Rebellion (25 page)

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Authors: Sabine Priestley

BOOK: Rebellion
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Ria winked at him.
“Now there’s a concept. You’re going to love my villa. Our villa. It overlooks an amazing lake in a country called Italy.”

Rucon brought their attention back to the group gathered before them. “We’re ready.”

A vid feed of young Zander Salvator projected from Rucon’s com. He stood with rapt attention.

Rucon introduced everyone and brought him up to speed on what had transpired.

Zander stood dumbfounded a few moments before finding his voice. “This is extraordinary. I can’t believe how things have changed overnight. I never liked Mortog, but there was nothing I could do until I came of age.”

“Consider yourself of age,” Commander Anantha said.

Rucon smiled at that. “There’s one more thing you need to know.”

Everyone waited while Rucon seemed to gather his thoughts. “Before Mortog took me captive, I discovered he was attempting to control my mind, my thoughts.”

“Is that even possible?” Ria asked.

“It’s extremely rare,” Rucon said. “I had the healers do some research. The ability manifests itself in different ways and has different side affects depending upon who’s using the power. With Mortog dead, we can’t do any testing, but your healers are fairly certain he was exerting control over your parents. They report a change in both of their demeanors already. They don’t know the extent to which they may recover, but you should come home as soon as possible. I’m sure you can arrange to finish your studies remotely. You and Warder have a lot of work to do, and you may get your parents back.”

Ria could only imagine the range of emotions the poor guy must be going through.

Anantha stood and gathered up his things. “Good luck, Zander. I hope your parents make a full recovery. We’ll expect you here within the week. Warder Zar will be setting up office down the hall. The numbers of underground Curzan are staggering. Equalizing the housing situation and getting them assimilated is going to take time. The Mitan population needs you here. They need to see your support of Warder and need to understand the transition ahead.”

Warder crossed his arms. “I look forward to working with you, Zander.”

“And I, you,” Zander said. He let out a deep breath. “I have much to do. I will let you know my arrival date. In the meantime, I think we should make a joint announcement…” He paused.

Warder smiled. “Call me as soon as you can. We’ll work together to determine exactly what we’re going to say.”

“That should make for some interesting viewing,” Ian said. He turned to his team. “Ready to go home?”

They all agreed.

Ria squeezed Ty’s hand and finally let go. “We’ll get Ty’s things loaded on the transport ship and port over later.”

* * * *

Ty sat outside and soaked up the sun on his new home planet. He liked Earth, or at least what he’d seen of it so far. Ria was in town with one of her support agents, Gina, to pick up some last minute items for the Cavacents’ gathering later. Although tempted to go, he’d opted to stay here and get in another workout in the sim room. He was still in awe of that space. Entire worlds fabricated out of thin air. Armond had tried to explain the physics to him, but manipulating quantum structures wasn’t his forte. He was improving but had a long way to go. After being killed by multiple alien life forms for the third time in two hours, he’d needed a break.

His com buzzed. He glanced down to see that Dani and Ian had arrived. “Out here,” Ty called. Strictly speaking, since he was training to become an Earth Protector, Ian was his new boss. But the Cavacent clan were a tight knit group that felt more like family. He stood to greet them.

“Where’s your betrothed?” Dani asked.

“She’s in town with Gina. Should be back any time.”

“Slacking off?” Ian asked.

“Pfft. I just finished two hours in the sim room. Still getting my ass kicked.”

Dani gave his arm a squeeze. “Ria said you’re getting better.”

His skill was improving every day, and it felt good. “Ria’s a brutal task master. Or mistress.”

“I know what you mean,” Dani said. “She trained me on Sandaria.”

Ian glanced around and clasped his hands together. “Looks like it’s self-serve. Vino, love?” he asked Dani.


Ian left to procure drinks, and he and Dani sat to enjoy the last of the day’s sun.

“Ria told me about you,” Ty said. “It must have been pretty wild to discover you had psi. And escaping Gordat Prayda like that. You guys aren’t short on adventures.”

“It’s been nonstop since the day Ian healed me and discovered my psi.” She turned and studied his face.

“What?” he asked.

“You. You look more relaxed than I’ve ever seen you before. Clearly, this life suits you.”

He inhaled deeply and nodded, taking in the view of the lake below. “I spent most of my life carrying around a lot of anger. You know about my parents?”


“It’s like I’m finally making peace with all that. Their killer is dead, and the Curzans on Mitah are free. I only wish my parents were around to see it all.”

“I’m glad you’re at peace.” She paused and leaned forward. “Did Ria tell you about my parents?”

He shook his head.

She toyed with a thread on her shorts. “They were killed in a plane crash when I was fifteen. That’s when I went to live with my aunt on Cat Island.” She met his gaze then. “My parents weren’t brutally murdered, but I know what it’s like to miss them everyday.”

Ty reached out and pulled her into a hug. “Thanks for sharing that.”

“You’re welcome. Ria’s like the sister I never had, which makes you something like a brother-in-law.”

“I’m not gone ten minutes and you’re already hitting on my psi-mate?” Ian joined them and handed Dani her drink.

“I just told him about my parents,” Dani said.

“Ah.” Ian kissed her gently on the lips. “It’s an unfortunate thing to have in common.”

“Time to lighten the mood,” Ty said standing. “I’m going to go clean up. I’ll see you in a few.”

* * * *

Ria got home to find Dani and Ian enjoying the veranda. Saying her hellos, she ran upstairs to hang up a shirt she’d purchased in Como. She heard the shower running in the bathroom and smiled. Her psi-mate. She was still amazed at having found him. If they hadn’t gone to the Summer’s Ball on Mitah… She couldn’t go there. The thought nearly sparked a panic attack. She locked the door, took off her clothes, and entered the bathroom just as he was stepping out.

His hair hung over one eye, and he threw her that sexy-ass grin that made her heart melt and her body hum.

“You realize we have company,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.

“They can wait.”

The impossible buzz that only psi-mates could experience took over the moment he took her in his arms

The kiss had a gentleness that stunned. She responded in kind, searching and exploring his lips and tongue. He tasted faintly minty. She nibbled his lower lip and breathed him in. He ran his tongue along her jaw finding a spot just below her ear that sent shivers all over. Their psi danced an equally tender duet.

Music came on, a male voice and a beat that made them sway.

“Nice touch.”
Ria slid her hands up his back and weaved her fingers threw his black hair. He moaned as she ran her nails along his scalp.

Their bodies had a language all their own. She visited every place she’d found that pleased him. Bringing her hands forward and down over his chest. She took half a step back and took him in from head to toe. He was so fracking beautiful
She kept her fingertips on his chest, holding him at arm’s length
He was all muscle. Perfectly sculpted thighs and a narrow waist, not much larger than her own. As usual, his black hair half covered his face. She brushed it aside and marveled at the gray lights glowing in his eyes. She sighed as she dropped her hands and stepped closer. The heat inside was starting to burn, and their psi pulsed faster, moving them into a quicker tempo.

He found the spot behind her ear and trailed his teeth down her neck. Gripping her hips, he rubbed his cock against her clit. She threw her head back, and he bit her neck, sending a thrill through her. Pleasure washed over her, and their psi merged, causing a euphoria that only psi could.

Ty let out a moan of his own and pushed her up against the wall. He captured her mouth with a growing urgency. Reaching down, he lifted her leg up to his hip. He held her pinned as he slid his hand between her legs and guided himself inside.

Ty gave her what she needed with every thrust. The feel of him gliding into her was pure heaven. Ria bit down on his shoulder as he pumped.
Oh, Gods.
Each plunge brought her impossibly higher as their psi matched the intensity. Faster and faster. She cried out as the orgasm took her over the edge. Ty pumped harder a few more times before joining her in pure bliss. The world was green and gray.

Their breathing slowed, and the beating of his heart danced on her chest as he pressed a kiss on her neck, lingering, licking, so intimate. Returning fully to their bodies, he wound his fingers through her hair and used his thumb to tilt her face up to meet his.

“I beg your pardon, madam.” Harvey’s muffled voice came from her jean’s pocket in the other room.

“What is it?” Ria called out.

“Miss Dani is downstairs and was wondering if you’d perhaps gotten lost.”

Ria laughed. “It’s good to have you back, Harvey. Tell her we’re on our way.”

“As you wish, madam.”

“We should get going,” Ty said, but still he held her pinned to the wall.

“We should.” She moved her hip ever so slightly. “To be continued later?”

He moaned and ground into her before letting go of her leg and stepping back. They could both go again here and now, but he was right. She gave him a quick kiss before going to fetch her clothes.

* * * *

Ty kept a hand on the small of Ria’s back as they descended the stairs. He was half tempted to turn her around and take her again, but they were already late to their own dinner. Downstairs, the gathering was heating up. Rucon and Mara stood near the bar, and Ian’s Earth Support Agent, Jared, had just arrived. Armond and Marco stood talking to Ian’s uncle Mordo and his companion Durgan.

Ty waved at Battista and Gina. The older Italian couple were Ria’s support agents, and therefore his, and lived with them at the villa in a spacious guest suite off the kitchen. They were setting out appetizers and plates for the evening. Music played, and the doors were open to the patio outside.

Balastar was the last to arrive, having obviously come straight from his transport ship. Ty hadn’t expected to like the ex-councilmember. He’d assumed all the emperor’s council were corrupt, but had since learned that wasn’t the case. Balastar’s father had lost his life trying to stand up to the former emperor, and he wasn’t shy about sharing his hatred of the previous regime. That scored him points. He also had a sarcastic sense of humor that Ty enjoyed. He and Ria headed over to say their hellos. “You’re looking more and more like a space pirate every day.” Ty clasped him on the shoulder.

“In another lifetime maybe,” Balastar said. “I’ll stick to the right side of the law for now. Mostly.”

Ria gave him a brief hug, and they joined the rest of the party.

Mordo and Durgan were in a heated discussion with Armond, causing everyone to gather around.

“That would be the implication,” Armond said.

“What’s up?” Ria asked.

“Armond has made an interesting discovery with the portal devices,” Mordo said. “Go ahead and fill them in.”

Armond was happy to oblige. “I’ve been working with Dani and Ian, teaching them how to use the device. With the assistance of myself and the other Portal Masters, they can both now create portals between two of these devices.”

“That is so cool,” Ria said.

“Indeed,” Armond said in his usual haughty tone.

Ria stuck her tongue out at him, and he continued.

“It would appear we were correct in our assumption that these devices use an alternate form of psi. One that everyone capable of using the device shares. In further narrowing the implications, we have discovered that those who have Sandarian blood can use just one of these devices and anchor to an existing portal. That is how I was able to rescue Dani and Ria and send Rucon directly to Earth when we fled Sandaria. At the time, I was unaware that I was doing anything unusual. Mara, myself, and Dani all share the alternate form of psi, but because Dani is not Sandarian, she is unable to anchor to anything other than another one of these devices.”

“I’m not complaining,” Dani said, throwing her hands up. “The fact I can create a portal at all blows my mind.”

“And we still have no idea where that alternate psi comes from?” Rucon asked.


“Balastar has agreed to help us continue the search,” Mordo said.

Balastar nodded. “I’ve got a shipment heading back to Florin 5 where we found the other device. I’ll track down the vendor and see if I can find out where he got it.”

Rucon nodded agreement, then raised his glass. “A toast. To a successful mission, the freedom of the Curzans, and an ungodly number of upcoming weddings.”

Laughter filled the night and glasses clinked. The rest of the evening flowed with laughter and wine. It was a domestic bliss Ty never expected. When the last guest was gone, he pulled Ria close and gazed into her green eyes. He traced her lips with his thumb. This amazing creature had brought him peace for the first time since he was a boy. And love. Never had he been as happy as he was with this woman in his arms.




Meet the Author


Sabine is a life long fan of Science Fiction and Romance novels. When the Alien Attachments series gelled in her imagination, she knew she had to share the world. Sabine lives in Florida with her husband, kids, cats and a whole mess of characters in her head.

Be sure not to miss Sabine Priestley’s first book in the series

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