Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)
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Blake fed me the next slice, probing my lips apart with the fruit, his breathing becoming a little heavier still. His thick rod was now straining against the thin fabric of his boxer briefs, diverting my attention away from dessert. Though his manhood wasn't the only one distracting me. Beneath my left hip, Steven's was also rock-hard and straining, as well. I could feel my strength of self-denial quickly slipping. It didn't help matters that I'd finished my third glass of champagne and was definitely feeling its effects. I'd always been somewhat of a lightweight when it came to alcohol.


However, though a bit lightheaded, I still had one more teasing little trick up my sleeve. A little trick that I knew would drive them both half-insane and make them think twice about ever parading around in their underwear in front of me ever again. And I was determined to do it, even though I knew it would tease me just as much as it would them. I looked at them both in turn, head spinning a bit. "I think I want another little taste of the whipped cream, but at the same time, I'm fighting an urge to touch myself. So I guess I'll just do both at once. But I'm going to be the only one doing the touching. Both of you have to keep your hands off. Both of you just get to watch."


  They exchanged glances, both of them making a nearly-identical soft groaning noise.


Reveling in the effect I was having on both of them, I dipped a finger in the whipped cream while sliding a hand down the front of my lacy red underwear. "Remember, boys. You can only look. No touching. You're about to be tortured, like you thought you'd do to me."


The two of them looked as if they were already being thoroughly tortured. I loved it. With an ache low in my belly, I probed my slick feminine lips apart and began stroking my most sensitive spot while also taking my whipped-cream-covered finger into my mouth. And even with my mouth closed over my finger, I couldn't hold back a moan. Blake and Steven made their own noises of pleasure, growling at just about the same time. After a long moment, I pulled my finger from my mouth, opening my eyes just in time to see Blake extending a hand in the direction of my femininity.


I shook my head, panting a bit. "Don't you dare. You didn't think I had a cruel streak like the two of you, remember? So, now I'm showing you."


Blake clenched his jaw, looking at me, before turning his gaze to his brother. "All right, Steven. I don't know about you, but I've had enough. Maybe she
taken the upper hand for a minute or two, but now I think we turn the tables again. I think it's time we take this teasing little seductress into the bedroom for some serious, no-holds-barred torture." He shifted his gaze to me. "And like I said before, Kira, if at any time you want us to stop, just say the word. But until that time, Steven and I are going to subject you to the cruelest torture imaginable to repay you for how badly you're torturing the both of us right now."


Stilling the two fingers sliding across my most sensitive spot, I exhaled a fluttery breath. "What are you going to do?"


With his coal-gray eyes glittering in the candlelight, Blake abruptly stood and scooped me up off of Steven's lap. "Wouldn't you just love to know, you naughty little thing."







While he carried me into my bedroom, I asked Blake again what exactly he and Steven were going to do.


He gave me a brief, hungry kiss, not even pausing in his walking, before responding. "We're going to strip you naked, tie you to the bed with your own bra and underwear, then love you with our mouths until you think you're losing your mind. Then after that, we're going to satisfy you again, and ourselves, in whatever way we see fit, so if that's not what you want, now's the time to speak up."


I didn't say a word. Feeling my feminine lips becoming even slicker, I actually closed my mouth tightly shut, not wanting any noise or whimper of desire to be construed as a word.


Once in my bedroom, Blake set me on my bed and all but ripped off my bra and underwear, his fingers trembling just slightly, while Steven lit a row of several tall, red pillar candles on my dresser. They were both quite efficient in their tasks, and very soon, Steven was tying one of my wrists to a bedpost with my bra, while Blake secured my other wrist to the opposite post with my underwear. I'd never felt so helpless yet turned on at the same time.


They finished the job of restraining me and stacking several pillows behind my head, they both tore off their underwear and tossed them aside, and my excitement increased about a hundredfold at the sight of their large, erect members. I immediately wanted to feel one of them inside of me, but I knew I was going to have to wait. I had a feeling I was in for more than a bit of teasing first, and I wasn't wrong.


Blake and Steven climbed into the enormous bed with me, Steven alongside me and Blake down between my legs. Steven soon began flicking his tongue across one of my stiffened nipples while Blake gently parted my thighs with a low growl and began planting slow, tender kisses along my inner thighs. After that, my sense of time began to get a little fuzzy, as it often did during intimate activities. For all I knew, it could have been minutes or hours before I finally felt Blake's tongue glide across my sensitive, throbbing bud. It felt like hours.


  I cried out in rapture, instinctively trying to move my hands to hold his head in place and tangle my fingers in his thick, dark hair. But, of course, being that I was restrained, I couldn't. Which somehow only intensified my feeling of pleasure.


I squirmed against Blake's stroking tongue, whimpering, while Steven continued flicking his tongue across my nipple. At the same time, he began circling my other nipple ever so gently with his thumb. I knew I wasn't going to last long. All the pleasurable sensations at once were almost too much, but in the best possible way.

I turned out to be very right, thinking I would soon be hurtling toward climax. Soon, I raised my head off the pillow to watch Blake's movements as he pleasured me, and the erotic sight of his head between my thighs was miles beyond what I could take. Almost immediately, my hips began bucking rhythmically, and I cried out so loudly I half-startled myself. Steven didn't pause in his attentions to my breasts, and Blake gripped my hips and didn't stop in his very intimate stroking until the very last spasm of my ecstasy had passed.


Though after, even though my release had been one of the strongest I'd ever experienced, I found I wasn't quite done experiencing pleasure just yet. In fact, I wanted more right away. The moment Blake lifted his head from between my thighs, I spoke.


"Please. Take me now. Take me whatever way you want to take me, but please...just take me now. I need to feel you inside of me." Pausing, I turned my face to Steven. "And then you."


I didn't have to beg them.


Blake immediately rose to his knees, drew my legs up, and put them over his shoulders before positioning the head of his thick shaft at my entrance. He then plunged into my depths with one long, powerful stroke, groaning. The sensation of being so completely filled by him at this particular angle while he supported himself above me, just settling enough of his weight on me so that I could feel his masculine heft, was enough to make my excitement begin to build once again.


While Blake began working himself in and out of my slickness with exquisitely slow strokes, I turned to Steven, who was still beside me, on his side. And normally, I might have been a bit self-conscious about making the request that I was about to make, but at the present moment, with my head still swimming a bit from the champagne, I was far from caring.


"Will you get up on your knees beside my face? I want to taste you while you stroke yourself."


For some reason, my request made Blake immediately increase his pace, grunting, and Steven pulled himself up and positioned himself how I wanted him almost within the blink of an eye. Every inch of his naked skin seemed to glow in the candlelight, which also threw the ridges and contours of his muscles into sharp relief. He was the picture of virile, masculine beauty.


Now, with him on his knees beside me, his rock-hard shaft bobbed mere inches away from my face. He began stroking it, letting his breath out in a hiss. I watched him for a while, frankly mesmerized, my pleasure building, while Blake continued on with his powerful thrusting. And soon, when Steven brought the head of his granite-hard shaft a little closer to my face, I tentatively extended my tongue and raked it across the thick tip. Then, two things happened at once. Steven threw his head back, growling, and Blake began thrusting into my slickness at an even faster pace, clearly heading toward climax. I continued flicking my tongue across the head of Steven's thick rod while he slowly moved a hand up and down his considerable length. Soon, Steven was the only one of the three of us not crying out with release, though I could tell only because he was using every last shred of self-control to hold himself back from reaching that point.


And once Blake rolled off of me, Steven's self-control finally seemed to break. After doing some quick maneuvering to put himself on his back with me on top of him, straddling him, he all but begged me to begin riding him, which I was more than eager to do. Not long after I'd taken his manhood inside of me, Blake rolled onto his side and began stroking my most sensitive spot with two fingers, making me cry out for what felt like the thousandth time that evening.


The three of us didn't go to sleep until well past midnight.


When I awoke the next morning, pale October sunshine was streaming in through my bedroom windows. Steven and Blake, who'd both seemed to have just woken up as well, each gave me a kiss on the cheek.


Lying on my back, I smiled up at the ceiling. "You both played right into my hands last night."


Steven scoffed. "
played right into


I turned to look at him, suppressing a smile. "Hm, not really, though. Not after I decided that I
to be tortured and seduced. After that, it was the two of you who played right into

Blake, on my other side, pulled me a bit closer to himself. "I think it's pretty safe to say it was a draw."


He began running a hand up and down my arm while Steven began stroking my hair, and the three of us fell silent briefly. I thought a bit before speaking again.


"I guess I'm certainly not sorry that I fell back into bed with you both...though I really hope I didn't get pregnant last night, because I'm serious about what I've said before. Until I can prove that I'm not a complete coward, until I can prove that I'm worthy of being a mother, I don't want to become one. Which is why, since I know you both want me to become pregnant as soon as possible, I wish you'd both agree to let me fight against The Destroyers."


I knew my words might have the effect of lighting a powder keg in the bedroom, and my intent wasn't to ruin the morning. However, The Destroyers could attack at any time, and I knew it. I wanted to be ready. I wanted Blake and Steven to give me their blessing to help in the fight. And I wasn't about to take no for an answer.


Steven responded to what I'd said first, and his answer was exactly what I'd feared it would be. "Absolutely not. A thousand times over, absolutely not. After what just happened at the encampment near Dimwood, or what
have happened, rather, I'm not taking any chances when it comes to your safety. None. So my answer is no, and there's nothing you can do or say that will make me change my mind."


I believed him. I knew me further pleading my case would have no effect. However, I also knew that he wouldn't be the say-all, be-all, and end-all when it came to whether or not I'd be allowed to join in the fight. And Blake, of course, had seemed to be leaning toward saying yes.


So, I turned my face toward his, but before I could even say a word, he spoke.


"Yes. My final answer is that I agree with you. I agree that you should be allowed to help in the fight, provided you become a little more consistent with your longbow shooting before then. However, I can't say I'm not ambivalent about agreeing with you. Steven is right, that you helping certainly won't be without risk and danger. Which does give me pause, to say the least, especially considering I personally don't think you have anything to prove.


“But, with that being said, I realize this isn't about me. I know you feel as if you have something to prove to yourself. And I know if you don't get a chance to prove it before you become a mother, it'll likely bother you for a very long time. So, that's my answer. I agree to let you do your part in the fight. Though with definite ambivalence. And a hell of a lot of concern."


Suddenly, Steven jumped out of bed, grabbed his underwear from the floor, and hastily put them on. "Sounds like we'll be needing a tie-breaker, then."


I sat up, yanking the sheet up around my chest at the same time. "Well, how about me? Certainly a mere woman should be allowed to be the tie-breaker in a decision concerning her own life, don't you think?"


I was suddenly so angry my hands were actually trembling.

Steven snorted. "Don't try to turn this into something it's not, Kira."

"Which would be what, exactly? Me trying to assert my own autonomy and you rejecting it? What other
could I possibly take this as? This isn't like last time. This isn't like when I asked to go in and attempt to free your father on my own. I admit, I was more than a bit naive in that instance. But this isn't the same. Like I'm sure Blake realizes, what I'm asking for now may come with a bit of danger and risk, but it's not quite on the same level that it would have been had the two of you said yes to me trying to free your father on my own.


“This would simply be me shooting arrows from my own living room window while the fight goes on in the skies above the town. This would be me shooting arrows from the safety of a castle with stone walls reinforced with both steel and titanium. Do you see what I'm trying to say? I realize that what I want to do isn't completely without risk. I realize I could get heat burns from a Destroyer breathing a blast of fire even from hundreds of feet away or something. Though at that point, I think I'd just close the window and bring the titanium shield down with it."


"And you think that's the only thing that could possibly go wrong? That you could get slightly burned?"


"Well, you tell me. What else could?"


Steven scoffed, beginning to pace. "That's just the thing. I don't know. But I just know that other things
go wrong. You could be hurt by any number of other things. Freak things. Random things. Things we don't even have the ability to foresee. And as long as there's even the slightest possibility of that, I cannot give my consent to have you participate in the fight in any way, shape, or form."


After hiking up the sheet a little higher, I folded my arms across my chest to keep it in place. "Then, I guess were back to square one. Which is me feeling...." I paused, trying to articulate just exactly how I
feel. "Which is me feeling diminished somehow. Like I'm just a
, not quite human. Like some sort of inanimate, lifeless thing with no free will or agency because I don't even exist as a real being.


“Like some rare jewel to be kept under a glass case, protected and cherished, but always kept behind that glass. Or worse, I feel like a little child who isn't old enough to know her own mind or make any 'grownup' decisions. Do you understand how you're making me feel, Steven? When I can't even be the 'tie-breaker' in a decision concerning my own actions and life?"

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