Seduced by the Wolf (6 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Vanak

BOOK: Seduced by the Wolf
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Chapter Eleven

Jarrett had done this. Horror clawed down his spine. Ariel looked lifeless, as desolate as he'd once been. Hell, of course, she carried his guilt inside her now. All of it, all that damnable negative energy.

Now he understood why his men had failed to track out the dark scent tainting the mountain. It was his.

Jarrett clasped Ariel's cold arms. A ghost image of her former self, she seemed insubstantial as mist.

“Forgive…only way.”

“I'll take it back,” he said frantically.

“No!” She coughed and grasped his wrist, her grip feeble. “It multiplied in the earth, the blood and death…making it strong. If you take it back, kill…you.”

If he took back his guilt, he would die.

If he did not, Ariel would die.

Her eyes closed. Ariel collapsed on the ground. Jarrett picked her up, rocking her back and forth. He moaned, feeling her heart slow, seeing the edges of death push around his vision.

No. Not Ariel with her boundless energy for life, her nobility and courage and passion. He must not allow this.

For years he refused to forgive himself. He'd lived with the knowledge his guilt was buried in the ground, hidden away from all. He could not forgive himself. He'd taken lives and caused pain.

And now he was killing Ariel and her people. More would die.

Because of me

The words hung in the air. Jarrett touched the Luminaire, watching the light wink out.

With extreme care he set Ariel on the cold rocky ground. Jarrett stood up and stretched out his arms.

“No. Take me. Come back to me, damnit. You're mine. You will not claim another life, unless it's mine.”

Closing his eyes, he let go of all the rage, all the guilt, all the sorrow. He saw Chloe's face, their hope for the future and the child they'd never held, and let go of that as well.

Silence quivered in the air. Jarrett opened his eyes.

The Fae remained still on the mine floor. Ariel slumped against the wall, motionless and pale.

Didn't work. Damnit, what more could he do? Jarrett opened his fingers. “Please,” he whispered in a broken voice. “I forgive myself. Release them.”

A mocking silence answered him.

He hadn't felt this helpless since Chloe died. This was worse. At least when he'd lost Chloe, he'd tried to save her, tried to stop the bleeding. Now he didn't know what he could do. Let go of the guilt? Fine, he let go. Didn't work.

“What the hell do you want from me?” he screamed.

Jarrett sank down beside Ariel. He gathered her into his arms, her body like a block of ice. He kissed her forehead, his lips numbing at the chill.

“Ariel, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I failed you.”

Tears blurred his eyes. Emotions crowded his chest, making it ache as if a load of rocks settled there. He felt her life slipping away, the light fading from her.

“I love you, Ariel. I didn't want to admit it before, it was safer not being in love. I didn't want to hurt again. Hell, it hurt so damn much before. I don't care if it hurts. Anything is better than losing you and not letting you know.”

He rested his wet cheek atop her head, the coldness sinking deep into his flesh. Jarrett sobbed, releasing all his emotions. The flood crested over him and slammed with the force of a tidal wave, drowning him. He floated on the current, letting it take him, continuing to cry as he held Ariel's body.

Then he felt a small movement beneath him.

Ariel opened her eyes.

No white light flickered there. They were blue as cornflowers. She blinked, looking dazed.


Around them the other Fae began stirring and moaning.

Joy surged through him. He cradled her close, not daring to let go. But she gestured to the center of the room.

“Look,” she said softly.

An oblong black puddle lay on the floor. As they watched, it began to evaporate, and then it vanished.

“My emotions.” He wiped his eyes and stood, helping her upward.

Ariel touched a stray tear trickling down his cheek. “You cried. Finally. It killed the monster your guilt created. Like dousing fire with water.”

She gave him a wobbly smile. “I heard you talking. It sounded as if you were miles away. But you said you loved me. I love you too, Jarrett. I think I always have.”

Jarrett held her close, relishing the solid feel of her delicate bones beneath her pale, now-warm skin.

If he held her like this forever, it wouldn't be long enough.

Chapter Twelve

“Are you certain you want to do this?”

Ariel looked so serious as she studied him. They stood outside the perimeter of the fenced-off meadow.

“Yes. I need to do this.” He glanced at the acres of field, feeling a ghost of ancient grief tug him. “The land needs to be cleansed.”

For a full week, they had remained secluded in the cabin, gathering their strength. Last night Cael had presided over the ceremony sealing Ariel and Jarrett together as mates. Beneath the clear night, they had declared their love for each other, the Fae colony and the pack looking on.

Jarrett closed his eyes, remembering that night. Her silvery gown shimmering in the moonlight, her eyes sparkling with love, Ariel looked like a vision. He'd been so overwhelmed with joy, he had to keep assuring himself it wasn't a dream and he'd awaken, alone once more.

Cael had pressed their hands together, binding them with a fertile vine the Fae called Tamrea, as a symbol of their eternal love for each other, “so it would always bear fruit to each other and those around them.”

Sam was at his side as Jarrett recited his vows. His Beta beamed at him, and once in a while stole shy glances at his serene mate, who clasped her hands over the small rise of her belly.

She was pregnant, as were several other pack females.

Opening his eyes, he now glanced at Ariel, leaning against him, loaning her immense strength. Little Fae, who was tough as the granite mountains. Jarrett no longer felt a desperate need pummeling him. Instead he felt peace. But it wasn't enough. Not yet.

He took hold of a rotting post, vaulted over the fence and then clutched Ariel's waist, lifting her over as well. They walked to the center of the meadow. The grass felt softer, less resistant than it had before.

Jarrett snapped out a blanket and they sat on it. Cross-legged they placed their palms to the sky and closed their eyes, lifting them to the sun. He heard Ariel chant the ancient words to cleanse and restore harmony to the land.

Peace washed over him, riding a gentle breeze stirring the air. When Ariel finished the magick chant, he opened his eyes. Jarrett smiled and pointed.


Amid the dead earth and dry grass, a small daisy struggled to grow. Ariel's face grew rapt. “It's working, Jarrett.”

He couldn't help it. She looked so lovely, her eyes dancing with happiness. Jarrett leaned forward, framed her face with his hands and kissed her.

She kissed him back, a deep kiss filled with intent.

He tumbled with her downward to the blanket, in the middle of the meadow no longer tainted with blood and sorrow and guilt. The rotting stench was gone, replaced by the sweet smell of fresh air and pine from the nearby forest.

Joy shot through him. He felt free and unburdened, his heavily muscled body as light as a Fae's.

They undressed, but when she went to lie down, he shook his head.

“You're on top this time.”

Surprise flickered on her face. “Why?”

“Because this isn't just a mating. It's a partnership.” He gathered her small hands into his and kissed them. “You're part of me now, Ariel, part of my heart.”

He lay flat on his back, watching with hooded eyes as she straddled him. Ariel clasped his penis and stroked the hardness. A droplet of moisture wept from the tip. She brought it to her mouth and tasted it with a small smile.

A low moan escaped him. She was going to kill him.

With pleasure.

Then Ariel sank onto him, and rose up. His hands on her slender hips, he surged upward, aiding her, but letting her set the pace. Her eyes closed, her palms flat against his chest, she looked delicious as a fresh peach. Rosy color inflamed her delicate cheeks, flushed her pale body. Wind lifted and teased the dark auburn curls tumbling down to her backside.

It felt right and whole, being here with her, being one with her. His love, his heart, who had saved him in the dark cave.

Power hummed inside him, the wolf running wild and free. He felt his body tighten and held onto his control, until he felt her inner muscles quiver with her impending release.

Now. Jarrett slammed upward as she fell down, their bodies slapping together, his arms wound tight around her, hugging her to his chest. They climaxed together, sparks from her aura igniting the cool air in a burst of colors. She laughed, the sound musical and sweet, filling him with joy.

Slowly they untangled, sharing their body heat as they lay in each other's arms. Ariel gave a drowsy smile.

“I think we did it.”

Jarrett's heart pounded hard. “You're sure?”

“I felt it. Those sparks afterward, the blue ones? They're a sign of new life.”

Emotion clogged his throat. He did not shove it down, but let it be. Jarrett felt his eyes fill with tears. A new beginning. More than he'd ever hoped for, or deserved.

You do deserve it, my love

The ethereal voice floated on the wind. He turned his head, tracking it, and saw Chloe, transparent and shimmering with light. She stood a little ways off, smiling her gentle smile, clutching the hand of a small child.

“Be happy,” she whispered.

Then they became fainter, and vanished like mist under the hot sun.

He felt a thumb wipe away the salt water trickling down his cheek. Ariel smiled at him and pulled him upward.

“Let's return to our cabin. I can't wait to tell everyone.”

Jarrett took her soft hand as they walked through the meadow that had known only blood and death, and had now given life. He walked toward their future as baby-blue sparks danced in the air around them.

He did not look back.


If you enjoyed this story, don't miss these other titles in Bonnie Vanak's The Ancients series, available now wherever ebooks are sold from Harlequin Nocturne Cravings:

Mated to the Wolf

Hunted by the Jaguar

Bitten by the Vampire


Don't miss the other sensual, paranormal reads from Harlequin Nocturne Cravings, available at and wherever ebooks are sold. Titles include:

Reflected Desire
by Kendra Leigh Castle

Nocturnal Whispers
by Caridad Piñeiro

In the Service of the King
by Laura Kaye

Immortal, Insatiable, Indomitable
by Olivia Gates

The Fever and the Fury
by Stephanie Draven

Hunted by the Jaguar
by Bonnie Vanak

Amazon Awakening
by Bonnie Vanak

Mated to the Wolf
by Bonnie Vanak

The Djinn's Dilemma
by Mina Khan

Looking for more paranormal romance? The sizzling and spine-chilling books of Harlequin Nocturne are available at or your local bookstore.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2002-7

Seduced by the Wolf

Copyright © 2012 by Bonnie Vanak

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