Rough Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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“So this PDA— is there a limit?” Darko teased, more so to adjust the man’s thoughts back to a perspective comfort zone.

Maxum’s fingers leafed one of the wine lists on the bar and slid it over to browse the selection for tasting. The arm around Darko drew tighter, pulling him in for full body contact before turning to face him with a part content, part smoldering expression, “Usually, if the term ‘
get a room
’ has to be mentioned, I think they expect us to cordially make our exit.” And to prove a point, Maxum leaned in and kissed him. Nothing too arousing, but it wasn’t a
zip-in zip-out
peck on the cheek either. His soft lips lingered on his own, delivering a subliminal message as if to tell every fiber of his body—
finally, I found you

. But if he could learn to love this guy.

The evening event went on. Live music to entertain. Non-stop sampling of foods—some so fancy and exotic Darko couldn’t bring himself to taste. He made several tight-lipped expressions to prevent them from being shoveled into his mouth anyways, which his rich lover was taking some delight in doing, like a new game he’d never been allowed to play before. Food, of course, was followed up with more wine. Working their way from the light & fruity to the more dark & robust. The banquet hall in itself held a rich flavor; dark umber walls tricked out with burnished gold and navy dinner tables and a few high bar tables peppered the floor. All of which corralled around a center banquet of all-you-could-eat hors d’oeuvres and amuse bouche. Maxum was in his element, enjoying the event as much as Darko would enjoy being at a rowing race right now. He had to admit the trade off was still in good running with him. Nevertheless, he was starting to eyeball the balconies that overlooked the ballroom, noting that none were in use— and it was far easier than getting a room, with a dash of naughty to boot. Maxum had abandoned his post for a restroom break and no doubt, the ladies would be moving in like vultures to pine for a moment of his time with no one at his side. So, Darko retreated to the main bar ordering up a dark ale to remedy his palate of all the overly fancy stuff for a bold malt flavor more to his liking while he waited for the equally likable man to return.

A gingered-haired man, dressed in a nice tan suit came up beside him, landing his elbows on the bar heavily, his eyes landing on Darko’s body with like measure. Darko only smirked, his gaydar meter pinging hard into the red. One was always bound to approach. He saw the
written all over the man’s face; married, straight, sex life unfulfilling, and still at a loss of how to fill it. This type so often moved in on who they hoped was experienced enough to lead them to the fulfillment of their closeted needs. Darko chuckled to himself,
a perfect prey to be turned into submissive material
. He brought a finger up to his mouth cloaking the the silent laugh as he licked over his lips.
Why, he could even hook him up if the mood to be so nice struck him
. Which he didn’t—not here—and not on his date. Though Darko had offered no invitation, the man had clearly loaded up on his liquid courage and thus began the small talk anyways. Darko knew he wasn’t on his own turf, had he been at the Tavern, Club Pain or
, even the occasional visit to the Leather Strap, he would have been clear about what the definition of
meant. Instead, he stopped himself, just in case
Mister Ginger
was a client or close friend of Maxum’s. Still, friend or not, Darko gave no encouragement toward further conversation. Eyes straight ahead, nursing his stout. None of that seemed to deter the other male any. That was until Maxum was back at his side, just when
Mister Ginger
popped the question.

“So, any chance I can get your number?” Mister Ginger’s eyes dropped to the floor nervously.

“He’s not a rent boy.” A possessive tone came over Darko’s right shoulder and he turned to a displeased expression from Maxum.

Darko didn’t for one second think it might be for him, and he dropped his head back, catching Maxum by his tie and pulled him over for a kiss. “But
is what happens, when you leave your honey within range of the flies.” Darko joked to make light of the encounter. Something changed in Maxum at that moment, making Darko reconsider that maybe some of Maxum’s fuss really was for him because just then the mar in Maxum’s expression was fixed and wiped away for him. Maxum seemed relieved and with a smile that said as much, he bent down over Darko and kissed him several more times. Each one becoming longer and deeper until they were locked in a kiss that said it was time for that room, or maybe the balcony he’d been eyeing. Darko said as much with a growl when Maxum pulled away to catch his breath, “Don’t make me have to say it twice.” he teased.

Maxum responded with a low groan and a turn of his head, “Mmmm, let’s get out of here then.”

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Hours later with the moon beaming through the glass walls of the bedroom, the two men lay spooned into each other, Maxum’s arms wrapped around Darko, keeping him pressed back against his chest as they both quietly listened to their breaths settling after a long run of love-making. Maxum’s cock was still seated inside Darko’s ass, enjoying a few post coital thrusts, at the same time nibbling on the back of his shoulder. Darko had one arm tucked under his arm the other held fast to Maxum’s thigh still draped over his hip lest he decided to stop too soon. It was the first time they hadn’t gone after each other like wild animals. Racing to mark each other with spunk. Rather it was slow. Copious amounts of touching and kissing—and awesomeness. His eyes flickered to the clock. One hour and fifteen minutes. Talk about a stretch. A hand came around and pulled his face around to smear him with wet kissing and licking.

“Thank you.” Maxum sighed with content.

“For?” Darko shifted around to look back at him better.

“For a perfect night.”

“And the rent boy?” Darko wasn’t really meaning to antagonize him about it, but he was just a bit curious enough to tease him for it.

The taunt got him a burnishing kiss and a growl to boot. “You’re too fucking handsome to be owned, but I didn’t want anyone thinking any less of you.” His embrace tightened, pulling Darko to settle against the perfectly sculpted chest that pressed against his back. Spooning was always an ideal comfort but never before had it seemed like he lay with the perfect fit as they both snuggled in for slumber. He felt Maxum’s lips pressed permanently against the back of his neck. “You know I could come up with a lease with option to buy.” Darko managed to suggest before he’d drifted off too far. The heavy sigh of silence behind him was more than what Darko had expected, though. He even felt the slight tension in Maxum’s body and the pinch to his heart that Maxum didn’t even laugh the suggestion away. Rather withdrew from it. Another
— only it was one Darko would have preferred not to have picked up on.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Maxum’s Monday was like any businessman’s Monday, hectic with every hour of his schedule booked with more than one meeting he could humanly attended to. Tuesday was little better for him and when a sudden drop in certain stocks meant he had to concur with a telecast meeting with CEOs in Hong Kong, he barely squeezed out time to make the call that would cancel his dinner plans.

“So, how is my knight in shiny armor? I didn’t expect to hear from you until later.”

Maxum almost forgot why he called, as the dark voice of the man on the other end seeped into his mind and took form there. “Uh, yeah, I’m afraid I have to cancel on you. Meeting with clients in Hong Kong popped up.”

“Turning me down for Chinese food, huh?”
Darko chuckled at him from the other end. If there was a note of distrust, Maxum didn’t pick up on it.
“Well don’t come complaining to me when you’re hungry an hour later.”

“I’ll try not to.” Maxum let out a relaxed laugh, but fell silent, just lingering on the phone, not sure what to say but oddly he wasn’t feeling compelled to hang up either. He even found an unexpected comfort when Darko didn’t cut the call short, the wayward conversation that held little importance except to be company. Leaving him in comfort zone he seldom had these days yet would linger with him through his trip.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Maxum was due in sometime tonight and had told him he’d call once he was in, so Darko was surprised when he heard the knock on the door and glancing out the window he spotted the familiar exotic car.

“Did you really come straight—” His words cut off when Maxum stepped in, dropping the suitcase down on the floor, then reached out grabbing him up and pulled him in for a lingering kiss. It was by far the best ‘
glad I’m home welcoming’
he’d ever experienced and while one arm floated up to join in on the embrace the other still held onto the door to steady himself as Maxum’s tongue was clearly sweeping him off his feet.

Without breaking the sensual kiss, Maxum reached out and took the door from Darko’s hand, swinging it closed then wrapped him up in his arms once more, deepening the kiss.
Okay so he was definitely feeling swept off his feet.

Darko started walking backwards and Maxum seemed to keep in tandem not allowing the connection to be severed for anything more than a few words spoken against his lips. “I was thinking I would cuddle the hell out of you before we went to your bedroom.” Maxum chuckled.

“Not bedroom— kitchen.”

“Mmmm, kinky. I can handle doing you on the kitchen table.”

“Food—” his attempt to debate the purpose of the kitchen voyage interrupted with more kissing, along with some disrobing of a suit coat from Maxum, that went flying over the back of the sofa as they passed it. Darko broke free of the lip loving, “As in, I am cooking some dinner.”

“Mmmm, but you’re the only one I am hungry for right now.” Maxum came at him with the full gusto of his physical appetite.

Damned if the guy didn’t turn him on nonstop. Darko felt the bulge building in his jeans, and Maxum’s hands hadn’t even wandered there yet. While
Maxum’s hands did diverge felt incredible, Darko’s body was screaming for him to get to his cock sooner rather than later. And, as if his silent prayers were being answered, Darko found himself thrust against the counter while Maxum worked his way down his body undoing the jeans to get them removed like he was starved for what was inside them.

Darko leaned back on his hands, catching the counter, as Maxum manipulated his legs and tugged his jeans from one leg then the next. His eyes flickered to the steaks on the stovetop grill, but was immediately pulled away from thoughts of dinner to the tongue lasciviously trailing up his thigh. He let out a hiss, letting his head fall back as his hips thrust out to greet the mouth making its way up.

Darko’s teeth found his bottom lip, his head still kicked back on his shoulders, and hands held onto the kitchen counter with a vice grip as he surrendered his body to the lips now mouthing over his cock through his briefs.
Damn, how did he go all week without this
? He had to wonder. Maxum’s hands came up on the backsides of his thighs then up over his hips, fisting into his briefs and down they came. His cock popping out to be greeted by the pressure of the man’s face, smashing against it, sucking in a deep breath as if sampling Darko’s scent to remember what he liked most.

“I need to turn the grill off.” Darko hissed, but the intel didn’t seem to register in the man kneeling before him. A hand caught Darko’s left thigh, pressing it to widen and Maxum dove in, his lover’s other hand scooping his balls aside, and a warm wet tongue found its way over his taint, licking him all the way up then over his sacks. Sucking on one, then the other before licking up the underside of his shaft over the hard ridge until finally circling over the mushroom cap.

The steaks sizzled and crackled on the stovetop grill until the smell of burning was starting to develop in the kitchen.

“Maxum I need to—”

“Don’t fucking move.” Maxum growled.

“Hey! Those are porterhouses on the grill. If they burn—”

“I will take you out for dinner when I have had my replenishment of you. And, by out, I mean an expensive dinner.” And without another word or letting Darko reach for the stove top, Maxum took the full length of Darko’s cock into his mouth, sucking him down entirely.

Darko growled out as his cock bottomed out in Maxum’s throat. “Oh god, that’s so fucking good.” More growling escaped him and his hand on its own accord, found the back of his lover’s head and held him as his hips rocked in and out a few times before forcing himself to pull out and let the man breathe as he also stretched over to turn the grill top off before burning his apartment down. “Deal.” Darko hummed the word out and was immediately being sucked back into Maxum’s mouth.


After Maxum had had his phalacio fix, the two men changed clothes, loaded up in the car and headed out for Gramercy Tavern for the promised steak dinner. Maxum tried not to let his head suffer over his pleasures with this man. Not even when Darko’s arm went around him as they waltzed into the tavern area, to eat rather than the restaurant section, did either man seem fearful of the eyes they were likely to gather. Be that as it may, more importantly, Maxum didn’t worry himself that someone might make any presumptions of the change in his life or who he was with. Simeon never did steak. In fact, the only time Sim did anything that wasn’t vegetarian was when it was costing him a grand a plate at some charity dinner function. He fought back the groan, knowing he’d just invited his own troubled thoughts to drown his good mood. That was another place— another time—not for here or with this man.

They took a small corner booth that allowed them to sit catty-corner to each other and looked over the menu, but if there was a moment to be awkward, it never came. Darko struck up a conversation as if they belonged right where they were. No past or residue to shadow their evening.

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