Rubbed Raw (24 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

BOOK: Rubbed Raw
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“You OK, babe?” He asked as he leaned his forearms on either side of Chad’s upper thighs.

I opened my mouth a little. “It’s fine.”

“You’re not scared?”

“No,” I replied then groaned as he withdrew and slowly thrust back in. Quickly I took as much of Chad’s cock into my mouth as I could.

“Fuck, ba-by… Yes! Suck it hard!”

I moaned every time Tommy pushed back in, and Chad reacted to it each time. I came after just a few strokes. Then he started driving into me faster, and I had trouble sucking. I was just bobbing my head up and down with his rhythm at that point. All the sensations felt so good, and I knew Chad liked it also. The three of us were letting out sound after sound of pleasure.

When Tommy ground his hips against my ass I screamed, yet still had my mouth around Chad’s erection. I dug my nails into his skin and sucked him hard while my body shuddered with release. It took a minute or two, but I regained control and relaxed for them again.

Then Tommy began ramming into me much harder. With each hit, I took in more of Chad’s cock, until I was choking. I tried to stop my body from moving so far forward, but I couldn’t. Chad had his head back and was constantly moaning. Tears fell as I gagged worse and worse.

When my mouth went over Chad’s fingers, he shouted, “Tommy, stop! She’s choking on my dick.” I felt such relief as Tommy’s hips stopped. Chad lifted my head, letting his cock fall out. “Baby, you OK?”

I was out of breath and trying to stop the tears. I just nodded.

“Just fuck her till you cum,” Chad told Tommy. “I’ll wait.”

“Sorry, babe.”

I nodded again and lay my head on Chad’s thigh as he raked my hair with his fingers. I just stared at him rubbing himself while Tommy started to fuck me again.

“Play with my balls, baby.”

I smiled and moved a hand over them, stroking lightly all around then holding them firmly a few times. “Oh, damn, Tommy!” I suddenly shouted. Then I gripped Chad’s scrotum harder while my insides quivered like crazy.

“God, baby!”

“Babe… uh… squeeze me… just like that!”

I gasped as the orgasm lasted and then cried out, “Chad, ah!” I got scared that I called out the wrong name, but quickly realized they were both there.

“Shit… I’m gonna cum, babe!” Tommy shoved into me hard and ground against me as his cock throbbed and spewed. “Best pussy in Jersey.” Then he slowly pulled out of me. “OK, Chad, all yours.” I felt the bed move as he got off. “She takes meds before she goes to sleep. Otherwise she has nightmares.”

“I know,” Chad assured him. “Get her some water. I’ll make sure she takes them.”

I wasn’t able to move much. My body was beyond exhausted, and my mind was starting to drift a bit. I was shocked when Tommy was back with a glass of water so fast.
Maybe I fell asleep for a few minutes?

“Baby, take them now. I gotta cum, please.” He held his hand out to me.

When the pills were down, I looked up at him sitting next to me. “Um, I might fall asleep.”

“I never put you to sleep, baby.”

“No, but the sleeping pill works fast.”

“Can I keep going if you do?”

“Yeah, nothing’ll wake me for a while anyway.” I closed my eyes, starting to feel the effects already.

Chad got off the bed then helped me get under the blanket. “I gotta grab that condom.” By the time the bed sagged behind me, I barely felt it. “I love you, baby,” he told me as he drove his cock into me.

I cried out to him immediately, grabbing his hand that was over my belly. My pussy gripped him tightly as my body shook. After that, I felt a few more thrusts then nothing.

Chapter Twenty

I was dreaming of the band performing at an arena somewhere. The crowd was huge and loud. Then suddenly someone lifted up my skirt and started fucking me.

“Uh… yeah, baby,” I heard close by.

The audience screamed louder as he went faster and faster. Then I gripped my bass harder as spasms consumed my entire body.

“Oh, Crystal… oh… baby… that’s it… oh God!”

I felt his cock pulsating. Then it got harder to breathe. Suddenly my eyes flew open, and I found Chad on top of me. I pushed on his chest a little, and he shifted his weight.

“Sorry, baby. Was I crushing you?”

I looked up at his smiling face, “A little.” He had gotten heavier in the past few months.

“It’s weird sleeping next to you on the pills,” Chad told me. “You don’t move or touch me or nothing. You’re whole body goes limp. Did you know you could cum like that? You didn’t make much noise, but I felt it.”

I blinked my eyes, trying to wake up. “I had no idea.”

“Hey, time to get up,” Tommy said as he walked in the room. “You
fuckin’ her?”

Chad pulled out of me and got to his knees. “Morning sex is the best.” He leaned down and kissed my lips. “Love you, baby.”

“I know. Love when she… uh…” Tommy looked at me, “…never mind.”

I was so glad Tommy didn’t finish his sentence because I was pretty sure he was going to relay how I woke him up one morning with a blowjob. “What time’re we leaving?”

“I gotta be at the studio at nine, and I want you to meet someone. Chad, you can stay here and work if you want. Just take her keys. The Wi-Fi password’s on the router.”

Chad pulled the condom off as he replied, “I gotta a project to finish, so I might be a little late, but I’ll be there.” He paused. “I gotta let my boss know the recording’s back on. He thinks it’s cool I’m in a band, but if it interferes with work, he’ll be pissed.” Then he left the room.

“If you keep getting fucked, I’m gonna have a constant hard-on,” Tommy told me. He pulled his boxers down and gave me full view of his erection. “I wish we had time for you to give me a blowjob. But you gotta jump in the shower, like now.”

I groaned and sat up. “OK, I’m up. Who we meeting?”

“It’s a surprise.” Tommy grinned. “You’ll like them.” He came close to me. “Maybe just suck it hard a few times.” Then Chad walked back in. “Forget it.” He covered up and took my hands in his. “Come on, you gotta get up.” Then he pulled me to a standing position and smacked my ass. “Are you sore yet?”

I looked up at him. “Why?”

“Cause you got fucked like five times in the last twenty-four hours.”

“No. I think I’m OK.”

“Then I should fix that,” Tommy whispered. “Would be so cool to walk in the studio with you bowlegged, them all knowing I did it to you.”

“I thought you said we had to hurry.”

Tommy smacked my ass again. “Oh yeah, you know I think with my dick sometimes.”


“OK, a lotta times,” he admitted then said a bit louder. “I gotta get dressed and fix my hair. Get your ass in the shower now, babe.”

Chad watched me take clothes out for the day after Tommy left the room. “He gets real dominant around you. Do you like that?”

“I don’t know. I guess I got used to it.”

“It seems like you always do what he tells you. You can say no, baby.” Chad was obviously reading into the conversation. “He fucks you all the time. Don’t he?”

“Well, not all the time.”

“Do you sleep in his bed?”

“Chad, can we drop it, please? He means nothing to me, and you know it.”

“Yeah I know, baby. It’s just… I’m sure Giovanni would hate that he’s fucking you every night. You guys are broken up, right? This isn’t cheating, is it?”

I sighed as I looked at him. “I don’t even answer his texts, Chad. We’re done at this point. He has no say in my life.”

When Tommy and I got to the studio, I heard more voices than I expected. I knew one of them was Jon, but I didn’t recognize any of the others. As soon as we walked into the main room, my mouth dropped, and I stopped cold.

“What’s wrong?” Tommy put a hand on my waist.

I looked up at him. “That’s Craig Hansen and James Keloha from Brass Monkey!” They were a heavy metal band that made amazing, melodic music I loved. Craig was their adorable blonde haired, blue-eyed rhythm guitarist. James was the handsome drummer, with really long, dark hair and very tanned skin.

“I know. James wants to meet you,” Tommy replied.

Then I noticed all the other guys in the room, a few donning guitars. After looking them all over, I glanced at Craig again. “Why does he wanna meet me?”

“He seen your pictures on the studio’s website, and I told him how amazing you play.”

Suddenly, Craig started walking towards us. I felt almost as nervous as I had the day I met Tommy. He smiled widely at me and put his hand out to Tommy. “You’re the famous Crystal, huh?”

When I shook his hand, he kissed mine. “Uh, hi,” I quietly said, a bit surprised he had such a strong Brooklyn accent. He was also a lot taller than I expected him to be, at least Chad’s height. I looked up at him in awe.

“Chad’s some photographer.” He went on. “But you’re even hotter in person, damn.” He leaned in close to me. “Can I check the rest o’ you out before I go?”

Jon shouted, “James, Craig? You ready? I got something to do after this.”

Craig smiled at me slyly and winked, “Don’t go nowhere.” He walked towards James. “What’s their name again?”

James shook his head. “You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached. It’s Metal Fuckers in Hell.”

“We may have to tone that down,” Jon advised. “Or just put characters in place of Fuckers.”

Tommy led me over to a set of chairs by the wall. We sat and watched as James directed people around the room, and Craig looked a bit bored. When they started to play, James and Jon stood back with their strong arms folded over their chests.

The band was talented and played almost hardcore metal with a few bursts of softer music here and there within the song. Similar to what we used to play, but their singer was great. He sang, yelled, growled and did everything in between. Soon, Jon’s head started bobbing as a smile formed on his face.

“Yeah, you’re right, just what I was looking for,” Jon said just after they stopped playing. “Crystal, what do you think?”

I stood up and went over to him. “I like them. They got a good look and sound awesome.”

“So do you, honey.” The lead singer smiled at me. “Can we hear you play, too?”

Tommy was suddenly next to me. “Play your new song for them.”

Jon rubbed my lower back. “Go ahead.”

I borrowed a guitar from one of them, and Tommy took the offered bass. When I began, the room grew silent. All eyes seemed to be on me. Tommy came in with his part, and I closed my eyes. The words floated though my mind as I imagined Chris there with us.

“Damn!” I heard from somewhere after I hit the last note.

James was close to me. “I thought you’re the bassist?” His accent was just as prominent.

“I am,” I told him. “This song just means a lot to me.”

He touched my shoulder. “You could easily play lead, you know.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at the compliment. “But, Chad’s much better. He taught me. I love playing bass.”

Then James and Jon walked away.

Craig was behind me. “So,” he whispered in my ear. “I got a place in Bay Ridge. Come home with me. I’ll make it worth your while.” He put a hand on my side and pressed his body against mine.

I almost gasped when I felt his rock-solid cock against my back. There was no way I could be sure, but it felt as big as Chad’s.

“I promise you’ll wanna come back.” He ran the back of a finger down my neck. “I can go a long, long while.”

I shuddered with excitement then felt guilty. “I wish I could.” I managed, annoyed that my panties were getting wet already.

“Boyfriend?” Craig touched my hair. “No big deal. I won’t tell.” His hand slid over my ass. “I wanna fuck you right now.”

I suddenly hit a guitar string, forgetting that I still had it on. The sound was so loud everyone looked at me. I quickly pulled the strap over my head and handed it back to the lead guitarist who had lent it to me.

Craig had backed off a bit, and Tommy came closer. Then Tommy put a hand on my ass. “I think he really likes you, but I gotta tell you, he’s as bad as me, a new girl every night.”

I looked from one of them to the other, unsure what I should say or do. I bit my lip and wished I could have them both, just once. Then I wondered if they would go for that.

“So, I guess gettin’ you naked ain’t gonna happen,” Craig whispered, standing on my other side. “Tommy got his hands on you first, huh? When he’s done with you, let me know. Jon got my number.”

I blushed and tried to figure out how I got so lucky to have so many men after me. Maybe lucky wasn’t the word for it, but not many girls had famous guys dying to get in their panties.

Soon after, I got a kiss good-bye from every guy, most on the lips. When Craig kissed me, he leaned me back and held me tightly. His tongue ring surprised me, but also made it memorable. I was breathless and shocked that he kissed as good as Chad. “I’m gonna see you again. Be ready.”

“You OK?” Tommy asked when I grabbed him for support as soon as Craig let me go.

I took a deep breath, trying to relax, but I was overwhelmed and on fire. Trying to hide my building needs, I asked, “How does Jon know James?”

“He saw them playing at a club like 10 years ago. It’s a really cool story.” He picked up a lock of my hair and played with it. “He was just getting this record label off the ground and wanted to find a band that had been overlooked. Well, I guess I mean we; I’m a kinda not-so-silent partner in this place. So, we went to clubs all over for weeks looking for the right group, but nothing.”

He walked around to face me. “On a Saturday night after like three months, we were checking out clubs in Manhattan. We walked into this bar on West 4
in the Village. The plan was to just play some pool, relax and give up.” He took my arms in his hands and whispered, “Let’s go fuck, and I’ll tell you the rest after.”

“No, tell me,” I insisted.

He let out a loud breath and started kissing my neck. “Well, after a few games...” He continued brushing his lips over my skin as he relayed the rest. “…they started setting up behind us. So we waited around to check them out. Rob kept looking at us. He wore his Yankee hat backwards even back then.”

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