Red Satin Lips (4 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Red Satin Lips
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Turning, Tamara did as he ordered. When they got all dominant on her, Tamara swore she could melt into a puddle onto the floor. As she lowered herself over the arm of the chair, she noticed Lars stepping behind her.

His hand skimmed over her ass cheek and down to the junction between her legs. “Always so wet for us.” A hard smack to her right cheek. “But you were bad today, weren’t you, little girl?” Lars’ voice changed and nails skimmed across her ass.

Tamara’s  juice rolled down her leg and she gripped the chair as she started to look back, he ordered. “No! Keep your head down.”

Two fingers slid into her pussy and a whimper escaped. “Shh, we’ll take care of you.” He reached under her and pinched her nipples. “I love playing with your nipples. They’re so sensitive.”

Behind her, Lars pushed in and out of her with his fingers. “I tried to wait, but we need you.” Two more slaps to her ass, before he pulled his fingers out and replaced it with his cock.

In one stroke, Lars was inside her, but this time something was different. His cock now had little ridges on it which proceeded to rub against her inner walls. “OH MY GOD, LARS.”

“I’m here, suck Gage’s cock Tamara,” Lars ordered as he pushed her feet further apart, before a slap landed on her little nub.

Gage wrapped his hand into her hair and pulled her head up just as a mirror appeared in front of her. “Now you can see me take you,” Lars said as if reading her mind.

Looking up, Tamara smiled as Gage rubbed the tip of his cock on her lips. “Open for me.” Tamara didn’t waste any time and took him as far a she could down her throat.

She’d had some practice giving head, but nothing prepared her for his girth. It seemed someone forgot to inform her that shifters had a tendency to be very thick, while behind her Lars was long and hard.

If possible Tamara believed he’d grown an inch or two in this new form. She relaxed her throat, but jumped when Lars slapped her butt. “I love how you clench my cock when I smack your ass. Such a pretty pussy, all nice and bare for us,” Lars cooed as he ran his hand over her bare mound.

He better enjoy it, she thought. It hurt like hell to get it all waxed down there. They’d be lucky if she went back to that place. She licked around Gages head before dropping to lick his balls.

“No, suck me honey, I’m too close and you’ll go if we ask you.” Gage brushed her hair back from her face. “Just like we would do anything for you,” he grunted pumping in and out of her mouth faster.

Reaching down, Gage pinched her nipple hard. “Suck me Tamara. Take my cock all the way back. That’s it baby.” He rolled her nipple on the palm of his hand while Lars circled her clit with the rough pad of his fingers.

Let me come, please,”
she pleaded, but all it earned her was another three smacks to her ass.

“No, you’re not ready for it yet,” Lars said as he slid out of her at the same time Gage released her head and stepped back.

“You’re stopping?” Tamara whined as Gage stepped up in front of her and lifted her.

“Wrap your legs around me, Tamara,” he ordered as Gage thrust his cock into her. She did as he said when behind her Lars moved up and slid a cold nozzle into her ass.

“Got to make sure you’re ready for me,” he said working in his fingers into her ass as the gel loosened her up. “I think we’re going to have to invest in some plugs for this fine ass of yours.”

He slid his fingers out, replacing them with his cock. Inch by inch his cock slid forward. “God, you two are amazing,” she mumbled and laid her head back onto Lars’ shoulder. “More, Lars, more.”

“Hush, relax and let us love you,” Gage whispered as he reached down between their bodies and rubbed all around her clit, but would not touch it.

“Umm, look at these hard little nipples, so pink and needing attention,” Lars teased in her ear as he shoved the rest of the way into her. Reaching up, he rolled her nipples, pinching them and continuing to play with them.

“Please move,” Tamara cried, trying to move herself, but they had her boxed in and she could go nowhere.

“All in good time. Now that we have your attention, what were you told about going off by yourself?” Lars asked at the same time he bit down on her shoulder and Gage slapped her butt cheek.

“Twice today you took off and the first time you were by yourself. So, we were talking and we’ve come up with your punishment,” Lars said and yanked on her hair, making her head come back so she had to stare at him.

“Punished?” She narrowed her eyes at him or the demon. “I’m not a twelve year old.”

“We never said you were, but didn’t we ask you to take Lydia or one of the guards with you wherever you go with so many people are around us?” Gage asked a slight hint of anger in his voice.

She took a deep breath and looked at him. “Gage I honestly didn’t think going through the tunnels would be dangerous. I was just having some fun, blowing some time till I had my meeting with Lars’ Mom. Shit, what time is it?” She tried to look around, but Gage placed both of his hands on her face.

“Stop, don’t worry about that. She knows you are with us. From now on, for at least the next week, one of us will always be with you and if we can’t be there, you are to have one of our team with you. Also we have something we want you to wear.”

Out of thin air, Lars produced a small delicate twined chain. In the middle of the chain was a lock. “Many will just assume this is a collar like those into BDSM wear, but in reality it also has a tracking device in it. Never take it off.” He put it around her neck and fastened it. “No one will be able to take it off, only Lars and I will be able to.”

After clicking on the choker, Tamara fingered the lock and smiled. “Too bad we can’t go to the local club tonight. I hear they’re doing a Cupid party and all the submissives are dressed in red teddies.”

Grabbing hold of her hips, Lars started to move in and out of her at the same time Gage did. “Who said we can’t go? Where do you think your punishment is going to take place?” Gage grunted, but there was a tinge of a smile on his lips.

With a moan, Tamara grinned and held onto Gage’s shoulders as both of her men picked up speed. “Great.” Was all she got out.

Each time Gage surged forward he would hit her clit just right bringing her higher and higher. Her nails sunk into his skin as she tried to move with them, but there was no way. With a quick kiss to her neck, Lars sank his fangs into her and sent her over the edge.

Inside her, Gage’s cock swelled and would be like that till the last of his seed had been spilt, locking them together. After a few minutes, Gage looked down at her. “What do you think about starting a family?”

The question caught her totally off guard. “What?” She finally said. “You want to start a family? We don’t even have our own place. You haven’t been released from duty yet and there is someone out there…” She moaned as Lars slid out of her from behind, but Gage held onto her legs as they waited for his cock to release him.

She rested her head against Gage’s chest. “I can’t bring a child into this world when someone with a nice sharp knife wants to carve me up like the big turkey we had on Thanksgiving.” Tamara rubbed her cheek on his chest. “But eventually I do want children, lots of them.” She smiled up at him as he lowered her feet to the ground, his cock finally sliding out of her.

“I’m afraid it’s too late, you already carry our child inside you,” Gage announced turning away from her, but not before she noticed the hurt in his eyes.

“Damn it Gage, you knew I wanted to wait. You told me you could stop the sperm,” she shook her head and looked down at her stomach.

“Who said we didn’t plan this?” Gage announced as she snapped her head up and she glared at him for a minute before looking at Lars. “Maybe now you’ll quit risking your life.”

Furious and hurt, Tamara grabbed her clothes and vanished out of the room into the upstairs bathroom, their own private one where she fell to the ground crying. Scared beyond belief, Tamara hugged her legs and rocked. “A baby, not in this house,” she snarled and wiped her tears as she pulled on her clothes.

First thing, get this meeting over with Lars’ mother. Then her search for a house was now her number two on the list of things to do. Right along with finding the asshole who wanted her dead.



Chapter Three


“Do you think she’ll calm down?” Gage asked as they got dressed and exited the room.

“Eventually, but right now I say we give her some alone time. I have one of our team on her now. He’s following her at a close, but far enough, distance. I hope she doesn’t hurt him in the mood she’s in.” Lars stopped as he saw Lydia coming around the corner with her hands fisted at her sides.

“You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her, but yet again she’s been crying,” Tamara’s best friend glared at the both of them.

“What happens between us and our wife is none of your concern. We know you are her best friend, but stay out of this one, Lydia.”

With that said Lars walked around her and went in search of his father and grandfather. He knew they had found the room where Tamara had overheard the conversation.

“Just thought I should tell you that your father lied. Your brother is not where he should be. There is an empty cell,” Lydia announced behind him, but before she had the last word out of her mouth, he had her up in the air, his hand around her neck.

“You lie!” he shook her, but Gage stepped in and put his hand on his arm.

“Put her down, Lars. You know she has never once lied to us,” Gage said as Lars released Lydia.

She glared at him and rubbed her neck. “I didn’t lie. With the new threat it sounded like your brothers MO and I wanted to make sure he was where he was supposed to be, asleep.” Lydia took a deep breath. “He can’t be awake, can he?”

Both of them turned to look at Lars and he shook his head. “No, he should not be awake. The only way…” He slammed his fist into the wall. “The only way would be if my father or mother… They both are carriers of the serum to wake him since they are my parents.”

“I don’t care what you say. I’m going to be with Tamara from now on.” Lydia disappeared and Lars knew she was now at Tamara’s side.

“Let’s go. It’s time we confronted my father.” Lars snarled. His body shifted, the demon in full rage mode. As he lumbered through the house, people scattered out of his way, some shocked to learn what he was capable of becoming.

“We need to move her out of here today. Do you have any idea where we should go?” Gage growled, his beast close to the surface at the thought of their woman and child in harm’s way.

“We’ll figure that out after we speak with my father.” Lars-Demon snarled, going down the flight of stairs where he saw his father talking to his grandfather and Tamara’s father.

All three of them looked up at the same time. Lars stepped into his father’s personal space, but did not touch him. “I have kept my cool and tried to respect you, but it stops now. Where is he? How could you do this when you know what a threat he is to our wife?” The demon spit out each word slowly, never taking his eyes off of his father.

Beside his father, Michael, Tamara’s father growled. His grandfather tried to move in between them, but his father would not budge. “You need to step back, Lars. We’re not going to get answers if you are in your father's face. Now son.” His grandfather’s strong hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed.

For one minute Lars almost lost control and his father knew it as he sucked in his breath and waited.

“Okay big boy, what have you done now?” Tamara appeared next to him and sighed. “You really need to calm down. Don’t think I’m not still pissed, but going after your father is not going to help anyone.” She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. “Please, I have enough to deal with right now. Don’t add this to my sins, because we both know he’ll blame me.” She looked up at him as tears shimmered in her eyes. Not even the demon could stand to see the sadness there.

He swept her down the hall, away from his family. “I thought you were angry with us.” He hugged her tight, all the while he kept his eyes on his father. Gage stood next to them, but he too never took his attention off Lars’ father.

“Lars…” She kissed his chest. “I might be pissed off, and I mean really pissed off, but I will always be there for you two, no matter what. I love you, both. Now what’s wrong? Is it about your brother?”

She looked up at him and he could see the terror in her eyes. “He won’t touch you if he’s awake, I guarantee you, but for now I don’t want you to worry. Go with Lydia and spend some time with mom. I know she loves visiting with you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, Tamara.”

“Anytime, demon boy,” she teased him and disappeared, her laughter filling the hall.

His father, grandfather and Michael walked over to them. “Are you ready to tell us what is going on?” Alton asked.

“Alex is not where Father placed him. He’s gone.” Lars watched the stunned reaction from his grandfather and father.

“There… this cannot be. I personally put him in his room and locked the door.” His father turned and headed towards the cellar where Alex had been.

“He’s not there. One of my guards went to check on him and he’s gone,” Gage said as they made their way down there.

“Did she check the room? Maybe there’s some clue as to what happened? I didn’t awaken him, Edward. I wouldn’t do that,” his father glanced back over his shoulder and Lars knew he was telling the truth.

But if he hadn’t awakened him…Who had? He stopped and turned to Gage. “Mom!” With his stomach in his chest, he latched onto Gage and they appeared in the kitchen. The three women looked up at him and frowned.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Tamara got up and came to  him as she scanned his body for any injury.

He and Gage put her between them as he started at his mom. She rose, taking a sip of her favorite coffee. “You’re here to ask if I woke your brother.”

“Well, did you?” Lars hated asking her, but he had no choice.

“No, but we had a problem the other night. At first we thought nothing of it, that it was one of the stupid men pulling their pranks on us.” His father, grandfather and Michael came into the room.

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