Relentless Pursuit (27 page)

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Authors: Kathy Ivan

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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Remy squeezed her hand, before raising it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on her palm.  “We'll figure it out together, sweetheart.  In the meantime, here, hold onto this.”  He picked up the phone and tossed it to her and she caught it.

“You went to a lot of trouble to get that, so keep it safe until we get it charged and see the rest of that tape.”

“Carlo did well, didn't he?”

“Yeah, he got some pretty damning stuff there.  He did well.”

“Knowing my brother, this isn't the only evidence he's piled up against Dubshenko.  He will have more.”

Remy drove toward the outskirts of the city, thankful Dubshenko's men hadn't caught them yet.   He wished he could call Max to find out about the downed cop, and make sure that Max himself was okay.  Leaving him behind with gunfire around them left a cold ache in his gut.  Max was his big brother and he loved him dearly, couldn't stomach the thought Dubshenko might take his revenge against Remy out on his brother.  Though why not, Dubshenko was a sociopath without feelings or remorse.

“He's okay, Remy.”


“Your brother.  I'm sure he's okay.  They stopped shooting before we got to the car, and he was fine.”  She paused a second.  “Do you want to call him, make sure he's okay?”

More than anything in the world, he thought.  “No, it's okay.  I need to call Cap though.  We need to get this phone into a chain of custody, or it will be useless against Dubshenko.”


“What, babe?”

“Do you think Carlo's still alive?”  Jinx's voice broke at the end of her question, and he wanted nothing more than to pull over and snatch her into his arms, give her the comfort she needed.  Instead, he kept driving, eyes peeled in the rearview for a tail.

“Yes, I think he's still alive.   I've thought about it and Dubshenko's men are spread too thin.  They've been looking for us, sure, but honestly I'd expected to see a whole lot more men than we've encountered so far.  He's got to have a good chunk of his force out looking for Carlo, too.  It only makes sense.”

Jinx took a shuddering breath and nodded, hugging her knees up to her chest.  “He has to be alive, Remy.  He has to.”

Remy pulled into a convenience store parking lot, having spotted a payphone attached to the wall.  Fingers crossed it worked.  “Wait here, I'm going to call Cap.”

“How about I get us some coffee?  I think it's going to be a long night.”

“Good idea.”  He pulled a twenty out of his pocket and handed it to Jinx.  She climbed out of the car and headed inside and he walked to the phone.  Bingo!  Dial tone.  Within seconds, Captain Hilliard was on the line.

“Remy, where the hell are you?”

“We're in New Orleans.”

“I know that, idiot.  I talked to your brother.  Where the hell do you get off pulling two of my guys into this mess without getting my okay first?”

Remy sighed.”  Cap, you'd have given permission.  I trust them both.  How is Jennings?  He caught a bullet right before we ran.”

“He'll be fine.  Through-and-through.  Lost a lot of blood, but not life-threatening.  Max said you found something.”

Remy looked around.  Jinx hadn't come out yet, but it had only been a couple of minutes.  She was probably okay.  “Carlo left Jinx a clue about where he'd hidden something.”

“Jinx.  Who the hell is Jinx?”  Hilliard barked.

“Sorry, Jennifer Marucci.  Jinx is the nickname her brother calls her.  Anyway, we found a cell phone with a video on it.”

“I know you watched it.  What's on there?”

“Dubshenko.  Lots of names, dates, shipping routes.  Enough to send his ass to prison for the rest of his sorry life.”  Remy couldn't hide the satisfaction in his voice.  He'd wanted to put the low-life drug lord away for a very long time.  Looked like he might finally get his wish.

“Oh, man, that is the best news I've had all damn day.”  Captain Hilliard sounded almost as happy as Remy felt.  He probably wanted Dubshenko's worthless hide beneath the prison.

“Something else, Cap.  There's another guy in the video.  It's obvious he's giving the orders, and Dubshenko's not happy about being told what to do.  I didn't recognize him and the phone's charge went dead, so we haven't seen the whole thing yet.  What do you want to do?

Silence filled the phone line, only the sound of papers shuffling heard.  Remy waited, trying desperately to be patient, his eyes now glued to the store's doorway.
Where was Jinx?
  She should have been out by now, she'd just gone for coffee.

Finally, the door opened and Jinx emerged, holding the door open with her hip, both hands containing a coffee cup.   She grinned at him, walking past him toward the car.  His gaze zeroed in on her ass, encased in stretchy black fabric.  Somehow, he promised himself, before this night was through he planned to have that fine thing in his hands.

“Remy, you still there?”  Hilliard questioned.

“I'm here, Cap.”  Focus, man, let's get this over with.

“Dubshenko's got his men crawling the streets big time tonight.  You got a safe place to hole up until morning?  I'm gonna call in a buddy with the FBI, he's a specialist at data retrieval.  Think you can keep the phone safe until morning?”

“Might be best, Cap.  You ever figure out who Dubshenko's got on the payroll?”  Remy hated dirty cops, they were the lowest of the low.  Stinking rat bastards, every one of them.

“We caught one, but I'm convinced we've got one more.  That's why I don't want you coming in tonight.  One more piece of evidence against him, and he's toast, and we should have that before morning.”

“Okay, I've got a place in mind for overnight.  I'll be in touch.”

“Remy, be careful.  We can't afford to lose you.”

Remy's chest filled with warmth at his captain's words.  The bigger-than-life man was a good friend and a father-figure, second only to his actual father in men he respected, so his words meant the world.

“See you tomorrow, Cap.”

He climbed behind the wheel and Jinx handed him his coffee with a tentative smile.  Took a swallow.  For midday coffee it wasn't too bad.


“Any decision on what we do with the video?”

“Captain is calling in a friend with the FBI who's a specialist on data retrieval, should be able to get anything and everything off the phone.  We just have to hold onto it until tomorrow.”

“Good idea, about calling in the FBI.  But that still leaves the reset of today and tonight to get through.”

“Right, plus Cap said Dubshenko's got all his guys out searching, so we're going to hole up and stay put until morning.  I know a place that should be safe.”

He slid his cup into the holder between the seats, next to hers.  Without thinking about it, he leaned forward brushing his lips against hers.  Her tentative response was all the encouragement he needed.  His hand slid behind her neck, tangling in the red curls, pulling her closer into the kiss.  Sliding his tongue along her bottom lip in a caress, she willingly opened to him.  Velvety soft, her lips parted, gaining him access to the sweetness within.  Her tongue tangled with his as the kiss deepened, a sensual battle, not for dominance, but for pleasure alone.  His teeth caught her bottom lip between his as he broke free, giving her a quick nip before releasing her.  She was breathless, but so was he.

“Let's go.”  Her shaky voice was all the confirmation he needed.  Giving thanks with every ounce of his being that she wanted him helped, since he was nearly exploding with pent up desire for her.

They drove until they reached the French Quarter, parking in the general parking by the brewery.  It was a bit of a walk, but with a little fancy footwork and dodging down side streets, they finally made it to his friend Theresa's shop.  It was closed, since Max wasn't letting his woman out of his site until everything with Dubshenko was settled. Remy knew Theresa wouldn't have a problem with him using her apartment above the shop.  Heck, he'd slept there dozens of times over the years.  She was his best friend, and they had an unbreakable bond forged through pain that nothing could ever break.

One problem, though he had a key to her place, his keys were sitting on his dresser at home.  As much as he hated it, he started looking around for a rock.  Time for a little smash and enter.

“Wait.”  Jinx pulled a piece of wire from one of the planters on the tiny patio. She unbent it and then did something to the end of it.  “Keep your eyes out for the coppers.”  She laughed, patted his chest with one hand and knelt down in front of the lock.

He watched her, mesmerized at the agility and deftness of her touch.  With a flick of her wrist, the back door swung open.

“I didn't see anything, but thanks, sweetheart.  I really didn't want to have to replace her window.”

Once inside, they kept the lights off and moved straight to the staircase leading upstairs.  Above her New Age shop, Theresa still maintained the apartment, even though she lived with Max.  They were engaged and Remy couldn’t be happier that his brother found the love of his life with his best friend.  It had been a rocky road, but in the end they'd made it, and he was convinced they'd make it through the long haul.

The ringing of the phone startled him, and he stared at it.  Jinx grasped his hand.  On the fourth ring the answering machine beside it picked up.  Leave it to Theresa to have an old-fashioned answering machine, rather than voice mail.  But then again, that was Theresa.

“Remy, if you're there, you should be okay for the night.  There's plenty of food in the fridge downstairs.  I have a feeling everything's coming to a head tomorrow, so be prepared and be ready.  Love you.”

The call ended and Remy relaxed.  If Theresa said everything would be okay, then it would be.  Gifted with psychic abilities from a trauma in her teenage years, when her gift spoke it was rarely wrong.  She'd even been instrumental in finding a missing teenager, the case that she'd worked on with Max, finally getting through his bullheadedness and winning his love.

“You hungry?  I can go down and get us something.”

Jinx shook her head.  “Oh, wait.”  Reaching into her pocket, she laughingly pulled out a cell phone charger.  “I picked this up at the store when I got the coffee.  It’s a universal one, so it should work on Carlo's phone.”

“Picked it up?”  He quirked his brow.

She slapped his arm.  “Paid for it, not stole it.  You don't have any change, by the way.”

He handed her the phone and she plugged it into the outlet.  “I'd really like a shower, if your friend wouldn't mind.  I'm still feeling dirty after falling down in the park.  Ugh.”

“Theresa's probably got something here you can wear.  If not, I'll run downstairs to her shop.  It's all New Age stuff, but she has a few touristy things, including shirts and stuff.”

She smiled and just like that he wanted her.  “Want some company for that shower, sweetheart?” 
Say yes

“Yes.”  Without hesitation, no wavering.

Remy reached for her and she went willingly into his arms.  He placed his fingers under her chin, lifted her face and touched his lips to hers in a light kiss.  Her lips were velvety soft beneath his.  With a controlled effort, he kept the kiss gentle, soft and full of promise.  A bare brushing of lips, filled with sweetness.  Pulling back, he stared deep into her eyes.  His thumb rubbed a circle against her cheek, his lips only an inch from hers.


His finger landed against the mouth he'd just kissed, stopping her words.  Heat roared through him at the thought of his hands touching more than her mouth.  Touching everywhere.  Closing the short distance between them, he covered her mouth with his, unable to resist the pull of the siren standing before him.  His mouth covered hers, diving into her moist depths.  No longer the tender, gentle kiss of moments before.  Instead, he ravished her lips demanding a response, and she opened for him like a flower blossoming.  He brought their bodies together, wishing they were already in the shower together, skin on skin.  Naked, so her softness played against him, without the layers of clothing separating them.  He needed to feel the hard peaks of her nipples against his chest, to rub against the soft curve of her belly.  He broke off the kiss and pulled back, gazing into her eyes.  “Jinx…”

Her arms slid around his waist, keeping their lower bodies pressed firmly against one another.  “No promises.  I want this, too.”  Remy knew this might be the only time he could show her what she meant to him.

He peeled her top off over her head, and it fell to the floor. 
, but he'd forgotten the sexy mini-corset she'd worn before, showcasing the curves and valleys, the hidden lushness of her body, but he wanted her out of it, out of all her clothing.  The night they made love in the fishing cabin, it had been nearly dark.  He'd memorized her by feel, but today he could look at every glorious inch of her.

One arm slid beneath her knees and lifted her in his embrace.  With ease, he carried her into the bathroom, settling her gently on her feet, then turned and started the water.  He adjusted the temperature until it was hot enough, but not too hot.  He didn't want to burn her delicate skin.

With infinite care, he undid the first hook on her mini-corset.  He worked his way down, and his long fingers brushed against the pale perfection peeking through with each fastener undone.  The fullness of her breasts teased him with glimpses of her pink nipples.  When the final hook released, he peeled back the lacy fabric to expose his prize, leaving her bare from the waist up.  Jinx gave a shuddered breath before doing a little shimmy-type movement, and the garment fell from her shoulders onto the counter behind her.

Impatient now, he yanked his shirt over his head, only to feel another set of hands fumbling with the button of his jeans.  He froze, afraid to move, anxious to feel her hands on him anywhere.  Everywhere.

He looked down at her bared breasts, a soft, sexy sound coming from deep in his throat.  With a light caress, he hooked his thumbs in the waist of her pants, dragging down both pants and panties together, before dropping to his knees. He tugged them down until they were around her ankles.  Jinx placed a hand on his shoulder for balance, as she stepped out of them.  Remy looked up and met her shining blue eyes smoldering with passion and something—more.

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