Shadowed by Sin (11 page)

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Authors: Layna Pimentel

BOOK: Shadowed by Sin
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Estelle reached to take the woman’s hands into hers. “Now, now, do not let that imagination of yours go running. I am sure there’s a perfect explanation for what is happening here.”

The possibility that rodents cavorted behind the walls sent a shiver up her spine. The manor had been partially rebuilt, so what if the original estate had remaining passages, or holes in the cellar that rodents came in through the house? Anything at this point could be possible.
What I really want to do is explore on my own.

A knock at the door startled the poor maid as Estelle watched the reflection bounce. “Come in,” Estelle called out, returning her attention to her maid’s expert hands.

“How stunning, my dear. Would it be improper of me to say you look ravishing tonight?”

Estelle giggled. Whenever Benedict put on such airs of pretension and nobility, they’d always managed to make fools of themselves in public. Waiting for her maid to step away, Ben had taken the mask from her hands and set it on her face.

“Now, up you go. I want to see the whole picture complete with a turn around the room.”

Estelle rose from her seat and twirled for him. When she finally stopped, she even curtseyed to humor him.

“That’s my girl. You look absolutely stunning, dearest.”

“And you, my handsome rogue, look as mysterious as ever.”

“We should be on our way, my dear. I am pretty certain everyone will come searching for us. The music has already started, and I am sure you are eager to mingle with the others.”

“Yes, but this whole ball should have waited. It is not proper, Ben. There has been one death and odd behavior and sounds surrounding us at night. What kind of hosts are they to celebrate when there’s much to worry about? Besides, I’ve heard whispers that an inspector is due to arrive anytime now.”

“You don’t say.” Ben raised a brow and whispered, “You’ll have to tell me more when we’re alone next.”

Deep down, Estelle knew their hosts concealed many secrets and the question remained; what were they? Not to mention, did she really want to be caught in the middle of anything more scandalous than what was already occurring with her future father-in-law?

Later, they were joined in the hallway by her aunt. “I was beginning to wonder what you two were up to, and I can see why. You look positively elegant, Estelle. It’s a pity your papa isn’t joining us this week.”

“Do you really think so? The style of the gown is comparable to the extravagant gowns Marie Antoinette used to wear in court. Benedict spoils me so.”

“He does, indeed, and if this is any indication of what your marriage will be like, you’d best be giving him all the attention he deserves, my dear,” her aunt said.

Estelle watched her fiancé’s smitten smile turn into a warm, comforting one as he took her aunt’s hands into his. “Aunt Margaret, Estelle is one of the most wonderful women I know, next to you, of course. I would spoil her naturally, and all within reason. I can assure you, she’ll be well cared for.”

Estelle followed along, completely amused by the discussion her aunt and her beloved were having. Nothing gave her greater joy than to witness love between them. As they approached the ballroom, the noise spilled out of the hall. Guests danced and laughed and were making conversations with each other.

Their host now approached them merrily and bowed before Estelle. “My dear, may I have this dance with you?”

Estelle glanced over at her fiancé, who nodded with approval. Accepting the earl’s hand, she followed him into the ballroom where the remaining guests danced. Ladies’ skirts swished around her and the echoing sound of the music being played in the corner of the room overpowered the muffled discussion.

The ballroom had been a part of the old building. From the molding to the intricate carvings on the paneling, the ambience of the room amidst the soft lighting of candles strategically placed throughout embodied mystery and continental charm.

Estelle observed her fiancé leading her aunt to the dance floor. The two seemed amused at the opportunity to relax.

“Do not worry, my dear, your fiancé will not disappear. I do believe he is quite safe with your aunt,” the earl mentioned before continuing mid-turn. “Tell me how you met Lord St. John. It was my understanding that before the two of you were engaged, you had a bevy of suitors.”

A bevy? What on earth had the man heard of me?
“I am not certain what you mean, my lord. Yes, I have had suitors before, but none that had any honorable intentions, or my papa approved. But of course, you are probably meaning your nephew. I had met him a few times and he had written to me. I’d been clear from the beginning that I had no designs on him.”

“Ah, so you do remember my nephew. Of course you do. What did you find so repulsive about him? Was it his unnatural affection for his sister? Did you know that she planned on leaving us to go to the country?”

Estelle found herself taken aback by the earl’s questioning. His insistence worried her, and made her wonder how much the earl knew of the murder and Helen’s unresolved death. Did he suspect why his niece planned on leaving their estate a year ago? Did he know more than what the investigators concluded?
The Examiner
had published that the Met didn’t suspect foul play, and it was nothing more than a tragic accident.
Who tumbles out of window by accident…much in the same way Gabriel did?

Someone tapped Estelle on her shoulder, cutting the earl out of his position on the dance floor, and she soon found herself dancing with his son George. Estelle inclined her head. “My lord.”

“No need for the formality, sweetheart, the pleasure is all mine. It isn’t every day I get to dance with a beautiful lady such as yourself.”

Estelle felt her cheeks sear with embarrassment from the compliment. “I am sure you say that to all the ladies, but thank you.”

Estelle followed the earl’s heir’s lead and danced until the music stopped. The music had barely halted when Benedict appeared at her side and wrapped his arm around her waist.

George glared at him with an icy gaze, sending shivers up her spine.

Ben leaned into her and whispered in her ear, “I need to talk to you about something, let us leave the ballroom.”

Estelle nodded and curtseyed, but before she could pull away, her dance partner raised her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her gloved hand.

“It’s been a pleasure, Miss Humphrey.”

She didn’t even have the opportunity to thank him when Benedict pulled her away. He did not even say why they needed to talk, but his rigid form was indicative of him being cross.

I wonder what happened.

* * * *

Benedict had not meant to tug her along, but he could not stand the earl’s son. The way he’d seen the earl speaking to her during their dance made him curious to find out why Estelle looked horrified.

He found a door leading out to the terrace and walked into the moonlit garden until they found a secluded spot to sit. Benedict knelt before her and took her trembling hands into his, squeezing them to offer some comfort before their discussion. Yet, no matter how he proceeded, she would either hate him, or take her leave and return to her room.

“Estelle, you know I would walk through the pits of hell for you, right?”

She nodded, biting her lower lip.

“You have to promise to be honest with me, my dear. Why did you go to the attic the other night, and why did you take something that belonged to the earl’s late niece?”

“Ben, you must not think ill of me. There is something not quite right here. Besides, I wanted to see if I could find out more about what happened. We need to leave as soon as we can, Ben. This place is haunted, eerie, and the servants are just—strange.”

He understood Estelle’s fear, but there had to be truths uncovered before they left. Ben could not leave like this. He needed whatever she took from the attic returned, and to find out why Gabriel Templeton was targeted or if it was a suicide. To take his own life after being invited to the home of the woman he wanted to marry? Certainly that was how the law would ascertain what occurred here. However, he suspected there was more to the story.

“Will you give me what you took from our host’s attic, please? I will see that it is returned to Lord Cuthbert, and once I have settled and satisfied Scotland Yard’s curiosity about Gabriel’s death, we shall leave.”

“Do you swear it?”

Benedict cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer toward him. “I would never lie to you, my dear. I only want to protect you. Besides, the faster we return to town, the sooner we’ll be able to protect my father from the earl and be married. Come now, let us walk to your room and I will collect the item you borrowed.”

“But what of my aunt? We left her behind in the ballroom.”

“I am certain she will not object to my escorting you.”

She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around him. Lord, how he loved the way she smelled, and the more they stood this close together, the more he wanted to take her to his bed again.

Benedict crushed his lips to hers only to be interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

“There you are. I have been looking all over the place for you two,” Aunt Margaret exclaimed, standing by the door with her arms crossed.

“We were just heading indoors. Estelle expressed an interest in retiring early, so I thought I would talk to her privately before escorting her to her chambers. Would you like to join us?”

“No. I think I will return to the festivities, my dear.” She focused her quizzical gaze toward Estelle. “We will be joining the countess for breakfast with several other guests at eight o’clock sharp. Do be sure to tell your maid that you need to be ready and downstairs by a quarter to eight. We should always arrive before the actual scheduled time. It would be rude for us to keep her ladyship waiting.”

“Yes, Aunt Margaret. I will be down in time in the morning. I shan’t disappoint you.”

Her aunt returned to the room where some lady friends were waiting eagerly to chat with her, while Benedict and Estelle continued on their way up to her room.

Benedict could not ignore the niggling feeling that they were being watched. Yet, the halls were silent, and only the occasional servant passed them. All the guests were downstairs being entertained, while they were alone. He squeezed her hand a little tighter when they reached her door. When he placed his hand on the knob, Mary pulled the door open, nearly colliding into them.

“Oh! I am begging your pardon, Miss. I came to see the room prepared before you retired for the evening. Is there anything I can get you before you go to bed?”

Estelle shook her head. “No, Mary. That would be fine.”

The maid smiled and left them alone, which he found amusing. As inappropriate as escorting Estelle into her room was, he’d never intended to scandalize her, unless, she wanted it to go that far.

“I left it over here, Ben. Honestly, my intentions weren’t to rob the earl. I just wanted to see what belongings remained of Helen. If it isn’t too impertinent for me to say so, I have a feeling she knew of the troubles here. The last time I saw her, she behaved rather odd.”

Benedict closed the door behind him, ensuring he locked it so that they were free from interruption. Halfway across the room as he passed her bed, he felt a cold draft. He looked up to see the windows were closed and the drapes had not moved from their stationary position.

How can it possibly be drafty in here?
The fire had been stoked. Something was definitely not right.

“Ben, are you all right? You look vexed.”

Benedict found himself in a daze. Something about this room did not sit well with him, and he could not quite put his finger on it just yet. His attention on the mystery of Estelle’s room broke when she handed him a book. “What’s this?”

“This is the book I took from the attic. It belonged to Helen. I am really sorry if this has caused you any undue stress and poor relations, Ben. Honestly, had I known this trip would end up this way, I would have declined your invitation to accompany you.”

“Do not worry about a thing, dearest. Tell me though, how are you finding this room? There seems to be something off, and I cannot quite place my finger on it.”

She gave him a bemused look. Would she think him crazy for asking such a question?

“Darling, why don’t you come sit next to me on the bed and relax? You don’t look well, and I would not mind curling up next to you. I have missed you terribly since our second night here. Would you mind spending the night with me? That is, you’d have to leave before the servants got up.”

“You do realize if we are caught, your aunt will probably have you on the next coach back to London.”

“Mm-hmm, but I do not mind. We’ll be married soon enough.”

Benedict followed her to the bed, placed the book on the nightstand, and slid up next to her. While they were still clothed, the chill had not quite escaped the area. He reached for a blanket and covered their legs with it. Benedict pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes to rest.

He hadn’t realized how tired he’d been until now, what with the exhaustion from mingling with the others and running back and forth on this large estate. And yet, no matter how much running around he did, when Estelle stood at his side, he forgot all his obligations. How he loved her so.

He felt her breathing slow down; she had fallen asleep in his arms all too easily. If this was what he had to look forward to, Ben knew he had found his mate for life. He’d stay the night with her, giving her comfort in a way that they both needed.

This house began to weigh on him heavily in a psychological manner.

Was it any wonder why Scotland Yard insisted on interrogating everyone? Especially as it had been a year since the earl’s niece had died. He had heard the whispers of a suicide pact, but no one knew for certain.

This house had far too many secrets, and he would discuss with his remaining friends what he knew of the family. Duncan’s family knew the earl’s very well; perhaps he could add some insight to their trouble, finances, and maybe their son’s mischief abroad.

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