Seduction (18 page)

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Authors: Velvet

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in his office crunching numbers on his calculator. He should've been calculating vendor invoices, payroll, and new membership numbers, but he was busy dissecting his personal finances. After hearing Terra say that she loved him, he couldn't risk telling her the truth—even love had its limits—and he knew his past would be a deal breaker. Terra was extremely private and wouldn't want her name associated with a seedy blackmail scheme, which was sure to be splashed all over the tabloids, if the secret was ever exposed. So, Mason was willing to do whatever it took to keep those pictures and videos from ever seeing the light of day, and that included emptying his bank account and borrowing against his condo. He had saved over two hundred thousand dollars for med school, but his relationship with Terra was more important than going back to school. He didn't have much equity in his condo, since he had recently bought it, and could only borrow fifty thousand, but he wouldn't get that money for another week. He was short three-quarters of a million dollars, and had no way of coming up with the rest of the money. Mason leaned down and began slowly banging his forehead on top of the desk out of desperation. He thought about going down to Mexico and selling a kidney, but the way his luck was running, he'd probably end up gutted on some butcher's table, never to be seen or heard from again.

“Whoa there, you're going to break the desk if you keep that up,” Trey said, walking into the office and watching Mason assault the furniture.

Mason raised his head and had a forlorn expression plastered across his face. He wasn't expecting Trey and was caught off guard. He was feeling lower than low and hated to be seen at his worst, but Trey was not only his boss, he was a friend, and true friends understood moments like this. “Hey, man,” he finally said.

“Yo, dude, what's up with you? You look like your puppy died.” Trey chuckled, trying to make Mason laugh, but his joke didn't work, because Mason didn't crack a smile.

“I wish it were that simple; then I'd just get a new puppy. But this is way more serious,” he said, holding his head in his hands.

Trey sat down in front of Mason's desk and asked in a sincere voice, “What's the matter?”

Mason didn't know where to start. There was no way he was going to tell Trey about his homosexual indiscretion back in college. He wasn't gay or bisexual, or on the DL like some men. He never even fucked Rico. He just let the little faggot give him some head a few times, when his girlfriend wasn't around and he was feeling horny. Now, his lack of good judgment as a teen was coming back to haunt him as a man. If only he'd kept his hormones in check—then and now—then none of this would be happening. But without telling Trey about Rico, how could he tell him about the blackmail scheme? “Trust me, this is one story you don't want to hear.”

“Try me. Being in this business, I've heard just about everything under the sun, so nothing you say can surprise me,” he said, reassuring his friend.

Even though Trey sounded convincing, some things needed to be left unsaid, and having his dick sucked by another man was one of them. “Let's just say, I've got women trouble.”

“Now that's my specialty,” Trey said, pulling his chair closer to the desk and resting his elbows on the edge. “Does this have anything to do with Ms. Benson? I remember you telling me that she was ‘the one.' Don't tell me she's broken your heart already.”

“No, man, she's in love with me,” he said. Mason could still hear those three little words she whispered to him, and instantly a smile brightened his face.

“If you love her and she loves you, then what's the problem? She's not engaged to be married to someone else, is she?” he asked, thinking about his own sordid past.

Mason's smile quickly faded. “No, it's nothing like that.” Mason wished that was his problem. Another man he could deal with, but being blackmailed was in an entirely different league, an area in which he had no prior experience.

“Okay, now you've got me stumped. Come on, man, tell me, because I'm tired of guessing.”

“Let's just say, I've got to pay off a lowlife photographer, or else he's going to give the tabloids plenty of material to print in their rags,” he said, his somber tone returning.

“How much?”

Mason didn't want to tell Trey that the ransom for the pictures was one million dollars, because he knew an amount that huge would raise more questions, and he'd shared all that he was willing to share, so he just said, “More than I got.”

“Sorry to hear that, man. I guess dating an heiress isn't as glamorous as it sounds. With the paparazzi hounding her down, I'm sure it's hard to have any privacy.”

“Yeah, it's tough,” Mason agreed, even though that wasn't the problem either. He could dodge paparazzi, but he couldn't dodge Rico.

“Well, this must be your lucky day, because the reason I came by was to give you this,” he said, handing Mason a white envelope.

“What is it?”

“A bonus. Since you've been managing the downtown club, membership has nearly doubled. You keep inventing new theme rooms that the clients love and the word of mouth is spreading like wildfire. The Black Door is so popular with the ladies that I'm going to have to open a club in every major city across America.” Trey beamed like a proud papa ready to procreate another offspring.

“Thanks, Trey, this couldn't have come at a better time.”

“You deserve it, you're an awesome manager. Now, I've got to run. I have a lunch meeting uptown with an architectural firm to check out their portfolio. If they're good, I'll let you know so we can meet with them regarding designing the new theme room,” Trey said, getting up to leave. He walked to the door, and then turned around. “Keep your head up. I'm sure everything will work out fine.”

“From your mouth to God's ears,” Mason said solemnly.

Once Trey was gone, Mason tore open the envelope and took out his bonus, which was a check for twenty-five thousand dollars. Any other time he would have been ecstatic about getting unexpected money, but this wouldn't even put a dent in his deficit. He folded the check, put it in his shirt pocket, went into the closet, took out his backpack, and left the office.

It was nearly three o'clock, so Mason jogged four blocks to the bank before it closed. He filled out a withdrawal slip and stood in line. As he waited his turn, he glanced down at the amount on the paper, and couldn't believe that he was getting ready to take out his hard-earned savings and hand it over to that scum Rico. This money was earmarked for his education. Now it would probably be used to cut off Rico's dick and construct a fake pussy.
What a freak of nature,
Mason thought, and made his way to the window.

“How may I help you today?” asked the teller.

“I'd like to make a withdrawal, and I'd like to cash this check.”

She looked at the amount on the withdrawal slip. “For an amount this large, you'll have to see one of our personal bankers.”

Mason walked in the direction of where the personal bankers sat. He had a personal banker, but the situation with Rico had his mind twisted and he wasn't thinking straight, that's why he walked directly to the teller initially. “I need to make a withdrawal,” Mason told the banker, once he sat down.

“Sure, I can help you with that. Can I see your driver's license?”

Mason reached in his wallet and handed over his identification.

After typing Mason's information into the system, the banker asked, “How much would you like to withdraw today, Mr. Anthony?”

“Two hundred thousand.”

The banker looked shocked. “Mr. Anthony, that'll only leave you with a hundred dollars in your account. Are you sure you want to make such a large withdrawal?” he quizzed Mason.

“Yes,” he said simply, without offering an explanation. It was his money, and he didn't feel the need to explain why he wanted his cash.

“Oh, I see. Would you like that in a cashier's check?”

“No. Cash.”

“Oh.” The banker's face registered another shocked expression. He typed an approval code in the computer, and then said, “You can go back to the teller, and she'll be happy to count out your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Anthony.”

His day was turning out to be anything but nice. Mason nodded his head in response and returned to the teller. He told her he wanted large and small bills. Mason figured that a backpack full of cash would look more enticing than a check for a quarter of what Rico was demanding. Since the funds from his condo wouldn't be available for another week, he had to make the backpack look like it was bursting with money.

The teller counted out two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars, and he put the bundles of cash in his backpack. With only one hundred dollars left in his savings account, Mason felt like a broke loser.

Outside, he took Rico's card out of his back pocket, flipped open his cell phone, and made the dreaded call.

“Hello?” purred a female voice on the other end.

Mason was caught totally off guard and asked, “Rico, is that you?”

“I told you, my name is Missy now,” she snapped, changing her demure tone into a harsher one.

“Whatever, dude,” Mason said, purposely referring to Missy as a man.

“I hope you didn't call to insult me. I hope you're calling because you have a cashier's check for me,” she said, her voice turning soft again.

“I have something better than a cashier's check. I have cash,” he said, as if he had the entire amount. “And it's all for you, on one condition,” Mason said, laying down the rules and taking control of the situation.

Missy's ears perked up. Cash was right up her alley. Now there would be no paper trail with the bank. She could put the money in a safe deposit box and access it anytime she wanted without the government ever knowing that she was a millionaire. “I'm listening.”

“First, I want you to gather the videos, the pictures, and the negatives, and put them in a bag. Then I want you to type a letter saying that any photographs or video of Terra Benson or Mason Anthony taken by Rico Sanns or Missy whatever your last name is have been digitally altered and are fake, not to be used by any publication or shown on any entertainment show. Then I want you to have the letter notarized, and when we make the trade-off, I want the evidence along with the note. Is that clear?”

Missy thought about it for a minute, weighing her options. She didn't like the idea of signing her name in front of a notary public and admitting that the pictures were bogus, but on the other hand, with a million dollars, she could get her operation, quit dancing, buy the condo that she lived in, and finally become a lady of leisure. “Okay, you got a deal,” she said, agreeing to his terms.

“Meet me at eight o'clock in the lobby of the Soho Grand and don't be late,” Mason said sternly.

“I'll be there. Just have my money,” Missy said, and hung up.

Mason made a beeline home, unwrapped the bundles of cash, and dumped the money back into the backpack. With the bills loose, it looked like some serious loot and it was hard to see at first glance how much money was actually in the bag. His plan was to give Rico the backpack, take the notarized letter, and get the hell out of the hotel before Rico had a chance to count the money and realize that he had been gypped. Now if the plan worked, Mason would be home free, but if it didn't, he was screwed.


couldn't believe that he'd been busted by Terra. He should have never broken his vow and let Roy go down on him, but his dick had overruled his senses and had gotten him in trouble. This wasn't the first time that his libido had led him down the wrong path. It had all started the night he met Missy.

Sage and some of his old college buddies were having a bachelor party at Scores. They were celebrating impending nuptials and buying bottles of champagne like beer, and drinking them down just as fast. The bubbly was making them frisky, and the beautiful women dancing onstage were making the men's dicks hard.

“She's gorgeous,” the groom-to-be said, pointing to a brunette with tassels dangling off the nipples of her petite boobs.

“Cute face, but her titties are too small for me,” Sage commented.

“They're small, but look at her ass. It's so big and juicy that it makes Jennifer Lopez's ass look as flat as a pancake,” he said, licking his lips in lust.

“I'm a breast man myself, and she has just the type of titties I'd love to suck,” Sage said, referring to a stripper with humongous, football-size boobs. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she got down on her hands and knees and crawled like a black panther across the stage. Her titties were so big that her firm dark nipples nearly brushed the floor with every stealthlike move. Sage could feel an erection coming on as he watched her titties sway from side to side. Once the song was finished, he motioned her over for a lap dance.

“What can I do for you, Big Daddy?” she asked, standing directly in front of him.

Sage stared at her naked breasts, which were right near his mouth. They looked so luscious that he wanted to stick his tongue out and suck her nipples until she came, but touching the dancers wasn't allowed. “You can start by giving me a lap dance.” He smiled.

She straddled him without hesitating, and began grinding on his hard cock to the beat of the music. She took her hands and started playing with her nipples, making them extra hard, and then brushed them across his lips.

Instinctively, Sage stuck out his tongue and quickly licked her nipples before any of the bouncers saw him. She was teasing him so good and making him so hot that he nearly came in his underwear. “You're one sexy woman. What's your name?”

“Missy,” she whispered in his ear. “What's yours?”

Even her husky voice was sexy and turned him on more. “I'm Sage. Can I see you later tonight, Missy?” he asked, wasting no time with useless chitchat.

Missy looked at the bottles of expensive champagne littering their table and quickly surmised that these men were high rollers. The markup on the liquor was astronomical, but obviously they didn't have a problem paying hundreds of dollars for a bottle of champagne. “Sure, but I don't get off until late.”

“Not a problem. I'll be waiting out front in a black BMW 7 Series.”

By the time Sage and his friends left the club, they were flying high and feeling no pain. They said good night and went their separate ways. Sage got in his car and parked a few feet from the entrance. He turned the music up while he waited. The combination of the jazzy saxophone playing in the background and the liquor flowing through his veins was making him horny all over again, so he released his captive dick, which had been dying to get free all night, and started rubbing the swollen head. A light tap on the window interrupted him, and he looked through the tinted windows and saw that it was Missy. Sage didn't bother putting his dick away; he just hit the automatic locks and opened the door.

She slid into the plush leather passenger seat. “Is that for me?” she asked, looking down at his erect cock.

“If you want it,” he said, still rubbing the bulbous head.

Missy didn't say a word, she just leaned over, covered his dick with her mouth, and began sucking him feverishly up and down. He was already hard, and it didn't take long to get him to explode inside her mouth. Missy got off on sucking dick and loved to see the shocked expression on most guys' faces when she swallowed their creamy cum without hesitation. “Does that answer your question?” she said, sitting up.

“Damn, Baby, that was good. Now open your coat and let me see those beautiful tits.”

Missy took off her trench coat. Underneath, she wore a sheer blouse, a lacy bra, and a pair of snug, low-cut jeans. She slowly unbuttoned each button like she was putting on a private strip show, and then took her titties out and let them rest on top of the bra cups. “Are these what you want to see?” she asked, running her hands across each swollen breast.

Sage reached over and began fondling her boobs, something he had wanted to do all night. “Your titties are so big that I could feast on them until the sun comes up.”

“What the hell are you waiting for?” she asked, moving her body closer to his. “Feast away.”

He buried his head in between each gigantic titty and started sucking from one to the other. They were so delicious, just like he imagined. His dick was getting hard again, and now he wanted to fuck. Sage reached for the zipper on her jeans, but she put a hand on top of his and stopped him.

“Just so you know, I only like anal sex,” she whispered.

Sage couldn't believe his ears. The women he'd been with hated anal sex and he had to beg just to finger their ass. “Come on. Let's get in the backseat.” He was so horny that he couldn't wait any longer. He had to fuck her right then before she changed her mind.

Missy climbed in the back first, took off her jeans, but left on her thong. She moved the thin piece of fabric to the side, got on her knees with her ass high in the air, and said, “Come on, Big Daddy. Let me see what you got.”

Sage followed right behind her. He wedged open her cheeks and eased the head of his dick into her tiny asshole. Once the rim of his head was in, he grabbed her hips, pulled her to him, and slid the rest of his long rod deep into the recesses of her ass. Her sphincter muscle gripped his dick tightly as he plunged in and out.

“Oh, yes, Daddy, fuck that hole,” she moaned.

“You like that, Bitch?” He slapped the side of her thigh.

“I love it. Just don't stop fucking me, Motherfucker.”

Sage closed his eyes and fucked her strong for a straight ten minutes until he saw stars. He came so hard up her ass that he thought his sperm would come shooting out of her mouth. Sage had never had anal sex like that before and became addicted to Missy. On the days that he couldn't see her, he'd call her and they would have heated phone sex.

It wasn't until two months after he'd been fucking her that he found out about her extra appendage. Missy always insisted on keeping her thong on during sex, which didn't bother Sage, because that thin strip of material never got in his way. But one night he was fucking her so hard up the ass that the strap broke, and when it did, her tiny penis dropped out. It was dark in the room, and Sage thought that he was seeing things.

“What the hell is that!?”

Missy pulled the covers over her embarrassing male anatomy. “I have a penis,” she said softly.

“Were you born with male and female parts?” he asked, still trying to comprehend what was going on.

“No.” She dropped her head. “I was born male on the outside, but since I was a little boy, I've felt like a girl inside. I've been going through the process of becoming a full-fledged woman, and now the only other operation I need is to have my penis removed and a vagina constructed.”

Sage was speechless. He had never been with a man before and didn't have any homosexual desires. He was confused. In his mind, he'd been fucking a woman. Even though he loved anal sex, he didn't think that this made him gay, because he still loved pussy.

“Say something,” Missy said, looking at the blank expression on his face.

“When are you getting the operation?”

“As soon as I save the rest of the money. Insurance doesn't cover the costs and it's extremely expensive,” she explained.

Sage reasoned that once she got the operation, she would have everything that a real woman had except reproductive organs. He thought about not seeing her until the operation was complete, but he was addicted to her ass and the way she gave head, and didn't want to stop having sex on a technicality. Fucking Missy opened a whole new world to him, and now he wasn't opposed to having a man suck his dick. He never reciprocated because he couldn't imagine going down on another guy. So as far as he was concerned, he wasn't gay or bisexual. He was just liberal.

He was certain that Terra wouldn't see it that way. He was embarrassed and didn't want to have to explain why a man was sucking his dick, but he had to tell her something. He reluctantly picked up the phone and made the dreaded call.


“Hey, Terra, how are you?”

“Fine. How are things with you?” she asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Sage could tell by her tone that she was referring to the scene in his office. He decided to get right to the point and not beat around the bush. “Terra, what you walked in on the other day isn't what you think. First of all, I'm not gay—”

“Then why was another man sucking your dick?”

Sage realized that no matter how he tried to spin it, the fact was that he was caught in a homosexual act. “It's a long story,” he said, preferring not to go into his history with Missy. “The reason why I'm calling is to thank you for not letting my father walk in on us. If he'd seen me and Roy, there's no telling what he would have done. Look, I owe you big-time.” Sage knew that he needed more than an apology to keep his secret safe. “And to show my appreciation for your discretion, I'm going to sign you to a two-picture contract.”

Terra couldn't believe her ears. She was finally going to star in a big budget production, and she didn't have to sleep with him or beg. All it took was her catching Sage with his pants down. “Oh, Sage, thank you so much, and I promise I won't let you down.”

“I know you won't. After watching you handle my father like nothing had ever happened between me and Roy, I saw firsthand what a good actress you are. I'll have my attorney draw up the contract immediately and have it sent over to your agent.”

“Sage, I can't tell you how much this means to me. Thank you again.”

“No problem, and just remember that what happened the other day stays between us. No one ever needs to know,” he said, making sure that she understood the terms of their deal.

“Don't worry, Sage, your secret is safe with me. I'll talk to you soon,” she said, and hung up.

Sage leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he could trust Terra, because being an actress was more important to her than outing him to his father. Fortunately his dad adored Terra and wouldn't question his decision to work with a close friend, especially once he saw her talent. His father didn't like nepotism, but if a person was well qualified for the job he would make an exception, and that day in his office Terra had proven herself to be a skilled actress.

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