Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (14 page)

Read Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations
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Hating to think about Adam, she nodded. “But don’t focus on him, honey. It’s just us right now. Just you and me.”

Nodding, he lowered his mouth to hers as his cock entered her waiting pussy. Warm. Tight.
Fuck, so amazing.
He had never fucked around like a few of the other Saints had…until they met the right women. But, still, he was unprepared for the emotions slamming into him as his cock thrust in and out of her.
So right. So fuckin’ right.

Her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, Dani felt his fullness as she climbed the summit again. She had wanted him, wanted this a long time ago and gave it up when she thought there was no choice. But now that she had him back in her life, she could not imagine a world where he did not wake up with her every day.

He lowered his head to her neck as he powered into her body. Her slick channel tugged his cock as he sucked on the pulse beating wildly. His balls tightened and he mumbled, “You close? I want you coming with me.”

She lost the ability to speak so she simply nodded her head against his forehead. His mouth found hers again as his tongue began to thrust in rhythm to his cock’s movements.

Her legs grabbed his waist harder and he realized she was close. Keeping his considerable weight balanced on one arm, he slid one hand down her waist, over her mound and lightly pinched her clit. That pressure forced her to the summit and over the edge. Flying apart in his arms, she cried out his name while her pussy clenched his throbbing dick.

Feeling her walls squeeze him, his orgasm pulsated out of him over and over until he was wrung dry. Panting, his arms weak, he rolled to the side pulling her with him.

She lay partially on top of his body, their sweat mingling as the coolness of the room slowly beat back the heat pouring off them. Her chest lay against his, their heartbeats erratic at first and then beginning to beat as one. Sucking in a ragged breath, she was not sure she could move even if she wanted to.

Shifting her slightly to the side, Chad rose from the bed and stalked to the bathroom. She gazed at his naked form as the moonlight, coming through the slats in the blinds, cast his magnificent body in shadows. He returned, the front view as amazing as the back, and smiled as he bent over her with a warm washcloth and carefully washed between her legs.

Tossing the cloth to the nightstand, he leaned back over, gazing at her perfect, naked body in the slim light. “You’re gorgeous, Dani. Always were from the first time I saw you, but now? Damn, girl, you take my breath away.”

She noted his eyes dipped to her stomach. Suddenly nervous, she said, “What about in a couple of months? When my stomach is protruding and stretch marks mar my boobs and ass?” Her voice now unsteady with uncertainty, she said, “What abou—”

He shushed her with his fingers on her lips and shook his head. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time, Dani. There’s nothing about you or this baby or your body that I won’t continue to love.”

She smiled against the rough pads of his fingers and he slid into the bed next to her, pulling the covers over their bodies as he tucked her safely into his side. With his large, warm body wrapped around hers, one hand of his firmly held against her stomach protectively, they fell asleep.

Chapter 12

he next morning,
Dani rushed into her building from the parking lot, nervously looking at her watch. Waking up to Chad had been amazing—made more amazing by the way he woke her up with his cock nudging her back. Lifting her leg and keeping one hand on her breast, he rocked her world.
More exciting than an alarm clock, but not for getting to work on time!

As she entered through security, she hustled out of the elevators to her office. A strange sensation of being watched came over her, but as she looked over her shoulder, she saw nothing suspicious.

Jahfar poked his head into her office as soon as she tossed her purse into her drawer. Calling out a
Good morning
to her, she noticed his eyes dropped to the drawer where her purse was located. Locking the drawer, she smiled as she cocked her head. “Can I help you with anything?”

“No, no,” he rushed. “I just thought I’d check to see if you wanted to go out with some of us at lunch.”

“Thanks, but I’ve got some work to catch up on, so I’ll eat in the cafeteria. It’ll be quicker,” she replied. Waving as he left, she leaned back in her chair.
Was he checking out my purse drawer? Now, I’m getting paranoid.

Later in the morning, Ethan stopped by for a short meeting. As he was leaving, she blurted,

“Do you know much about Jahfar?”

Ethan looked at her in question, and she rushed on, “I swear, I hope I’m not stereotyping, but there’s something about him that makes me nervous.”

“He came on board about the time that you were hired here,” Ethan answered, sitting back down in the chair in her office. “Is there something specific?”

Rubbing her forehead, she admitted, “No. Just stupid thoughts, I suppose.”

“Well, with the news the way it is each night, it’s no wonder we start questioning each other. But as far as I checked, his security clearance had no problems.”

She nodded, now embarrassed she had shared her suspicions.
Jesus, that made me seem so prejudiced.

Glancing down to her desk drawer, she pocketed her keys before turning back to her laptop, forcing her mind to her job.


Jahfar closed his
office door, pulling out his secure, private cell phone. Making a call, he waited until the password cleared and he was put through.

“I’ve got nothing on her yet, but I’ve got to tread carefully. She’s smart. Her former years with ATF have her twitchy.”

“Keep looking, but try to win her over. You know…the personal touch.”

“You don’t have to tell me my job. I’ll handle it.”

With that, he disconnected, rubbing his hand over his face as his eyes landed on his desk, seeing the picture of his wife and two sons. His family unaware of his double life.
Two months…this job is getting old.


Chad looked at
the other Saints, his gut twisting. “She’s gonna fuckin’ hate this.”

Jack nodded, but added, “Yeah, but she’s in the middle of this investigation and needs to be aware. Better to let her in on the intel now and see if we can have her cooperation.”

Chad slid his eyes to his boss before moving them around the table, seeing expressions of sympathy. “We just got together…after almost a year and a half of being apart because we didn’t tell each other how we felt. This now? She’s gonna think I came back into her life just for this.”

Jude leaned in, piercing him with a hard stare. “Haven’t known you as long as these other men, but what I do know is that you’d never play a woman you cared about. My guess is that once she gets over the shock, she’ll understand that too.”

Nodding, Chad heaved a heavy sigh as he pulled out his phone, placing the call. “Dani? Hey, babe. Listen, when you get off work, I really need you to come to Jack’s. Do you remember the directions? Good. No, no…we need to go over some things with you and we’ll talk to you about them when you’re here. Yeah. Okay, see you then.”

Looking up, he said, “She gets off in about fifteen minutes and it’ll take her about thirty minutes to drive here.”

Jack nodded, his taciturn expression firmly on his face. “Then let’s get back to work.”

Fifty minutes later, Bethany opened the door and welcomed Dani inside. This time, the other women were not around and Dani cocked her head. “I take it from Chad’s call, this was business and not pleasure.”

Bethany offered her a hug and said, “I’m sorry, sweetie. I honestly don’t have a clue what they need to go over with you, but I’ll let them know you’re here.”

Just then Jack and Chad appeared in the hallway. Chad immediately moved to Dani as Jack smiled at his wife and whispered, “Saw her come in on the monitor downstairs.”

Chad reached Dani, suddenly nervous, having not seen her since their lovemaking in the early morning. “Hey, baby,” he said, his voice sweet and soft.

Rising on her tiptoes, she placed a kiss on his lips, smiling in return. Hearing more noise, she realized the other Saints were coming into the room as well. Glancing from them back to Chad, she steeled herself. “I gather this isn’t a social call?”

“Sorry, babe. But we need to go over some things with you.”

Nodding, she allowed him to escort her over to the large living room. The evening sun poured through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background. It created a peaceful spring dusk. Chad sat down on the end of one of the oversized sofas, gently settling Dani next to him. The other Saints followed suit until they were all comfortable.

Bethany glanced at Jack and said, “Sweetie, I’m heading over to the cabins to meet with Faith.” Smiling at Bart, she said, “Don’t worry. We’ll keep your wedding reception casual.” Catching Bart’s wink, she left the room.

“Wow,” Dani said. “For me to be summoned and then for Bethany to leave, this must be serious.” Glancing to Chad and then over to Jack, she said, “Lay it on me.”

Jack began, “Ms. Turner—”

“Please,” she interrupted, “call me Dani.”

He nodded and said, “Dani, I realize this is going to be difficult, but we’d rather you talk to us before you’re interviewed by the FBI.” Seeing her eyes widen, he continued, “What can you tell us about Adam before he was killed?”

Her body jerked in response to his question and she barely registered Chad’s arm tightening across her shoulders.

“Adam?” She was quiet for only a few seconds before she said, “You asked about Adam when checking out my house, but so much was happening that I overlooked it.” No one said anything, so she asked, “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

“Adam’s name came up in a joint investigation by the ATF and FBI into terrorist cells, using people’s homes to make bombs and computer geeks to detonate them from distances.”

Her eyes widened and then narrowed. “Came up? How?”

Jack continued, “It came up twice in correspondence with one of the suspects. There’s nothing to link him to the activities, but it has brought up suspicions.”

Her lips thinned in irritation. She met each man’s gaze as her eyes swept the circle around her. Suddenly her mind took a turn and she twisted around to look into Chad’s face. He knew the instant her mind went down the road he was afraid of—so did everyone else.

“Is this what brought you back around, Chad? Your investigation here? Tell me you didn’t just waltz back into my life right when your boss needed to dig into Adam.” Her voice rose with each question and she shifted out from under his arm and attempted to stand.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Chad argued. “What we had…what we have…that’s got nothing to do with this. I was afraid your mind would lead you to this conclusion and I’m sorry, but our investigation’s got nothing to do with my feelings for you. And if you’d calm down and think…really feel, you’ll know I’m telling the truth.”

She sat, her body perfectly still as her eyes held his. Her breathing was heavy…matching her heart. Her mind swirled with confusion.
Adam, what kind of mess did you leave me with? Did I even know you at all?
Finally heaving a huge sigh, she nodded. “I know, Chad. I know you’re telling me the truth.”

Letting out a breath he did not realize he was holding, he squeezed her shoulder once more, offering her his strength.

Dani sat for another minute, wondering how on earth she was going to share any part of her life with Adam with these strangers. It was too personal…and agonizing.
Goddammit Adam, does it never end?
Eventually facing Jack, she asked, “What do you want to know?”

“Anything you can think of. Maybe at the time, there were things you didn’t notice that now you can look back at and see more clearly.”

She chortled loudly. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Dani,” Chad’s soft voice gentled her. “No one here is judging.”

Hanging her head for a moment as though lost in thought, she jerked up and pierced Jack with a glare. “I know what you meant, but I’m sure you’ve investigated me as well, so you’ve discovered I was the wronged wife…the proverbial last one to know that my husband was cheating on me. So if you’re looking for clear remembrances from when we were together, then you’ve probably come to the wrong person.”

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