Professor Cline Revealed (13 page)

Read Professor Cline Revealed Online

Authors: J. M. La Rocca

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Professor Cline Revealed
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Flicking my tongue a few more times, I pulled back and stopped pumping my fingers as soon as I felt the walls of her pussy start to clench. She groaned in frustration as the need took over her senses.

Her breathing slowed and I resumed my position, sucking on her clit and causing her to buck into me. Although I’d usually pull away, my own arousal was starting to take over. My hips were moving on their own accord, looking for friction against the bed. I groaned into her pussy as her heavy breathing turned into deep moans.

Keeping at my assault on the bed, I removed my fingers and lowered my mouth to lick up her juices, running my tongue from her entrance to her clit. She groaned every time I flicked at her clit lightly, causing me to pump into the bed faster. I knew if I kept it up, I’d end up releasing in my pants.

I needed to be inside her.

I let go of her legs, moving them off my shoulders, and climbed off the bed. I watched as she clamped her legs closed trying to get some friction for her aching pussy, an ache only I could soothe.

“I’m going to fuck you now, princess,” I told her as I undid my belt and dropped my pants to the floor.

Her hands gripped the sheets above her head, causing her knuckles to turn white as I slowly made my way onto the bed and up her body.

“Don’t be nervous, Emma,” I whispered into her ear. She inhaled deeply and shook her head slightly as if to tell me she wasn’t nervous, but I could tell she was.

Running my nose along her jaw, I lifted my head and looked over her beautiful face before I connected my lips to hers. She opened up for me and our tongues met with a moan, the taste of her pussy still on my lips. Her moans consumed me, causing me to kiss her harder as I laced my fingers into her hair and squeezed.

I was so fucking turned on. I couldn’t hold off any longer.

Pulling away from her lips, I thrust my cock to the hilt, deep into her cunt. She screamed out and I could feel the pulsing of her pussy walls as I waited a moment for her to adjust to my size.

She was so fucking tight. I needed to wait before I moved again or else it would be over way too soon. The pain running up to the tip of my cock was almost unbearable. It had been so long since I’d felt that sensation. That overpowering need to come, when you’re so fucking turned on your mind goes completely blank and the only thing that matters is your cock and getting off.

Slowly, I pulled out and thrust back in, watching her face as I plunged deep inside her. Her mouth hung open as moans escaped. The sight and sound was so erotic I almost felt saddened that half of her face was covered.

Without thought, I reached down and pulled the blindfold off her face. I wanted to look into her eyes, a need I’d never felt before. I wanted to see all of her emotions as I thrust deep inside her. I wanted her to see what she did to me, how she made me feel. I picked up my pace as I stared into her eyes. Out of everything I had ever done with a woman, this was by far the most erotic. I never looked at their faces. But Emma was different. She made me feel like there was a sliver of hope, and I wanted to absorb every last drop I could take.

Lifting her bent legs, I pushed them against her chest with my hands and pounded my dick into her fast and hard, no longer registering her moans. She was causing every emotion I’d had buried deep down to resurface. I didn’t know how to handle it. It was fucking with my head, so I was going to fuck the feelings out of me with her watching all of it.

I lifted a hand up to her bra and pushed it over her tits, then leaned down and took a nipple in my mouth. I sucked and twirled my tongue around her pert nipple, and then moved to the other to do the same, never losing my rhythm.

Her pussy tightened, gripping me, begging for release. Thrusting hard into her, I ground my pelvis against her clit. She convulsed and pulsated around my cock as she came.

Her scream of release sounded far away, as my mind stayed focused on my cock, pounding into her relentlessly, holding back on my own release until I couldn’t any longer. Then I felt her fingers in my hair and I lost all sense of control. She gripped my hair and pushed my head down, urging me to take her nipple back into my mouth, and I did. I had no control over my actions. I sucked then bit down, as I was no longer able to hold back.

I released her nipple and groaned out as the pleasure and pain blended, causing a state of euphoria.

Resting my forehead on her chest, I took deep breaths to calm my beating heart. I felt light-headed and overcome with exhaustion. Sweat dripped down my body as if I’d just run a marathon and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Then I registered her fingers resting in my hair. I pulled back and looked into her sated eyes before glancing away.
She’s not supposed to see me like this. Fuck me! I don’t want her to see all of me.
I pulled out of her before I climbed off the bed to head to the bathroom in my room.

When I reached the door, I turned to look at her. Her arms were resting on the side of her body and her head was tilted to the side, in my direction. It terrified me that she could possibly see my scars. It was a feeling I’d never had. It almost made me feel ashamed. Weak. It pissed me off, but it was my own fault. I’d gotten carried away. She did something to me, made me lose my sense of caution.

“I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll be right back,” I told her as I quickly walked out of the room.

I needed to be away from her and collect my thoughts. I’d never lost control like that and it was definitely fucking with me.

I made my way into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower before stepping inside.

I couldn’t let that happen again. It needed to be a one-time thing, but I knew it would take everything I had to stay away. She was going to be my kryptonite, and I wasn’t sure there was anything that could stop it.

Chapter 17



I sat up as he was walking out of the room, watching his ass as he left. Oh, what a sight that was.

I couldn’t contain the smile that formed on my lips as I fell back on the bed and fixed the bra over my breasts. I winced as the material rubbed over the tender skin and looked down. My left nipple was red where he’d bitten me, leaving teeth marks in his wake. I lifted my hand and ran a fingertip over the raised flesh, remembering that last moment right before he came.

I bit my lip and held back my groan. That was the best sexual experience of my life and all I could think about was doing it again, but I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. All my experiences with men had never been like this. I’d never expected him to remove the blindfold, either. When I finally blinked away the blurriness all I saw was perfection, and I couldn’t help but grab onto him. I wasn’t expecting to feel such a connection to him. It was almost like he was a part of me. It was beautiful and terrifying. I didn’t know what to think of it.

Sitting up, I swung my legs to hang off the bed as I looked over to the far wall. I could tell it led to a bathroom and decided I’d rinse off, if only to wash away the sex. I didn’t want to, but I knew I needed it. I could smell him on my skin, and I liked it too much. I never thought I was one of those girls who got attached after sex, but that whole experience had my mind in overdrive. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel. My emotions were all over the place, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

Getting off the bed, I reached for the bag with my spare clothes that I’d haphazardly dropped to the floor when we entered the room and headed toward the bathroom. I found a towel, but there was no soap in the shower so I just rinsed off under the hot water and tried to figure out how all of this was going to affect me. Something I should have really thought about before I did it.

I wouldn’t say I was embarrassed to face Mason; more like it was going to feel awkward. How was I supposed to act? He’d just fucked all sense out of me and all I could think about was him doing it all over again.

After rinsing off, I left the shower to dry off then dressed. I stepped up to the mirror and whipped the towel over my face to clean up the smeared mascara under my eyes. I looked like a hot mess, but that was to be expected after being fucked thoroughly.

I smiled to myself in the mirror at the thought and jumped in surprise as a knock sounded at the door.


“Yeah, I’ll be out in just a minute.”

I folded the towel I’d used and placed it on the counter. Then I picked up my discarded bra to shove into my bag before realizing I still had clothes on the floor in the bedroom I’d forgotten to pick up.

Sighing, I walked to the door and took a deep breath before I finally turned the knob and opened it. Mason stood by the bed wearing jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. He looked mouth-watering. He met my gaze and all I could do was stare as need began to build again. I wasn’t sure I’d ever stop thinking about what had transpired with him if he was going to look at me the way he was right then, like he wanted to devour me again.

He averted his eyes, ran a hand through his wet hair and walked toward me. It took a moment for me to break eye contact and notice he was holding my clothes in his hand.

I could feel my cheeks heat as I grabbed for my clothes to stuff them into my bag.
I knew this was going to feel awkward.

“I have Carlos downstairs waiting with the car to take you home.”

I looked up from my bag, confused. “Who?”

“My driver. He’ll be taking you home,” he said casually as he turned and walked toward the door.

He didn’t look back, as if he expected me to follow, so I did. The way he was acting was sending all kinds of bad vibes through my body. It seemed like he was trying to get rid of me as fast as possible. Which, maybe he was. I couldn’t think this was more than it actually was. This was a night of sex, plain and simple, but I’d thought it was so much more than that.

Leaving the room, I walked with my head lowered and made my way down the stairs. He waited for me by the front door with his hand on the knob, ready to send me on my way.

I stopped in front of him and waited for him to open the door, but when he didn’t move, I glanced up to meet his gaze. He looked me over, examining me as his jaw twitched and his brow furrowed. Then he opened his mouth as if to speak, but then clamped it shut before opening the door.

I looked out to see the car waiting then looked back at Mason. “You aren’t coming with?”

His eyebrows pinched together for only a moment before he gave me a stern, “No.”

I frowned at his response. I knew not to expect anything, but he was treating me like I was a whore he’d picked up off the street and it pissed me off.

“I’ll see you soon, Ms. Blake,” he said to me as he looked out to his driver, waiting for me by the back door of some black car.

Ms. Blake? I’m Ms. Blake now?

“Whatever,” I said under my breath as I walked out of the house. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way to the car, but I wouldn’t look back at him. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t let him see the pained expression on my face. I was so mad, more at myself than anything. I felt stupid for giving in. Why did I do this to myself? I wasn’t a one-night stand kind of girl. I wanted to be wooed, romanced, and treasured. Not used and tossed out on the street.

As I approached the car, Carlos opened the back door for me and I slid into the seat. I wasn’t very comfortable with some man driving me home, but I trusted Mason wouldn’t send me off with someone untrustworthy, especially someone who worked for him. I couldn’t see Mason dealing with anything less than professionalism.

After Carlos got into the car, he put it in gear and drove off. I didn’t look toward Mason who I knew was still standing at the door. How could something so amazing feel so dirty? We had a connection. I felt it every time we were near each other, and I knew I wasn’t imagining things. I knew he’d felt it, too, but I could have been wrong. Either way, it didn’t mean anything. He’d told me he was only a one-night-stand kind of guy and after the way he’d just escorted me out of his house, I believed it.




I woke up the next morning to voices drifting from the kitchen and groaned as I lifted the blanket over my head to block out the sunlight. When I’d gotten home the night before I’d dropped myself on the couch, pulling the blanket from the top and laying it over my body before I fell fast asleep.

There was no way I’d slept more than three hours or else the headache which had taken up residence wouldn’t be banging in there to say hello.

Letting out a sigh, I begrudgingly rolled off the couch and made my way to the kitchen, praying there was some coffee.

Quinn and Melanie were sitting at their small barista table drinking coffee and turned to look at me as I walked in.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Melanie said to me in a cheery voice. I looked at her with a huff and made my way to the coffee pot. “What time did you get home last night? I was up until around two reviewing a case and I thought you’d be home before I made it to bed.”

I busied myself with making my cup of coffee as I thought about what I’d tell her. I didn’t want to lie, but I didn’t want to tell her the truth, either.

Turning around, I leaned against the counter as I lifted my cup to my lips and took a sip of the fresh, hot liquid. “I met a guy at the club,” I told her with a shrug. I didn’t want to make it into a big thing. “We got to talking and hung out for a little bit after closing time.”

A big smile crossed her lips and I knew then that I probably should have come up with a different lie.

“That’s great, Em. What’s his name? What does he look like?”

I put my hand up in a gesture to get her to stop talking. “Woah, down girl. First off, it’s way too early for all of these questions. Secondly, we didn’t even exchange numbers so I’ll probably never see him again.”

“You know, if you ever wanted me to hook you up, Dan has a really cute single friend,” Quinn said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for the offer, Quinn, but I think I’m good. I honestly don’t want to get involved with anyone right now. After everything that’s happened, I just want to focus on school.”

“You’re going to need to jump on that horse eventually, babe,” Quinn stated. “At least get a rebound fuck in. Those are always fun.”

Melanie laughed and slapped Quinn on the shoulder as she got out of her chair and headed toward the coffee pot. “Seriously, Quinn,” she said, shaking her head before she turned to me as she poured her coffee. “So, I’ve been meaning to talk to you this past week, but I’ve been so busy at work it’s slipped my mind. I have this charity ball thing I have to go to on Friday night, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.”

“I’m going to shower,” Quinn announced as she got up from her table and left the room.

I watched Quinn walk down the hall and enter the bathroom before turning back to Melanie. “Are you sure? Really?” I asked, excitedly. I’d heard her talk about those charity balls, but I’d never gotten to go to one. She always bragged about meeting famous people and I’d get so jealous.

She laughed and walked back to her chair. “Yes, ya dork. I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t want you to go. Plus, this gives us a reason to go shopping together and I’ve never been to this specific charity, so I’m excited,” she said as she placed her mug on the table. “If you have to work, ask for the night off. I’m sure they’ll give it to you.”

I shook my head after taking a sip of coffee. “No, I’m actually off and the girls were planning a girls’ night, but I’ll just cancel or we can go out Saturday night instead.” I hated to do that to them, but they’d understand.

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, my God, are you serious?” I laughed. “Yes, they’ll understand. I’m not missing this. It’ll be good for me. You can introduce me to all the hotshot attorneys who’ll be attending,” I said with a smile.

“That’s what I planned on doing.” She winked before getting up from the table, heading toward her room. “We’ll go shopping today, so go get ready. We’ll leave in about an hour and a half.”

I stayed in the kitchen to finish my coffee as I waited for Quinn to get out of the bathroom. I was excited about my plans to hang out with my sister for the day, but my mind started drifting to the night before. It seemed like it was all a dream. A dream I wanted to have over and over again.

Lifting my hand up to my left breast, I pulled the shirt I was wearing down a few inches. The bite mark Mason left had spread into a purple bruise. He’d marked me and I wondered if maybe he did it on purpose or if it was a ‘heat of the moment’ thing. I traced a finger around it and closed my eyes as I remembered the groans he’d let out after he’d bitten me. It was so sexy… almost too sexy.

Opening my eyes, I dropped my hand away from my breast and fixed my shirt. I just needed to forget about the night completely. I was sure he wouldn’t be thinking about it, especially since he’d gotten rid of me so quickly.
I’m ‘Ms. Blake’ now

I heard the door to the bathroom open and sighed as I set my cup on the counter. I guessed I’d be trying on dresses which covered my chest because there was no way I wanted to even try explaining where I’d gotten the bruise from.

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