Rhal Part 5 (3 page)

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Authors: Erin Tate

BOOK: Rhal Part 5
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Rina yanked at Tave’s hand. “But what about Rh—”

Tave tightened his grip. “We will be waiting.”

Waiting. Right.

One more breath and then she broke into a run, racing into the waves as fast as she could. Her legs tingled and burned, the ache annoying but not debilitating. It was the first time her whole body would be enveloped by her Ujal scales. She imagined it’d be a little painful at first. So, yeah, her legs stung and her skin prickled, and the moment she got deep enough, she launched her whole body into a rolling wave.

And then
happened. Her body welcomed her Ujal half, allowed it to come forward and embrace her from head to toe. She remained beneath the surface, allowing her lungs to draw in water instead of air. She didn’t cough or struggle as she’d imagined. It wasn’t like drowning, simply breathing-ish.

Unfortunately, the pain didn’t ebb, the aching did not transition or surround her hands and feet as Rina described. No, it continued to envelop her whole body, continued to scratch and scrape at her. She paused within the waters, gaze enveloping her body, the coral-tinged scales that covered her skin. She noted Niax to her left and Thame to her right, both males looking concerned. Their attention was fixated on her legs, her legs that…

Oh, shit.

Her transition wasn’t limited to her feet like all other human-Ujal mates. They typically only received webbed fingers and toes. No, she watched in awe and horror as they slowly fused together, small fins gently emerging from the gradually forming

Oh, shit.

Her surprise was mirrored by Niax, and then he raced toward her, silver knife in hand. He reached her in less than a heartbeat and then he slipped the blade beneath the ties of her bikini bottoms. In one great wrench, he ripped them from her body as the rest of her tail slid high on her thighs and finished its formation at her hips.

She had a tail.

She wasn’t supposed to get a tail. She was supposed to get scales and webbed fingers. No tail. There was no mention of a motherfucking tail because
she would have remembered that

Niax stared at her with wide eyes, and she noticed Thame slowly inching toward her as well. His attention remained on that new part of her.

Her tail

Cara wasn’t sure what the hell to do now. She knew how to swim with arms and legs, but what was she supposed to do
legs. She stroked the scales on her tail, fingers exploring the transition from hips to abdomen. The touch was familiar yet it wasn’t. Blunted while still filled with a tingling sensation.

She felt a touch near her hip, the caress unnerving her. She wiggled and swatted at it, glaring when she realized Thame had his hand on her, fingers touching her. With a flick of her tail—totally unintentional—she barreled into Niax, sending them both tumbling.

Then a blur of black sped past, filling her vision and then vanishing in an instant.

With Thame.

What the fucking hell?

Niax covered his ears and squeezed his eyes shut, and she realized she must have said the words aloud. And very loudly. She opened her mouth to whisper an apology and he shook his head. Instead, he yanked her above the surface, dragging her up until they both breathed air once more.

“What the hell, Niax?” she gasped, unnerved by the sudden change.

,” he cursed and Cara snapped her head back. Not many of the Ujal cursed—it was a thing with them—so she was surprised by his outburst. “I need to get you to shore. Faim needs to look you over while I search for him.”

“Him? What happened to Thame? What was that black—”


“What?” Her heart stuttered.

“Thame’s touch would have been considered inappropriate and Rhal is your mate even if…”

Even if he doesn’t want me
. “So he took him out?”

“Yes. And now I must find him. Come.” Niax’s grip was firm as he dragged her toward the shore, Cara still unsure how to use her fucking

As they neared the shore, she was relieved and yet scared. They’d found Rhal—and Thame—on the beach. Unfortunately, Rhal was beating the crap out of Thame while Tave and the other high guards were working to haul her mate off the other male.

“Her tail.”
Punch. Kick.

Of course Faim was concerned with her mate’s words rather than actions. “Tail? She has a

Yeah, Cara was just as surprised.

Then the doctor finally noticed her. “Niax, bring Cara here, I want to see this tail. Perhaps Rhal is mistaken.”

Four guards and Tave were unable to halt Rhal’s violent actions, but one single sentence from Faim got him to cease entirely. “

No male, Ujal or human, wanted to be told they were wrong. None.



Chapter Three


Rhal had not planned on attending. He did not wish to be near her and not hold her in his arms. Regardless of the anger and pain he held due to her actions, he still wanted her. He was not going to tempt himself.

Then she had come to the beach.

Then she leaped into the waves.

Then she had formed a glorious coral-hued tail with sparkling scales that covered her body.

Thame touched her. He easily forgave Niax for touching his female. It was in an effort to assist her and prevent pain that would have come with clothing disrupting the shifting process.

Thame touched her out of desire and nothing more. There was no worry in his body, no concern or apprehension over Cara’s health. The male wanted Rhal’s mate.

But he would not get her. Cara was

And he proceeded to show the male until Faim claimed Rhal was mistaken.

” Rhal sneered and shoved Thame away as he rose. The male rolled on the beach, groaning. Had he not touched Cara, he would not have a broken nose. “I know every inch of my female and she did not have two legs. She had a tail like any Ujal.” His chest heaved as he strode toward the doctor. “I, Rhal fa Adar, am not mistaken.”

A feminine cough—Cara’s—split the air. “Lord.”

He turned a glare on her, on her smile, her glorious hair, the way her scales glittered in the waning sun. She remained in the shallows, upper body propped on her arms while her tail spread out behind her. Even as he leveled his anger on her, her smile did not waver. Everyone else cowered. Everyone but her.

“Excuse me?” He raised a single brow.

Rhal fa Adar.” She grinned, but it was strained, and he realized his
put on a show for the others. He recognized the tremble of her lip and the brittleness of her smile. She was nearing tears. Yet her gaze did not waver, her attention centered on him as if she was thirsty for his presence.

Just as he was thirsty for her. “You are correct.” He looked to Faim. “I,
Rhal fa Adar, am not mistaken. You have eyes, old man—” He continued speaking over Sece’s
. “—and you can see her tail.”

Her tail and more since the rapid shift shredded her small bikini top.

Then all eyes were on his
, everyone focused on his mate, and he noticed more than one covetous look on the faces of the high guards. Even Thame’s one good eye was on Cara.


“Avert your eyes.” Rhal glared at the small crowd. When no one moved, he repeated his order, using one of his mate’s favorite words. “Avert your

The males all tilted their heads back, attention on the skies. Even Faim was smart enough to look elsewhere.

Now it was his turn to look at Cara, her glorious mounds cradled by the sea, her curved body caressed by the water.

Staring at her, at the female made for him, he realized he could not deny himself any longer. Had she hurt him? Destroyed him? Yes.

But he could not live without her.

.” He released the endearment with a defeated sigh.

“Rhal.” Her eyes welled with tears.

.” He strode through the water and then lifted her easily, holding her high against his chest with one arm beneath the bend of her tail and the other cradling her back. “I shall take you inside and wash the sea from your scales.”

Faim spoke up. “I need to examine—”

“After,” he snapped.

“After?” Her voice was soft, the question tentative and he could not blame her for being unsure.

“After I assure myself you are whole. I believe it will take many hours. I will examine every part of you.” She didn’t miss the huskiness in his voice. “Twice.”



Chapter Four


. That’s what he’d said, and Cara took Rhal’s words at face value. She didn’t—for one second—think their problems were settled by a little flash of scales, but his possessive and protective actions gave her hope. Hope for the future both immediate and long term.

Rhal’s steps were firm and sure as he strode across the sand to her home. His face was a study in harsh—very annoyed—lines and she couldn’t withhold her smile. He was here. With her. Angry or not, she was touching him, her scales were touching him. She glanced over his shoulder and gave Rina a small wave, saying goodbye since she knew her mate wasn’t about to let that group into the house. Rina returned the gesture and Cara went back to staring at him.

She couldn’t stop herself from running her fingers through his wet, black hair, digits sliding through the damp strands with ease.

“Why are you smiling?” His rumbled words vibrated through her body and her tail—
her tail
—twitched in response. Okay, when aroused and scaly, the tail wiggles.
. Apparently, that was the Ujal equivalent of curling toes.

“Because you’re here. Even if you’re pissed and hate me, you’re carrying me inside. You’re gonna help me with,” she waved a hand and gestured at her altered body, “all this.”

“Hate you?” he rasped. “I can be furious, I can rage, I can hate what you’ve
, but I could not hate you, Cara.” His eyes were intent on her. “Never.”

She licked her lips and swallowed past the growing lump in her throat. “Oh.”

“Tell me you believe this,” he demanded.

“I…” Did she? Staring at his eyes, the pained expression on his face, she had her answer. “I do.”

“Good. You should. I would not lie to my female.”

Cara ran a finger along his cheekbone. “I like that.”


“Being your female. I know I—”

Rhal darted his head forward while lifting her toward him and pressed a rough kiss to her lips. “No more talking. You are mine, and now I shall care for you.”

Cara was good with that. So good that she remained quiet as he carried her up the back steps and silent when he growled at the lone guard who’d stayed behind at the house. The male darted from the building and stepped aside, head tilted back to stare at the porch’s roof as they moved past him.

Smart male.

“Where?” he barked, but she knew he wasn’t pissed at her. He was angry because they were too close to another man while she was in her scaled-out glory. Sure, Cara had grown a tail, but her breasts were still a little too human for her taste and at the moment, they were swinging free, nipples and all.

“To the left, down the hall, last door.” She pointed where they needed to go.

He strode where she’d directed, his steps only slowing when they got to the narrowed hallway. He turned sideways, careful of her tail as he made his way to the master bedroom. He didn’t stop once he entered her space, merely continued toward the bathroom, its door ajar.

Thank God Rina had a massive soaking tub. Otherwise, they would have been left with a tiny one that came standard in most homes, and there was no way her tail would have fit in

It took him no time to gently lower her into the large basin, her tail flopping over the edge. He released her and pulled away to stare down at her, his black eyes shimmering with red and gold.

“I have never seen such a gorgeous sight.” His eyes met hers, and she didn’t see the burning sensual heat. “We will have such beautiful hatchlings, Cara.”

Cara blushed and looked away from him, her emotions rolling through her in an uneasy wave. Not long ago he’d hated her and now… “Will we?”

He dropped to his knees beside her, captured her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. A single finger beneath her chin had her turning her attention back to him. “Yes. I am a male, and my pride is bigger than the seas. Your words damaged that, but not my feelings for you.”

“I want to believe you,” she whispered.

“I will show you and you will not doubt me.”

She couldn’t withhold her grin. Cocky, sexy, jerk.

“I will start with caring for you and finish with making you scream my name.” He jerked his head in a quick nod, and that was that, apparently.

Cara rolled her eyes. “You can’t just—”

“I can. I will. I refuse for my troubles with the king to keep us apart. Enough time has passed. As Rina often says, ‘I have gotten over my shit.’”

Yeah, she could imagine her friend saying something like that.


“Good.” He acknowledged her agreement and then rose once more. He leaned over the tub and was quick to turn the knob until water poured from the faucet. The cool liquid bathed her scales, and she sighed as it blanketed her. “Not too warm?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s perfect.”

That was one thing she’d learned during her treatment. Warm waters were nice for humans, but the Ujal enjoyed the cooler temperatures that mimicked the ocean.

“Good.” He let go of the knob and then cupped his hands. He gathered the salt-free water and then carefully poured it over her body, washing away remnants of the sea. “I do not need to remove it all to return your legs. Once they have changed back, we will fill the tub and wash away what remains.”

And that’s exactly what he did, gathering water and then allowing it to slide over her scales. She hadn’t been able to see the transition from legs to tail very well, but now she got a front-row seat for the shift from tail to legs. Her scales shimmered, the bright color gradually retreating, but not disappearing all together. Slowly her tail split, the fins at the tip receding, reforming her feet. Then the change continued up her legs until the soft thatch of curls at the juncture of her thighs was revealed once more.

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