Renewed (Awakened #2) (2 page)

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Authors: C.N. Watkins

BOOK: Renewed (Awakened #2)
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“We have to do this tonight?” I tried positioning myself so he would get the hint to stop, but he didn’t.

I don’t want him to stop…

“Yes, tonight. We leave for home tomorrow,” he said as he teased my nipple.

“Are we telling your family about little bean?”

His hand paused and he looked up at me, reading my expression. “I hadn’t thought about it, actually, but yes. I suppose we do need to tell them we’re pregnant.” He smiled and continued his slow decent of his hands.

“What about clothes?”

“I packed you two dresses, you pick one.” His hands moved further down passing my belly button onto my crotch. I crossed my legs, but he immediately uncrossed them and pinned one leg down.

“Are you resisting me, Mrs. White?” He had that sexy, devilish, mysterious smile on his face.

“Trying to, but it’s not working.” I tried not to smile, so I bit my lip instead.

“Baby, I am going to make you want to bite your lip a lot harder than that.” He brought his head in and began nibbling on my neck. I leaned my head to the side, allowing him more room. He pulled my shirt up and began tonguing my nipples, sending electric currents through me. I wrapped my hand up in his hair and pulled on it as I tried to control myself.

We stopped in front of his house, and Stefan pulled himself off my breast and straightened my shirt. Charles opened the door, and Stefan got out first, then held out his hand for me. As soon as we were in the front door, Stefan picked me up and hurried me off to his bedroom. He threw me down on the bed and began taking off his suit jacket and shirt. I marveled at his rock hard body with tattoos running down one arm. I wanted to lick every inch of his body.

“Undress,” he ordered. “Now.” His tone was sharp.

I peeled off my shirt and unclasped my bra, the whole time his eyes were glued to me. I tossed my clothes on the floor and waited.

“Pants, too.”

“I like it when you take them off,” I pleaded. I hated undressing under such pressure.

“You can either take them off, or I will rip them off. Your choice.”

Well, we certainly don’t want that to happen

I slowly began unbuttoning my jeans, and they dropped to my ankles. I pulled my panties off and climbed back onto his California king sized bed, waiting for what was to come.

He pulled his jeans and boxers off and walked to the edge of the bed, eyeing me like a lion about to pounce on his kill.

“Right now, I am going to make love to you.” He climbed on the bed, crawling towards me on his hands and knees. “I am going to show you how much I love you and what you mean to me. It’s not all about the kinky sex. Not with you. With you, it’s about making love and proving myself.” He stopped and leaned down, kissing each toe.

“You don’t have to prove yourself to me, baby,” I whispered.

“Yes I do. I have to prove myself to you every day. I have to show you that I’m worth keeping around. And no matter what I will always love you and I will always be here for you. And you,” he kissed my inner thigh, “you, baby cakes, will always be mine.”

He leaned down and began tonguing my clit ever so gently. My head snapped back as I gripped the sheets and moaned. He heard my approval and began to tongue me faster, sucking harder, and eventually pushed his finger deep inside of me. He circled his finger around, making my orgasm hit me like a freight train. My body buckled, and I cried out his name as he pushed me over, making every nerve-ending come to life.

“Say my name again, baby,” he growled.

“Stefan, oh…God, don’t…!” I cried out. I couldn’t even think straight, never mind finishing a damn sentence.

“Don’t what, baby? Tell me.” He was sucking and biting every inch of my sweet spot.

“Don’t…stop,” I breathed out.

“You want this?” He stopped and looked up at me.

“Yes, please.”

“You are the first woman I have ever made love to.”

“What do you mean?” I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation in the middle of sex, but I wasn’t about to stop him from sharing something about himself.

He crawled up and laid next to me, turning me on my side so that we faced each other. He swept my hair behind my ears and calmed his breathing. “I have always been the Dom, Jen, that’s what I do best. I inflict pain and make women beg for me. All my past relationships, if you can even call them that have been exactly that; Dom and sub. I have never given up my control for anyone, and I never planned to until you came along.”

I started tracing his tattoos on his arm, letting him know I was all ears.

“You changed something inside of me. I’m not sure I’m one hundred percent ready to give up all my control, and I may never be ready, but you make me feel like it’s okay to make love to you. It’s okay to express to you how fucking in love with you I am. I want to be raw with you; I want our relationship to be happy and exciting. If I ever lost you, I would go crazy. Literally, bat shit crazy.”

We both chuckled.

“You are the light of my life. I know sometimes I may be unreasonable, but be patient with me, I promise I won’t let you down.” He leaned over and kissed my belly. “I promise that I won’t let our little bean down either.” He leaned back up and locked his lips over mine, giving me the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had. He quickly pulled back when he felt a wet tear hit his lips. He wiped under my eyes, then kissed his wet thumb.

“Baby, why are you crying?”

“I don’t know.” I suddenly felt embarrassed. “I just hurt for you sometimes, and I want our baby to have the best possible life.”

“It’s who I am, but it’s over. It’s my past. And believe me, our baby will have a wonderful life.”

He seemed so calm. He turned over and tucked his hands under his head as he looked at the ceiling. “I am fucked up, in so many ways, but with you...” He turned his head and looked at me. “With you I want to try to be a different person. I want to love you with everything inside of me. I want to become everything you’ve wished for as a little girl. I want to be your prince charming.”

I knew that tonight I would have to show him what making love was all about. He had shown me the Dom and sub relationship, but now it was my turn to show him how this plain Jane stuff works.

I straddled him and grabbed both sides of his face, pulling it closer to mine. “You will always be my prince charming.” .

I sat up and positioned him so that he slid effortlessly inside of me, filling me deeply. He groaned and squeezed my waist, leaving hand prints. I leaned down and locked my lips with his, feeling the low moans escaping his throat.

“I don’t deserve you.” Stefan wrapped my hair behind my head and traced my jaw with his fingers.

“I could say the same.” I leaned down and began kissing him again, letting him move me up and down with his hands.

“Jen…baby…fuck,” Stefan breathed between thrusts. He held my waist tight as I ran my fingers down his chest. He looked so sexy underneath me. I leaned down and kissed him while running my hands through his hair. He moaned out as he was getting closer to his release.

I leaned up and pressed my open palms on his chest, leaning forward and allowing him to fill me completely. I continued rocking, feeling him go deeper each time I came down. He pulled my face down to meet him and began kissing me again with so much passion that I had to remind myself to breathe. I ran my fingers through his hair and gently pulled, hearing a growl come from his throat.

Stefan ran his fingers down my back, sending chills all over my body. His breathing was harder, and I knew he was getting close.

“Come with me, baby,” I breathed into his ear as I spiraled downwards. I needed to love him; to show him he could trust me.

“You are so beautiful.” Stefan rubbed my back as I collapsed into him. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do dinner with his family now. I was completely exhausted.

“We better get ready if we’re going to do this.” I climbed up and felt him slip out of me. My body immediately ached for him to consume me once again.

He winked as I got up and walked into his bathroom. I started the shower and grabbed us two towels as he came walking in there. He was so sexy, naked and barefoot.
Would I ever get use to this view?
“If you don’t allow me to get ready, I won’t be able to eat dinner with your family.” He pinched my ass, making me giggle.

“If I had it my way, we would never leave this bedroom.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Don’t tempt me, Miss. White.” He got into the shower and held the curtain open for me. I followed behind him and together we washed our bodies with more love and passion then I’d ever felt between us.

We got out of the shower and started to get ready. He was wearing charcoal gray suit pants with a soft pink button up shirt. It took every ounce of self-control not to rip his clothes off, but I had to refrain because his family would be here in less than twenty minutes.

“Come out when you’re ready.” Stefan smacked my ass as he headed out the door. I wasn’t sure what was up with his obsession with my ass, but I didn’t care. I slipped on my dress and stood in front of the mirror, examining myself. I wore a light blue strapless gown that flowed down around my feet. The bust line had some jewels around it that made it pop. My hair was beginning to dry and slightly curl. I opened the door and immediately heard Hayleigh.

“Uncle Stefan,” I peeked out and saw her running towards Stefan. He stood with arms wide open as she ran into them, then picked her up and tossed her into the air, making her giggle.

“How’s my favorite girl doing?” Stefan kissed her on the cheek.

“Doing good, Uncle Stefan. Where is your friend? You know, the one you care a lot about that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone?” I blocked my hand with my mouth, trying not to laugh out loud.

“She will be here in a minute, she’s getting ready.”

He sat her down, but she stood there with her arms crossed, eyeing him. “Can you go get her? I want to show her my toys.”

I walked out, and Hayleigh immediately hugged my legs. I wrapped my arm around her and leaned down. “How are you, Miss Hayleigh?”

“I’m good. I want to show you my toys that Momma and Daddy let me bring, but we have to get my bag out of the car,” she said, pulling me towards the door.

“Honey, we will get your bag out in a minute. Let’s talk with Uncle Stefan first,” Sabrina said, hugging Stefan.

“Get out of my way,” Sam said, running through the door and glaring at Sabrina. “Thanks for leaving me out there. Jennifer, oh my gosh, how are you?” She gave me a huge hug.

“Hey, Sam. I’m good. How are you?” She released me from the hug and held me at arm’s length, examining me.

Hayleigh stepped in the middle of us and tugged on my legs. “Aunt Sam, move out of the way. She’s playing with me!”

“Well, ” he huffed. I didn’t know you owned her,” Sam bent down and started tickling Hayleigh.

“If you will excuse me, I would like to say hello to my son.” Judy hugged Stefan. My heart always smiled when he was with his mom. He became a different person.

Alex, Sabrina’s husband, came through and shook Stefan’s hand and gave me a hug. Judy was next and took me into a huge, tight hug. I really liked that, even though I was motherless she had always been so wonderful to me.

“Will you join me outside, Jennifer?” Judy grabbed my hand and led me outside. Hayleigh started pouting that I was leaving her, but Stefan quickly distracted her by chasing her around the living room, threatening to tickle her.

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