Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (4 page)

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As he slammed into me, groaning
into my ear with release, I felt my own body seize up. He hugged me even closer
to him as our two bodies moved in tandem, our feet rubbing against each other,
our bodies sliding against each other. He continued to breathe in my ear, and
with every shudder he made, I got another rush of delight. We flew through the
clouds, lifted by a parachute of pleasure, for what seemed like forever.

Finally, he finished. He pulled out
of me quickly, before he began to grow soft, and disposed of the condom. He lay
back down behind me, snuggling up against me. His big arms wrapped around me,
and I felt completely safe and warm. For several minutes, we laid like this
while our breathing returned to normal. I should have known better than to ruin
the moment, but something had been bothering me.

"What's with the condoms in
the Sega Genesis drawer?" I asked.

He burst out laughing, the motion
making me shiver with delight. "It's kind of an inside joke. I lost my
virginity during a particularly intense game of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. From then
on, I made sure that I always had a condom available while I played."

I smiled. What a normal thing to
have happen to a billionaire.
I should stop thinking about him like that
I thought. He was just a man, and I needed to stop thinking of him as some kind
of inhuman thing.

"Do you still have it?" I

"What, the condom? No, I
tossed it out," he said.

I turned around, my breasts
brushing against his chest. "No, silly. Sonic 2. I haven't played in

He grinned the biggest smile I had
seen since I met him. He pushed himself off the couch and went to the TV,
unwrapping two controllers. I admired that ass of his as he set up the game,
thinking that this was the kind of vacation I had always wanted.


e sat there, already completely
comfortable with our naked bodies, and played Sonic 2 for about half an hour.
Somehow he cheated, because there was no way he could beat me that many times
in a row without cheating. Halfway through a game, I heard his phone begin to
ring. He set the ancient controller down on his knees and dug around in his
swim trunks for his phone. I kept playing, not bothering to pause it for him.
This might be my only chance to win a round.

Someone was talking on the other
end as he picked up the controller and kept playing. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. We'll be there." He put the controller down and started to go to the

"Wait! I'm going to beat you
this time!" I said when I noticed him reaching for the video game console.

He laughed. "I forfeit. You
won all the rounds," he said as he reached for the power button again.

"That's not fair!" I
exclaimed. "You're just giving up because you know you're going to

He looked at me for about a
half-second, then quickly ran back to the couch and lifted up the controller,
picking up where he had left off. It was a close one, but I eked out a victory
by a smaller margin than I should have. My victory dance was probably a little
excessive, but he didn't seem to mind watching me prance around his Man Cave.

"When you're done looking
silly, we have a party to go to. We'll have to hurry to make it on time,"
he said.

"Party?" I asked. "I
didn't hear about a party."

"Robbie just set it up. He
wants everyone on his yacht for a cocktail party tonight. I know he's wanted to
get everyone on that boat for a while now," he said.

I bit my lip. It was a habit I had
passed on to Emma, though she did it more than I did. "Owen, I only had a
four-day weekend here. I leave tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping we could spend
the rest of the evening together," I said.

He looked at me like I was
concerned about nothing. "We'll have the rest of the evening, during and
after the party." I continued to look at him, thinking about how just a
few minutes ago he was telling me how much he had wanted me, and now he wanted
to go to a party. However, his features softened. "You're right. I'll call
him back and tell him we aren't coming."

"No!" I blurted out.
"No, you're right, let's go to the party. Can you get a ride for me back
to the hotel? I have to get dressed."

He hesitated for a moment, then
said, "Of course. I'll get ready here and we can meet at the boat."
He threw his swim trunks on and then watched me get my own jeans and t-shirt
on. I carried my bathing suit with me as he called his driver to come pick me
up. He waited on the front porch (which was as beautiful as the back porch)
with me while the car came.

"I'll see you there,
sweetheart," he said.
Sweetheart. The name fit me well
, I thought.
He kissed me on the cheek, then disappeared back in the house.

Chapter 7

s I entered my hotel room, the
word still rang in my head.
Did that mean we were a couple
now? Was this just a way to keep him in my good graces for the rest of the time
I was here at the resort? I was so confused.

I had only brought three dresses on
this vacation. One was my bridesmaid dress, and I couldn't wear that. I had a
slutty red dress that I could use to really impress him, or...

I picked up my favorite dress in
the world. It looked like it was out of the 1950s, like it could be in some
Marilyn Monroe film. It was light pink with warm brown dots all over it. It had
a pretty belt that went around the waist, and it flared out at the bottom. I
put it on, the fabric soft and light, perfect for a tropical evening.

I carefully did my makeup, going
with a light, natural look. I didn't bother doing anything special with my
hair, instead just tying the long dark locks up in a simple ponytail. We were
going to be out on a boat, and I had seen enough TV to know there would be

It didn't take me long to walk down
to the resort dock, where Robbie's yacht bobbed happily in the water. I grinned
with excitement as I saw it. Tall masts rose with graceful ropes attached like
strange streamers proclaimed it a sailing vessel rather than something with a
motor. It reminded me of an old-fashioned pirate ship, and knowing Robbie, I
wouldn't have been surprised to see a pirate flag waving from the top mast.

Emma waved as she saw me approach,
Jack at her side and looking like he was enjoying his honeymoon. I knew Robbie
would already be on the boat, but I didn't see Owen yet. The thought that I
beat him getting ready made me giggle. I had to remember to call him a girl
later for taking so long to get pretty.

I stepped onto the deck, carefully
picking my way to where Emma sat sipping on champagne. JackĀ  grinned and handed
me a glass of the bubbly liquid.

"Where's yours?" I asked,
noticing he didn't have a drink. Jack grinned and pointed his head toward what
I assumed was where the steering wheel would be.

"Robbie has a strict 'no
alcohol for anyone sailing' policy. Since I'm helping man the sails, nothing
but water for me."

I nodded and glanced around the
beautiful yacht. It was smaller than I expected a billionaire's yacht to be,
but it was incredibly beautiful. Wooden decks gleamed, and from what I could
see of the interior, it was furnished as nicely as Owen's house.

"How do you race on
this?" I asked Jack, pointing toward a series of deck chairs facing out at
the ocean. I couldn't imagine that would be very helpful in a racing situation.

Robbie laughed coming around the
corner, his green eyes bright. "This isn't my racing yacht. This is my
Caribbean yachting yacht. I like to race in solo competitions, and this one is just
too big to handle by myself."

My lips made an "O"
shape, as I nodded and glanced around. I knew nothing about sailing, but with
as many sails as I could see, it was easy to understand this ship would need a
crew, especially in harsh weather.

"Solo competitions? Isn't that
dangerous?" I asked.

Robbie shrugged. "It can be. I
just don't trust anyone else on the water but me. You should come watch me race
sometime. I think you'd enjoy it." Robbie grinned, launching into a
description of what the races were like. His eyes shone with excitement at
talking about the sport he loved. He was a different person out here on the
water. On land he was the ever drunk, screw-up younger brother with nothing to
do. Out here, he was the captain of his world, and he took it seriously.

I was about to ask him more, but
Jack called out a greeting to Owen, and I turned.

"Hey, Owen! Glad you decided
to join us. I got worried when Kaylee arrived by herself. I was sure the two of
you would be arriving together," Emma called, slurring her speech a
little. Jack kept a straight face, but I was sure I saw Emma wink. I sighed. I
was never going to live this down.

"Who's to say we didn't? Maybe
we did and we're just trying to confuse you?" Owen gave me a wink of his
own as he sauntered across the deck. I couldn't help but blush, turning out
toward the ocean so my sister wouldn't see.

"Sure. The girl who falls in
love at the drop of a hat and the man who can't help but charm every female he
runs across, both of whom disappeared
for an entire afternoon
arrived separately in order to confuse us. Sounds perfectly legit," Emma
said. I wondered just how many glasses of champagne she'd had in order to spout
these blunt truths so freely.

A silence fell across the deck as
everyone avoided eye contact. Jack frowned at her and snatched her glass.
"I think that's good for now, Emma. Why don't you go sit down and look for

She pouted for a moment, looking at
her glass, but then trotted off to a deck chair. She swayed as she walked and
it wasn't because the boat was moving. Jack just shook his head at her and hid
her champagne.

Robbie broke the awkward silence,
announcing that everyone was aboard and we were shoving off. I glanced up at
the sails, expecting them to unfurl and propel us across the blue water, but
instead a motor revved and we started moving.

"Don't worry, we'll use the
sails. We just need to get out in open water," Robbie assured me when he
saw my disappointed look. It was only a few minutes before Robbie deemed the
wind right and turned off the motor. Robbie, Jack, and an experienced looking
crewman worked the sails, the boat suddenly flying across the water.

I stood at the bow, the warm wind
skimming the ocean's surface. The water was turning from tropical aqua to a
sapphire blue as we headed away from land. It wasn't long before all I could
see was the gently rippling horizon in every direction.

Owen leaned against the railing
beside me, close enough to touch if we wanted, but far enough away that the
others wouldn't tease. "You look like you've seen a miracle," he

"I've never been out on the
ocean before. Heck, I'd never even seen the ocean before I got here. It's
spectacular." I gazed out at the water as it started to catch the light
from the setting sun. The waves shone with tiny mirrors as the water began to
turn golden with the sunset.

"You're doing well for a
first-timer. Have you been on a boat before?"

I shook my head. "The only
'boat' I've been on is a paddle-boat at Gray's Lake. But even though I loved
that, this is so much better."

Owen stared out at the horizon,
nodding gently. He was about to speak when we hit a wave and theĀ  boat lurched.
I wasn't expecting it, but Owen caught my hand and steadied me.

"No falling overboard. I don't
really like swimming in my nice clothes," he said with an easy grin. He
held onto my hand, not letting it go despite the fact that I no longer needed
it. I was glad; I didn't want him to.

We stood there, looking out at the
water as the sun kissed the horizon and turned the world to gold and crimson.
It was spectacular, but over in an instant, as the dark night surrounded our
tiny boat. It was so beautiful I was sure it had to be a dream. The sky began
to twinkle, the sky full of more stars than I had ever seen. With Owen's hand
in mine, I was sure I would wake up at any moment. It was all just too good to
be true.

Owen slipped his arm around my
shoulders, his warmth seeping into me as the heat from the sun dissipated. I
knew that Emma, Jack and Robbie could clearly see us, but I didn't care.
Despite my best intentions, I was falling hard for this charming man. I glanced
over at him, taking in his golden hair, perfect cheekbones and broad shoulders,
wondering what I had done to deserve this moment.

The boat dipped again, and Owen
pulled me more tightly to him. I could smell his cologne mixing with the salt
in the air. He turned, his eyes as deep as the water, and kissed me .

For a moment, I let myself forget
everything but that kiss. There was no island, no flight tomorrow, no having to
return home alone, just this moment wrapped up in his embrace. I knew this
would never happen again, that I would never get another moment like this.
Tomorrow I would go back to my life in Iowa, he would go back to his life in
Dubai, and that would be the end. Our worlds were just too different for it to
happen any other way.

"Hey! No making out on my
boat!" Robbie yelled at us. I felt the blush flare across my cheeks as
Owen let me go. I looked back to see Jack giving a small golf clap, but at
least Emma was passed out on the deck chair.

I looked over at Owen and he gave
me a grin. They were going to tease us both until the end of time, but, at that
moment, I didn't care. It was worth it.

"You two lovebirds ready to
head back?" Jack asked. I looked down at my watch surprised that we had
been out on the water for over two hours at that point. Emma was snoring softly
on the deck chair. I looked out at the water and could see the lights of the
resort coming back into view.

Owen turned to me. "You want
to finish that tour of my place?" He somehow managed to keep all the
innuendo out of his voice. I glanced at Jack and Robbie as they trimmed the
sails. Emma would be waking up soon.

"It would mean they would see
us leaving together," I said softly. Owen kissed my cheek.

"I don't care if you
don't," he whispered back. I grinned and grabbed his hand, ready to go
explore his mansion. I was on vacation, and I was going to have a good time.


ou sure you don't want me to
come to the airport with you?" Owen asked as he lounged on my bed. He had
his head in his hand, elbow bent as he watched me finish packing my bags. I
thought about jumping him again right there. We had just come from his beach
house so I could pack after a fantastic night together. I was going to be sore
for days as it was, so I decided against it.

"No, I'd rather go by
myself." No need for him to see me freak out getting on the plane. I would
rather he not remember me as a terrified mess. "Thank you though."

He gave me a radiant smile.
"You sure you have to leave? I can have my private jet fly you home."

I thought about it for a long
moment. It was such a tempting offer. "I can't. I have to work

He made a face that told me he
clearly wasn't impressed by my excuse. I laughed and crawled up on the bed next
to him. "I had to fight to get this much time off. Besides, I like my

"I thought you said you wanted
to open a B&B?"

I gave him an impressed look. He
had been paying attention.

"I do, but there's no way I
can afford to right now. I've got student loans out the wazoo, and I don't feel
right having Emma pay them off."

Owen nodded. I knew we were both
avoiding the subject we really wanted to talk about. What would happen after
this vacation? There was no fake marriage ceremony tying us together, no
paparazzi that would be hounding me everywhere I went. He had no reason to
visit me, and despite his heartfelt words, I just couldn't see us continuing a
real relationship.

A knock on the door announced my
driver to the airport. I looked at Owen and slowly stood up from the bed to
answer the door. The driver took my bags, wheeling them to the waiting car
while giving me some privacy to say goodbye.

"Owen," I started, but I
couldn't find the words to make this hurt less. Goodbyes were always hard for

Owen didn't say a word, he just
wrapped me up in his arms and kissed me.

I've never wanted a kiss to last
forever as much as I did then.

When we finally broke apart, I
turned and ran, unable to look him in the eye. I wanted that moment to be
perfect in my mind forever. If I didn't actually say goodbye, then maybe it
wouldn't actually happen.

Owen stood out on the porch of my
room, his blonde hair blowing softly in the wind as the car rolled away. He
held up one hand in a wave, growing smaller until I could no longer see him. I
cried all the way to the airport.

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