ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories) (93 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)
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“The gift of the harvest moon, my Alpha.” An old man with the same black hair and brooding expression permanently painted on his face said.

“Uncle.” Anton, startled, rose to hug the man who he thought couldn’t have come for some reasons. “I thought you couldn’t make it.” He remarked.

“I didn’t. When I got here, you they had just finished.” He said as he made his way to the platform that was still stained with his nephew’s blood.

“Well, it does not matter. Now that you are here, we must celebrate. Run with us Uncle.” He said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Castor Dominguez was his father’s only brother. He had always been fond of him. After a decade of not seeing each other, he felt that his first run as an Alpha would be best with his closest living male relative beside him as his Beta.

“I’ll be honoured.” He replied with a certain excitement in his voice.

The Lunar Run was a special time for every wolf. Male, female, young or old, every single member of the pack had to join. Anton’s christening as an Alpha was indeed quite special for it was no ordinary moon that had graced it but the sacred Harvest Moon, which meant that this was doubly special.

He had joined the Run ever since he began to change. That was when he was about four years old. And he has never missed it since.

Back in the old days, they would have run through the densest darkest forests as they howled in worship of the moon. But that time has passed; they were now in New York and forests here are scarce. The advent of urbanization has forced the wolves to adapt and make compromise with their traditions and the changing landscape.

They still ran at the dead of the night when the fogs descended upon the lands just like in the old days, but the difference now is that they would not be ploughing through a thicket of overgrowth in some cursed black forest, but through a whole new kind of jungle - the urban one.

Being seen had never been an issue, their speed coupled by their ability to manipulate the fog as they sped through made it possible for them to go unnoticed, not even by the most advance cameras. Every now and then, a pup would slow down and get photographed by some traffic camera, but they’ve always shrugged them off as some stray dog.

They assembled in the basement parking lot of their skyscraper and one by one they had removed all their clothing. Werewolves were naturally fit and muscular. Even the older ones had solid bodies with taut muscles in the right places.

They all started shifting. Every wolf was black or at least had some black fur. This was their pack’s feature. They were the Los Lobos Negro – the Black Wolves. They began to howl; low and almost inaudible at first, but as each wolf had taken form, the howl has become louder – fiercer.

Anton was last to transform. And after he did, he let out his howl that echoed through the lot. The other wolves quieted down as Anton circled them. He beckoned for a black wolf with white paws to come forward.

“Uncle.” Anton said telepathically. “Let us run.” He continued. With that, Castor let out a howl to which every wolf responded in unison. Anton followed every wolf in their instinctual howls and then began to make his way out the parking lot and into the city streets, slowly gaining momentum as they passed block by block deeper into the city.

The energy of the pack was intense. It inebriated every single wolf with a sort of vigour. They were not moving as separate pawns but as one whole creature of the night cutting through the very much alive yet curiously dreary New York.

As they rushed through the streets, a fog seemed to materialize at their very path. Yes, Anton thought, indeed the moon was pleased with their run for it had sent its protection upon them.

It all went surprisingly well, no casualties so far, no strays, no detours, all was according to the will of the moon and it felt so good. The blessing of the Harvest Moon electrified every muscle in Anton’s body. But then as they made a turn, he smelled something.

It was a distinct smell. It smelled of death and misery gushing out from a fountain. He looked to his uncle, but it seemed that he was the only one who could actually sense it. He fought every instinct to go to the source, but he did not prevail. As if he was possessed by some other worldly being, he was compelled by his instincts to stop. Wolves were not supposed to stop during runs. Especially not when the runs were in a city where they could be seen when they slowed down a bit.

“Nephew! What in the world are you doing?” Castor telepathically screamed into Anton’s mind.

He said nothing. He just inched away from the pack as he entered a narrow alley. What he saw was frightening. A young woman laid there dying. He shifted to his human form releasing a bright light engulfing him as he became his six foot tall self. He scooped up the lifeless woman as his family stared at him bewildered, angry, and most of all confused. This was not how his first run was supposed to unfold.



She re-awakened to the sound of machines beeping and water dripping. She was all too familiar with this scene, but never did she imagine that she would be the one in the bed.

Mount Sinai Hospital, she thought. She had worked here for a few weeks. She had to relieve one of the nurses there, who was on maternity leave. She looked around trying to remember what happened, how she got there.

She strained to get up, but to her surprise, there wasn’t any pain at all. She tried for her side only to find a neatly bandaged wound the size of a credit card.
This couldn’t be happening
. She was dying, she knew that. She shouldn’t be okay right now.

As confusion started to boil over, a familiar figure stepped into the room; his dark blue eyes showing a sincere expression of concern.

“Hailey?” You’re awake, thank God!” He rushed to her side clearly relieved that the woman who had laid there lifeless in the hospital bed for two days had finally woken up.

“Caleb?” She asked.

“The people here didn’t know who to call, they said you didn’t have any information or identification on you.” He said as he propped himself on the chair beside her.

“Thank God for Nurse Elisa. You remember Elisa right – short girl, Filipina? The one from Paediatrics?” He said.

“Yeah, she was the only friend I made since I’ve worked here.” Hailey replied.

“Well, she was the one who ID’d you. She knew you didn’t have any emergency contacts, so she called us over at Roosevelt.” He explained.

“How did I get here Caleb?”

“Well, I was about to ask you that same question. According to the doctors, you were found at the doorstep of the ER with very minor injuries. They said it was so peculiar because you had suffered from severe shock, your body responded like it was in critical condition, but honestly, you weren’t. All the doctor’s found were bite marks.”

Hailey tensed as she heard the word, bite.

“So, do you own a dog or something?”

“No, I don’t have a dog,” She replied. The grunt? It couldn’t have been an animal bite. She would know if it were. It was something far more scary, far more insidious.

She didn’t want to talk about what had happened anymore. All she wanted was to go home and tuck herself in her bed. She didn’t want to think of muggings, bites, or that she almost mysteriously died from nothing, a mere flesh wound

“Alright. I figured you’d still be in shock. So I won’t ask any more questions.” Caleb promised her.

Hailey stared into those deep blue eyes and saw a man with fear – she knew it was fear. But she shrugged it off. “Caleb, I need to get the hell out of this place.”

“I know. The doctor already signed your release. You’re basically as healthy as you have always been, minus that bite mark.” Caleb explained, to which Hailey sent him a warning look.

“Right. No more talk about what happened.” He retorted. “I’ll just bring the car upfront so we can go.”

As Caleb drove Hailey home, he knew that the girl who he felt he was in love with was not there anymore. Something had happened to her, he knew for sure. If it wasn’t an animal bite, then it could have been something else. Something, he too, didn’t want to talk about.

“There, you’re all set,” Caleb said as he propped Hailey’s medication on the kitchen counter.

He felt the thick tension as he approached the Hailey who had not answered him. She was on the verge of tears right then and there. It was heart breaking. He knew how she felt, somewhat. He knew the feeling of being all alone while you slowly die. He knew all too well the feeling of loneliness and death in a potent cocktail of misery.

He reached his arm over her shoulder as he sat beside her at the edge of her bed. She leaned closer into his warm embrace and laid her head against Caleb’s muscular chest. As his smell – that unholy musk – invaded her nose, all her senses went into a flurry of sensations.

She briefly detached herself to look up at the man who had stayed beside her as she had laid there in the hospital bed vulnerable and weak. She was looking at a god who for some reason had given her the time of day.

He stroked her red hair, caressing her cheeks that flooded with red. Her pale skin had betrayed her. He smiled as he stared into Hailey’s eyes hazel eyes. She could feel his heart throbbing eagerly as she took his hand and guided it down the curve of her neck. She lifted herself closer to Caleb’s face. Caleb responded by tilting his head down to the waiting Hailey and took her lips into his. His mouth was hot with anticipation as he probed her with his tongue. Hailey stood up without breaking the kiss and threw herself over him, saddling him, her legs squared over his pulsating groin. His hand traced her back as he lifted her shirt over her head. She did the same and slid off his shirt revealing rock hard muscles that where in all the right places. He fiddled with her bra strap which snapped instantly to reveal her ample breasts and erect nipples.

He raised her as she wrapped herself around him and laid her down on the bed. He nibbled on her ear making her squirm in ecstasy while his one hand massaged her left breast and his thumb circled her now engorged nipple. His other hand descended lower and explored her body, and slid smoothly into her panties. His fingers slid between her slick folds and made circles over her clit. Hailey moaned with pleasure, as she reached out to stroke Caleb’s bulging hard-on that was aching to burst free from his pants. He lowered his head and licked her neck, slowly moving down her chest. He continued to rub her pussy with his hand, eliciting flowing juices as his mouth took hold of her right nipple. With every gentle bite and lick on this rock-hard pink nipple, Hailey let out a yearning moan. He slowly slipped one finger into her slit and plunged deep inside, making sure to graze the pleasure spot within her as he pulled his finger out of her now flooded pussy. He then repeated the motion, now with two fingers, causing Hailey to writhe with pleasure.

“Yes.” She whimpered as Caleb had slowly stripped off every single piece of clothing on Hailey’s body. Hailey reached forward and hastily pulled Caleb’s shirt over his head, leaving his hair tousled. He laid Hailey back down and took a moment to gaze and the beautiful sight in front of him. Hailey reached down and rubbed her drenched clit, her sex throbbing with intense desire for Caleb’s manhood. Caleb followed her lead and lowered his head between her legs, lightly brushing her inner thighs with playful kisses and licks. He then used his tongue to part her pussy lips and made circles around her engorged clit. He planted his lips firmly on her pussy, gently nibbling and sucking her clit, driving Hailey wild with wanting. She had her left hand on his head, applying gentle pressure to make sure he stayed where he was while her other hand kneaded her right tit and tweaked her pebbled nipple.

“Oh my god, Caleb, I’m going to come,” Hailey moaned as Caleb continued to lap eagerly at her pussy. He reached his hand up to her left breast and circled his thumb over her nipple in the same motion that his tongue circled her pulsing clit. Hailey’s breath heaved with pleasure as she gyrated her hips, pressing her pussy against Caleb’s face as his tongue reached deep into her pussy and explored her inner walls. With one hand still groping her breast, the other hand found her clit and he flicked it as he continued to drive his tongue in and out of her, taking in all of her sweet flowing juices. Hailey let out breathy moans, and as she reached her climax she felt like a thousand bursts of electric energy danced from every pore on her body.

She then took Caleb by surprise by turning him over and pressing her naked body on top of his. She could feel the stiffness of his throbbing penis under his pants against her soaking wet pussy. She lowered her mouth as she took Caleb’s nipples, circling each meticulously with her tongue. She combed his trail with her tongue slowly as Caleb closed his eyes and enjoyed Hailey.

She unbuttoned his pants revealing an aching penis that pulsed with his every heartbeat. She began sliding her tongue along his shaft as it grew larger and larger with her every touch. He flinched as she let the tip of her tongue linger over the very crevice of his manhood while she slowly sucked on it, smelling the salty musk of his precum. He squirmed with delight as Hailey lowered her head to engulf the fully tumescent penis, only taking in as much as half of the rock hard nine-inch cock. With every bob of her head Caleb whimpered and gasped.

He couldn’t take any more of it without exploding in ecstasy, so Caleb slowly lifted her head and propped her under him. He was kind and sweet. He didn’t shove his penis inside her directly. He grabbed his member and brushed it against her damp, slippery folds making her gasp in delight. He let his head break through her wet pussy as he slowly pressed it deeper and deeper. Hailey grabbed Caleb, almost clawing him from the pressure of his huge member stabbing her loins, stretching her to her limits. She screamed in a mix of agony and pleasure as he pulled out and began shoving it right back in – again and again and again. Each time he re-entered her Hailey’s pleasure intensified.

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