PrimevalPassion (11 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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“I know, but we’re going to work on that and slow you down
if possible.”

“There is no slow with me.”

Alex laughed. “We’ll see.” He climbed back on top of her.
She raised her hips in invitation. He ignored her motion. Instead he bent his
head and took a nipple into his mouth. He sucked it and rolled it like a hard

Julia’s cunt ached to be filled.

Alex replaced his mouth with his fingers. He continued to
tease her nipple between two fingers while he took her other nipple in his

Julia’s head lolled. Her arousal beat at her, sharp and
insistent. “I’m going to come again.”

“No, you’re not,” Alex said, his voice soft. “Give me just
one more minute.” He kissed his way down her belly. Julia felt his breath hot
against her clit an instant before he sucked it into his mouth. He licked it
then he spread her legs, rose up and placed his cock at her entrance.

The hot tip just barely touched her and she moaned. “I need

“Like this?” he asked as he moved forward just a little,
just enough to start to stretch her.

“More!” Julia tried to move her hips but Alex held her down.

He controlled the situation. “Here’s a little more.”

“Little is right. Alex, please.”

“Please what?”

“Fuck me!”

“I told you I’m not going to fuck you.”

“Damn you! Then screw me. I need you now.” Julia hung on the
edge of a precipice, one that she usually fell off in a blinding rush. Somehow
Alex was holding her on the peak. How was he doing that?

Alex moved forward a little more. Julia felt the stretch
deep in her vagina.

“Oh yes,” she moaned.

Alex gave her a little more.

“I’m going to come!”

Alex pulled back and she screamed in frustration.

“Not yet, love. Hold on for another minute.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Yes, you can.” Alex leaned down and captured her lips in a
hard, quick kiss. He moved the tip of his cock a little deeper at the same time
he placed his hands on either side of her head.

Alex’s intense blue eyes captured her while he murmured, “Hold
on, hold, hold. That’s my woman.” He pushed forward again, stretching Julia.

Just as she thought she’d tip over the edge, he pulled back.

“No! Alex, please.”

He started an easy rhythm, in and out, never deep enough but
gradually widening her and preparing her.

“Hold on. You can do it. I promise you it will be worth it.”

“Alex…” Sweat beaded on her forehead.

“Soon. Not just yet.” He continued rocking back and forth
even as he held her gaze.

Julia broke into a thousand pieces. How long could she hold
out? Just as she thought she’d reached the end and couldn’t wait any longer,
Alex drove himself deep inside her.

“Now!” he commanded.

Julia exploded as he forced her open to accommodate his
size. He held on for a long moment and then came with a roar.

His head sank onto the pillow as he fought not to collapse
on top of her. “You waited, Julia,” he murmured. “It’s a start, a promising
start.” He rolled to the side, freed her hands and pulled her close. “Take a nap.
You’re going to need your strength,” he murmured.

They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

It was still dark when Julia woke. Oh, what was that
delicious sensation coursing through her? It took her a moment to realize that
Alex had his head buried between her legs. His tongue gave her clit a long,
slow, hard lick. Julia’s hips rose off the bed, trying to get closer, as if
begging him to repeat the motion. He put his hands on either side of her pelvis
and pushed her back down.

“My rules. My pace, Julia.”

Anger flared for just an instant. She wanted to protest but
she couldn’t deny Alex’s technique was effective. She had held on. It had been
hard but she had held on. Not for long, but any delay was better than she
usually did.

Alex kissed his way up her torso. “I need to know that you

Julia frowned. Had she missed something? “Agree to what?”

“I need to know that you agree that I’m in charge. Agree
that I own your body. That I control you.”

Julia went cold. “I don’t know what that mean. Does that
mean you’re going to be like Tom? Are you going to hurt me? How can I agree
without knowing?”

“That’s the trust factor, love.”

“But I’m not sure I do trust you.”

“Even after what just happened? Now I know I can train you
to delay your orgasms, to control them. I’m not sure how long we can stretch
them out but I’m convinced we can. It won’t be easy and you’ll hate me but I
can help you. I won’t do it though unless you agree. Earlier this evening I
bullied you. That’s not my usual style and I don’t want that to happen again.
You have to agree.”

Julia stared at Alex, suddenly aware of exactly what he was
asking. He wanted her total surrender. Could she do that? Could she become one
of his toys? And if she did agree, what would happen? Would he be able to tame
her incessant need?

Chapter Eleven


The next morning, Suzanne entered Alex’s office. She flicked
on the monitoring system. Only a few people were involved in scenes. Most were
still sleeping. With Alex gone, Suzanne had two choices. She could just
supervise and maintain or she could exercise her dominance. She smiled. She’d
never enjoyed running in place.

She reviewed the subs and Doms currently in residence and
sighed. Alex hadn’t been the same since he met Julia four days ago. He’d let
things slide here at the mansion. Suzanne decided to shake things up. If Alex
didn’t like her actions, he could leave someone else in charge next time.

She went to the video bank and reviewed the last scenes of
every guest. Most were fine but she noticed a tendency of Doms always to pick
the same subs. She reviewed their contracts. Some subs had opted for only one
Dom. She set those contracts aside. The others, who had checked the box for
multiple Doms, needed to be accommodated. Charlene in particular was new. She’d
indicated she wanted a broad experience yet she’d been with Mark exclusively.
Technically Suzanne’s help a few days ago could be considered a multiple
experience. Suzanne knew they could do better. She and Alex had discussed creating
a stable of happy subs. She then matched Charlene’s video record and the
contract. There were some noticeable gaps she didn’t think Mark was experienced
enough to provide but she knew which Dom would be perfect. She called Tom into
the office.

* * * * *

Julia climbed out of bed. She looked down at Alex. In sleep,
he looked like a little boy—harmless and fun-loving. He didn’t look anything
like the demon lover she’d encountered last night. He’d made love to her many
times. Each time he’d made her wait longer and longer. For the first time in
years, she woke and wasn’t horny. She believed she was almost normal, almost
satiated. Hope flared. Maybe Alex would be able to tame her beast. At least he
wasn’t intimidated by her sex drive. But she was still uncomfortable about her
promise to surrender.

She’d fought him and her own need. She hadn’t been able to
hold out though. Early this morning she’d agreed that he was in charge, that
she trusted him and he would lead their relationship. What had she been thinking?
Regret pierced her like a physical blow. She needed to get away from him. She
couldn’t think when he was close.

Julia pulled on a swimsuit, went down the stairs and made
her way to the lake. The water was cool against her heated skin. She dived in
and swam until she ran out of breath. She came to the surface and looked toward
the shore. She was out of practice. She used to be able to hold her breath a
lot longer and get a lot farther.

The physical activity helped to clear her head. She’d been
unduly influenced last night. She’d tell Alex she rescinded her permission. She
hadn’t signed anything yet and the thought of him controlling her was simply
too scary to contemplate. She’d made a mistake. He’d understand, wouldn’t he?
She flipped on her back and watched the clouds while she floated.

The big, fluffy clouds reminded her of her childhood at the
lake. Her grandfather’s cabin had always been her sanctuary from the rigidly
confined life her parents wanted for her. Her grandfather had granted her the
freedom of being a child. At least Alex had promised she’d be able to keep the
cabin if she survived a year here. Of course, he could always withdraw that
promise if their relationship soured. Maybe she should try to get it in
writing. She giggled. She could just see a lawyer trying to make sense of an
agreement not to do something when she didn’t even own the cabin yet.

Lost in her thoughts, Alex startled her when he came up
under her and circled an arm around her waist. He pulled her back against his
broad chest and inserted a leg between hers. He pressed his thigh up against
her cunt. Heat flooded Julia. The intimate contact reminded her of why she’d
agreed to Alex’s control. He felt right as he held her tightly. All of her
earlier doubts fled from the sensations Alex created. All of Suzanne’s words of
encouragement flooded in. Julia wanted more. More contact. More heat. More
touching. More sex. She wasn’t strong enough to deny him. She was fooling
herself if she thought she could.

Alex kissed the side of her neck, working his way up to her
ear. “You need to be punished.”

Julia jerked. “What?”

He tightened his grip. “You didn’t ask my permission to go
swimming. From now on, you don’t do anything without asking me first.”


“You don’t speak without my permission.”

“You’ve got to be joking!”

“It’s no joke when we’re playing a scene. You need to obey
me and part of that obedience is showing me respect.”

“I don’t want to play a scene right now!”

“But I do and it is my wishes that count.”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea—”

“Are we going to have to go through this every time, Julia?
I thought I’d already demonstrated that I can and will control you.”

Julia stilled.

Alex stripped off her bathing suit and threw it on the

Julia shuddered as the cold water hit her nipples. The
sensation against her naked skin made her wonder why she’d never gone
skinnydipping before. Alex pulled her back to shallower waters. He used his
legs to spread hers. Her head dropped back against his chest as he inserted two
fingers into her cunt. Her breasts floated on top of the water. His other hand
came up to pinch a nipple. He squeezed hard, causing her cunt to clench around
his fingers. She tried to rock back and forth but he took his fingers out.

He pulled Julia to the dock, turned her and forced her hands
to hold on to it. Without warning, he positioned his cock at the entrance to
her cunt. He pushed a little to gain entrance. Then he pushed harder. “Don’t
come,” he commanded her, his voice ragged.

He pulled out and she moaned as cold water replaced Alex’s
heat. Before she could adjust to the sensation, he rammed home, forcing his way
deep. Julia clenched around him.

“Don’t come!” he ordered again.

Julia panted and managed to hold on.

This time he eased just the tip of his cock into her vagina.
She tightened her buttocks and tried to take more but again he pulled back.

“You come at my pleasure, don’t you, Julia?”

She moaned.

“Say it, Julia. Say that you come at my pleasure.” He teased
her opening with the tip of his cock. “Say it!”

“I…I come…” Julia focused on the feel of his cock playing
with her cunt and she couldn’t think.

“Don’t stop there or I’ll leave you needy. Say the entire
sentence, Julia. Say, ‘I come at your pleasure, Alex’.”

“I come at your pleasure, Alex.” She rushed the sentence.
She was so close. She didn’t want him to stop.

And he didn’t stop. He rammed his cock as deep as it would
go while at the same time rubbing her clit. “Come now!” he commanded and she

* * * * *

Charlene woke up when a strange man entered her bedroom and
said, “Get out of bed, slave!”

His voice was commanding, demanding that she obey. Her heart
raced and she scrambled out of bed before she even had a chance to think. Once
on her knees, questions raced through her head. Who was this man? Where was
Mark? She didn’t dare ask. Mark had been rough but this man was harsh.

He wrapped a hand in her hair and jerked her head up. “Greet

Charlene froze. What did he want?

“I see your training has been sadly lacking. The correct
response is ‘Good morning, Master’. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is
because you won’t know. In response to the phrase ‘Greet me’ you always say, ‘Good
morning, Master’. Now let’s try again.” He paused and then said, “Greet me!”

“Good morning, Master,” Charlene replied, her voice barely
above a whisper.

“Hello, slut. It’s time to play with a real Master. Mark has
been way too easy on you.” The man pulled her up by her hair.

Charlene wanted to protest, to yell that Mark hadn’t been
easy but her heart raced and she knew she wasn’t brave enough.

The man released her hair and grabbed her by the throat. He
snapped a collar around her slender neck then attached a long cord.

She felt faint as she realized it was a leash. The man had
just collared her as if she were a dog. This was too much. But before she could
protest, he said, “Time for a walk, slut.”

The man pulled on the leash and walked her to the door.

She was naked. He wasn’t going to take her out like this,
was he? She made a small sound.

“Quiet! Be happy I’m not making you crawl on all fours.”

He walked her through the door. Charlene’s face flamed as
she left her room. It was the first time she’d been outside since she’d
arrived. It was strange to pass through the door. And while the collar wasn’t
tight, Charlene was intensely aware of it and the light tug of the leash
attached to it.

The man walked her down the hallway. At least they didn’t
meet anyone before he opened a door to room eight and led her through. She
relaxed just a little before she took in the room.

She blanched. One entire wall was lined with whips and crops
of all kinds. Chains hung down in the middle of the room and it didn’t take
Charlene long to figure out that this man intended to hang her from them. She
pulled back, but as if he’d anticipated her reaction, he yanked the leash
toward him.

“No!” she screamed. “I don’t want this!”

“Then you shouldn’t have checked it off on the contract,” he
replied, dragging her to the chains. He grabbed her wrists and quickly had her
chained. He unlocked the leash.

Charlene pulled on the chains, trying to escape, but they
held tight. The man let her struggle for a few minutes before he stepped close
and grabbed her chin.

“Do you remember your safeword?”

Charlene stilled.

“That’s right. All you have to do is tell me your safeword
and I’ll stop. But you agreed to this and I’m very happy to oblige. Do you

Charlene nodded.

“No, that’s not good enough. Say it!”

“I-I understand you’ll stop if I use my safeword…Master.”

The man trailed his hand from her neck to her nipple. He
rolled it in his fingers, watching her all the time. Then he moved a hand to
her cunt. Charlene’s face flamed. She knew she was wet. This man might scare
her but his commanding presence was also arousing. He chuckled when he felt her
moisture. “Little slut. You want this, don’t you?”

Charlene stayed silent.

He slapped her butt.

She squeaked. That hurt.

“Answer me when I speak to you. You want this, don’t you?”

“Yes…yes Master.”


The man walked over to the wall. Charlene watched with
fearful eyes. She hoped he was kind and picked something soft. The canes looked
far too painful for a first experience. She debated using her safeword. She
wanted to but she wanted to know what this would be like. He was so commanding.
She’d never met such a domineering personality. He wasn’t handsome. He had a
scar on the left side of his face, and his nose had been broken at some time in
the past. He was only a couple of inches taller than she was but he was broad with
large muscles. She wished he’d take off his jeans and T-shirt. She bet his cock
was thick rather than long, but with his jeans on there was no way to tell. She
felt vaguely disloyal to Mark until she reminded herself that she had signed up
for multiple partners. She smiled, anticipating the scene to come.

The man picked up a whip and snapped it within an inch of
Charlene’s face. She flinched when she realized that was where his scar had
come from. She whimpered. She didn’t want a scar like that. The man smiled,
seemingly pleased with her response.

“No, you’re not ready to be whipped. You’re not ready for a
cane either. We’ll get to those some other day. Today I think I’ll start with
my hand.” He walked behind her. He placed one large hand on her belly and with
his other hand he delivered five sharp slaps to her buttocks.

Charlene’s breath hitched as the pain flared into the center
of her being. He’d used his full strength on her. She could feel the heat of
his slaps as her buttocks reddened.

“Very good,” he commented. “Excellent contrast between where
I’ve hit you and where I haven’t.” He moved in front of her and gave her a hard
kiss. “Relax, slave. I’m going to enjoy this and it is a very good thing to
please me.” He grabbed her hot buttocks and pressed his rough jeans against her
crotch. He kneaded her bottom while he rubbed against her front. “Would you
like a butt plug before we get started?”

Charlene was a little faint. Before they got started? What
had he been doing?

He squeezed harder. “Answer me, slave. Do you want a butt

Charlene swallowed hard then remembered the correct answer. “Whatever
pleases you, Master.”

“Good.” He let her go and stepped back. He tilted his head
as his eyes roamed her body. Then he nodded. “You need some jewelry first.”

Charlene hadn’t noticed the cabinet in the corner until the
man walked over to it. He pulled out a drawer and rummaged in it until he found
what he was looking for. He walked back to her and pinched a nipple. The clamps
he’d selected were Japanese clover clamps. Charlene recognized them but she’d
never experienced them.

He didn’t give her time to adjust and the intensity of the
clamps took her breath away, she couldn’t even scream. She sagged as he clamped
her other breast.

He tilted her chin. “The pain will stop soon. I won’t leave
them on too long since you’re so new but it’s my duty to give you as many
experiences as possible.”

Charlene struggled to stand upright.

“Good girl.” He walked back to the cabinet and took out a
rod of some kind.

Charlene frowned. It wasn’t until he bent to place her
ankles in restraints that she realized he was putting her into a bar to keep
her legs apart. The restraint made her feel more naked than anything else he’d done.
If all this was just preparation, how was she going to survive when he really
got started?

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