Royal Pain in the Ass (34 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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I laughed nervously and watched him walk out.
He made me feel very awkward.
After a few more minutes Xavier walked in, looking much more worn than he had about an hour ago.

“You okay?”

Been better, how are you feeling?

I don’
t have a concussion.

I saw him visibly relax.
That is very good to hear.

Why do I have this feeling that something really bad is about to come out of your mouth?

Because I

ve been asked to remove myself from this situation.

m being set up in a flat not far from.


I felt my heart catch in my throat.

That is your father

s wish, and I am his employee.
I have no choice but to abide by his wishes.

Why does he want you to leave?

He believes I am becoming too attached to this situation.

Oh . . . are you still my advisor?

Of course.

I, I don’
t want you to go.

Xavier gave me a sad smile.
I won

t be that far away.
I just won

t be sleeping here any longer.

I still don

t want you to go.

I have to Juliet,

Xavier took my face in his hands and I winced.
  “I, I

m sorry.” 
He laid a gentle kiss on my forehead and walked out.
Get some rest,

he muttered as he closed the door behind him.

I suddenly felt cold and sunk down on my bed.
Why did I feel like crying all of a sudden?
This didn

t make any sense.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts I jumped and gave an


when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
  “Oh my god! 
Way to sneak up on a girl!

I breathed.
Hi James, what

s up?

You alright?

Something like that,

I sighed, still relearning how to breathe.

What really happened this morning?

What do you mean?

I mean, I don

t buy that you hit your face on the toilet.


Now tell me what is really going on here?


Juliet, you are my daughter, I want to know what he did to you and why you are covering for him.

He didn

t do anything.

m not covering for him.

Juliet, someone hit you.

m not daft.
I don’
t know who you

re lying for, but until you tell me, you are not leaving this room.


I believe your term is grounded.
You are not to leave this room for any reason.

Are you serious?


I shook my head.
Every day I add another reason to why I should never have left America.
Wow, kay thanks.
Doctor said I should get some rest.

m going to go to sleep now.

See to it that you do.

Will do, Captain,

Excuse me?

I gave James a wink and a thumbs up.

Juliet, you have to understand that this is for your own good.

Of course.
Everything is,

I smiled sweetly.
He caught the sarcasm.


ll have something sent up for you.
You, you, ARGH,

James stormed out, slamming the door behind himself.

I flopped against the bed.
I was going to go insane.
I heard a buzzing sound, and it was then I remembered Xavier had given me a phone.
I went over to the buzzing and opened it up.
There were several new text messages.
I had access to the outside world.


Chapter XVIII


I picked up the phone and saw twenty new text messages and seven missed phone calls.
Four phone calls were from Harper, two from Gwen, and one from Xavier, then I turned to the text messages.
Harper had sent several:


how r u

im drunk

but I kinda like you

so when r we guna hang out

soon i hope

but i like the tattoos

i want to see that other one ;)


I felt my face flush.  Oh my. 
And that was without a reply.
I wasn

t sure how to respond so I just didn

Then I went to see Gwen

s texts.


girlie watch your back

i dont think u can trust Xavier

hes shady

hes always talking shit about me

sry about 2nite

ily either way

but srsly u can do better

harper really likes you

he wants to shag you ;)

i hear hes a good time ;)

i miss you


Once again I felt my face flush.
Good to know that I need to watch what Harper and Gwen say while intoxicated.
Then I had two from Xavier.


Juliet, I

m being escorted off the property, James will send my things

I will be back tomorrow morning to figure out arrangements, don

t worry everything will be alright.


I couldn

t explain why that made my heart sink.
I didn

t like the idea that Xavier was being sent away.
I felt empty again.
As exhausted as I was, I just cried myself to sleep.

I was woken up to being violently shaken.
I saw Angelica standing over me and screamed.
What the hell?


re leaving.

Angelica smirked.



re finally leaving.

She repeated.
Daddy is sending you away.
Not a moment too soon either.

ll be nice for you to be gone again.
  I can

t wait for things to get back to normal.

Great, now get out.

Excuse me.


ve had your fun, and you can get out now.
Okay, thanks.

“I can

t wait for you to be gone.

Angelica sneered and stormed out.

Angie, darling, that

s hardly becoming of a lady.

re better than that.

s something I

d expect from that one.
Millie chided as she glided in.
As for you, let

s get your things packed.

re being sent off.

I already told you, I can
’t leave.
The king has revoked my passport, so sorry, can

t go home, even if I wanted to.

No, you aren

t going back to America, we need to watch you.
You are however going away from society for now.
My husband has finally reached his senses.
Meet him in his study.

How about you let me get dressed and I

ll go meet him.



m not wearing pants.
So get out and let me put some on unless you really want to see me naked.

Oh heavens!
Good lord!

Millie screeched as she dashed out.
I couldn

t help but start laughing.
I knew I was wearing pants, but Millie didn

I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to James

s office.

I knocked and heard a gruff enter.



s going on?

I have spoken to my sister.


Have a seat.
We have much to discuss.

I sat in one of the chairs across from him.

ve been told I

m being sent away?

I need to discuss a great deal with you.


Juliet, you

re angry with me.
I understand why.
I didn

t act the way you believe I should have.
I cannot change the past.
Your mother hiding you from me is not what I would have wanted.
I wish I had gotten to watch you grow up into the young lady you are.
There are a few problems with the scenario we now have.

I eyed him warily.
I had this feeling that the next thing he said was going to hurt.

You are so much your mother

s daughter it frightens me.
This society will never accept that.
I have not been entirely straightforward with you.
I have wanted to tell you so much, but I haven

t been able to bring myself to do that.

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