Romance: Military Romance: Protected by the SEAL (Contemporary Hero Bad Boy Navy SEAL Romance) (New Adult BBW Alpha Male Virgin Protector Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: Romance: Military Romance: Protected by the SEAL (Contemporary Hero Bad Boy Navy SEAL Romance) (New Adult BBW Alpha Male Virgin Protector Short Stories)
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On the point of orgasm he stopped and looked down at her, panting like a wild beast. Her eyes begged him to continue and he smiled; his own eyes predatory and greedy.

His muscular arms reached around her and with one move he had flipped her over until she was crouched on all fours. She could feel him positioning himself behind her, his cock angled for deep penetration. Raising her slightly with his hand he guided his cock inside her.

Anita moaned gently, this was going to be painful but she wanted it so badly. Grasping her by the shoulders James flexed his buttocks and thrust deep inside her wet hole with all his strength. Anita shuddered as the pressure built inside her ready to burst until she could hardly stand it. The world around her exploded into a million shattering lights that flashed and sparkled deep inside her cortex. She had never known an orgasm like it.

James continued to pump inside her, more urgent and more powerful with each stroke. She noticed a change in him, the hand at her back began to claw at her and his body once firm and slippery with perspiration was now soft as a thick fur brushed against her naked skin. A rough wet tongue licked at her neck as James let out a deep and throaty growl; he had turned into a tiger.

Anita’s body tingled with excitement; she didn’t know what to think about this half man, half tiger. All she knew was that it was extremely sexy, and the thought of James the tiger inside her made her come again.

His thrusts became more urgent and James let out a magnificent howl as he ejaculated, his giant cock twitching and exploding inside of her, the hot cum spilling out of her and dribbling down her leg.

Completely spent, James flopped on top of her, his body heavy against her. She could still feel him throbbing inside her and as his ardour subsided she could sense him slowly return to human form, his arms pulling her to him in a soft embrace.

Anita slept a deep and quiet sleep, the best she had known for a long time.

When she awoke she was in his bedroom, lying in a large bed with crisp white sheets. James was standing by the window wearing a blue dressing gown, his hair still wet from his recent shower.

“Hello you, how are you feeling?” James smiled and sat on the bed beside her. “Are you OK?”

Smiling sleepily Anita sat up. “I feel great,” she said. She blushed slightly under his gaze as she thought about their recent intimacies.

“About the whole tiger thing, I mean, how do you feel about that? Is it OK with you?”

Anita didn’t know what she felt, only that this man was the most incredible guy she had ever met.

Reaching toward her, James took her hand, tiny and dainty against his. She had never felt so safe with anyone in all of her life.

“I suppose I don’t really understand all of this, but I’m sure I can get used to this over time.”

“Well, I guess that means that you’re willing to give me a try at least,” James said, smiling. “I can tell you more about my inner tiger, but I think first we have some more pressing business, don’t we?”

Anita’s heart raced as he slid in between the sheets. She was definitely willing to give him a try.




Tempted by Two Wolves


He was tall, really tall and broad shouldered. I could only imagine the amount of muscle under his loose sweatshirt and jeans. He was the kind to wear flip-flops and a backwards-facing baseball cap and still look completely powerful. Perhaps it was his imposing size…maybe he was in the army. Here at the bar for a last drink before the rigors of training camp started up.

“See something you like over there?” Jess piped up next to me, her eager blue eyes searching for something of her own to feast on. “Oh there’s a whole gang of them back by the pool tables, let’s go mingle.” Jess hopped down from the barstool and I glanced back in the direction her stare was glued to.

“They are a little…overwhelming don’t you think?” I said.

Jess snorted at my comment dismissively. “It would be a good thing for us if we could snag us a couple of guys like that. Their type just
to be the overprotective, intense, delicious kind.”

I looked at Jess and simply sighed. “That means they can be the abusive, jealous kind too. No thank you.”

Jess pouted, her full lips too naturally red for her own good. Her bombshell features and porcelain attributes attracted all kinds of attention if she chose to flaunt it. Compared to my ‘mysterious beauty,’ a term Jess creatively came up with to refer to my looks once, she was much more comfortable flaunting what she knew she had.

I wasn’t ugly, I was a woman after all and I had curves, a butt I had to constantly keep in check with a jog every so often. My Italian roots gave me my well-endowed chest, which was usually what attracted guys. It was also what they spoke to instead of my face if they weren’t careful, and my face wasn’t bad, either. Hazel eyes framed by thankfully thick lashes, high cheekbones from my father’s Native American roots, and full lips completed the package. That and my seemingly naturally layered thick black hair made up what Jess called my mysterious beauty.

“Well that just means I’ll have to test the waters to find out,” said Jess. “Don’t worry, I’ll let the guy you were staring at know you’re interested.”

Before I could grab her Jess sauntered away to the pool table and the forest of giants. I groaned to myself while rubbing my temple in irritation. I should go save her before she got into trouble. You know what, I did warn her, so maybe I should have just let her do what she wanted…but what if Jess attracted someone like her ex-boyfriend or worse?

I glanced behind me again to the back corner and I saw Jess had all the guys’ attention. She was talking to my army guy…I mean
army guy, who had rejoined the pack back there.
Please don’t point, please don’t point, please don’t point.
As if Jess heard my thoughts and chose to act against my wishes (as per usual), she turned towards me and pointed, smiling at me as if she had just set me up with my future husband.

Mortified I quickly turn around. What was this, grade school? Since when did I send my friend to tell some guy I thought he was cute? Jess had gone too far. I took a deep breath to calm down and picked up my Old Fashioned, nearly gulping it down.

“Hello,” said the man.

A warm thrill slunk through every vein in my body, heating my chest and then pooling somewhere low in my belly. Though that could just be the alcohol more than the delicious sound of his chocolaty smooth voice.

I turned to the side slowly and looked up…and up at his face. It was more beautiful up close than I suspected from afar. His features were strong and perfectly angled. He had the strangest silver-colored eyes, made brighter by his tanned skin and set under winged eyebrows. His nose was hawkish and led my gaze to plush-looking lips that were quirked into a small smile.

I quickly realized that I was staring and I could feel my cheeks heat up. His smile grew and I managed to force out a low hello.

“Can I buy you another…Old Fashioned?” He picked up my nearly empty glass and was able to deduce what I had been drinking.

“Oh I really shouldn’t…I’ve had a couple already.” The fact that I was actually entertaining the beginning of a conversation with him definitely spoke to that.

“What’s a couple? Bartender, make this beauty here another Old Fashioned please, on me.” Oh okay, I guessed I’d be having another drink then.

“Uh, thank you…I’m—I’m Christina.” The army guy smiled at me with the most interesting twinkle in his eye. I couldn’t describe it, but he made me feel as if I was in for an adventure in his company.

“It’s wonderful to meet you Christina.” I found it strange, belatedly, that he didn’t offer his own name. Also he had the oddest accent I hadn’t picked up on before. It was vaguely European or maybe Middle Eastern.

The bartender delivered my drink and I glanced back at Jess who was propped up on the pool table, thoroughly enjoying all the attention of the men surrounding her.

“Don’t worry over your friend, she is under well protection,” he said confidently, while pushing my drink towards me. Well protection? Perhaps he truly was foreign.

“Are you in the army?” I asked. I couldn’t help it. The fact that he was seemingly so eager for me to drink was making me nervous.

“I…yes. I am.” He hesitated for only a moment and I wonder if he was not supposed to talk about it or something.

“I figured. You’re just so big.” He nodded, smirking as if he had some secret cross his mind.

“My brothers and I have not always been so imposing, truthfully. Our duty did put us through changes.” My eyes widened at the mention of them being his brothers. I glanced back at the tall, broad shouldered, dark haired men in the corner. I supposed they all did share

“Wow you have a…big family.” The army guy laughed, the sound was rich and warm, and sent another wave of chills through me. I gave in and took a drink of the Old Fashioned. By then I was certainly feeling the alcohol.

“Yes, I have a very large family, you have no idea…is it good, your drink?” I paused when I went to bring the glass to my lips once more.

“It’s just as good as the others before…why, did you add something extra?” I eyed him closely his relaxed stance was unassuming enough. He didn’t seem like the type to slip drugs into someone’s drink…though taking into account his size and the fact that he still hasn’t given me his name, I’d say it was possible he could have been working for a human trafficker. The army guy laughed again and he shook his head.

“No, no. I promise you I did not drug you. I just want to know if you are enjoying your drink.” I bit my lip and studied him closely. His eyes went right to my mouth and I gave him a slight nod.

“I suppose I can believe you while I’m still in charge of all my faculties,” I said.

He laughed again; his chuckle that time was lower and sexier. “I am glad I have your momentary trust.”

I took a deep breath and then another drink. Looking at the glass I realized it was already empty. I definitely needed to slow down.


“Would you like to join us and your friend back there by the pool table?” he said.

I glanced back at Jess; my vision swam a bit with the abrupt motion. She was charming one of the guys, pressed up against him and all. Poor guy didn’t have a chance.

“I think I’d get dizzy standing around all of you giants,” I said.

He smiled and held out his hand for me to take, which I did in slight puzzlement. “How about a walk in the fresh air then?”

I nodded, yes that seemed like a good idea. Before I knew it, I was up and following the man to Jess and her new friends in the corner. I was unsteady on my feet and I thought it could be easily noticed. Jess giggled when we reached them and I drew some amused glances from the men.

“We’re just going to go for a walk,” said my army guy. “Don’t worry, your friend is in good hands, Jess.”

Jess waved us away eagerly. She said, “Oh of course she is, don’t worry about me, I have plenty of company.” Jess glanced up at the guy she was leaning against and smiled saucily up at him. With that the army guy took my hand and led me outside through the back door.

The shock of the cool fall air felt good on my alcohol-warmed skin. “It feels nice out here.” The guy’s hand moved from mine to the small of my back and we headed to the right, towards the surrounding woods.

“That it does. There is a path just through here if you feel comfortable enough to walk through the dark woods with a stranger who may or may not have given you a date rape drug.” I laughed at his brazen joking of my earlier concerns.

“Um…it’s fine, I never walk in the woods at night, but you make me feel safe.” The alcohol was definitely taking effect as that sentence dropped from my mouth without going through a filter first.

“What is your name?” I asked and looked up at him curiously. He gave me a toothy grin that made him appear vaguely canine.

I was briefly flustered at his question.

“Because when you meet a person you need to know what to call them,” I said. We rounded a bend in the path just out of sight of the bar; I spotted a convenient tree stump just ahead that he walked over to and sat on in a casual position.

“What have you been calling me in your head all this time then?” I studied him in contemplation this was one interesting guy.

“Army guy.”

He graced me with his laugh once more and stood up.

“You don’t look too steady on your feet there, how about you have a seat for just a moment.” He walked over to me and put his hand at the small of my back again. He led me to the tree stump.

Once I sat down my eyes seemed able to focus better. “I think I just need water more than I need a seat,” I said. I giggled and he smirked. “So are you going to tell me your name or what?”

He seemed to contemplate this, his lips pursed while he put his forefinger to his chin. I laughed at his silly expression and he glanced down at me with a charming gleam in his eye.

“My name is Tarik.” His accent became more pronounced when he said his name, definitely Middle Eastern.

“That’s a really cool name, where are you from?” I asked curiously, my words only slurring but a little.

“I am from right here in Keene. My father grew up in Morocco though, before he moved to this country. I picked up the slight accent from him if that is what you are wondering?”

I nodded. Tarik’s silver eyes studied me closely, and he struck me as incredibly perceptive.

“How old are you?” I asked. Tarik smiled at me wolfishly before laughing as if I told him the funniest joke.

“I am just as old as I look,” was his strange reply and he leaned back against a tree near my stump seat. Studying his face I’d say he looked around 35. But he also looked somehow timeless, a factor which only added to his striking handsomeness.

“So what brought you to the bar tonight Christina?” Tarik asked. I bit my lip, forcing myself to think about my reply rather than just blurt something out.

“Jess and I just needed to get out. I work at the hospital and, though it’s a small town, it’s the only hospital
town so we’re always hectic there. That, and Jess needed to get out. She just got out of a bad relationship.” That was mostly true. As much as I was all for Jess getting out of her funk, her condition for our going out was that she wanted to make it her mission to get me a man. She was worried that I spent too much time at work and never got laid.

“Are you a nurse?” Tarik asked me. I nodded once. I loved my job as an RN and I never got tired of it, though the fact that the hospital is my home most nights is pretty much why I needed to hang out with Jess and have a couple of drinks tonight.

“We could use a nurse in our family,” Tarik said in a low voice. I looked at him, puzzled, and he grinned at me innocently. I decided I must have heard him wrong, I was pretty tipsy anyway.

“So what do you do?” I asked Tarik politely. He leveled a searching gaze on me before answering slowly.

“I am responsible for leading my brothers,” was his simple, yet strange reply. I was about to ask him what exactly he did in the army when he pushed off from his casual stance against the tree and pulled me up from my seat on the stump. 

“Whoa, don’t move me around too fast now.” I warned, a giggle making its way past my lips again as the trees around me stopped spinning and I realized Tarik was directly in front of me. His hand was on my waist and the contact spread unexpected warmth through my belly. I looked up at his face and realized that he was going to kiss me.


His silver eyes were focused on mine as he pulled me closer to him. Heat was coming off of his body in waves. I wondered if he was naturally so warm or if he had actually had a bit to drink too. Well, taking in his size it would make sense that he is warmer-blooded than your average Joe. I licked my lips in anticipation and his eyes drifted down to my mouth; his silver gaze seemed to glow, reminding me of the moon.

Tarik pulled me against his chest and I pressed against his hard body willingly as his lips finally met mine in a light teasing touch. Butterflies took flight in my stomach and the warmth that spread across my chest turned to fire in my veins when his hand slid below my waist. His lips pressed harder when I kissed him back and moved against mine tenderly, starting a slow burn low in my belly.

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