,” she said, eying the abundance of fluffy hair at Nina’s groin. “Don’t you ever shave?”

“Yes, sometimes, for swim wear.”

“Okay, lie back. First I’ll trim it right down with scissors to make shaving easier
. You’ll soon learn, trimming the hair makes shaving much easier and avoid blunting and clogging the razor too quickly.”

Anna worked quickly. She soon had Nina shaven clean and then she rinsed the area by tipping water from the bowl, before stooping to examine the results of her work. Then she applied more gel, working it into Nina’s anus. Nina flinched when the fingers touched the tender area.

“You should apply some zinc ointment there,” Anna said. “And take some Rohipnol pills - wash them down with vodka. These are tricks to ease the pain a bit. Now, don’t move, or I might cut you there and make it worse.” She applied the razor again, scraping in tiny strokes around the well of Nina’s anus. “That should satisfy Igor,” she said, wiping her hands on the towel before stepping forward to pat Nina’s groin and anus dry.

A pool of water had gathered between Nina’s legs and under her arse on the table, and it dribbled to the tiled floor. Nina pushed herself upright and slipped from the table. She retrieved her dress and then pulled it over her head before heading back to her room.

“No need to thank me,” Anna said sardonically. “Rub some baby oil onto your cunt. It makes it nice and soft for the clients.”

In the small bathroom of her room, Nina raised the skirt of the dress and gazed at her image in the mirror. The creamy folds her pussy were disconcertingly bare. She was not accustomed to the sight of her own cunt looking back at her. With a sigh, she reached into the cabinet for the baby oil and applied it to the smooth skin.

.”Nina, get your arse out here,” she heard Igor shout.

Nina’s heart began to pound. She hadn’t heard him return to the flat. When she returned to the living area, she saw that he was standing there with a man who wore an ill-fitting, cheap blue business suit that was reminiscent of the Soviet era. Zelda, still only clad in black bra and knickers, stood nearby.

“You shaved her cunt?” Igor asked Zelda, glancing at the pool of water and the hair trimmings on the tiled floor around the kitchen table.

“Show him,” Zelda said flatly.

Nina felt herself blush, and she hesitated.

Igor narrowed his eyes and glanced briefly at the other man, Zelda’s next customer. “Do as she says,” Igor said, his voice a menacing growl.

Nina gathered up the hem of her skirt, lifting it slowly to reveal the smooth, soft folds of her vulnerably naked sex. The customer inhaled sharply and he stepped forward as if about to touch her. Nina gasped and cringed back.

Igor smiled and winked to the man. He then said: “Good girl, Zelda, you have done well. Take off your bra and panties.”

“Thank you, Igor,” Zelda said, stripping off her two small garments.

“Which cunt do you want?” Igor asked the man.

“I’ll take her,” the john said, indicating Nina.

“Good choice,” Igor said, pushing Nina upright and stepping back. He reached into his pocket and produced a condom, which he threw to the man. “You’ll be her first paying trick. Zelda can suck my cock. The bitch has made me horny.”

Nina stepped back, still flushed and breathing heavily. She realised that her fingers were still clenched in the bunched fabric of her dress, and she allowed the skirt to fall back into place. She watched as Zelda dropped to her knees and reached for the zip of Igor’s blue jeans. She pulled out his erect cock and ran her tongue around the stiff shaft.

“Strip,” the customer said to Nina, unwrapping the condom. “I want to see you naked.”

“First lesson for a whore. Always do exactly as the customer says,” Igor said as Zelda began to suck his cock. “Get your clothes off and let the gentleman see you.”

Mindful of the warnings about anal punishment fucking, Nina reluctantly pulled the dress over her head and removed her white bra. Naked, she turned to face the customer. He licked his lips and beckoned with his forefinger. He stepped forward and reached to cup her breast in his hand and she felt the rolled condom cool against her flesh. He leaned down to suck her nipple into his mouth. Then he pushed her back towards the kitchen table, which was still puddled by water from her shaving. He pressed her against the edge of the table top. Then he paused to take the condom from his pocket, discarding the foil wrapping before reaching to unzip his trousers and unbutton the waistband. The baggy trousers fell down around his ankles, and he didn’t seem to consider the incongruity of retaining his suit jacket, shirt and tie... His erect cock was slightly kinked, bent to the left, so much so that it seemed that the eye on his large bulbous bell-end was glancing to the side before he smoothly rolled the condom over it.

He then reached down to push his hands under her thighs, lifting them high. “Wrap your legs round,” he ordered, and he pinched the soft flesh of her thighs until she had encircled his waist with her legs.

Nina obeyed, leaned back, supporting herself with stiffly outstretched arms behind her on the table top, her legs clasping his broad hips. That great bulbous cock glans, its purple colour showing through the stretched condom, nudged between the lips of her cunt. From her position on the table, Nina was able to look down and see his shaft against the naked lips of her cunt. When he jerked his hips forward, she saw her cunt lips momentarily pucker, and then they opened and clasped at the bent cock, seeming to suck it smoothly inside her. His Slavic face grimaced in pleasure as her cunt channel gloved around him. She blinked as his strangely shaped member filled her. Then he eased back and forth, grunting with each movement. He was neither gentle nor caring. It was not making love in any sense of that phrase. He was merely using her to take his pleasure. Yet the rhythm of his fucking, with the strange sensation of his angled cock, brought delicious warmth to her belly. From the customer’s heavy breathing and his increased tempo, she knew that he wouldn’t last for long. Nina looked across the room, and saw that Igor was watching her fucking appraisingly. Suddenly bold, without much more to lose, she defiantly held his gaze steadily as the man continued to fuck her, his thrusts becoming ever more wild and ragged. Zelda was busily bobbing her head up and down on Igor’s turgid cock but he gave no indication that it brought him any pleasure. Nina determined that she too would show no emotion. That way they were both being fucked, equally, and he was no better than her. The customer continued to ream her cunt with his strangely-shaped cock, and Nina squeezed tightly with her legs. She smiled slightly in triumph when she saw Igor’s face contort momentarily. Zelda gave a small, gurgled cry, muffled by the cock deep in her mouth, and Nina could see that the girl was swallowing frantically on the pulsating shaft. Suddenly though, the john was ramming hard into her and Nina’s clasping cunt felt the repeated spasm of his climax.

Igor pushed Zelda away, and the girl knelt back, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. The customer reached to unwrap Nina’s legs from around his waist and stepped back.

“How was she?” Igor asked.

“Good,” the man said, tossing the used condom onto the table before stooping to pull up his trousers. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet, counting banknotes and passing them to Igor.

“Excellent. Tell your friends,” Igor said, taking the money.

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