PrimevalPassion (13 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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“Perfect. Let me help. This is a special dildo.”

Julia stared at him.

He reached down and she realized there was a bulb attached.
Alex pumped it once.

“Oh…more…” she sighed.

He laughed and squeezed the bulb a few more times.

Julia could feel the dildo expanding, causing pressure
against the anal plug. She squirmed.

Alex placed a hand on her belly and pumped some more.

Julia adjusted to the pressure and her arousal climbed. Her
eyes half closed. Alex released the bulb and the dildo shrunk.

“No! Don’t stop!”

He laughed and went back to his book.

Julia bit her lip. She knew there was no point in begging
him to satisfy her. He moved at his own pace and much as it might frustrate
her, she had to admit it was erotic. She’d never met a man who could hold off
on his own orgasm to tease her. She sank into the sensation of being helplessly

He surprised her when he took the suction cups off her
nipples. She’d forgotten he was in the room. Then he pumped the dildo and kept
pumping while he placed his mouth on a nipple. He sucked hard before replacing
his mouth with his fingers. He pinched and said, “Come now!”

Her climax was instantaneous and hard.

Alex held her after. He kissed her forehead and said, “It’s
better this way, isn’t it?”

“Better?” Julia gasped, trying to figure out what he meant.

“Better not knowing what is coming next. Better holding on
longer and longer before climaxing. Better being my sub than fighting me every
step of the way.”

Julia knew he was right. She’d never flown like this before.
Her orgasms were harder, sharper and more intense. The not knowing was erotic.
And now that she’d signed the contract, Alex was in charge. She’d put him
there. Did she trust him? She wasn’t so sure about that but she knew she didn’t
want the experiment to stop.

Alex sat her up and started unwinding the linen cloth. She
almost asked him not to free her. Being bound and unable to move had deepened
the experience by moving it to a higher level of perception. She’d lost track
of time and place. She’d gone within herself and profoundly sensed every brush
and touch. A cocoon of euphoria held her in its grip.

Alex placed her on the sofa and freed her legs. She laid her
head back while he removed the dildo and anal plug. She regretted their loss.
He rolled her on her side and slapped her butt.

“Ouch. What was that for?”

Alex pulled her across his knees and delivered another hard
slap. Julia’s butt heated up. She squirmed but Alex’s grip was unbreakable. “Remember,
I said I was going to punish you for your disobedience this morning?”

“But I thought the binding—”

“No. That was symbolic. A cocoon you’ve emerged from into
full-blown sex play. Now you’re my sub in every way, don’t you feel the
difference? Besides, that wasn’t a punishment, was it? You enjoyed it too much.
This is your punishment. The next time you want to go somewhere, you ask me
first. Do you understand?”


“Do you understand?” He delivered another open-handed slap
on her buttock.

“Yes! Yes, I understand.”

Despite her agreement, Alex didn’t stop. By the tenth slap,
Julia’s butt flamed and it stung when Alex caressed it. “Remember this. You
belong to me while the contract is in effect. You ask my permission. You don’t
think for yourself, not for a few days at least.” He spanked her one more time.
“Now that your punishment is done it is time to continue with your other

Chapter Thirteen


Mark knew he was too angry. He shouldn’t be acting a scene
right now but Debbie liked things rough, rougher than Mark had ever done
before. He had to do something to shed his anger. Maybe Suzanne was right.
Maybe Debbie was the perfect sub for his current mood.

Mark entered Debbie’s bedroom. “On your knees, slut!”

Debbie scrambled off the bed into position.

“Suck me!” Mark felt powerful. He hadn’t realized how good a
trained sub could be. There was no hesitation, no protest. Debbie immediately
bent to Mark’s cock. Her first lick had him erect and her second had a drop of
liquid at his tip. He pulled back. It wouldn’t do to come too fast. “Stay on
your knees,” he said.

He opened a cabinet and realized Debbie’s bedroom was
different from Charlene’s room. In her room all the implements were for
beginners. Debbie wasn’t a beginner. He cast a quick glance at her. She knelt
with her head bowed, the perfect submissive posture. He forgot Charlene and
thought about what he’d like to do to Debbie. There were some things he wanted
to try that he’d known Charlene wasn’t ready to handle. Debbie didn’t have
those limits.

He fingered a cane. He’d never used a cane on a woman
before. He knew it could cause a lot of damage but he didn’t care right now. He
grabbed the implement and circled Debbie. He swung the cane a couple of times
before he landed a blow on her buttocks. The resulting welt startled him out of
his anger. He hadn’t meant to break her skin. She’d closed her eyes and a sweat
had broken out on her brow but she never said a word. She stayed in perfect form.

Mark threw the cane away in disgust. This wasn’t what he
wanted. He didn’t want a sub so totally dominated that she wouldn’t even
protest in self-protection when a Dom went too far. He stood in front of
Debbie. “Look at me,” he commanded.

She tilted her chin and opened her eyes. Tears glistened in
her eyes but didn’t fall.

“What’s your deepest desire?”

“To please you, Master.”

“It would please me to know your deepest desire.”

“I-I have no desire but to please you.”

Mark turned back to the cupboards and rummaged around until
he found an antibiotic cream. He walked back to Debbie and spread the cream
across the slash left by the cane. When he finished, he stared down at her for
a long moment. This was not the type of sub he craved. He wanted a woman who
was a partner. Subservient during a scene but not so much that she’d let him do
anything to her. He shook his head and then said, “You’ve pleased me. Go to bed

Debbie scrambled to her feet and climbed up onto the bed.

Mark turned and left the room. He sagged against a wall and
took a few minutes before he walked back to the den.

Suzanne looked up and waved him in.

“Did you see?”

“Yes, Mark, I saw. What happened? Debbie can handle a lot
more than one swish of a cane.”

“Maybe she can but apparently I can’t.” Mark collapsed into
a chair in front of the desk. “It just didn’t feel good to break open a woman’s
skin. Maybe I’m not such a good Dom.”

Suzanne laughed.

Mark frowned.

“Sorry, love, it’s just that there is a lot more about being
a Dom than causing pain. I was hoping you’d realize that and it looks like you’ve
put part of it together. You didn’t like actually hurting Debbie but hurt is
only one small, relatively unimportant part of domination.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Alex’s world is based on sexual freedom. Controlling
another’s actions is domination. There doesn’t have to be any pain at all.
Sometimes pain helps make the message stronger but it isn’t required. A good
Dom doesn’t have to cause physical pain. A good sub can respond without any
pain at all.”

“Debbie wants pain.”

“Yes, she’s an extreme example and she’s getting too
dangerous. Alex will do something about her soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“Debbie can’t help herself. It is up to her Dom to stop her
from being hurt. You stopped. That shows me that you have potential. Pain and
hurt is not the point of Primeval Lake.”

Mark shook his head. “I’m sorry, I still don’t understand.”

“Many BDSM clubs use pain and humiliation as a method of
domination. It is one way of dominating another human being but I’ve never
believed it was the only way or even the best way. Alex liked my philosophy and
that’s why he built this place and used my beliefs as its founding doctrine.
Primeval Lake is not just a typical BDSM club. It is meant to be a
sophisticated place to explore sensations and feelings in all their many varied
forms. I can dominate you without ever once causing you pain. You’d let me
control you because you want to please me. You want to please me, Mark, don’t


“You see what I mean?”

Mark swallowed hard and nodded.

Suzanne laughed. “It’s okay, Mark, we aren’t fated to be
together. We both know that but for just an instant, you froze. You hesitated
between not wanting to disappoint me and meeting your own needs. That’s what
this place is all about. We don’t know what we like or don’t like if we don’t
explore. Primeval Lake is a place to explore your deepest needs. This afternoon
you found out that physically harming a woman is not something you find arousing.
Where else could you have learned such a thing about yourself?”

Mark nodded. “I think I’m beginning to understand. I can
find a willing partner to try anything with. I can learn who I am and what
pleases me at the same time I help someone else do the same.”

“Exactly! That’s the reason for the extensive contract. Play
only with those who share your interests.”

“So I can control without causing any pain whatsoever?”

“Of course. Alex does it all the time.”

“Yes, but Alex is special.”

“He is, but you can learn some of his tricks. It takes a
little more practice but it is very possible.”

Mark smiled. “That’s where I was going wrong with Charlene,
wasn’t it?”

“Maybe. Only you two can really answer that.”

“Thanks, Suzanne. You’re the best,” Mark said as he left.

Suzanne sighed. She knew she was good but she wished she had
someone who could really appreciate her. Playtime was fun but a restless,
growing emptiness pushed her to find something more. She turned back to the
monitors. Everyone else was doing nicely. She flicked off the screens and
headed for her cabin.

* * * * *

Julia was tied to the bed. She’d lost track of the time she’d
spent with Alex. Had he been here two days or three? She wasn’t sure she cared.
She knew it was morning. The sun coming through her windows told her that. She
didn’t know where Alex was. For just an instant, she wished she could move since
she had to go to the bathroom. She thought about calling out but she didn’t.
Instead she fell back into a half-sleep. She felt like a contented cat. She’d
lost track of the number of orgasms she’d had. They’d been plentiful and good
even though Alex had made her wait for them. It was the first time she hadn’t
just come whenever she wanted to. She’d never realized how good it would feel
to be forced to wait. The waiting had made the final explosion more powerful
and satisfying. He’d controlled her every movement and emotion and she’d
surrendered to his will. If anyone had told her she’d enjoy being submissive to
any man she’d have called them crazy but there was no denying his power. It was
erotic and it called to her on a primitive level.

Alex came into the bedroom. Julia heard him but she kept her
eyes lidded. She was tired and she didn’t need to anticipate him. He’d tell her
what he was going to do when he was ready and not before. There was no point in

Alex sat on the edge of the bed. “Julia, open your eyes. We
need to talk.”

Julia raised her eyebrows as her glance met his. His aura
was nearly orange. Suddenly she was fully awake. She’d never seen his aura this
color. What did it mean?

Alex reached over and untied her wrists.


“You’ve been deep into the scenes, Julia. Every so often you
need to come out of the scenes and back to reality. Get dressed and come
downstairs.” Alex turned and left the room.

Julia slowly looked around. She felt a little foggy as if
she wasn’t quite present. It was a scary feeling. He’d caused this by keeping
her in a nearly constant state of sexual arousal. No. She shouldn’t blame him.
She was always aroused. He’d just shown her how to fully express her arousal.
She shook her head and climbed out of bed. Her legs trembled as she tried to
put on a pair of jeans. She finally gave up and grabbed a dress. She didn’t
bother with a bra, panties or shoes. She carefully descended the stairs.

He met her at the bottom. “What are you wearing under that


“Why? Did you think it would arouse me?”

“I wasn’t thinking of you. I just didn’t feel like wearing

“I told you to get dressed. You only got half dressed. I
take that to mean you aren’t ready to leave the scene yet. I’ll take you back
upstairs in a few moments, after I finish with you. Bend over the table.” Alex
pointed to the kitchen table.

Julia bit back a sharp retort. Was he right? Had she only
half dressed because she wanted more? She moved to the table and bent over.

Alex walked behind her. He kicked apart her legs and flipped
up her skirt. “Perfect.”

Julia heard him unzip his pants and open a condom. She was
wet and ready when his cock plunged into her. She didn’t think she could ever
get enough of him. She threw back her head and moaned as he pumped in and out.
She was more than ready when he said, “Come for me.”

* * * * *

Early that evening, Alex came into the bedroom. He untied
Julia and said, “Get dressed. We’re going for a walk.”

“I’m not sure I can move that much.”

“Get dressed or I’ll drag you out without any clothes. We’re
just beginning. You’re not done for the day but we’ve done all we can here. It
is time to go back to the mansion.”

Julia shook her head.

“Are you saying no?” Alex asked. His voice was quiet and
soft but Julia knew that was when he was at his most dangerous.

Julia willed her muscles to work. She felt weak and sleepy.
Her abdomen was tender from all the orgasms she’d had and for the first time in
years, she wasn’t horny. Maybe Alex was right, maybe he was too much for her.
She didn’t want to move but she did. She stumbled when she tried to stand. Alex
caught her even though he was wearing that hard look again. He helped her get
dressed, apparently realizing she wasn’t defying him, she was truly weak and

He helped her downstairs and led her to the kitchen table. “You’d
better eat something first.”

She sat and helped herself to a roll and some cold meat.
Alex stayed silent. He leaned against the counter and watched her. She wanted
to say something but the past days had been so intense she was at a loss. She
didn’t know what to say to him.

She didn’t understand why they were going out but she knew
better than to argue at this point. She finished her meal.

They left the cabin and took the path through the forest.
Sunlight played in the leaves. The forest was peaceful. She didn’t want to
leave it. Alex didn’t hesitate though and they soon reached the end of the
path. She shuddered when she saw the mansion. What was Alex going to do to her?

They entered by the main door. Julia was unprepared for Alex
to lead her downstairs.

She tried to pull away. “No. I’m not going down there. I don’t
want to be public.”

Alex stopped and his grip on Julia’s arm tightened. “This is
where I want you for now. Are you really going to try to defy me again? You
agreed to this.”

Julia hesitated but she knew she didn’t want to defy him.
She swallowed her fear. Maybe it was time to surrender and see what happened.
The contract she’d signed was nearly over and Alex had already worked wonders.
She had to trust him, didn’t she?

“Julia? Are you defying me, Julia?”

She raised her head and met his eyes. “No,” she whispered. “I’m
just scared.”

Alex’s grip loosened. He used a finger to stroke her cheek
and he smiled just a little. “Good. You should be a little scared even though
you’re safe with me. You do know that, don’t you? You are safe with me.”

She nodded.

They continued downstairs. They didn’t meet anyone in the
hallway. He stopped at room five. He stood in front of the label so Julia
couldn’t read the information card. He ushered her into the room. She stumbled
as she walked by him. She hadn’t expected a plain, normal-looking bedroom. She
couldn’t see any special gadgets or tools. Even the bed looked ordinary.

As if he could read her thoughts, Alex said, “It’s not as
ordinary as it looks but you need to recover a little. Besides, I thought you
might enjoy a bubble bath.” He led her to a door on the far side of the room.
He opened it to reveal a luxurious bathroom. The tub was huge. Was he going to
join her? Before she could ask, he continued, “Eventually I’ll move you
upstairs to my special room but you’re not quite ready. So relax. Look around.
Have a hot bath. Sleep. I’ll be back in a little while.”

Julia watched him leave then she sighed and entered the bathroom.
Julia had never seen one as large as a bedroom. Maybe four people could fit
into the sunken bathtub. Steps at two ends allowed for easy access. A double
sink, vanity and chair completed the decor. This wasn’t so bad. After a few
days at the cabin, the thought of a bath was enticing. She had just bent to
start the water when she heard her bedroom door open. She stood and peeked out.
It wasn’t Alex. The person who now stood in her room was a total stranger.

There was no lock on the bathroom door. Julia stepped back.
The stranger entered the bathroom and said, “I’m here to help you.”

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