Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (13 page)

Read Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations
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Muhammad Hakim walked
into the room, his dark eyes quickly moving over the others. “What did he get?”

“Nothing,” came Abdul Nagi’s frustrated voice. “The idiot did not cut all the alarms at the storage unit and was interrupted before he could get in and search. Then she came the next day and removed everything.”

Muhammad said nothing but kept staring, expecting the rest of the story. Abdul continued, “Then he went to her house. Easy break in and he said he left no traces of being there and that he found nothing. The boxes he searched did not contain anything of importance.”


“The bitch returned and must have noticed something because when he drove by later, the driveway was filled with trucks and a group of security-type men were around.”

“He came back with nothing?”

“Nothing,” Abdul confirmed. “Whatever Adam Turner had, we haven’t been able to find.”

Muhammad’s lips thinned in anger as he turned away from Abdul. His mind calculating, he ordered, “Get rid of the incompetent. We’ll find another way to get what we want.”

Chapter 11

fter getting back
late from Jack’s, Dani and Chad walked into her house. Tossing her bag onto the dining room table, she looked toward the living room. Remnants of fingerprint dust were still visible, but Chad had already informed her that no prints turned up other than hers and his. Sighing heavily, she stood completely still. Chad moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and chest as they both let the emotions of the day wash over them.

“Whatcha thinking?” he asked, his voice soft and his breath warm against her ear.

“I now think this was a bad idea,” she replied, exhaustion evident as her body slumped back against his.

Not knowing what she was implying was the bad idea, he stayed quiet.

“I so wanted to stay in my house. It’s not a great house, but I was making it mine. I was trying to build a life here…for me and the baby. Now I look at those goddamn straight pictures and the knowledge that someone was in my home…touching my things.” Suddenly she jerked out of his arms and ran into the living room, whirling around with her arms flung out to the sides. “Augggh!” she screamed. “My. House. My. Things!” she yelled, thumping her fist against her chest.

Chad stalked over, pulling her into his embrace as she let her weight drop against his. He bent and scooped her up into his arms, moving to the sofa. Sitting down, he arranged her so she was draped over his lap, still enveloped in his warmth. Holding her close, he murmured words of comfort as she cried out her frustration.

Spent of all tears after a few minutes, she rested her head on his shoulder. “I guess I don’t look so badass now, do I?” She felt his chuckle as it rumbled in his chest.

“Dani, you were always one badass and this little breakdown doesn’t change that. But you feel violated by someone being here in your house, and we need to think about what’s the best thing to do.”

Using her free hand to wipe her tears, she nodded. “I hate the idea of one more change in my life, Chad. I’d hung up my pictures…a little crooked, but still, they were mine.” Her gaze latched on his beautiful smile and she continued. “I suppose, for safety’s sake, maybe I should stay at your place for a few days until we have a better handle on what’s going on.” She looked into his face, seeing the worry lines ease a bit. “But not tonight,” she hustled to say. “I’m really tired right now.”

Nodding, he said, “I’ll be here tonight. We’ll be safe.”

She laid her head back to his chest. “We’ll…,” she murmured.

“What, babe?”

“You said
we’ll be safe,
you’ll be safe.
I like that. I like the word

Smiling, he stood with her in his arms as he walked into her bedroom and set her feet gently on the floor. “That’s what we are now.”

Dani smiled up at the handsome man she cared for and sudden shyness overtook her. Here he was in her bedroom, where she wanted him, and she now had no idea what to do.

“Hey, baby,” his gentle voice broke through her tangled thoughts. “Why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll check the security again.”

She stood still until his hands nudged her toward the bathroom. Jolted out of her musings, she hustled into the bathroom, her nightgown in hand. Washing her face, moisturizing, brushing her teeth and then slipping on her nightgown, she stood staring into the mirror over the sink. Auburn hair with fiery red streaks, brushed to a shine, framed her pale face complete with the smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose.

Her eyes roamed down to her breasts, now fuller and her stomach with its barely-there baby bulge. Splaying her hand on her tummy, she said, “Okay, baby. I love you and I promise I’ll make sure you know your daddy. But out there is a really good man…a man I had loved before I cared for your daddy. And he wants both of us. What do you think?”

A knock on the door startled her out of her musings. “You okay in there, Dani?”

“Um, yeah,” she said. “Just…uh…finishing up.” She opened the door and saw his eyes move slowly from her hair to her face and down her body before roving back up again.

She stared unabashedly at him. He stood shirtless, his massive muscles on display, his strength overwhelming. His jeans hung low on his hips, the top button undone. His arms were outstretched, resting on the doorframe, and her eyes moved from his thick arms, over his defined pecs and down over the six-pack abs, to the delicious muscular V that ended below his waistband. At the bottom, peeking out, were his naked feet looking as sexy as the rest of him.

“I thought I heard you talking,” he said, his eyes finally landing on hers.

“I was…just…uh…well, talking to…” she stopped muttering, her hand protectively on her stomach.

His eyes dropped to her hand and his face softened. “You do that a lot?”

“Yeah. They say the baby can hear voices. I want it to know me. And sometimes I’m less lonely when I think about it being here with me.” She rolled her eyes, and continued, “That sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?”

“There’s not one thing pathetic about you, Dani.” Stepping closer, he reached out and placed his large hand on hers. He noted her eyes dilated with lust. Her chest heaved as she stared at his eyes before dropping to his mouth. He heard his heartbeat echoing in the small room and felt sure she could hear it as well. Leaning down, he lowered his mouth to a whisper away from hers. “Dani?” he asked, his warm breath washing across her face.

No words of rejection came. No thoughts of recrimination filled her mind. Nothing but the desire to know his touch. His feel. His heartbeat against hers. His lips on hers. Standing quickly on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she molded her lips to his. They were just as she imagined. Soft. Strong. Just like him.

Chad pulled her body tightly to his as he moved his mouth over hers. Gently…for only a few seconds until the tinder flamed and the white-hot passion overwhelmed any thoughts of going slow. Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he angled his head, taking over the kiss, owning it, claiming her.

Walking to the bed, he lowered her carefully onto the mattress, handling her like fragile glass, careful to keep his body from crushing hers. “What do you want, Dani?” his voice gruff with desire. “I only want to do whatever you want.”

“I want everything with you,” she confessed, pulling him as close as she could.

That was all he needed to hear. Owning her lips again, he poured his soul into the kiss. Past times together. Past chances missed. Now a future. Everything he was. Everything he thought he lost. Everything he hoped for was now lying beside him and giving herself to him.

He devoured her lips, his tongue plunging in, tasting the essence of Dani. Warm, minty, delectable. Her tongue tangled with his, both discovering the sweet secrets of each other. He moved his hands down her waist to her hips, digging his fingers in as he rolled her toward him, his erection now firmly pressing against her stomach. Hearing her moan, he intensified his movements. Sliding his hand back up her waist, he cupped her full breast, his rough thumb flicking over the taut nipple. Palming the soft mound before moving to the other one.

She grabbed his cheeks, her fingers splaying over his strong, stubbled jaw and held him tight as the electricity zinged from her nipples to her core. She slid her right hand over his shoulders and down his arm, feeling the muscles bunch and flex underneath her fingertips. He had no idea, but she used to watch him at the ATF picnics when he would take off his shirt while playing volleyball, basketball, soccer—whatever he was doing. She would watch the play of muscles in his upper body and wonder, even then, what they would feel like as he lay over her making love.

She realized he had stilled his hands and stopped kissing her. Lifting her eyes, she saw him gazing at her, a puzzled look on his face.

“Where’d your mind go, baby?”

Blushing, she admitted, “I was thinking of how amazing you looked playing sports back when we first met, and even then, I wanted to know what you felt like.”

He touched her nose with his, then slid it to the side, his whisper warm against her cheek. “You used to think about us doing this?”

“Oh, yeah, Chad. All the time.”

“God, I wish I’d known. So much time wasted,” he moaned.

“No, no, honey. Time apart just makes this so much sweeter. We understand now what we lost. What we gave up. It makes this, right now, just right.”

He grinned down at her, latching onto her lips once more. Groaning as she sucked his tongue into her mouth, he moved his hand to the bottom of her gown, grabbing it by the hem and tugging it upward.

She let go of his kiss and raised to a sitting position. Her gown was now bunched around her waist and she pulled it over her head in one sweeping motion, tossing it to the bedroom floor. Now completely naked, she lay back where she had been, letting his fiery gaze roam her body.

“Jesus, Dani,” he groaned, as though in pain. Leaning forward, he latched onto a distended nipple, first sucking it deeply before nipping it with his teeth and then soothing it with his tongue.

Her hand attempted to work his zipper over his erection, but there was little room to maneuver. He pulled away from her chest and rolled onto his back, quickly shucking off his jeans and boxers. His erection, now free, moved toward her as though it had a will of its own and knew exactly where it wanted to go.

Her hand wound around his fullness, drawing a hiss from his lips. Smiling, she moved her fingers up and down his girth, wondering for a moment how the hell it would fit. She had partners before Adam, but none very endowed. Adam had been a fun lover, certainly proud of his prowess and with good reason. But her husband had nothing on Chad.
In fact, I’m sure no other man in the world has anything on him.

“Babe?” his voice cut into her thoughts.

Her eyes jumped up to his as a blush rose from the tops of her breasts to her forehead. “I’m so sorry, Chad. I swear, I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy hormones or just stress, but my mind goes everywhere nowadays.”

“Not sure I’m comfortable about your mind wandering when your hand is wrapped around my dick,” he admitted.

Grinning slyly, she said, “Don’t worry. My thoughts were purely complimentary.”

Lifting one eyebrow, he laughed. “Well then, daydream on, baby. But how about we make them come true?”

“My thoughts exactly,” she enthused.

Chad slid his hand between her legs, slowly teasing her wet folds apart, slipping a thick finger into her entrance. She was so ready for him as her hips moved involuntarily, needing more friction. Keeping his finger in her, working her into a frenzy, his thumb applied pressure to her clit, driving her wild. Sucking her engorged nipple deeply into his mouth again, she clung to his shoulders, her fingernails digging into his flesh as her orgasm ripped through her. Shuddering, she fell motionless back onto the bed, his name having been screamed from her lips.

Lazily she opened her eyes watching as he brought his finger, wet with her juices, to his mouth and sucked on it. Then he leaned over, kissing her deeply, allowing her to taste herself on his lips. Intoxicated with the scent, she slid her hand back to his cock, lightly spreading the pre-cum around the head.

Groaning, he rolled over making sure to keep his body weight off hers by resting on his forearms. Maneuvering so his legs were between hers, he placed his eager cock at her entrance. Stilling, he peered into her eyes. “I’ve never gone unwrapped, Dani. I swear I’m clean and the same testing we had to do for the ATF, I do for Jack’s. I’m clean.”

“I told you I got tested after finding out about Adam’s indiscretions and then again when I was hired by MES.” Smiling, she added, “And I can’t get pregnant…again.”

Chad stilled for a moment, thinking of Adam. “Total, complete idiot,” he said.

Her eyes, warm with lust, quickly cooled. “Excuse me?” she bit out.

He jumped, suddenly aware of the change in mood. “No, no, baby. Not you. Adam. He had all this beauty, all this that makes you who you are…and he fucked it up.”

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